Styling Tumblr mobile version - tumblr

I downloaded Tumblr mobile app and im trying to make some customizations to my blog, but it seems that i can only do the most basic stuff (add/remove image and text).
I was wondering is it possible to access the HTML/CSS of the theme so i can make my changes directly to the code?
Thanks for any help!

You can only edit the theme of the mobile layout which is used for mobile browsers, the app can't be change apart from the colour of your blog's header, the title and the description.


iOS change CSS of external Site

I'm new to iOS programming and i want to make a simple app thad displays some websites.
But the Websites are not optimized for mobile use and I can't change anything on the original server.
I tought thad the simpelst way would be to change the css from this site to fit my needs.
Is it possible to change the CSS of a site in the webview or so.
Or do i have to make a Proxyserver thad changes everything and connect to it.
Greeting from Switzerland

Make Facebook Fan Page into iOS app

I would like to make a Facebook fan page into a stand-alone iOS app.
Is there an easy way or template to make it so?
Thank you so much in advance!
Simple way to do this is, create a project with only one view drag and drop UIWebView and just link your Facebook fan page to it.
Well, no.
But there are a lot of tools to ease the pain from 'no coding required' to phoneGap (wraps your html, css and javascript for the iPhone) and Titanium (compiles your html, css and js to native app code).

How to make web site that is compatible to mobile(Blackberry,Android,iPhone) screen sizes?

Hi I am developing a site for desktop.The site renders the contents for desktop size.But when I see it in mobile the content is not properly rendered.
How can I make a site that fits all mobile screen sizes say Blackberry,Android,iPhone, etc. Can anybody mention any articles. I know only HTML. Thanks in advance.
I remember looking into myself a while ago and finding this video tutorial on net-tuts+ to be a good starting point
It is hard to make a single site that looks good on both mobile and desktop. Resolution is not the only problem, the very way the user interacts with you site changes on a mobile device. That said, the typical thing to do is to have a mobile style sheet which is loaded for mobile, and a desktop sheet for desktop. You might even go so far as to limit some of your content on mobile to make the page lighter.
I found to be a good source of info.

How to build correctly Android-compatible website?

I am HTML/CSS/jQuery coder. And I need to develop the website, which will be "zoomed-out" or "fitted" to 320x480 (frequently used resolution) Android mobile device screen.
Or even this solutions should check my screen resolution and connect the right CSS for that.
Somewhere I met that there is android.js file, which connects to HTML and recognizes if the website was open on PC or on android device. But I am not sure at all. I didn't do anything for mobiles before.
Found this article:
Don't think it's a right solution to use PHP for that.
Better would be HTML or JS.
A very simple answer would be don't hardcode width on the elements and don't specify font size in pixels. The mobile browser will adjust the rendered page itself.
If however you want more iPhone-like look of form controls like radio buttons, buttons, drop downs, then you need to use the mobile javascript libraries outlined in the other answer.
A simple answer would be a mobile javascript library such as one of the following:

Wordpress Mobile Version

I'm interested in creating an alternate version of a Wordpress site, specifically tailored for mobile devices. (We're talking about iPhones in particular, but something more generic would be cool, too.)
My thinking on this right now is that I'll need to figure out how to serve the content from one Wordpress installation to two different domains, each with a different theme. And then that second theme could be mobile-friendly.
Is this possible? Is there a better way?
WPtouch: WordPress on iPhone, iPod, Android, Storm & Pre
More than just a plugin, WPtouch is an entire theme package for your WordPress website. Modeled after Apple's app store design specs, WPtouch makes your WordPress website load lightning fast on touch mobile devices, show your content beautifully, all while not interfering with your regular theme.
Can't you just detect the user-agent (search for the iPhone Safari UA string and match it) and serve the iPhone theme if it matches, otherwise show the normal theme?
There are at least two plugins that automatically do this (without a second domain). The one I use is WordPress Mobile Edition. I should add that it comes with a theme that can be modified.