Operator for parametrized struct is dependant on another operator - operator-overloading

I'm writing LoG filter in Rust and I wanted to use | as operator for element wide multiplication operator (a_{i,j} * b_{i,j}), but compilator is complaining about Output result. It say that self[(i, j)] * out[(i, j)] does not equal Mul<N>::Output.
impl<N> BitOr<Matrix<N>> for Matrix<N> where N: Mul<N> {
type Output = Matrix<N>;
fn bitor(self, other: Matrix<N>) -> Matrix<N> {
if self.width() != other.width() ||
self.height() != other.height() {
panic!("Matrices need to have equal dimensions");
let mut out = Matrix::new(self.width(), self.height());
for i in 0..(self.width()) {
for j in 0..(self.height()) {
out[(i, j)] = self[(i, j)] * out[(i, j)];
Is there any way to set output based on Mul<N>::Output type?

I guess this should work:
impl<N> BitOr<Matrix<N>> for Matrix<N> where N: Mul<N> {
type Output = Matrix<<N as Mul<N>>::Output>;
fn bitor(self, other: Matrix<N>) -> Matrix<<N as Mul<N>>::Output> {
if self.width() != other.width() ||
self.height() != other.height() {
panic!("Matrices need to have equal dimensions");
let mut out = Matrix::new(self.width(), self.height());
for i in 0..(self.width()) {
for j in 0..(self.height()) {
out[(i, j)] = self[(i, j)] * out[(i, j)];

You didn't provide a small runnable example, so I made my own. This works:
use std::ops::{Mul,BitOr};
struct Matrix<N>(N, N);
impl<N> BitOr<Matrix<N>> for Matrix<N> where N: Mul<N, Output=N> {
type Output = Matrix<N>;
fn bitor(self, other: Matrix<N>) -> Matrix<N> {
Matrix(self.0 * other.0, self.1 * other.1)
fn main() {
let a = Matrix(-1,-1);
let b = Matrix(2,3);
let c = a | b;
println!("{:?}", c)
The main thing I had to do was N: Mul<N, Output=N>, which specifies that N must be multipliable by another N and will result in another N.


Karatsuba multiplication in swift

I was trying to implement Karatsuba multiplication in swift. I wrote the below code and it is working fine for some smaller numbers but as the number gets bigger this code fails to give the correct answer. I have debugged in every possible way I can but could not find the bug. Algorithm wise I think I did correctly write the code. And the code is working fine for smaller numbers. But the final answer is wrong for bigger numbers. If anyone out there can crack down the mistake I'm making, pls do help me
func findMultiplication(x: String, y: String) -> String {
if isZero(str: x) || isZero(str: y) {
return "0"
var x = removeLeadingZeros(number: x)
var y = removeLeadingZeros(number: y)
if x.count < 2 || y.count < 2 {
let result = Int(x)!*Int(y)!
return String(result)
var middleIndexX: String.Index
var middleIndexY: String.Index
var middleIndex: Int
if x.count >= y.count {
y = addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: x.count-y.count, for: y)
middleIndex = x.count / 2
if x.count % 2 != 0 {
middleIndex += 1
} else {
x = addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: y.count-x.count, for: x)
middleIndex = y.count / 2
if y.count % 2 != 0 {
middleIndex += 1
middleIndexX = x.index(x.startIndex, offsetBy: middleIndex)
middleIndexY = y.index(y.startIndex, offsetBy: middleIndex)
let a = String(x[x.startIndex..<middleIndexX])
let b = String(x[middleIndexX..<x.endIndex])
let c = String(y[y.startIndex..<middleIndexY])
let d = String(y[middleIndexY..<y.endIndex])
let ac = findMultiplication(x: a, y: c)
let bd = findMultiplication(x: b, y: d)
let aPb = Int(a)! + Int(b)!
let cPd = Int(c)! + Int(d)!
let gauss = findMultiplication(x: String(aPb), y: String(cPd))
let thirdItem = String(Int(gauss)! - Int(ac)! - Int(bd)!)
var returnSum = 0
returnSum += Int(addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: x.count, for: ac, isLeft: false)) ?? 0
returnSum += Int(addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: middleIndex, for: thirdItem, isLeft: false)) ?? 0
returnSum += Int(bd) ?? 0
return String(returnSum)
print(findMultiplication(x: "123400", y: "123711"))
func removeLeadingZeros(number: String) -> String {
var number = number
while number.first == "0" {
if number == "" {
return "0"
return number
//The function name is given like this only. BUt his will help to add padding zero in left and right also
func addLeftPaddingZeros(numberOfZeros: Int, for str: String, isLeft: Bool = true) -> String {
var padding = ""
for _ in 0 ..< numberOfZeros {
padding += "0"
if isLeft {
return padding+str
} else {
return str + padding
func isZero(str: String) -> Bool {
for char in str {
if char != "0" {
return false
return true

Explanation of this prefix Sum Coding Challenge from Codility GenomicRangeQuery in Swift 4.2

Could someone explain how this prefix sum calculation work as I am confused I mean I understand that it creates an array of Ints with the prefix-sums of the letters but I do not understand how? Could someone perhaps post a more naive logic or some explanation? Or perhaps a shorter version of that MAP function as it is all confusingly complicated.
Link to the challenge just in case someone would like to have a look at it
public func solution(_ S : inout String, _ P : inout [Int], _ Q : inout [Int]) -> [Int] {
//The mapping below needs the explanation
var prefixSumA = S.map({ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "A" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
}())//until here
prefixSumA.insert(0, at: 0)
var prefixSumC = S.map({ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "C" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
prefixSumC.insert(0, at: 0)
var prefixSumG = S.map({ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "G" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
prefixSumG.insert(0, at: 0)
let iterations = min(P.count, Q.count)
var result = [Int]()
for i in 0...iterations - 1 {
let p = P[i]
let q = Q[i] + 1
if prefixSumA[q] - prefixSumA[p] > 0 {
} else if prefixSumC[q] - prefixSumC[p] > 0 {
} else if prefixSumG[q] - prefixSumG[p] > 0 {
} else {
return result
prefixSumA calculates the number of As from the start to every given index. The same can be said about prefixSumC, and prefixSumG.
For example, if the string S is "CAGCCTA", we'll have:
prefixSumA = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]
prefixSumC = [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3]
prefixSumG = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
(Notice the zero inserted at the beginning.)
This block of code:
var prefixSumA = S.map({ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "A" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
prefixSumA.insert(0, at: 0)
returns a closure that, if the character is A, would capture the current value of s (which is the last value in the array), increment it, end return it (s).
return (s += 1, s).1 is a fancy way, that could be written as:
s += 1
return s
The whole block can be written more simply:
var prefixSumA = [0]
var countOfA = 0
prefixSumA += S.map { char in
if char == "A" { countOfA += 1 }
return countOfA
The same can be done for prefixSumC and prefixSumG.
I tried this one and got 62%. Performance Tests Fails.
public func solution(_ S : inout String, _ P : inout [Int], _ Q : inout [Int]) -> [Int] {
// write your code in Swift 4.2.1 (Linux)
var retArr = [Int]()
var chrArr = [Character]()
for chr in S {
for i in 0..<P.count {
var minFactor = 4
if P[i] - Q[i] == 0 {
if chrArr[P[i]] == "A"{
minFactor = 1
}else if chrArr[P[i]] == "C"{
minFactor = 2
}else if chrArr[P[i]] == "G"{
minFactor = 3
}else {
for j in P[i]...Q[i] {
if chrArr[j] == "A"{
minFactor = 1
}else if chrArr[j] == "C"{
minFactor = 2
}else if chrArr[j] == "G"{
if minFactor > 2 {
minFactor = 3
return retArr

Return value from inner closure

Can't find a solution searching for this. Classic problem - want to find if a sum exists for any pair within an Integer array such that [1,2,3,4], 7 is true
My naive solution give the error
Unexpected non-void return value in void function
I guess because I want to return from the inner forEach closure.
func pairs (_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
input.forEach { (number) in
let secondInput = input.filter{$0 != number}
secondInput.forEach{secondNumber in
if ((secondNumber + number) == sum) {
return true
return false
How do I return?
P.S Please ignore if you're only looking to get your naive solution working.
How about this? It takes time + space complexity into consideration.
I believe this should work well for a large set or arrays
func pairs (_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
var firstIndex = 0
var lastIndex = input.count - 1
while firstIndex != lastIndex {
let sumCalculated = input[firstIndex] + input[lastIndex]
if sumCalculated == sum {
return true
} else if sumCalculated > sum {
lastIndex = lastIndex - 1
} else if sumCalculated < sum {
firstIndex = firstIndex + 1
return false
forEach only iterates through the given sequence, you can't return values from a forEach closure. contains is better suited for this kind of tasks:
func pairs(_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
return input.contains { number in
let secondInput = input.filter { $0 != number }
return secondInput.contains { secondNumber in
return secondNumber + number == sum
You could also try a more functional solution, that splits the problem in multiple steps:
func pairs(_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
return input
.flatMap { input1 in input.map { input2 in (input1, input2) } } // build all combinations of numbers from the input array
.contains { input1, input2 in input1 != input2 && input1 + input2 == sum } // check if a pair made of two distinct numbers adds up to the sum
If you need a solution that handles any kind of inputs (e.g. only unique numbers), then the functional solution can be adapted to this:
func pairs(_ input: [Int], _ sum: Int ) -> Bool {
return input.indices
.flatMap { i1 in input.indices.map { i2 in (i1, i2) } }
.contains { i1, i2 in i1 != i2 && input[i1] + input[i2] == sum }

swift string advancedBy is slow?

So I am writing in swift to practice some online judge.
Here's the issue: Longest Palindromic Substring
Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring.
So I am using dp to solve it in swift:
class Solution {
func longestPalindrome(s: String) -> String {
var hash = Array(count: s.characters.count, repeatedValue: Array(count: s.characters.count, repeatedValue: false))
for i in 0 ..< s.characters.count {
hash[i][i] = true
var maxStart = 0
var maxEnd = 0
var maxCount = 1
for i in 1.stride(through: s.characters.count - 1, by: 1) {
for j in 0 ..< s.characters.count - 1 {
if j + i < s.characters.count {
if isValidPalindrome(j, j + i, s, hash) {
hash[j][j + i] = true
if maxCount < i + 1 {
maxCount = i
maxStart = j
maxEnd = j + i
else {
// construct max palindrome string, swift string is so dummy
var str = ""
for i in maxStart...maxEnd {
let index = s.characters.startIndex.advancedBy(i)
str += String(s.characters[index])
return str
func isValidPalindrome(start: Int, _ end: Int, _ s: String, _ hash: [[Bool]]) -> Bool {
// end <= s's length - 1
let startIndex = s.startIndex.advancedBy(start)
let endIdnex = s.startIndex.advancedBy(end)
if end - start == 1 {
return s[startIndex] == s[endIdnex]
else {
let left = start + 1
let right = end - 1
return s[startIndex] == s[endIdnex] && hash[left][right]
I am thinking it's a correct one, but when I submit, always time exceeded for long strings like:
I can get the correct result qahaq after some time, and I am wondering why it's so slow. If I write it in other language, not so bad.
I suspect the API s.startIndex.advancedBy(start) is causing it, but I checked the doc, no time complexity and no other ways to turn an int to the startIndex type?
Any ideas to replace advancedBy? Thank in advance.
For those having the same issue: I turned swift String into Array, and it gets much faster.
I also looked into Swift source code about the advancedBy implementation, it's a O(n) opreation, that's why it's slow.
For whom is interested in the implementation, take a look at https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/8e12008d2b34a605f8766310f53d5668f3d50955/stdlib/public/core/Index.swift
You will see advancedBy is merely multiple successor():
public func advanced(by n: Distance) -> Self {
return self._advanceForward(n)
/// Do not use this method directly; call advanced(by: n) instead.
internal func _advanceForward(_ n: Distance) -> Self {
_precondition(n >= 0,
"Only BidirectionalIndex can be advanced by a negative amount")
var p = self
var i : Distance = 0
while i != n {
i += 1
return p
This should do the trick. Before implementing it, I recommend checking out some explanations such as this guy's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obBdxeCx_Qs. I'm not affiliated with him, though I do believe his video is somewhat useful.
func longestPalindrome(_ s: String) -> String {
var charArray = [Character("$"), Character("#")]
for i in s.characters {
charArray += [i, Character("#")]
charArray += [Character("#")]
var mir = 0, c = 0, r = 0, longestPalindromeIndex = 0, longestPalindromeLength = 0, ss = "", returnString = ""
var p = [Int]()
//MARK: For loop
for i in 0...(charArray.count - 1) {
p += [0, 0]
mir = 2 * c - i
if i < r {
p[i] = min(r - i, p[mir])
if i - (1 + p[i]) >= 0 && i + (1 + p[i]) < charArray.count - 1 {
while charArray[i + (1 + p[i])] == charArray[i - (1 + p[i])] {
p[i] += 1
if p[i] > longestPalindromeLength {
longestPalindromeIndex = i
longestPalindromeLength = p[i]
if i + p[i] > r {
c = i
r = i + p[i]
}//for loop
for i in Array(charArray[(longestPalindromeIndex - longestPalindromeLength)...(longestPalindromeIndex + longestPalindromeLength)]) {
ss = String(i)
if ss != "#" && ss != "$" && ss != "#" {
returnString += ss
return returnString

Find digit sum of a number in Swift

Does anyone know how to get the sum of all the digits in a number in Swift?
For example using the number 845 would result in 17
update: Swift 5 or later We can use then new Character property wholeNumberValue:
let string = "845"
let sum = string.compactMap{$0.wholeNumberValue}.reduce(0, +)
print(sum) // 17
let integer = 845
let sumInt = String(integer).compactMap{$0.wholeNumberValue}.reduce(0, +)
print(sumInt) // 17
Here is a solution that uses simple integer arithmetic only:
func digitSum(var n : Int) -> Int {
var sum = 0
while n > 0 {
sum += n % 10 // Add least significant digit ...
n /= 10 // ... and remove it from the number.
return sum
println(digitSum(845)) // 17
Update for Swift 3/4:
func digitSum(_ n : Int) -> Int {
var n = n
var sum = 0
while n > 0 {
sum += n % 10 // Add least significant digit ...
n /= 10 // ... and remove it from the number.
return sum
print(digitSum(845)) // 17
Another implementation, just for fun:
func digitSum(_ n : Int) -> Int {
return sequence(state: n) { (n: inout Int) -> Int? in
defer { n /= 10 }
return n > 0 ? n % 10 : nil
}.reduce(0, +)
The recursive solution in Swift 3!
func digitSum(of number: Int) -> Int {
if(number < 10) {
return number
} else {
return (number % 10) + digitSum(of: (number/10))
For the sake of completeness, and for those who would like to see or understand a math-based approach, here's a real-number function based technique ported to Swift.
This is not the most efficient way to tally the digits of an integer in Swift. I don't recommend using it. I would personally use #LeoLDbus map/reduce answer to the question, because it is so cool and illustrates a powerful set of Swift features yet short, or #MartinR integer mod/divide answer, due to its utter simplicity and relative speed of integer arithmetic .
Cocoa and UIKit have the requisite math methods, so you'll probably need to import one of those packages.
func sumDigits(var i : Int) -> Int {
var sum = 0
var nDigits = floor(log10(Double(i))) + 1
for var r = nDigits; r > 0; r-- {
var p = pow(10, r - 1)
var d = floor(Double(i) / p)
sum += Int(d)
i -= Int(d * p)
return sum
for swift4, try below function:
func sumDigits(num: Int) -> Int {
return String(num).compactMap { Int(String($0)) }.reduce(0, +)
Split it into two pieces:
public extension UnsignedInteger {
/// The digits that make up this number.
/// - Parameter radix: The base the result will use.
func digits(radix: Self = 10) -> [Self] {
sequence(state: self) { quotient in
guard quotient > 0
else { return nil }
let division = quotient.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: radix)
quotient = division.quotient
return division.remainder
(867_5309 as UInt).digits(),
[8,6,7, 5,3,0,9]
(0x00_F0 as UInt).digits(radix: 0b10),
[1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0]
(0xA0_B1_C2_D3_E4_F5 as UInt).digits(radix: 0x10),
[10,0, 11,1, 12,2, 13,3, 14,4, 15,5]
(0o00707 as UInt).digits(radix: 0o10),
[0b111, 0, 0b111]
public extension Sequence where Element: AdditiveArithmetic {
var sum: Element? { reduce(+) }
public extension Sequence {
/// The first element of the sequence.
/// - Note: `nil` if the sequence is empty.
var first: Element? {
var iterator = makeIterator()
return iterator.next()
/// - Returns: `nil` If the sequence has no elements, instead of an "initial result".
func reduce(
_ getNextPartialResult: (Element, Element) throws -> Element
) rethrows -> Element? {
guard let first = first
else { return nil }
return try dropFirst().reduce(first, getNextPartialResult)
XCTAssertEqual([1, 2, 3].sum, 6)
XCTAssertEqual([0.5, 1, 1.5].sum, 3)