Facebook API – Graph Search - get number of event attendees - facebook

I use Facebook API Graph Search to explore queries such as:
I need to get a list of events by a defined query (without code, SDKs, only url, it’s important for me) with number of attendees for all of events, but this information isn’t as fields, it’s the node of an event. A list of attendees of particular event can be returned with this url:
Is there any solution to get number of attending. For all events with one url? I mean the same way like fields?
Can I create more specific, complex query within url? FQL is deprecated.
I need this statistics of all events in one call, not for single event.

Use this call: /331218348435?fields=attending.limit(1).summary(true)
With "summary(true)", you will get a "summary" in the result:
"summary": {
"count": 1458
If you want to get the attendees count of several Events at once, you can use Batch Requests with up to 50 API calls in one batch: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/making-multiple-requests


Google Places API filter by "user_ratings_total" number or between range

I'm trying to figure out a way to filter Places API results by number of user ratings despite the rating score, I've done something like this but it doesn't makes a difference : https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=24.7588310%2C46.7330426&radius=10500&type=restaurant&user_ratings_total=15000&key=GOOGLE_API_KEY.
My actual goal is to have a result similar to (Example: Show list of restaurants with number or total ratings more than 1000 users and rating score with 4.5)
Your assistance is much appreciated.
I don't think the user_ratings_total is used liked that. It is only a value set for place details request and not a parameter itself. The parameter that usually uses it is the fields parameter for place detail request.
The docs says:
"Place Search requests and Place Details requests do not return the same fields. Place Search requests return a subset of the fields that are returned by Place Details requests."
This means that the reviews and ratings that are being returned on your sample request are just a common result from nearby search. In this case "a subset of the fields".
"To return one or more of these data fields for a place, make a Place Details request, pass a place ID, and specify which fields to return."
ref: Place Data Fields docs
A Place Details request looks like this: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/output?parameters
And fields parameter can be added in this format: fields=user_ratings_total
In summary, user_ratings_total is not used to filter Nearby Search result, but it is used to get more total ratings of a user in a certain Place/POI using Place Details request.
I tried looking through the docs and I can't seem to find this feature on the Places API. So what you can do for now if your really want this feature, is to file a Feature Request on Google Issue Tracker and let it be reviewed by Google engineers if it is possible to be implemented on the API.

Determine the proper REST API method

I have the following functionalities in my API:
Getting a user by their name
Getting a user by their ID
Getting a user, or if it doesn't exist create one
Getting multiple users by their ID
Currently I'm handling the two first functionalities with a GET request, and the third with a POST request. I could use a GET request for getting multiple users, but sending potentially hundreds of IDs through a query parameter seems like the wrong approach, as I would get a very long URL. I could also use a POST request to send the long list of IDs through its body, but I doubt a POST request is meant for this purpose.
What method would be appropriate to use for the last one?
I see 2 possible ways here:
Get all users and do your filtering post response.
Get a range of IDs, which resumes to only 2 parameters, the lower and the upper limits of the interval. (If this satisfy your needs)
Behaving the way you described and avoiding long URLs in the same time will not work together.

Retrieve all of a user's playlist from SoundCloud limited to 50?

I'm trying to retrieve all the playlists from my account via
http://api.soundcloud.com/users/145295911/playlists?client_id=xxxxxx, as the API reference shows.
However, I can only retrieve recent 50 playlists instead of all of my playlists. I've been looking for this but it seems like no one has had this issue before. Is there a way to get all of them?
Check out the section of their API on pagination.
Most results from our API are returned as a collection. The number of items in the collection returned is limited to 50 by default with a maximum value of 200. Most endpoints support a linked_partitioning parameter that will allow you to page through collections. When this parameter is passed, the response will contain a next_href property if there are additional results. To fetch the next page of results, simply follow that URI. If the response does not contain a next_href property, you have reached the end of the results.

Possible to specify date_preset with insights edge in Facebook Ads API?

For the Marketing API, I know that I'm able to make one call to retrieve all of the adsets from a certain account along with their insights, but am I able to specify the date_preset for the insights edge in that same call?
For example, the following gives me lifetime insights stats:
To be clear - I know this is possible to retrieve by making separate calls for each adset id (where I know I can specify the date_preset); instead, I'd like to do this via the call where I get a long list of the ad sets plus their insights details in one go.
Yes this is possible using query expansion, however you probably should not do it in this anyway.
Using query expansion results in multiple requests being executed in one HTTP call, in this case one to get all the adcampaigns, and then N requests where N is the number of adcampaigns returned. This will in turn affect your rate limiting.
The most efficient way to request all insights for all adcampaigns (ad sets) is instead to request them at the account level, specifying aggregation level:
This requires just 1 request, or the number of requests to retrieve the total number of pages.
If you really want to achieve this with query expansion, you can do the following for example:
You can see the parameters to insights that would normally be query parameters of the form param_name=param_value are now in the form of param_name(param_value).
To specify the date_preset , here is the correct format . Its important to use insights as edge to get the date_preset filtering .
The above one is tested with latest Graph Api version(2.10) as of now . FOr more info related to the date_preset values refer to there api docs .

Pagination in the event search API

I am performing a rest call to facebooks search API using type=event
I have looked through the documentation and still have a few questions about specific pagination behavior of the event search API.
If I used a broad search term like "ma" and keep querying the pagination ['next'] URL would I cycle through all facebook events starting with "ma"? Does the pagination array give any indication when there are no more results to return?.
Do these searches include past events? If so is it possible to eliminate past events using the "since" parameter?
What is the maximum for the limit parameter?
As far as I can tell the number of pages you can get from a facebook search is limited to 500. This includes pages that can be accessed via pagination. In other words a query with limit >=500 will not return a pagination url, likewise a query with limit 250 will only return one pages worth of pagination.
You will "next page" until the count of results comes less then the limit
I'm not sure if that is possible using a simple Graph Request. Maybe using FQL
I don't know exactly. But i used a 2000 limit one day. And it worked.
Other doubts you can get answers testing your resquests with this tool
I am also doing the same thing like you. I am collecting public post using graph search api.
When there are no results available or you reach max limit pagination section will not be there in response. So you can always check for paging is there in json response or not something like this.
NextResult = DeserJsonFBResponce.paging != null ? DeserJsonFBResponce.paging.next : string.Empty;
I am not so sure about this with events but for public post i am able to eliminate post using science and until parameters.
Maximum for the limit parameter is 2000 per get request.