Adding a custom library as a dependency in SAP Fiori - sapui5

I have a custom library I would like to include as a dependency of a Fiori-like app I have built.
SAP Fiori Launchpad for Developers -> Best Practices for Launchpad Apps
Declare configuration information, like the location of icons, and library dependencies in the component.js configuration file
makes sense, adding my library as a dependency would look like
dependencies: {
libs: ["sap.m", "sap.ui.layout", ""],
components: []
with Fiori you have the constraint that you must use relative paths.
eg for my dependency to work it must be found at
What are the steps for uploading a custom library into the ABAP SAPUI5 Repository and having it served with a relative path?
Currently i have the library loaded on Component.init using
sap.ui.getCore().loadLibrary("", "absolute path to library");
it works, however I want to set the library as a dependency
ComponentMetadata.prototype._loadDependencies = function() {
if (aLibraries) {
jQuery.each(aLibraries, function(i, sLib) {"Component \"" + that.getName() +
from code above I can see there is no option to pass in a url when the component loads the library dependencies, so i am assuming that the library has to be found relative to the resources

In your Fiori App:
Put your dependencie into the app descriptor (manifest.json) (or if no app descriptor used into the config inside the Component.js)
dependencies: {
libs: ["sap.m", "sap.ui.layout", ""],
components: []
Let sap.ui.core know where to search for the namespace of your library.(Top of your Component.js)"", "/Path/on/the/server/");
And now you can use your dependencies. And here is why:
Before a module is loaded, the longest registered prefix of its module
name is searched for and the associated URL prefix is used as a prefix
for the request URL. The remainder of the module name is attached to
the request URL by replacing dots ('.') with slashes ('/').
The registration and search operates on full name segments only.
Source: SAP UI5 API Documentation


Local swift package with local dependency

I have a project that I plan on developing in modules, the final application will be any number of the modules built together based on a configuration. I have a swift package that has all of my common code it it, we can call that the platform package. I then went to create my first feature, this went just fine however when I created the wrapper application to pull in each feature, I got this error from SPM in xcode11:
package 'Platform' is required using a revision-based requirement and it depends on local package
'Feature1', which is not supported.
Looking at the code base for SPM here (line 72)
It looks like this is something that is just not supported, the mixing of local and remote dependencies? Is this a limitation of SPM / should I be trying to use another tool for this type of app architecture?
In my case, I was trying to add a package, which I was developing, and its Package.swift contained dependencies of the form:
dependencies: [
.package(path: "../PackageName"),
// etc
Changing the references to specific repos solved the problem:
dependencies: [
.package(path: ""),
// etc

Polymer build with custom babel plugins?

We'd like to be able to add custom functionality to polymer build and polymer serve by configuring custom babel plugins.
For example, since polymer-cli uses babel internally, we would add a babel.config.js file to our workspace/project-root, e.g.:
module.exports = function (api) {
const presets = [ ];
const plugins = [
return {
...and then we could serve or build our project with support for optional-chaining, etc This would allow us to do all sorts of things by writing additional babel plugins to handle stuff like minification inside template HTML strings...
Unfortunately, this doesn't currently work. polymer-build seems to load the configuration (due to its use of babel/core?), but polymer-analyze doesn't. An error is generated in the build-optimization step performed by polymer-analyze as soon as it encounters optional-chaining syntax in our source:
error: Error: Unable to get document file:///.../somefile.js: This experimental syntax requires enabling the parser plugin:
'optionalChaining' (423:6)
at BuildAnalyzer.<anonymous> (/usr/local/share/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:342:23)
at (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (/usr/local/share/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:17:58)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
polymer serve also generates an error:
Error { SyntaxError: This experimental syntax requires enabling the parser plugin: 'optionalChaining' (423:6)
at Parser.raise (/usr/local/share/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:776:15)
at Parser.expectPlugin (/usr/local/share/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:2084:18)
pos: 13056, loc: Position { line: 423, column: 6 },
missingPlugin: [ 'optionalChaining' ] }
In both cases, I've confirmed that the babel.config.js file is being loaded. But babel is included by several different packages used in polymer-cli, so my suspicion is that in some of them, babel is being used without (babel/core having loaded) configuration info.
Can anyone involved with the polymer project confirm whether I'm correct in identifying the main issue? I'm looking into the possibility of contributing a fix/enhancement if the scope isn't too large.
I think for this you need to write your own custom build. Polymer-cli will provide its tool also for this. Have a look at this example:
For us, this issue was preventing us from using modern JS language features (like optional chaining and the nullish coalescing operator) which have wide support in modern browsers.
The only solution we could come up with was forking the Polymer tools monorepo and adding in support for the appropriate Babel plugins ourselves.
The file in question is /packages/build/src/js-transform.ts. Both serve and build use this file for Babel transforms. We switched to using Rollup for our build process, but we still needed a development server and couldn't get any others to work, so we forked the repo and built our own version of the standalone polyserve package. Would love to some day switch to Modern Web's #web/dev-server.

making sure the polymer build process doesn't mess with a dependency of my element

I have built a custom element/web component to load and display Unity generated WebGL content. The web component imports the UnityLoader.js module - and works fine when used within an app served with 'polymer serve'.
However, when I build an app that uses my web component via the Polymer-CLI build process, no errors are given, but when I access a page using my component I always end up with an error from within UnityLoader.js:
"ReferenceError: BabelHelpers is not defined"
If I create the element directly within my app (in other words it is no longer managed by bower) then I can exclude the minification and compilation steps within the build section of my application's polymer.json file and the built version of the app works fine.
"builds": [
"preset": "es5-bundled",
"js": {
"compile": {"exclude": ["content/**/*","UnityLoader.js"]},
"minify": {"exclude": ["content/**/*","UnityLoader.js"]}
"html": {
"minify": {"exclude": ["content/**/*"]}
I've looked at my application's polymer.json file and I can see that the extraDependecies node contains some dependencies that other web components have placed there:
"extraDependencies": [
I have UnityLoader.js within the extraDependencies of the element's polymer.json but that isn't getting cascaded up to an application that imports/consumes the element - which I guess must be possible as plastic-image and ua-parser-js have done it (I've looked at their bower_components folders and nothing seems obvious - other than the latter is installed as a dependency of the former).
Any ideas on how I can make sure that the UnityLoader.js that my web component uses is not compiled or minified during the build process of an application that consumes it?
I was having a similar issue with firebase-auth.js when making an ES5 build using polymer-cli 1.7.0. There might be a problem when compiling/minifying specific files. I had to roll back to 1.6.0 using npm install -g polymer-cli#1.6.0 to fix the problem.

What is module Vs location Vs package in SystemJS configuration?

I'm little confused by various terminologies used in the SystemJS configuration. It talks about module, location, package etc...
Isn't module in JS is a single file, and package is a collection of modules or files? If so, how a module can be an alias to a package?
This is from the documentation page:
The map option is similar to paths, but acts very early in the normalization process. It allows you to map a module alias to a location or package:
Yes module is a single file, in javascript it's just the file name (with assumed .js extension) in quotes after from keyword in
import ... from 'some-module';
In SystemJS config file, paths and map can be used to define what actual file or URL that some-module refers to.
packages in config file allow you to apply a set of configuration parameters (default extension, module format, custom loader etc) for all modules in or below particular location (the key in packages object).
One of the settings in packages is main, which is similar to main in package.json in node (except that it's default value is empty, not index.js): it determines which file is loaded when the package location itself appears in from in import statement.
So, I think "how a module can be an alias to a package?" question about this
The map option is similar to paths, but acts very early in the
normalization process. It allows you to map a module alias to a
location or package:
can be explained on this example:
paths: {
'npm:': 'node_modules/'
map: {
'some-module': 'npm:some-module'
packages: {
'some-module': {
main: './index.js'
when these map, packages and path settings are applied by SystemJS to
import something from 'some-module';
they will cause SystemJS to load a module from node_modules/some-module/index.js under baseURL.
import something from 'some-module/subcomponent';
is mapped to node_modules/some-module/subcomponent.js.
Note: this is based on my experience with SystemJS 0.19. I haven't tried 0.20 yet.

How to include predefined set of netbeans platform modules in maven project?

I am working on maven netbeans platform project consisting of several modules. I need to depend on some modules (say java.source module), but when I try to run the application, it reports, that required modules are not installed. And event despite I have dependency on java.source declared in my pom.xml
I think, that I have to tell maven somehow, to install (and turn on) these modules in the final assembled application before my module is loaded.
How could I do something like this?
When I try to create complete netbeans application project from maven artifact and add Java Source API as a dependency into pom.xml... when I run the application, window with following message appears:
Warning - could not install some modules: Editor Library 2 - None of the modules providing the capability org.netbeans.modules.editor.actions could be installed. Editor Indentation for Projects - The module named was needed and not found. Editor Indentation for Projects - The module named org.netbeans.modules.options.editor/1 was needed and not found. Project UI API - No module providing the capability org.netbeans.modules.project.uiapi.ActionsFactory could be found. Project UI API - No module providing the capability org.netbeans.modules.project.uiapi.OpenProjectsTrampoline could be found. Project UI API - No module providing the capability org.netbeans.modules.project.uiapi.ProjectChooserFactory could be found. Editor Error Stripe Impl - The module named org.netbeans.modules.editor.errorstripe.api/1 was needed and not found. Java Source - The module named org.netbeans.libs.javacimpl/1 was needed and not found. Java Source - The module named org.netbeans.modules.editor.indent.project/0-1 was needed and not found. Java Source - The module named was needed and not found. Java Source - The module named org.netbeans.modules.options.editor/1 was needed and not found. Java Source - The module named org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api/1 was needed and not found. Editor Settings - No module providing the capability org.netbeans.api.editor.settings.implementation could be found. Diff - The module named org.netbeans.modules.options.editor/1 was needed and not found. 11 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
The error-message "Module dependency has friend dependency [...] but is not listed as friend" means that you need to specify an implementation version of org.netbeans.modules.options.editor.
You can achieve this by editing src/main/nbm/module.xml to contain the following entry (I didn't use the actually needed values here. Make sure to find out which values to enter for id and explicitValue to satisfy the dependencies (You can find explanations / instructions in the article linked below):
<explicitValue>org.netbeans.modules.editor/1 = 201107282000</explicitValue>
I'm pretty sure that the following article will explain some issues and help you find out the needed values for id and explicitValue (language is english, author is me):
I'm currently having related problems with my application, so I might come back with a more concrete solution in a while.
the easiest way is to grab a class that its complaining about, say "org.netbeans.modules.editor.actions" and go to the Add Dependencies and plug it into the Query field.
From there you should be able to tell which module you will need to include