Why my sp deadlocked in a transaction? - tsql

This is what the sp does:
begin transaction
IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Portfolio WHERE RawMessageID = #RawMessageID)
----do some cleaning job like delete the portfolio, or something
insert into Portfolio
select #a,#b,#c,#d
Randomly, I see deadlock happen and this deadlock graph showing the detail.
So it has to be that one instance of the call hold the shared lock from the select statement and asking for an null resource lock. Another instance holds the null resource lock and asks for shared lock.
Is my guess right? I was trying to write an simplified version to demo this, but never can trigger this deadlock.
Can someone help?


How do you handle error handling and commits in Postgres

I am using Postgres 13.5 and I am unsure how to combine commit and error handling in a stored procedure or DO block. I know that if I include the EXCEPTION clause in my block, then I cannot include a commit.
I am new to Postgres. It has also been over 15 years since I have written SQL that was working with transactions. When I was working with transactions I was using Oracle and recall using AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION to resolve some of these issues. I am just not sure how to do something like that in Postgres.
Here is a very simplified DO block. As I said above, I know that the Commits will cause the procedure to throw and exception. But, if I remove the EXCEPTION clause, then how will I trap an error if it happens? After reading many things, I still have not found a solution. So, I am not understanding something that will lead me to the solution.
v_Start timestamptz;
v_id integer;
v_message_type varchar(500);
select current_timestamp into start;
select q.id, q.message_type into (v_id, v_message_type) from message_queue;
call Load_data(v_id, v_message_type);
commit; -- if Load_Data completes successfully, I want to commmit the data
insert into log (id, message_type, Status, start, end)
values (v_id, v_message_type, 'Success', v_start, Currrent_Timestamp);
commit; -- commit the log issert for success
WHEN others THEN
insert into log (id, message_type, status, start, end, error_message)
values (v_id, v_message_type, 'Failue', v_start, Currrent_Timestamp, SQLERRM || '', ' ||
commit; -- commit the log insert for failure.
Since this is a pattern that I will have to do tens of times, I want to understand the right way to do this.
Since you cannot use transaction management statements in a subtransaction, you will have to move part of the processing to the client side.
But your sample code doesn't need any transaction management at all! Simply remove all the COMMIT statements, and the procedure will work just as you want it to. Remember that PostgreSQL uses the autocommit mode, so your procedure call from the client will automatically run in its own transaction and commit when it is done.
But perhaps your sample code is simplified, and you would like more complicated processing (looping etc.) in your actual use cases. So let's discuss your options:
One option is to remove the EXCEPTION handler and move only that part to the client side: if the procedure causes an error, roll back and insert a log message. Another, perhaps cleaner, method is to move the whole transaction management to the client side. In that case, you would replace the complete procedure with client code and call load_data directly from client code.

Is this function free from race-conditions?

I wrote a function which returns me a record ID which is in the PENDING state (the column state). And it should limit active downloads (records that are in states STARTED or COMPLETED). So, it helps me to avoid resource limits problems. The functions is:
started_id INTEGER;
UPDATE downloads SET state='STARTED' WHERE id IN (
SELECT id FROM downloads WHERE state='PENDING' AND (
SELECT max_run >= COUNT(id) FROM downloads WHERE state::TEXT IN ('STARTED','COMPLETED'))
RETURNING id INTO started_id;
RETURN started_id;
Is it safe in the meaning of race-conditions? I mean that the resources limit will not be hit because of race condition (2 or more threads will get ID of some PENDING record or even of the same record and the limit of active, i.e. STARTED/COMPLETED downloads will be reached).
In short this function should work as test-and-set procedure and to return the available ID (switched from PENDING to STARTED, but it's irrelevant details). Does it have such property - free from race conditions? Or maybe I have to use some locks...
PS. 1) downloads table has columns id, state (an enum with values like STARTED, PENDING, ERROR, COMPLETED, PROCESSED) and others that don't matter for the question's context. 2) max_run is the limit of active downloads.
Yes, there is a race condition in the innermost subquery.
If two concurrent sessions run your function at the same time, they both could find that max_run is equal to the count of started or completed jobs, and they would both start a job, thereby pushing the number of started or running jobs over the limit.
That is not easy to avoid, unless you lock all the started or completed jobs (very bad for concurrency) or use a higher transaction isolation level (SERIALIZABLE).

PostgreSQL for update statement

PostgreSQL has read committed isolation level. Now I have a transaction which consists of a single DELETE statement and this delete statement has a subquery consisting of a SELECT statement for selection the rows to delete.
Is it true that I have to use FOR UPDATE in the select statement to get no conflicts with other transaction?
My thinking is the following: First the corresponding rows are read out from the table and in a second step these rows are deleted, so another transaction could interfere.
And what about a simple DELETE FROM myTable WHERE id = 4 statement? Do I also have to use FOR UPDATE?
Is it true that I have to use FOR UPDATE in the select statement to
get no conflicts with other transaction?
What does "no conflicts with other transaction" mean to you? You can test this by opening two terminals, and executing statements in each of them. Interleaved correctly, the DELETE statement will make the "other transaction" (the one that has its isolation level set to READ COMMITTED) wait until it commits or rolls back.
sandbox=# set transaction isolation level read committed;
sandbox=# select * from customer;
(2 rows)
sandbox=# begin transaction;
sandbox=# delete from customer
sandbox-# where date_of_birth = '1996-09-28';
sandbox=# update customer
sandbox-# set date_of_birth = '1900-01-01'
sandbox-# where date_of_birth = '1996-09-28';
(Execution pauses here, waiting for transaction in other terminal.)
sandbox=# commit;
See below for the documentation.
And what about a simple DELETE FROM myTable WHERE id = 4 statement? Do
I also have to use FOR UPDATE?
There's no such statement as DELETE . . . FOR UPDATE.
You need to be sensitive to context when you're reading about database updates. Update can mean any change to a database; it can include inserting, deleting, and updating rows. In the docs cited below, "locked as though for update" is explicitly talking about UPDATE and DELETE statements, among others.
Current docs
FOR UPDATE causes the rows retrieved by the SELECT statement to be
locked as though for update. This prevents them from being modified or
deleted by other transactions until the current transaction ends. That
is, other transactions that attempt UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT FOR UPDATE,
these rows will be blocked until the current transaction ends. The FOR
UPDATE lock mode is also acquired by any DELETE on a row, and also by
an UPDATE that modifies the values on certain columns. Currently, the
set of columns considered for the UPDATE case are those that have an
unique index on them that can be used in a foreign key (so partial
indexes and expressional indexes are not considered), but this may
change in the future. Also, if an UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT FOR UPDATE
from another transaction has already locked a selected row or rows,
SELECT FOR UPDATE will wait for the other transaction to complete, and
will then lock and return the updated row (or no row, if the row was
Short version: the FOR UPDATE in a sub-select is not necessary because the DELETE implementation already does the necessary locking. It would be redundant.
Ideally you should read and digest Concurrency Control to learn how the concurrency issues are dealt with by the SQL engine.
Specifically for the case you're mentioning, I think these couple of excerpts are the most relevant, in Read Committed Isolation Level:
behave the same as SELECT in terms of searching for target rows: they
will only find target rows that were committed as of the command start
However, such a target row might have already been updated (or
deleted or locked) by another concurrent transaction by the time it is
found. In this case, the would-be updater will wait for the first
updating transaction to commit or roll back (if it is still in
So one of your two concurrent DELETE will be put to wait, as soon as it tries to delete a row that the other one already processed just before. This wait will only end when the other one commits or roll backs. In a way, that means that the engine "detected the conflict" and serialized the two DELETE in order to deal with that conflict.
If the first updater rolls back, then its effects are
negated and the second updater can proceed with updating the
originally found row. If the first updater commits, the second updater
will ignore the row if the first updater deleted it, otherwise it will
attempt to apply its operation to the updated version of the row.
In your scenario, after the first DELETE has committed and the second one is waked up, the second one will be unable to delete the row that it was put to wait for, because it's no longer current, it's gone. That's not an error in this isolation level. The execution will just go on with the other rows, some of which may also have disappeared. Eventually it will report the actual number of rows that were deleted by this statement, that may be different from the number that the sub-select initially found, before the statement was put to wait.

PostgreSQL concurrent update selects

I am attempting to have some sort of update select for a job queue. I need it to support concurrent processes affecting the same table or database This server will be used only for the queue so a database per queue is acceptable. Originally I was thinking about something like the following:
Which I been reading that this will cause a race condition, I read that there was a an option for the SELECT subquery to use FOR UPDATE, but then that will lock the row and concurrent calls will be blocked where I would not mind if they skip over to the next unlocked row.
So what i am asking for is the best way to have a fifo system in postgres that requires the least amount of locking the entire database.
The typical way to do this is to wrap it in a PLPGSQL function, select FOR UPDATE NOWAIT, and then use exception handling to skip the locked rows.
This does place some additional overhead on the function because exception handling requires additional processor cycles to manage even if there are no exceptions.
As a very simple example:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_all_unlocked_customers() RETURNS SETOF customer

some questions about "select for update"?

Here is Pseudo code using libpq.so;but it does not go as what I think.
transaction begin
re1 = [select ics_time from table1 where c1=c11, c2=c22, c3=c33, c4=c44 for update];
if(re1 satisfies the condition)
re2 = [select id where c1=c11, c2=c22, c3=c33, c4=c44 for update];
delete from table1 where id = re2;
delete from table2 where id = re2;
delete from table3 where id = re3;
insert a new record into table1,table2,table3 with the c1,c2,c3,c4 as primary keys;
commit or rollback
Note that c1,c2,c3,c4 are all set as the primary key in the database, so it is only one row with these keys in the database.
What confuses me is as follows:
There are two "select for update" which will lock the same row. In
this code, does the second SQL statement wait for the exclusive lock
blocked by the first statement? But, the actual situation is that it
does not happen.
Something occurs beyond my expectation. In the log, I see a large
number of duplicate insert errors. In my opinion that the "select
for update " locks the row with the unique for keys, two processes
go serially. The insert operation goes after a delete. How can these
duplicate insertation occur? Doesn't the "select for update" add an
exclusive lock to the row, which blocks all other processes that
want to lock the same row?
Regarding your first point: Locks are not held by the statement, locks are held by the surrounding transaction. Your pseudo-code seems to use one connections with one transaction which in turn uses several statements. So the second SELECT FOR UPDATE is not blocked by the first. Read the docs about locking for this:
[...]An exclusive row-level lock on a specific row is automatically acquired when the row is updated or deleted. The lock is held until the transaction commits or rolls back, just like table-level locks. Row-level locks do not affect data querying; they block only writers to the same row.
Otherwise it would be very funny, if a transaction could block itself so easily.
Regarding your second point: I cannot answer this because a) your pseudo code is to pseudo for this problem and b) I don't understand what you mean by "processes" and the exact usecase.