Returning coordinates from touches in Swift - swift

I am currently in the process of writing a PONG game in Swift. I want the player's paddle to be controlled by the player's finger, so the paddle would move where ever the player drags their finger on the screen. I want to be able to find out the coordinates of the player's finger touch so I can implement this. By searching around Google and stack overflow, I have found this function:
override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
let touch = touches.anyObject()! as UITouch
let location = touch.locationInView(self.view)
Though I am not really sure what it does, how it does it and how to obtain the x and y values of the touch from it. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell my how to obtain the x/y coordinates of the users!! I want the end result to be something similar to this: = XTouchCoordinate

For dragging use UIPanGestureRecognizer as for your original question of obtaining the x and y coordinates you can use something like this:
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent)
let touch = touches.first as! UITouch
let location = touch.locationInView(self.view)
var xcoord = location.x

If you are using GoogleMap SDK
extension TargetViewController: GMSMapViewDelegate {
func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTapAt coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D)
print("Tapped at Latitude: " + String(coordinate.latitude) + ", Longitude: "
+ String(coordinate.longitude))


How to control sprite using swiping gestures so sprite can move along x axis

At the moment I have a game in which the sprite can be controlled and moved along the x axis (with a fixed y position) using the accelerometer of the device. I wish to change this so the user can control the sprite by dragging on the screen like in popular games such as snake vs.block.
I've already tried using the touches moved method which gives the correct effect, although the sprite first moves to the location of the users touch which I don't want.
Below is the environment I've been using to experiment, the touches moved gives the correct type of control I want although I can't seem to figure out how to stop the sprite first moving to the location of the touch before the swipe/drag
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
var player = SKSpriteNode()
var playerColor =
var background =
var playerSize = CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)
var touchLocation = CGPoint()
var shape = CGPoint()
class GameScene: SKScene {
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.backgroundColor = background
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches{
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
player.position.x = touchLocation.x
func spawnPlayer(){
player = SKSpriteNode(color: playerColor, size: playerSize)
player.position = CGPoint(x:50, y: 500)
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
// Called before each frame is rendered
In summary, I'm looking for the same method of controlling a sprite as in snakes vs blocks
Hey so you have the right idea, you need to store a previous touchesMovedPoint. Then use it to determine how far your finger has moved each time touchesMoved has been called. Then add to the player's current position by that quantity.
var lastTouchLoc:CGPoint = CGPoint()
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches{
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
let dx = touchLocation.x - lastTouchLoc.x
player.position.x += dx // Change the players current position by the distance between the previous touchesMovedPoint and the current one.
lastTouchLoc.x = touchLocation.x // Update last touch location
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
// When releasing the screen from point "E" we don't want dx being calculated from point "E".
// We want dx to calculate from the most recent touchDown point
let initialTouchPoint = touch.location(in: self)
lastTouchLoc.x = initialTouchPoint.x
You want to use SKAction.move to perform what you want.
func distance(from lhs: CGPoint, to rhs: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return hypot(lhs.x.distance(to: rhs.x), lhs.y.distance(to: rhs.y))
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches{
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
let speed = 100/1 //This means 100 points per second
let duration = distance(player.position,touchLocation) / speed //Currently travels 100 points per second, adjust if needed, duration:duration),forKey:"move")
What this does is it will move your "snake" to the new location at a certain duration. To determine duration, you need to figure out how fast you want your "snake" to travel. I currently have it set up to where it should take 1 second to move 100 points, but you may want to adjust that as needed.

Using Swipe Recognizer in SpriteKit

I'm trying to implement swipe gestures left and right into a game in SpriteKit where the player collects falling objects spawning from the top of the screen. The problem I'm facing is trying to keep a continuous movement of the player while the finger is on the screen until the touch is ended and the player stays where the last touch ended. There might be a better way to implement this other than swipe gestures hence why I'm asking you guys! Any help would be great, thank you all!
This is not something you want to use a swipe (I think you are using pan) gesture for. What you want to do is override the touchesBegan, touchesMoved, and touchesEnded calls on the scene, and plan your movement according to these 3 methods.
You are probably going to want to use SKAction.move(to:duration:) with these methods, and figure out the math to keep a constant speed.
func movePlayer(to position:CGPoint)
let distance = player.position.distance(to:position)
let move = SKAction.move(to:position, duration: distance / 100) // I want my player to move 100 points per second
//using a key will cancel the last move action
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?)
let touch = touches.first
let position = touch.location(in node:self)
override func touchesMoved(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?)
let touch = touches.first
let position = touch.location(in node:self)
override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
let touch = touches.first
let position = touch.location(in node:self)

Howto get X and Y Postion of touch in a view in swift

How can I get the X and Y Position of a touch on a UIView in Swift ?
I have a UIViewController and a UIView.
Is this possible to get in a UIView or do I have to handle touches in a Controller.
I searched in Google and other sites, but I didn't find any good source on this. (I coudn't believe it)
I have no starting point, so I can't show any code.
Any hint where to find a solution ?
for UITouch, you have locationInView which return the location of the touch on a specific view. Example:
import UIKit
override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
let touch = touches.anyObject() as UITouch
let point = touch.locationInView(self.view)

How to recognize continuous touch in Swift?

How can I recognize continuous user touch in Swift code? By continuous I mean that the user has her finger on the screen. I would like to move a sprite kit node to the direction of user's touch for as long as the user is touching screen.
The basic steps
Store the location of the touch events (touchesBegan/touchesMoved)
Move sprite node toward that location (update)
Stop moving the node when touch is no longer detected (touchesEnded)
Here's an example of how to do that
Xcode 8
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.white, size: CGSize(width:32, height:32))
var touched:Bool = false
var location =
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
/* Add a sprite to the scene */
sprite.position = CGPoint(x:0, y:0)
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
touched = true
for touch in touches {
location = touch.location(in:self)
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
location = touch.location(in: self)
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
// Stop node from moving to touch
touched = false
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
// Called before each frame is rendered
if (touched) {
// Move the node to the location of the touch
func moveNodeToLocation() {
// Compute vector components in direction of the touch
var dx = location.x - sprite.position.x
var dy = location.y - sprite.position.y
// How fast to move the node. Adjust this as needed
let speed:CGFloat = 0.25
// Scale vector
dx = dx * speed
dy = dy * speed
sprite.position = CGPoint(x:sprite.position.x+dx, y:sprite.position.y+dy)
Xcode 7
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.whiteColor(), size: CGSizeMake(32, 32))
var touched:Bool = false
var location = CGPointMake(0, 0)
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
self.scaleMode = .ResizeFill
/* Add a sprite to the scene */
sprite.position = CGPointMake(100, 100)
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
/* Start moving node to touch location */
touched = true
for touch in touches {
location = touch.locationInNode(self)
override func touchesMoved(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
/* Update to new touch location */
for touch in touches {
location = touch.locationInNode(self)
override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
// Stop node from moving to touch
touched = false
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
if (touched) {
// Move the node to the location of the touch
func moveNodeToLocation() {
// How fast to move the node
let speed:CGFloat = 0.25
// Compute vector components in direction of the touch
var dx = location.x - sprite.position.x
var dy = location.y - sprite.position.y
// Scale vector
dx = dx * speed
dy = dy * speed
sprite.position = CGPointMake(sprite.position.x+dx, sprite.position.y+dy)
The most difficult thing about this process is tracking single touches within a multitouch environment. The issue with the "simple" solution to this (i.e., turn "istouched" on in touchesBegan and turn it off in touchesEnded) is that if the user touches another finger on the screen and then lifts it, it will cancel the first touch's actions.
To make this bulletproof, you need to track individual touches over their lifetime. When the first touch occurs, you save the location of that touch and move the object towards that location. Any further touches should be compared to the first touch, and should be ignored if they aren't the first touch. This approach also allows you to handle multitouch, where the object could be made to move towards any finger currently on the screen, and then move to the next finger if the first one is lifted, and so on.
It's important to note that UITouch objects are constant across touchesBegan, touchesMoved, and touchesEnded. You can think of a UITouch object as being created in touchesBegan, altered in touchesMoved, and destroyed in touchesEnded. You can track the phase of a touch over the course of its life by saving a reference to the touch object to a dictionary or an array as it is created in touchesBegan, then in touchesMoved you can check the new location of any existing touches and alter the object's course if the user moves their finger (you can apply tolerances to prevent jitter, e.g., if the x/y distance is less than some tolerance, don't alter the course). In touchesEnded you can check if the touch in focus is the one that ended, and cancel the object's movement, or set it to move towards any other touch that is still occurring. This is important, as if you just check for any old touch object ending, this will cancel other touches as well, which can produce unexpected results.
This article is in Obj-C, but the code is easily ported to Swift and shows you what you need to do, just check out the stuff under "Handling a Complex Multitouch Sequence":
Below is the code to drag the node around on X position (left and right), it is very easy to add Y position and do the same thing.
let item = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "xx")
var itemXposition = 50
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
// updates itemXposition variable on every touch
for touch in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
itemXposition = Int(location.x)
// this function is called for each frame render, updates the position on view
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
spaceShip.position = CGPoint(x: self.itemXposition , y: 50 )

Swift nodeAtPoint difficulty

I am building a game in which the player drags a piece around the gameboard. I wish to know what are all of the nodes underneath that piece, and I am getting odd results. Here is the touchesMoves func:
override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!) {
let touch = touches.anyObject() as UITouch
let location = touch.locationInNode(self.parent)
self.position = location
println("checker x: \(location.x)")
println("node at point: \(self.nodeAtPoint(location))")
println("nodes at point: \(self.nodesAtPoint(location))")
The sprite moves around the board just fine, but what is reported as the nodeAtPoint is always the sprite being moved around (which kind of makes sense but is not useful. Any oddly, the nodesAtPoint is always reported as an empty array! How is this possible? What should I be doing differently?
Update: This continues to be a struggle. I want to keep the touch methods in the node itself, and not the scene. The most recent version of the touchesMoved is the following:
override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!) {
// Turn off the touched bool:
touched = false
let touch = touches.anyObject() as UITouch
let location = touch.locationInNode(self.parent)
let loc = touch.locationInView(scene.view)
let loc2 = touch.locationInNode(scene)
self.position = location
println("checker: \(loc2.x), \(loc2.y)")
println("node at point: \(self.nodeAtPoint(loc2).name)")
println("nodes at point: \(self.nodesAtPoint(loc2))")
The nodesAtPoint array continues to be empty with one really odd exception. When hovering near the center of the scene, I get this:
nodes at point: [ name:'(null)' accumulatedFrame:{{-30, -19.80000114440918}, {60, 39.600002288818359}}]
There is not shape node there that I am aware of! Why am I not detecting the nodes I pass over?
I discovered the answer to this. Essentially I was trying to detect nodesAtPoint on self, which in this case was the node being moved around the screen. Once I changed that to self.scene, the nodesAtPoint array populated as expected. So, to be clear:
println("nodes at point: \(self.nodesAtPoint(loc2))")
Needed to be changed to this:
println("nodes at point: \(self.scene.nodesAtPoint(loc2))")
If self is SKScene, try to change
let location = touch.locationInNode(self.parent)
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
because SKScene's parent is nil