Cannot Generate RuleApp on IBM Decision Center - deployment

deploy rules written using RuleApp created from rule projects, on to the Sample Rule Execution Server[ RES ] from the Decision Center on Local Samples Server version 8.5 and I have the below error
Any Suggestions on this or ideas on how to resolve are greatly appreciated

From the error it looks like the ruleset table is not updated in decision center db. Did you try deleting this baseline and creating afresh from scratch then try to create rule app.


Dynamics 365 - Plugin - Newly Created Images Are Null when checked in code?

I am working on a d365 unified interface sandbox environment on a development project.
This environment was setup recently as a clone of the production d365 instance.
Today I have been adding some plugins and finding a strange issue. I can get the plugin code on record create/update firing no problem (I have pre operation create/update and post operation create/update stages defined and the correct code gets hit for each).
But the C# plugin code does not recognise any of the pre or post images that I have added.
In code when we check IPluginExecutionContext.PostEntityImages it does not contain anything.
Any of the pre existing images that were there already when the environment was cloned are firing correctly. We have a process whereby we name all of our pre and post images the exact same for every entity and I know the ones I have created are named exactly as expected.
In this example I have created a Post Operation stage Update plugin on the OOB opportunity entity with a PreImage defined against it but the code just will not recognise it.
Anyone experienced this before?
Occasionally the sandbox service seems to fail picking up updates on a plugin assembly. In those cases updating the assembly with a different assembly version (build or revision number) can help.
If not, I would advise to simply remove the complete assembly and recreate it again.
If you do not have an automated deployment process in place, follow these steps:
Create a separate solution.
Add the assembly along with its step registrations and images to the solution.
Export the solution.
Remove the assembly using the plugin registration tool.
Import the solution again.

EIP-155 Error when trying to deploy contract to Polygon from Brownie

I am trying to deploy my contract to Matic/Polygon main net and am running into the error "only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC". This is my network settings Network Settings . Same contract deploys perfect to Ethereum Rinkeby test net so I know it's not a contractual error. I have tried all the public matic RPC's and all result in the same error and I can not seem to find any info online about using Brownie to deploy to Polygon other than that is EIP-155 has to do with the deployment of the same code to multiple chains at once. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
For anyone who comes to this problem as well, I ended up solving it by uninstalling all brownie related files and re-installing and that did the trick for me. Hopefully that helps y'all.

KIE Drool Workbench: Unable to get to workbench UI due to "Forbidden" screen

I have been trying follow the links and details available to set up a KIE Drools workbench for Drools like
From what I could analyze and read up KIE Drools Workbench will let me configure a rule engine through a front end and that Guvnor used to handle this aspect prior to workbench. These configured rules can be blended into my Spring Boot application to drive my loan application requirement. I hope that this understanding of usage of KIE Drools workbench is correct. Please confirm.
Below are the things I tried.
Set up KIE Workbench in Wildfly
Set up KIE Server in Wildfly
Getting them deployed I had to go through many issues which I was able to resolve like updating the jboss-deployment-structure.xml and executing using standalone-full.xml.
This is the UI I see now.
But for the workbench I am only seeing FORBIDDEN on screen.
Can you please suggest what can be done so that I can have the UI to create my custom rules.
Just thought of updating that I was able to resolve the issue I faced. The only thing to be done is to follow the link I shared word by word :) . The users were created as stated and the exact version of war files were used and I am now able to access the workbench. Now on I will be exploring the usage.

OPS Hub - unable to migrate project

I am trying to migrate one project from tfs on prem to VSTSO . I am getting the following error
Ops Hub error
I have successfully migrated couple of projects before but this one wont go . I did notice one thing when i was migrating . It gave different name to the default collection as you see in the screen shot . I have deleted the account and recreated the account and still getting the same.Please advise.
The issue seems to be a recent change in VSTS as Nicolas pointed out. Currently, the OVSMU tool will not be usable directly. We would be releasing a patched version early next week which will solve this issue.
[Update]: This change is part of the following change annoncement:
I've been able to solve this "page not found" exception by using fiddler and the following rule: oSession.url = oSession.url.Replace("/NameOfTheCollection/Services/v3.0/","/defaultcollection/Services/v3.0/"); But I face another issue on HubOps.
Finally, I used TFS migration tools + fiddler rule described above and I'm able to move forward on this migration.
Another option is to contact microsoft in order to ask for early acces of TFS - VSO migration tool:

JBPM Workflow patch generation

I have been using JBPM workflow in my project and I have a small question regarding generating the database patches or SQL statements to apply JBPM workflow modifications.
Currently JBPM workflow provides a way to refresh the JBPM tables in schema with the deployment of the latest process definitions. However what if my system is already live with process definition deployed with state X and now I have modified the process definition file to accommodate change X2. I still need to be able to deploy the delta changes without disrupting the instances of old saved data.
Is it possible to generate only "delta" database scripts for the JBPM process definition modification? And what are other good tools which can be used to modify process definitions more intuitively?
To reiterate on my problem, JBPM deploy cleans the JBPM tables of old instances maintained there and then redeploys the latest files; how do I generate the delta without deleting old data? Are there any user friendly tools for that?
Any help in this regard will be appreciated.
I'm not sure to have understood correctly your issue. JBpm doesn't clean tables for old process instances when you deploy a new process definition.
When you deploy a new process definition with the same name of an existing one, you get new version of that process definition.
Existing process instances continue running with the process definition version they was started with, while new process instances take the latest version unless you specify the precise version to be used.
In theory, process definition can also be modified for running process instances using the API. In doing so, you must pay attention to make these changes compatible with the flowing of these instances.