Share project's code between PC and Notebook - version-control

Sometimes I want to be able to work with my php code both from my PC and notebook. I know, that I can use git, but I don't want to make dirty commits just to transfer code from PC to notebook and back. So, may be you have experience with it, what tools I can use to share my project between PC and notebook, may be I should use dropbox or something similar?

I still recommend to use git (or some other SCM of your choice).
You can deal with dirty commits like this
Create a feature branch for those commit
When you produced a reasonable state, then
Merge feature branch to your main branch or
Squash all dirty commits to the one clean commit and merge(or rebase) it with your main branch

if you dont want to use git or svn because of the commands You can use any of the cloud storage (onedrive, google drive, dropbox), these work well, I use all of them in some capacity and they are good. BUT youll always need internet in order to sync it accross. It will come down to preference and wheter any of these services are blocked by the firewall (in places like work etc if you want the code at work)


Can I work on a github project between two machines with a usb?

So, I have a desktop and a laptop. I use both very frequently. I keep my work files on a usb and that is how I get to switch so easily between the two. Now I am beginning a project in which I use android studio and github. I am new to github.
Can I use github in conjunction with this usb drive between two computers or should I commit to using one computer? Will this create problems?
The whole idea behind GitHub is to avoid file transfer manually like that. If you want to do a project on both machines. Then...
Create a GitHub Repository
Pull your project from your repo (Do this on both Systems)
Every time you do something on one machine, before you switch to the next, commit your changes and then push them.
If you are new to Git and dont know how it works, then feel free to check out GitHub Help.

Auto commit and auto push changes in local repo to git

I have a local development system where I have a Ubuntu-Server VM and I use eclipse in windows host. I develop in eclipse using Remote System Explorer & SSH. I want that whenever I save a file or do some changes in ubuntu-server's /var/www/site-folder it automatically commits and pushes the changes in my git repo. I did try the google but it wasn't much of a help. Any help is appreciated guys. Really wanna improve my workflow.
This sounds like something you'll have to script. If you save as much as I do (a lot), then you'll end up with a lot of commits. Unless you're careful about when you save, you'll probably end up with a messy history, unless you squash things later.
Are you sure that you want to commit and push automatically every time you save? It also matters whether or not you're pushing to your own private branch or repo.
Actually I think there are use cases where this /is/ a good idea. If you work on two different machines (even not simultaneously), for instance, you cannot share the Eclipse workspace. One simple way to overcome this is to put a bare git repository on a cloud server (dropbox, copy, one drive, etc) and push all work, completed or otherwise, to that everytime you close eclipse.
Will the repo be messy? Sure, but that's not the point.
I could find no easy hooks within Eclipse itself to automate this so I simply put an invocation of Eclipse in a script and finished off with:
git commit -a -m "WIP commit"
git push origin
You just have to watch out for newly-created files and remember to add those before you exit.

Bazaar manage multiple branches at once

I'm using Bazaar quite some time now, but at the moment I'm searching a solution to the following problem:
Assuming you've got several developers with everyone developing in its own branch, like this:
|----Branch 1
|----Branch 2
Now, we've got a project manager who wants to have an overview over all branches.
Is there any possibility (using only bzr functions) that he can manage those branches at once?
With "manage", I mean update, commit and perhaps even checkout (last one could perhaps be done with multi-pull but I think this would overwrite existing local data)
Greetings Florian
P.S. I know that this use-case could easily be achieved with SVN (by simply using subdirectories - but without the features of a dvcs) or more or less easily with shell-scripts (something like bzr list-branches|xargs bzr update), but I'd prefer a built-in bzr function
You can see all the branches in a directory tree with:
bzr branches -R /path/to/base/dir
However this works only on the local filesystem. If you need to find branches in a remote system, you need to run the command through ssh or something.
Once you have the list of branches, the manager should branch from them into his local shared repository, preferably configured with the --no-trees option for space efficiency. Existing branches should be pulled instead (using multi-pull for example), removed branches should be removed.
Once he has the branches, the easiest way to overview is using Bazaar Explorer. Open the shared repository location. I especially like the Log button, which will show the tree of logs.
When you say commit... The manager should not commit to the developer branches. If fixes are needed it's better to ask the developer to fix it, otherwise the manager will always have to clean up their mess for them. The manager should only merge other branches to the trunk/main/master. In other words use the gatekeeper workflow.
You can try the bzr-externals plugin or the bzr-scmproj plugin.

Host Git Repo on my Mac for Xcode project

For work all my code must be hosted locally, which rules out using something nice like GitHub. However, I really want to be able to use XCodes Git functionality.
Is it possible to host the repository locally and have multiple computers push and pull from it? I have a server available but it runs Windows 08 so I'm not real keen to making that work
Any *nix machine that runs a SSH server can easily host a Git repo with push/pull access. All someone needs to be able to do is log in and reach the files, and they can clone and pull. Write access, and they can push. (You're going to want a bare repo if you want it to accept pushes, though. Otherwise, things get all kinds of wonky. Less error-prone would be to provide a way for people request that you pull from their repo, but that requires that each person host a Git repo. If that's not really an option, then next best would be to let everybody push to a bare repo.)
Git will also work over HTTP, and it's allegedly easy to set up Apache to host a repo. I've actually had a lot of success with SSH, though. It seems even easier to set up to me; all the server needs is an sshd, (almost certainly) Git, and appropriate user accounts.
Also note, if you don't need to share, then Git already does everything you need on its own, offline. All the above stuff only applies if you want other people to be able to pull from (and possibly push to) you.
You can run git or svn right on your machine. Just set up a local repository. Note that mac os x has unix under the hood.

Different Distributed Version Control Systems working together

My office has a central Source Safe 2005 install that we use for source control. I can't change what the office uses on the server.
I develop on a laptop and would like to have a different local source control repository that can sync with the central server (when available) regardless of the what that central provider is. The reason for the request is so I can maintain a local stable branch/build for client presentations while continuing to develop without having to jump through flaming hoops. Also, as a consultant, my clients may request that I use their source control provider and flexibility here would make life easier.
Can any of the existing distributed source control clients handle that?
Well... KernelTrap has something on this. Looks like you can use vss2svn to pipe the Source Safe repo into a Subversion repository, then use the very nice git-svn to pull into a local git repo.
I would assume the commits back to VSS would not be a smooth, automatic process using this method.
You should be able to check out the current version of the code and then create a git repository around it. Updating that and committing it to your local git repository should be painless. As should cloning it.
The only catch is that you need to have them both ignore each other (I've done something similar with SVN) by messing with the appropriate ignore files. I'm presuming SourceSafe let's you ignore things. And you'll need to do certain operations twice (like telling both that you are deleting a file).
This episode of HanselMinutes covers exactly what I was hoping to hear. Apparently Git can be used locally then attached to external subversion/vss repositories as need. They talk about it 14 ~ 15 minutes in.
some day I work in a company that use VSS (and in other companies that use other less unknow SCM) but i prefer use SVN (someday I'll try GIT) for active development, for me and my group.
First of all, this situation it's only good idea, if commit to VSS are few over month, because working with other SCM (than VSS) give you more flexibility, but commint to VSS from SVN is expensive in time.
My solution was:
VSS -> SVN: I have linux script (or ant script, or XXX script) that copy from currrent update directory work of VSS to current SVN, then refresh SVN client and update/merge/commit to SVN. With this, you are update from changes of the rest of company that use VSS.
SVN -> VSS: In this way, you need a checkout of all your modify files to VSS, then you can simply use the reverse script to copy from current update SVN directory (ignore .svn directories) and copy to current update VSS directory, update and commit.
But remember, in a few case does worth your time to do this.