Saving and retrieving data from parse using swift - swift

I was successfully able to save data (integer) to parse using swift.
var gameScore = PFObject(className:"GameScore")
gameScore["score"] = highscore
I have successfully stored in data in an objectId named "EN34LdmbSB" I found this objectId by logging into and looking it up. I have later unsuccessfully tried to use same objectId to retrieve data and it did not work. I have to 2 questions:
1) How to I retrieve this data from parse.
2) If this app is downloaded, say for example by 1000 users, then 1000 unique objectIds will be created when users save their score. How do I then look up their score using their unique objectIds?
I am new to database and Parse so please pardon my naivety. I am currently using NSUserDefaults to store my game score. I am trying to get a more secure way of storing the score data, hence using parse. Tried using KeyChain but did not get very far.
Thank you

You can easily retrieve the data using one of their method in iOS SDK:
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:#"GameScore"];
[query whereKey:#"playerName" equalTo: highscore];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
// The find succeeded.
NSLog(#"Successfully retrieved %d scores.", objects.count);
// Do something with the found objects
for (PFObject *object in objects) {
NSLog(#"%#", object.objectId);
} else {
// Log details of the failure
NSLog(#"Error: %# %#", error, [error userInfo]);
You can look it up in the tutorial they provided and it's really helpful and saving time:
For you second question, I don't quite get what you want to ask. Parse built the backend for you so that you don't have to create database to manage your data. I suggested you to go check what Parse truly does or you can modify it so that I can understand better.


Best way to check existent data in the database (iOS)

I'm developing an app that manages messages, and I want the app connects to the server, get messages and save them in the database(coredata). If the messages already exist, doesnt do anything and if they dont, add them to the database.
I'm thinking some ways to do it but I don't know exactly what to do. Any help? Thanks in advance
I would recommend using Restkit framework
Reskit provides integration with Core Data.
Pros of using Restkit:
- Combines HTTP request/responses API, along with object mapping, offline/caching support with Core Data, all in one framework
- Object Mapping means that you're writing clean code, you define your classes and how they map to the JSON attributes, then you GET/POST/DELETE with few lines of code after that
- Core Data support means that your projects can work offline, data is sync when working online, but persistent when you need it offline
- The framework is well maintained
- Works only with JSON REST APIs
- There can be a steep learning curve for some aspects
- Can be challenging if you work with REST APIs that are not completely 'standard'
The simplest way is to add a guid attribute (an identifier of type NSString, for example) to the entity you are interested in and check for that guid when you import data.
Here, you have two ways: let the server generate the guid for you or implement your own algorithm in the client side (iPhone, iPad, etc.). In both cases you need to be sure the guid is unique for each message.
So, for example, suppose the server generates the messages (and each message has its own guid). When you import data you also save the guid for each message object. If you have already a message with a specific guid, you don't add it, otherwise you add it. This could be done using the Find-or-Create pattern (see Implementing Find-or-Create Efficiently).
Hope that helps.
This is simple, it took me sometime to learn this, I use it in most of my apps.
First you need an ID of the fetched item, for example messageID.
When you fetch the JSON with all the items, for example using AFNetworking, you're going to receive an array of objects in NSDictionaries.
Before parsing the item load all the IDs of your stored items in a NSMutableDictionary (key => messageID, value objectID, this is related to the Core Data fault).
Don't forget to init the NSMutableArray somewhere:
_dictionaryOfEventIDAndObjectID = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- (void)prepareDictionaryOfMessageIDs
[self.dictionaryOfEventIDAndObjectID removeAllObjects];
NSError *error = nil;
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:#"Message"];
[fetchRequest setResultType:NSDictionaryResultType];
NSExpressionDescription *objectIDDescription = [[NSExpressionDescription alloc] init]; = #"objectID";
objectIDDescription.expression = [NSExpression expressionForEvaluatedObject];
objectIDDescription.expressionResultType = NSObjectIDAttributeType;
[fetchRequest setPropertiesToFetch:#[objectIDDescription, #"messageID"]];
NSArray *objectsDict = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
for (NSDictionary *objectDict in objectsDict) {
[self.dictionaryOfMessageIDAndObjectID setObject:[objectDict valueForKeyPath:#"objectID"] forKey:[objectDict valueForKeyPath:#"messageID"]];
Then in the fetched data completion block just add something like this:
for (NSDictionary *objectDict in objectsDict) {
NSString *fetchedID = [objectDict objectForKey:#"id"];
if ([self.dictionaryOfMessageIDAndObjectID objectForKey:fetchedID]) {
[self parseMessageFromDictionary:objectDict];

what is the best way to take the backup of data of sqlite3 database of iphone application?

i want to take the backup of all the data in the database of my iphone app in dropbox and restore it the main problem is there is too much data in the app so if i am using sql queries to fetch data from sqlite3 database and storing it into the file and again reading data from that file and inserting it to database.can anyone suggest that how can i improve that or what is the best way to do that?
I presume that you mean that you want to be able to restore the data after user has somehow deleted the application and re-installed it again. Since each application has its influence inside the bounds of its sandbox, the only sane option would be to use server. In regards to simply answering your question - there is no way to do it as you've described.
You can use iCloud.
Go to your app manager on Itunes Connect to generate a iCloud Key.
So, all data will be stored on icloud.
You can use too a uuid as Key for your webservice. So, if the use delete app and when he reinstall, you cad download all data with key identifier.
For example:
uuid = [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueGlobalDeviceIdentifier];
With Class for UUID
Important: Use the global mode because it allows to use the uuid between applications.
my dropbox-based Sync API solution:
- (IBAction)onTouchDropboxBackup:(id)sender {
DBAccount *account = [[DBAccountManager sharedManager] linkedAccount];
if (account) {
if (![sharedDelegate filesystem]) {
DBFilesystem *filesystem = [[DBFilesystem alloc] initWithAccount:account];
[DBFilesystem setSharedFilesystem:filesystem];
[sharedDelegate setFilesystem:filesystem];
[filesystem release];
DBPath *destination = [[DBPath root] childPath:kDataDBFileName];
DBError *error = nil;
//check presense
DBFile *file = [[DBFilesystem sharedFilesystem] openFile:destination
if (error){//not present
[[DBFilesystem sharedFilesystem] createFile:destination
file = [[DBFilesystem sharedFilesystem] openFile:destination
if (!error) {
[file writeContentsOfFile:[DOCUMENTS_DIR stringByAppendingPathComponent: kDataDBFileName]
[file update:&error];
[file close];
[[DBAccountManager sharedManager] linkFromController:self];

Retrieving game center achievement by identifier

I have a question related to Game center achievements. Is it possible to retrieve the name/description of an achievement by its identifier? I am trying to avoid hardcoding every identifier with its corresponding name, so is there a solution that can get the name?
Of course, that's exactly why you have localization support for achievements (as well as leaderboards) inside iTunes Connect.
However, there is no way to ask Game Center about localized info for just one achievement based on it's ID. Instead, you ask for info about all achievements which gives you an array of GKAchievementDescription objects which would be best to put into a dictionary where keys are achievement IDs and then you select a proper GKAchievementDescription object from that dictionary.
NSMutableDictionary *achievementDescriptions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[GKAchievementDescription loadAchievementDescriptionsWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *descriptions, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"Error getting achievement descriptions: %#", error);
for (GKAchievementDescription *achievementDescription in descriptions) {
[achievementDescriptions setObject:achievementDescription forKey:achievementDescription.identifier];
And then when you want to display info for some achievement:
GKAchievementDescription *achievementDescription = [achievementDescriptions objectForKey:currentAchievement.identifier];
This object gives you a localized title, description for when it is achieved and unachieved, as well as number of points it awards and an image you specified in iTunes Connect.

Core Data: Adding objects from NSMutableArray to NSMutableSet?

Judging from the amount of related questions that were brought up, this looks like a frequently asked question which makes me all the more hesitant to ask it. I have looked at a majority of these questions but none of them seem to address the specific problem I am having trouble figuring out.
A little background information on what I'm trying to achieve, how I am going about it, and what issue I am having:
I am trying to parse an XML web service, load that data into an NSMutableArray(Or any other place from which I can access it later), and then take my data and load it into my Core Data model. The first part of this I can do, its once I have my information in the array and trying to load it into Core Data that I cannot seem to progress.
My model(simplified for this question) consists of a route entity that has a one to many relationship with a checkpoint entity. The data I would be trying to load is a variety of attribute information into my route entity, which is not included in my array, and then my list of checkpoints, which is what the array is. My problem is that I cannot reliably add my entire array of checkpoints and then save. For the static case I am using for development, I have a consistent 20 checkpoints being parsed into my NSMutableArray, of these, the most I have been able to transfer into my NSMutableSet aka the checkpoints part of my route entity is 7 before crashing with either a SIGABRT, or EXC_BAD ACCESS, or incorrect selector sent. I have been trying to figure it out for the better part of today with no luck. Now for some code:
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [appDelegate managedObjectContext];
//newRoute is the route that I am trying to create and then store persistently
newRoute = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Route" inManagedObjectContext:context];
//filling in some available attribute information
if (name.text == #"")
[newRoute setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:#"name"];
[newRoute setValue:name.text forKey:#"name"];
NSMutableSet *muteSet = [newRoute mutableSetValueForKey:#"myCheckpoints"];
for (int i = 0; i < [appDelegate.checkpoints count]; i++ )
Checkpoint *newCheckpoint = [[Checkpoint alloc] init];
[newCheckpoint setName:[[appDelegate.checkpoints objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:#"name"]];
NSLog(#"Appending %# to set",;
[muteSet addObject:newCheckpoint];
[newCheckpoint release];
//myCheckpoints is the route<-->>checkpoints relationship
[newRoute setValue:muteSet forKey:#"myCheckpoints"];
// Save the context.
NSError *error = nil;
if (![context save:&error])
NSLog(#"Unresolved error %#, %#", error, [error userInfo]);
Out of curiosity, why doesn't the following work?
NSSet *ckPtSet = [[NSSet alloc] initWithArray:appDelegate.checkpoints];
[newRoute setValue:ckPtSet forKey:#"myCheckpoints"];
As far as I understand, and this might be where the problem is... when setting the value of myCheckpoints, the expectation is to be passed an NSSet. When going through with the debugger the initialized set actually contains the 20 objects, but when I try to step past I get the incorrect selector received error again.
Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read my wall of text, if you need more to help please let me know and I will add it asap!
The documentation for [id<NSKeyValueCoding> mutableSetValueForKey:] states that it returns a mutable set proxy that provides read-write access to the unordered to-many relationship specified by a given key. This means that the object returned isn't necessarily an NSMutableSet instance per se, but a proxy wherein any changes you make to that object are reflected in your model's set itself.
This might be why [newRoute setValue:muteSet forKey:#"myCheckpoints"]; is giving you troubles. I find that a better way to think about it is to not have an intermediate object, but to nest calls, e.g.:
[[newRoute mutableSetValueForKey:#"myCheckpoints"] addObject:newCheckpoint];

How to use ManagedObjectID the right way?

What I'm trying is this:
1) Create a new manged object
2) Get it's temporary id with [myMO objectID];
3) Convert that ID to an NSURL, so I can save it for future reference:
NSManagedObjectID *moID = [myMO objectID];
NSURL *url = [moID URIRepresentation];
4) Save the managed object context
5) Some time later, fetch that object using the NSURL as ID
NSManagedObjectID *moID = [[context persistentStoreCoordinator] managedObjectIDForURIRepresentation:url];
And guess what: It does not work. I get an empty-stupid object back from
NSManagedObject *myOldMo = [context existingObjectWithID: moID error:&error]; I said...the ID is temporary when creating an managed object. So it does make sense why this doesn't work at all. I must first save the context, and then I get a persistet ID. The real one. Right?
So is that the way to go?
1) Create the managed object
2) Save the context
3) Get the ID as NSURL
4) any time later, for example on your next birthday, access the managed object with the NSURL ;-)
I try to dream of NSManagedObjectID like a DB id which I can write on some yellow postIt sheet and glue on the middle of my monitor, so I refer back to it after lunch. You know... at least like in the old days where we used databases over telnet and executed SQL commands manually to query order information and stuff like that. The ID was the most important and significant thing, all the time.
But Core Data has this somewhat strange NSManagedObjectID thing.
What are your secret strategies? Do you actually recognize many use cases where you would need that NSManagedObjectID? Or is that something I could easily forget with no pain afterwards?
I'm not sure that it's such a big secret. The documentation describes the way to get permanent IDs for managed objects from the NSManagedObjectContext:
- (BOOL)obtainPermanentIDsForObjects:(NSArray *)objects error:(NSError **)error