typo3 - direct mail - Unable to open file for reading - typo3

When I am trying to send a new newsletter I get an error: Unable to open file for reading and then it points to a file which has the permission 777. I use the setup typo3 6.2.6 and directmail 4.0.1. I searched forge and found out, that allow_url_fopen must be on and it is on.


TYPO3 V11 installation or configuration

I have have recovered a project in TYPO3 v11.3.0
My database is imported without error.
I access the installation tool :)
I have access to the typo3 login / password, but if I validate the form, I get the message "Not Found, The requested URL was not found on this server."
On the internet, I found the issue https://forge.typo3.org/issues/94054
I tried the following fix: https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/master/en-us/Changelog/11.0/Breaking-93048-BackendURLRewrites.html
but suddenly I no longer have access to either the instal tool or the login form, I simply have a TYPO3 error:
Page not found The page did not exist or was inaccessible. Reason: The
requested page does not exist
Any ideas?
There is an example .htaccess file in the core that you can copy:
# cd into your web root
cd yourWebRoot/
# make a backup of your current .htaccess
mv .htaccess _.htaccess_old
# get a example .htaccess
cp typo3/sysext/install/Resources/Private/FolderStructureTemplateFiles/root-htaccess .htaccess
TYPO3 11 should work with that, now you can copy changes that you made in your old .htaccess into the new one.

Can't login to the backend of a fresh TYPO3 install

Here is what I did:
Downloaded zip TYPO3 11.3.0 from https://get.typo3.org/version/11
Unzip into /subfolder
Followed instructions of the setup wizard with new database
Try to login via /subfolder/typo3/ and enter credentials
/subfolder/typo3/login?loginProvider=... leads to a 404
What I already checked:
typo3temp/var/log/typo3_[...].log is empty
MAMP logs don't show anything suspicious
Install Tool Environment Status shows a weird error:
http://localhost:8888/subfolder/typo3temp/assets/e35bd633.tmp/e77fab4e.php.wrong: unexpected content PHP content
Install Tool Directory Status is all green
Original .htaccess file exists
Created typo3conf/sites/mysite/config.yaml by copying from an existing (working) project, TYPO3 10
Of course, before I created the site configuration YAML, /subfolder/typo3/login?loginProvider=... was leading to a "no site config" error.
Now, it feels like there is a problem with the .htaccess, but I can't pinpoint where.
Running Apache / PHP 7.4.12
You have to make sure to use the proper .htaccess configuration for CMS 11, so you can't just resue the one provided with CMS 10.
Have a look at this documentation of the related breaking change in TYPO3 CMS 11

Installing Umbraco package breaks site

I have an Umbraco site that was working fine and I could login to the Umbraco back office
I installed the Links Picker package - https://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/links-picker/ - and then was not able to login to the backoffice OR my website. I was greeted with the message
cannot be an IPropertyValueConverter for property
'mainBrandLogoHeight' of content type 'Brand' because type
has already been detected as a converter for that property, and only
one converter can exist for a property.
I have been into the installedpackages.config file and removed the entry for this package but my site/back office still will nto load
How can I login or resolve this issue?
The package's our.umbraco.linkspicker.dll file is still in the /bin folder of your project and so Umbraco is still trying to use it.
When manually uninstalling a package it's important to remove any associated files listed in the installedPackages.config file.

Failed to save options error in Liquid XML Studio

When saving the settings using Tools->Options you may see an error:
"Cannot create a file when that file already exists."
This is typically due to your anti-virus program or security permissions.
Specifically, we have seen error when McAfee Real-Time Scanner is active.
To resolve this issue, add the following file to the Excluded File list in the Anti-virus software:
%APPDATA%\Liquid Technologies Ltd\Liquid XML Studio
But also check that your account has read/write access to the containing folder
%APPDATA%\Liquid Technologies Ltd

Win32::OLE error on file open

I am trying to open a .xlsm file using Win32::OLE from my webpage in perl on windows/apache server.
On researching for this issue, came across the following possible solutions:
Few had it resolved by setting their path to a absolute one. This did no work for me.
Setting permissions for the script to have permissions to access files on server. I am not sure how to go about this. However, I am authenticating my user via windows sspi and will have a userid. Will that user id be verified for file access on Win32::OLE ?
However, I am able to open the file using a File Handle. I have read/written using file handles to files on this server location from my webpage earlier. Is the win32::OLE permissions different from that??
The error is :
Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'C:\test.xlsm'. There are several
possible reasons:
• The file name or path does not exist.
• The file is being used by another program.
• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open
Win32::OLE(0.1709) error 0x800a03ec
Appreciate any inputs.
OK, Finally got rid of the error after several attempts at modifying permissions and running apache as a separate user with all required privileges with no avail, by creating a profile folder for Desktop under
Found this solutions in msdn forum http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/innovateonoffice/thread/b81a3c4e-62db-488b-af06-44421818ef91?prof=required
Hope this will help someone using these modules in future