Facebook graph api without making any fb app - facebook

Is it possible to use facebook-api without making any facebook app, just from Graph api?
So that I can ask people to share there facebook profile information(public or non-public) with me given that they have control over whatever information they want to share. In graph-api, the only way I know, is to ask people to get a access token and give me.
I wanted it to be a system generated request for permission and all they had to do is just hit okay or hit cancel and depending that I get response related to access-token.
and To make a working facebook-app I atleast need to have a website or android app or something else, which I don't have it yet.
I can't think of any working way.

No, you need Access Tokens for almost all API calls, and you can only get Access Tokens with an App - no matter which Access Token.

#luschn is right that you need Access Token to API Calls. You can easily create a new app using Facebook. Once you created an app, you can generate token, which can be used to make Graph API Calls.
Helpful Links:
App Create Link https://developers.facebook.com/apps
Get Token: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer?method=GET&path=comment&version=v2.11


How to get and use Graph User Access Token for use in personal scripts?

I have written a Python script that makes some statistics for me and a couple of friends based on our posts and comments in them. I've been using it by getting a temporary token in Graph Explorer and copying it to the script before running it. So far I've been able to access friends' posts with API 1.0 (and for some time with 2.0, I assume that was a bug) but now the 1.0 API is getting closed and I'm running into an issue - while some of the /post requests are still accessible to me, many return an "Unsupported get request" error. I can only assume that I can't access these anymore unless I'm using their User Access Token.
I'm not sure what I can do now:
ask them to use Graph Explorer to provide me a temporary token. It works, is pretty secure with default permissions but I would have to do it every time I wanted to update the data.
make some sort of dummy app that they will log into once. I don't know if that violates any rules and if it will be removed immidetaly, I hope not. But I have no idea how to extract the user access token out of the app so I can use it in the script.
What's the "correct" way of doing this?
If the App is only for a specific group of people, it should be no problem. Just add your friends as Tester in the App so they can authorize it with the read_stream permission. Else you would need to go through a review process, and Facebook usually does not approve read_stream.
You don´t really need to handle the Access Token, just use the JavaScript SDK and read the stream of your friends whenever they visit your App.
Btw, you can get the Access Token in the callback response of FB.login. But it will only be valid for 2 hours, you can extend it to 60 days though. More information about extending Access Tokens: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens
Easy solution: Create an entry page where your friends (who are Testers in the App) can authorize with read_stream. Right after authorization or refreshing the Token with FB.getLoginStatus, read their posts and store them.
Here´s some code to get you started on that entry page: http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-javascript-sdk-login/
...of course you can also just let your friends generated the Access Token manually. Information about that can be found in the Facebook docs (see Link above) or (for example) here: http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-access-tokens/ - they can then give you the Token, it will be valid for 60 days if it´s an extended one, or only 2 hours if it´s a default User Token.

How do you generate a access token to retrieve Facebook Ads report stats?

I am trying to retrieve the ads report stats, outlined here:
But I am currently stuck with generating an access token. I was going through here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/overview/ ,
And it looks like the only way to generate an access token is to generate it by using live web app.
Is there any other way to generate an access token?
Yes, the only way to get a User access token is to have a user authorise your app via the documented login methods: full documentation here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/overview/
At least not as far as I can tell. It appears that you need 3 things to generate the token:
App Id, App Secret, Url
in the Provide Authorization section.
I'm having a similar issue.
You don't want a client token, you need to generate an access token for the ads reporting.
I've found the Facebook API somewhat confusing because they seem to blur the lines of Access Tokens for accessing user information, and Access Tokens for accessing reporting information.

Is it possible to view/download the content of the POST done via my facebook application?

I have a scenario, where an authorised user through my application is posting status/uploading pictures via my application by granting required permissions. My application uses graph APIs.
Now, as app administrator if I want to see the content of the post, that the user has uploaded via my application. How do i do it?
I know in graph APIs, I have INSIGHTS api. But, it just gives us the statistics of the posts done via my app or user.
Can i really see the posts?
Assuming as an app admin I only have app access token and app ID. I dont store user access tokens with me.
Actually, I worked on the problem with every possible way. Found out that, even being an APP administrator I will need user access token (stored with me), without which these data shall not be retrieved via APIs.
My need was not to use user access token; But, no Its not possible via APIs as of now.

Can a page on a website get a facebook access token?

I'm fairly new to facebook development and I still get confused about the oAuth thing.
A client of mine asked me to show the latest posts, links and statuses of his facebook page to his website.
On the a php page on his website I'm creating a url
"https://graph.facebook.com/".$clientFacebookPage."/posts?limit=1&access_token= xxx
In order to json decode it and display the info I want, but I don't know how to get an access token. I generated an access token with the graph explorer that is tied to my name as a facebook developer but that expires in 2 hours.
There are many thing that confuse me already and I hope you can point me towards a solution
I've read the documentation but everything revolves around users getting logged on your app and you app posting. So my questions are:
Do I need to create an app to do a curl (requiring special permissions) using the http://graph.facebook/xxxx url?
If so, does the adming of the facebook page need to authorize with the app?
What do I need to do next? I can create a web page using the app id and secret. Does that mean that I can retrieve the info of the facebook page? How?
I know that the page needs an auth token to curl the http://graph.facebook/xxxx page and retrieve the data needed. Where can I generate it? Does the webpage need to generate it, or do I have (as the app developer) acquire the token and write it to my php code?
If I log out of the facebook, will the program/webpage stop functioning?
I hope I didn't confuse you.
Thank you.
The basic process for obtaining an access token for a Page is as follows:
1. Get a user access token for a User who is an admin of the Page
2. Using this User token, request graph.facebook.com/me/accounts and look for the correct Page ID in the list returned.
3. Grab the associated Page token from that ID
4. Use it to do Page stuff.
There is a newly launched Facebook docs guide which shows you how to obtain one of these access tokens in a step-by-step fashion:
Hopefully that guide should help you.
I will also answer your questions in order:
Yes, you will need an app in order to generate access tokens to make API queries
This is in the guide linked above (start at the Getting Started if you need to create a way to get a User Access Token also)
Again, see the guide above
Yes, but you should follow the steps in this guide to generate a long-lived access token. Once you do that, any Page token you retrieve will last forever.

Facebook app without asking permission on load

How do I make an app that doesn't ask for permission when you load it?
Or is that impossible? The only thing the application does is post to the user's wall, but can't I authenticate for that after they load the application?
You can, not sure why others are so positive that it is not possible.
On your server side you can check through facebook api if current user granted you required permission. If not, pass some flag to your fbml where you can display permission prompt link:
Would you like to <fb:prompt-permission perms="publish_stream">allow us</fb:prompt-permission> to post on your wall?
You are not obligated to require users to authorize your app either (but you need authorization before checking for granted permissions or retreiving any user information), you can still allow users to use your app. In fact allowing users to use an app without authorization is even encouraged by facebook recommendations. For optional authorization you can put such fbml on your page:
<fb:else><a href="http://www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key=...&v=1.0>Would you like to authorize this app?</fb:else>
If you want to post to their wall via a prompt instead of requiring prior authorization, you should use the connect library. Then you can use some javascript to open the dialog.
In fact, another SO question gives you exactly what you need.
Or is that impossible. The only thing
the application is going to do is post
to the users wall, but can't I
authenticate them for that after they
load the application?
To publish content to users' walls, you need to have the steam_publish permission from them first.