SSRS Date Picker - date

Is there a way to "grey out" dates that are not deemed available from the date picker calendar parameter? I realize you can limit the available dates by using a drop down parameter, but it would be nice to have this extended to the date picker parameter.
Kirstie Jo

It is not possible(As far as I know) to control how SSRS handles user entry of date/time values in parameters. If there is a need to restrict to date (or time) only or do cross-field validation then you need to implement your own front-end.


Multiple Date Range Datepicker Calendar

I am looking for a datepicker that allows me to select multiple single dates and multiple date ranges all within the same calendar with the output being all single dates (also for the date ranges).
I found this which looks great but requires a 999 euro purchase to access a full range of UI elements I don't need, just to have access to the calendar.
Anyone know of any open source, inexpensive or free datepicker which would work?
I have a typical calendar datepicker that allows us to select multiple dates. We use it to close out availability for specific dates. The problem is that the dates need to be selected one by one and that can be a pain as sometimes I need to block out weeks or entire months at a time. Need an easier way to select multiple dates in less clicks and output a list of single dates (so not just the start and end date of the range)

Webi: How to use double slider input control with dates?

My boss asked me to add a double slider input control for the date information on a report on Webi.
We have several columns and two of them display a date (start and end date of procedure). So I need to have two double slider, one for each date.
I've been searching for a whole day now and I know that it is not directly possible to use double slider with dates, because double slider only works with values (measures) and dates don't have that.
But I managed to create two more variables on the business layer. I used the following SQL function:
CAST(currentDate as Bigint))
These variables are displaying the date as numbers (e.g. 1090101 for 01.01.2009 (format is "dd-MM-yyyy")).
And it is working great! But it displays the dates as number, which is not possible to use for work. No one will know which date is 1090101. I could perhaps let both columns (date as date and date as number) in the report, so people could check the date they want to filter with the input control and select the right number on the slider. This could be a workaround, but not a clean one, I think.
I tried to change the format of the date as number to a date format, but then I could not use the slider anymore (even if the variable is a number).
I looked for a way to change the formatting of the values displayed on the slider, but with no luck.
So I'm asking for your help. Does anyone know how I could make this work?
Is there really no solutions for such a useful way of filtering data? I mean, filtering data by an interval of dates is surely something people want to do quite often, I assume.
Thank you in advance for your time.
(Version Webi : SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.2 Support Pack 8 Patch 6,
You could format your date value as year, month, day and then convert it to a number so the value you are filtering on makes a little more sense. Like this...
=ToNumber(FormatDate([Your Date];"yyyyMMdd"))
It will be better than just an arbitrary number, but certainly not perfect since you will have large chunks of your range for which there never will be any corresponding data (e.g. 20211232 through 20220100).
What is wrong with just a Minimum and Maximum input controls? They are more intuitive and simple to create. Sometimes what your user or boss asks for is a bad idea and/or just not possible.

Is there a way to check date dynamically in eloqua?

Context: I am using Microsoft Dynamics (CRM) and Eloqua to send email campaigns. I have a date field in CRM that I want to check against in Eloqua for a specific campaign. This campaign needs to check to see if the date field is <= today's date + 90 days. I am using the campaign UI in Eloqua, not doing anything programmatically at this point.
I have tried using the Compare Custom Object Fields decision in Eloqua by finding the date field, setting the comparator to dynamically on or before, and I want to make the compared value Today + 90 days. I'm not sure how to accomplish this in this type of Decision object because the only options I have to compare the date field to are Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow. See image below:
I have also tried to use the Compare Date Decision object, but there is no dynamic comparison, just hard-coded date options.
The last thing I tried was a Wait step, but that only waits a hard-coded number of days rather than checking dynamically.
Has anyone run into this issue or know of a solution to this problem?
We were able to find an Eloqua Date App to download that adds a Date Decision step to the program builder which allowed us more flexibility with comparing dates in a custom range.

Access 2010 - limit date range in date picker

I am using Access 2010 on Win 7 pro.
I am trying to limit the dates returned in a date picker associated with a text box on an access form.
I have created the text box set its format to short date and selected on dates in the show date picker property. So far so good I am seeing the date picker icon next to the field when it has the focus as expected and the date picker is working.
What I am having trouble with is limiting the dates shown in the date picker to only the last two weeks, this is required due to business rules. I can raise an error in the afterupdate event no problems but its not pretty and I would prefer to limit the user to a specified range. I have been all over the web and found many references to how this was done with calendar active x controls and the activex date picker in previous versions. The code to do it is not a problem I just cant find anywhere to limit what the date picker displays.
Any help greatly appreciated
Have you tried the validation rules on data side of the properties?
There you can set the valid values.
Per example [field1] > '2012-01-01' and [field1] < '2014-01-01'

ExtJS: ask birthdate

the calendar offered by ExtJS is not very intuitive for entering a birthdate, is it possible to use three separate fields (year, month, day) connected to each other and submit to the server only one value which is a composition: YYYY-MM-DD?
Or is there any good way to get a nicer calendar for entering a birthdate in an intuitive way?
Thank you.
Why isn't the ExtJS Datepicker worth for entering birthdate? In which field do you think it isn't proper - year, month or day? Yes, it is not same as 3 drop down lists with year month and day, but it provides absolute usability with least amount of code to select a date.
To answer your question as asked, you can use an xtype of "hidden" to send the date formatted how you wish.
Using a common blur event on the three dropdowns or textboxes you choose, you check to see if all three have been filled in and pass simple validation. you then set the value of the hidden field based on the format that you choose from the 3 separate fields.