Metadata API for Google MCF Reporting API - google-analytics-api

If there a similar meta data API for MCF reporting like there is for GA:"

No currently the Google Analytics Metadata api only supports the Normal Core reporting dimensions and metrics.
But if you check the documentation for columns list there is a parameter option. It currently states.
reportType string Report type. Allowed Values: ga. Where ga
corresponds to the Core Reporting API.
Right now the only thing you can request are the ga dimensions and metrics but this implies to me that they may at some point open up for more.
I added a feature request a while back asking for Access to Realtime Dimensions and metric list. I have asked the devs and the only response was they weren't going to do it right now.


Custom GA data costs = Analytics API column missing?

I am trying to use custom cost data (from PLA, price comparison sites), I already upload data on daily basis, it shows up in GA. However, It does not work as expected on API side - as I need to use this cost data for custom reporting, using ga:adCost return cost data only for Google Ads, nothing else. As I have checked, there is no other cost column in dimensions or metrics....
I import cost data using APIs
However, on the API side, when I want to use that data as a source for data export, the only ,,cost,, related colum is adCost - but only Google Ads costs as a traffic source are returned
I would expect all traffic sources to have ga:adCost (or ga:cost?) in API as well, however, only Google Ads have that. I suppose that ga:ad* is related to GAds connection data only and custom data imported are to passed to Analytics API and/or there is no metric for that data...
Am i doing wrong API calls to get traffic source / medium & cost data, or custom imported data are not able to get back via API?
Is there a solution? Thanks!

Equivalent dimensions for ga:adContent and ga:keyword in the Google Analytics Data API (GA4)

We currently rely on using UTM parameters (utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content) for our Universal Analytics integration with the Google Analytics Core Reporting API and Multi-Channel Funnels APIs.
Are there plans to support UTM tags in GA4 properties and the Google Analytics Data API? I do see sessionSource, sessionMedium, and firstUserCampaignName listed in the dimensions list, which suggests utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign can still be used. Is there an equivalent dimension for utm_content (ga:adContent in the Core Reporting API and mcf:adwordsAdContent in the MCF API) or utm_term (ga:keyword or mcf:keyword)?
There seem to be no equivalent dimensions for ga:keyword or ga:adContent in the Google Analytics Data API. I will try to find out more about this and update this question once I have more information.
The Google Analytics Team

Retrieving more than 30 messages using streams/symbols

Given a symbol (i.e. cashtag), I need to retrieve twits from 2015 up to 2019 in order to perform sentiment analysis for a research project.
The public API is limited to the last 30 messages, as explained in
I tried the same request in an authenticated manner, but I face the same limitation.<access_token>
Is there a way to work around the limitation ?
Yes, there is. You should contact their support team, to get Partner level access to download historical data.
"There are some endpoints and data that are not available in the public Stocktwits API, including the full firehose data stream of our content. You may also have an application that requires higher usage limits (rate, message or other limits) than the public API. These additional capabilities are highlighted in the API documentation. If your application requires access to these capabilities, please contact our team to discuss."

reporting api v4 unique events metric issue

I just want to ask you about the Reporting API v4 because I'm seeing different values between API response and web reporting view (Google Analytics dashboard). The metric is unique events.
This is the query using API Explorer
API Explorer query screenshot
And here is the API Explorer result (if you want to see the query, read my first comment below, please notice green and red highlighted)
API Explorer result screenshot
On the other hand I'm using the web report viewer and for unique events I'm always seeing different values (also I used many other filters, with different scenarios, always returning different data in unique events metric), but (the weird thing) is total events value is ok (in all cases). I used the same dates for API and web view calls (also I applied same filters on web reporting, also I tested using other metrics and the values are the same, so there is no layer 8 issue)
Web reporting screenshot
Do you know what's going on here? I don't know which value is correct, I don't know if API or web reporting is failing.
Please check this changelog entry - and this support article -
It's all connected to the changes in unique events-connected metrics from September '16 (you can read more about it on Analytics Blog under "Improving Google Analytics Events with Unique Events" post).
Right now:
WEB UI "Unique Events" = API "ga:uniqueEventsTemporary";
WEB UI "Unique Dimension Combinations" = API
"ga:uniqueDimensionCombinations" and "ga:uniqueEvents".
This is the query using API Explorer (I posted in an answer because I couldn't do in question, only 2 links allowed)
API Explorer query screenshot

Why is custom variable data in the Google Analytics Data Export API data different from my Google Analytics dashboard?

I have a custom variable defined on my site and the data is being recorded properly in my Google Analytics account. When I go to access the data via the Google Data Feed Query Explorer, the data I get isn't the same. Really, this is only the case with 'Visits' and any metrics calculated using it.
This is what I see in my dashboard:
This is what I see in the query explorer:
I made sure the time frame matches and have pulled the same metrics. 'Hits' (aka pageviews) match up perfectly every time. Visits is obviously off and seems to be messing up other metrics that depend on it, such as 'Pages/Visit' (aka pageviews per visit).
I have reviewed the code and the custom variable is being set prior to recording the pageview. Am I missing something? My understanding is that Google Uses this exact same API to run their Analytics Dashboard, so why am I getting different data?
Try removing the visitors metric from your feed in the Query Explorer. A "Visitor" is different than a "Visit". I believe the stats of the Google Analytics screenshot have nothing to do with visitors. And including this metric might actually limit your result set to the unique visitors (I think).