Execute custom script with run button - rubymine

I've started using RubyMine 7.0.0 and Dashing framework and question came up:
Is it possible somehow to run this commands "dashing start" from inside rubymine, so i can debug and see logs in Rubymine console ?

I'm using a Gem Command Run Configuration for dashing. Just use dashing for Gem name and executable name and s or start for arguments. Works like a charm...


Powershell commands/scripts not actually running

I am trying to install Emscripten on my computer, and I have run into trouble getting Emscripten actually installed.
I am using the same commands as can be found on the project webpage, but when I try to run
emsdk install latest
Powershell (which is what I am using, but the basic command prompt is behaving the same way) doesn't do anything at all - it just returns without installing anything.
For reference, I have installed Emscripten on this same computer before, but decided to try and do a fresh install of Emscripten after running emsdk activate latest decided to "stop working" as well (whereas it worked just fine last week) - running the command, Powershell simply returned without actually doing anything.
Any ideas on what to check to see why these commands don't seem to run?
I think I solved it. When running the install command in Powershell ISE, it threw the error "Python was not found but can be installed from the Microsoft Store: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkID=2082640"
despite me having Python installed. Changing the order of my PATH variables to set my Python install directory above the Winapps directory solved the issue with running the install command.

WebStorm run npm script in tool window (Protractor)

I would like to be able to run an npm script in the Protractor tool window rather than npm. This is easily doable creating a new Protractor Run/Debug config but I need to add a command line argument which the Run config doesnt currently support.
More specifically I am trying to run
protractor --capabilities.chromeOptions.args=--headless --capabilities.chromeOptions.args=--disable-gpu
Would like to do this without modifying the protractor config file.
Essentially, I want to be able to do this without having to provide multiple config files in my project. One for headless, one without.
There is currently no way to specify cmd options in Protractor run configuration, please follow WEB-25165 for updates

Opening a Scala Play console and executing commands programmatically

I have a Scala script that accesses models from my Play project and rather than open up a console and run it manually, I would like it to be run automatically after a Git hook. This could be achieved via a small bash script but there doesn't seem to be a way to execute the ":load nameOfMyScript.scala" command after the Play console has opened. Is this possible or am I going about this the wrong way?
I also considered running this command via a plain Scala console but I cannot figure out how to load my Play project definition inside of the Scala console.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
From the sbt console of your Play app, run the console command. This will start the Scala REPL and give you access to everything on your app's classpath.

Cordova build command failed

Running command "cordova build" on command prompt result in built failed. Found underneath the error sample. Can someone help me for a quick fix. The aim is to run my first phonegap android hello world project but am stuck with this error.
Try this one
Download ant for windows, http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi. Extract and place it somewhere in your computuer.
Open your CMD and type this command.
SET ANT_HOME=%PATH%;c:\apache-ant-1.9.4-bin
Restart your computer.

How do I debug puppet beaker tests using netbeans?

I am trying to understand why some of the puppet code do not work as expected. I run the puppet beaker test using "rake beaker" command. I am failing to understand how can I tell netbeans to run this command after I set the break points in the sources. I tried to set the project configuration with the appropriate parameters from following command line which "rake beaker" invokes.
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p545/bin/ruby -I
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/gems/rspec-core-3.1.4/exe/rspec spec/acceptance --color
But the debugger simply starts and ends?
Any idea, how can I debug a rake task?
As per this I can start the rake beaker task using the ruby-debug-ide, however it does not break at the break points I have set. As per the blog I believe I have break points set in the files, which will run using ruby-debug-ide.
By the way I am running Netbeans 8.0.1 on CentOS 6.4
One way I found out is to
Create a Netbeans ruby project
Set the breakpoints wherever needed.
Open the rspec binary file in Netbeans editor window.
Debug rspec file, by pressing Ctrl-Shift-F5
Provide the parameters in the debug dialog as shown in picture below
And you are done