Spark: How to 'scan' RDD collections? - scala

Does Spark have any analog of Scala scan operation to work on RDD collections?
(for details please see Reduce, fold or scan (Left/Right)?)
For example:
val abc = List("A", "B", "C")
def add(res: String, x: String) = {
println(s"op: $res + $x = ${res + x}")
res + x
So to get:
// op: z + A = zA // same operations as foldLeft above...
// op: zA + B = zAB
// op: zAB + C = zABC
// res: List[String] = List(z, zA, zAB, zABC) // maps intermediate results
Any other means to achieve the same result?
What is "Spark" way to solve, for example, the following problem:
Compute elements of the vector as (in pseudocode):
x(i) = SomeFun(for k from 0 to i-1)(y(k))
Should I collect RDD for this? No other way?
Update 2
Ok, I understand the general problem. Yet maybe you could advise me on the particular case I have to deal with.
I have a list of ints as input RDD and I have to build an outptut RDD, where the following should hold:
1) input.length == output.length // output list is of the same length as input
2) output(i) = sum( range (0..i), input(i)) / q^i // i-th element of output list equals sum of input elements from 0 to i divided by i-th power of some constant q
In fact I need a combination of map and fold function to solve this.
Another idea is to write a recursive fold on diminishing tails of the input list. But this is super inefficient and AFAIK Spark does not have tail or init function for RDD.
How would you solve this problem in Sparck?

You are correct that there does not exist the analog of scan() in the generic RDD.
A potential explantion: Such a method would require access to all elements of the distributed collection to process each element of the generated output collection. before continuing on to the next output element.
So if your input list were say 1 million plus one entries there would be 1 million shuffle operations on the cluster (even though the sorting is not required here - spark gives it for "free" when doing a cluster collect step).
UPDATE OP has expanded the question. Here is response to the expanded question.
from updated OP:
x(i) = SomeFun(for k from 0 to i-1)(y(k))
You need to distinguish whether x(i) computation - specifically the y(k) function - were going to either:
require access to the entire dataset x(0 .. i -1)
change the structure of the dataset
on each iteration. That is the case for scan - and given your description it seems to be your purpose. AFAIK this is not supported in Spark. Once again - think if you were developing the distributed framework. How would you achieve same? It does not seem to be a scalable means to achieve - so yes you would need to do that computation in an
invocation against the original RDD and perform it on the Driver.


Scala: Sort a ListBuffer of (Int, Int, Int) by the third value most efficiently

I am looking to sort a ListBuffer(Int, Int, Int) by the third value most efficiently. This is what I currently have. I am using sortBy. Note y and z are both ListBuffer[(Int, Int, Int)], which I am taking the difference first. My goal is to optimize this and do this operation (taking the difference between the two lists and sorting by the third element) most efficiently. I am assuming the diff part cannot be optimized but the sortBy can, so I am looking for a efficient way to do to the sorting part. I found posts on sorting Arrays but I am working with ListBuffer and converting to an Array adds overhead, so I rather not to convert my ListBuffer.
val x = (y diff z).sortBy(i => i._3)
1) If you want to use Scala libraries then you can't do much better than that. Scala already tries to sort your collection in the most efficient way possible.
SeqLike defines def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Repr = sorted(ord on f) which calls this implementation:
def sorted[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Repr = {
val len = this.length
val arr = new ArraySeq[A](len)
var i = 0
for (x <- this.seq) {
arr(i) = x
i += 1
java.util.Arrays.sort(arr.array, ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Object]])
val b = newBuilder
for (x <- arr) b += x
This is what your code will be calling. As you can see it already uses arrays to sort data in place. According to the javadoc of public static void sort(Object[] a):
Implementation note: This implementation is a stable, adaptive,
iterative mergesort that requires far fewer than n lg(n) comparisons
when the input array is partially sorted, while offering the
performance of a traditional mergesort when the input array is
randomly ordered. If the input array is nearly sorted, the
implementation requires approximately n comparisons.
2) If you try to optimize by inserting results of your diff directly into a sorted structure like a binary tree as you produce them element by element, you'll still be paying the same price: average cost of insertion is log(n) times n elements = n log(n) - same as any fast sorting algorithm like merge sort.
3) Thus you can't optimize this case generically unless you optimize to your particular use-case.
3a) For instance, ListBuffer might be replaced with a Set and diff should be much faster. In fact it's implemented as:
def diff(that: GenSet[A]): This = this -- that
which uses - which in turn should be faster than diff on Seq which has to build a map first:
def diff[B >: A](that: GenSeq[B]): Repr = {
val occ = occCounts(that.seq)
val b = newBuilder
for (x <- this)
if (occ(x) == 0) b += x
else occ(x) -= 1
3b) You can also avoid sorting by using _3 as an index in an array. If you insert using that index your array will be sorted. This will only work if your data is dense enough or you are happy to deal with sparse array afterwards. One index might also have multiple values mapping to it, you'll have to deal with it as well. Effectively you are building a sorted map. You can use a Map for that as well, but a HashMap won't be sorted and a TreeMap will require log(n) for add operation again.
Consult Scala Collections Performance Characteristics to understand what you can gain based on your case.
4) Anyhow, sort is really fast on modern computers. Do some benchmarking to make sure you are not prematurely optimizing it.
To summarize complexity for different scenarios...
Your current case:
diff for SeqLike: n to create a map from that + n to iterate over this (map lookup is effectively constant time (C)) = 2n or O(n)
sort - O(n log(n))
total = O(n) + O(n log(n)) = O(n log(n)), more precisely: 2n + nlog(n)
If you use Set instead of SeqLike:
diff for Set: n to iterate (lookup is C) = O(n)
sort - same
total - same: O(n) + O(n log(n)) = O(n log(n)), more precisely: n + nlog(n)
If you use Set and array to insert:
diff - same as for Set
sort - 0 - array is sorted by construction
total: O(n) + O(0) = O(n), more precisely: n. Might not be very practical for sparse data.
Looks like in the grand scheme of things it does not matter that much unless you have a unique case that benefits from last option (array).
If you would have a ListBuffer[Int] rather than ListBuffer[(Int, Int, Int)] I would suggest to sort both collections first and then do a diff by doing a single pass through both of them at the same time. This would be O(nlog(n)). In your case a sort by _3 is not sufficient to guarantee exact order in both collections. You can sort by all three fields of a tuple but that will change the original ordering. If you are fine with that and writing your own diff then it might be the fastest option.

Tail recursion with List + .toVector or Vector?

val dimensionality = 10
val zeros = DenseVector.zeros[Double](dimensionality)
#tailrec private def specials(list: List[DenseVector[Int]], i: Int): List[DenseVector[Int]] = {
if(i >= dimensionality) list
else {
val vec = zeros.copy
vec(i to i) := 1
specials(vec :: list, i + 1)
val specialList = specials(Nil, 0).toVector my thing...)
Should I write my tail recursive function using a List as accumulator above and then write
specials(Nil, 0).toVector
or should I write my trail recursion with a Vector in the first place? What is computationally more efficient?
By the way: specialList is a list that contains DenseVectors where every entry is 0 with the exception of one entry, which is 1. There are as many DenseVectors as they are long.
I'm not sur what you're trying to do here but you could rewrite your code like so:
type Mat = List[Vector[Int]]
private def specials(mat: Mat, i: Int): Mat = i match {
case `dimensionality` => mat
case _ =>
val v = zeros.copy.updated(i,1)
specials(v :: mat, i + 1)
As you are dealing with a matrix, Vector is probably a better choice.
Let's compare the performance characteristics of both variants:
List: prepending takes constant time, conversion to Vector takes linear time.
Vector: prepending takes "effectively" constant time (eC), no subsequent conversion needed.
If you compare the implementations of List and Vector, then you'll find out that prepending to a List is a simpler and cheaper operation than prepending to a Vector. Instead of just adding another element at the front as it is done by List, Vector potentially has to replace a whole branch/subtree internally. On average, this still happens in constant time ("effectively" constant, because the subtrees can differ in their size), but is more expensive than prepending to List. On the plus side, you can avoid the call to toVector.
Eventually, the crucial point of interest is the size of the collection you want to create (or in other words, the amount of recursive prepend-steps you are doing). It's totally possible that there is no clear winner and one of the two variants is faster for <= n steps, whereas the other variant is faster for > n steps. In my naive toy benchmark, List/toVecor seemed to be faster for less than 8k elements, but you should perform a set of well-chosen benchmarks that represent your scenario adequately.

reduceByKey: How does it work internally?

I am new to Spark and Scala. I was confused about the way reduceByKey function works in Spark. Suppose we have the following code:
val lines = sc.textFile("data.txt")
val pairs = => (s, 1))
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
The map function is clear: s is the key and it points to the line from data.txt and 1 is the value.
However, I didn't get how the reduceByKey works internally? Does "a" points to the key? Alternatively, does "a" point to "s"? Then what does represent a + b? how are they filled?
Let's break it down to discrete methods and types. That usually exposes the intricacies for new devs:
pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
pairs.reduceByKey((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)
and renaming the variables makes it a little more explicit
pairs.reduceByKey((accumulatedValue: Int, currentValue: Int) => accumulatedValue + currentValue)
So, we can now see that we are simply taking an accumulated value for the given key and summing it with the next value of that key. NOW, let's break it further so we can understand the key part. So, let's visualize the method more like this:
pairs.reduce((accumulatedValue: List[(String, Int)], currentValue: (String, Int)) => {
//Turn the accumulated value into a true key->value mapping
val accumAsMap = accumulatedValue.toMap
//Try to get the key's current value if we've already encountered it
accumAsMap.get(currentValue._1) match {
//If we have encountered it, then add the new value to the existing value and overwrite the old
case Some(value : Int) => (accumAsMap + (currentValue._1 -> (value + currentValue._2))).toList
//If we have NOT encountered it, then simply add it to the list
case None => currentValue :: accumulatedValue
So, you can see that the reduceByKey takes the boilerplate of finding the key and tracking it so that you don't have to worry about managing that part.
Deeper, truer if you want
All that being said, that is a simplified version of what happens as there are some optimizations that are done here. This operation is associative, so the spark engine will perform these reductions locally first (often termed map-side reduce) and then once again at the driver. This saves network traffic; instead of sending all the data and performing the operation, it can reduce it as small as it can and then send that reduction over the wire.
One requirement for the reduceByKey function is that is must be associative. To build some intuition on how reduceByKey works, let's first see how an associative associative function helps us in a parallel computation:
As we can see, we can break an original collection in pieces and by applying the associative function, we can accumulate a total. The sequential case is trivial, we are used to it: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10.
Associativity lets us use that same function in sequence and in parallel. reduceByKey uses that property to compute a result out of an RDD, which is a distributed collection consisting of partitions.
Consider the following example:
// collection of the form ("key",1),("key,2),...,("key",20) split among 4 partitions
val rdd =sparkContext.parallelize(( (1 to 20).map(x=>("key",x))), 4)
rdd.reduceByKey(_ + _)
> Array[(String, Int)] = Array((key,210))
In spark, data is distributed into partitions. For the next illustration, (4) partitions are to the left, enclosed in thin lines. First, we apply the function locally to each partition, sequentially in the partition, but we run all 4 partitions in parallel. Then, the result of each local computation are aggregated by applying the same function again and finally come to a result.
reduceByKey is an specialization of aggregateByKey aggregateByKey takes 2 functions: one that is applied to each partition (sequentially) and one that is applied among the results of each partition (in parallel). reduceByKey uses the same associative function on both cases: to do a sequential computing on each partition and then combine those results in a final result as we have illustrated here.
In your example of
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a,b) => a+b)
a and b are both Int accumulators for _2 of the tuples in pairs. reduceKey will take two tuples with the same value s and use their _2 values as a and b, producing a new Tuple[String,Int]. This operation is repeated until there is only one tuple for each key s.
Unlike non-Spark (or, really, non-parallel) reduceByKey where the first element is always the accumulator and the second a value, reduceByKey operates in a distributed fashion, i.e. each node will reduce it's set of tuples into a collection of uniquely-keyed tuples and then reduce the tuples from multiple nodes until there is a final uniquely-keyed set of tuples. This means as the results from nodes are reduced, a and b represent already reduced accumulators.
Spark RDD reduceByKey function merges the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
The reduceByKey function works only on the RDDs and this is a transformation operation that means it is lazily evaluated. And an associative function is passed as a parameter, which is applied to source RDD and creates a new RDD as a result.
So in your example, rdd pairs has a set of multiple paired elements like (s1,1), (s2,1) etc. And reduceByKey accepts a function (accumulator, n) => (accumulator + n), which initialise the accumulator variable to default value 0 and adds up the element for each key and return the result rdd counts having the total counts paired with key.
Simple if your input RDD data look like this:
and if you apply reduceByKey on above rdd data then few you have to remember,
reduceByKey always takes 2 input (x,y) and always works with two rows at a time.
As it is reduceByKey it will combine two rows of same key and combine the result of value.
val rdd2 = rdd.reduceByKey((x,y) => x+y)

Terminal function for collections in scala

Suppose we have a list of some int values(positive and negative) and we have a task to double only positive values. Here is a snippet that produces the desired result:
val list: List[Int] = ....
list.filter(_ > 0).map(_ * 2)
So far so good, but what if the list is very large of size N. Does the program iterates N times on filter function and then N times on map function?
How does scala know when it's time to go through the list in cycle and apply all the filtering and mapping stuff? What will be result(in terms of list traversing) if we group the original list by identity function for instance(to get rid of duplicates) and the apply map function?
Does the program iterates N times on filter function and then N times on map function?
Yes. Use a view to make operations on collections lazy. For example:
val list: List[Int] = ...
list.view.filter(_ > 0).map(_ * 2)
How does scala know when it's time to go through the list in cycle and apply all the filtering and mapping stuff?
When using a view, it will calculate the value when you actually go to use a materialized value:
val x = list.view.filter(_ > 0).map(_ * 2)
println(x.head * 2)
This only applies the filter and the map when head is called.
Does the program iterates N times on filter function and then N times
on map function?
Yes, for a List you should use withFilter instead. From withFilter doc:
Note: the difference between `c filter p` and `c withFilter p` is that
the former creates a new collection, whereas the latter only
restricts the domain of subsequent `map`, `flatMap`, `foreach`,
and `withFilter` operations.
If there is a map after filter, you can always using collect instead:
list.collect{ case x if x > 0 => 2*x }

Infinite streams in Scala

Say I have a function, for example the old favourite
def factorial(n:Int) = (BigInt(1) /: (1 to n)) (_*_)
Now I want to find the biggest value of n for which factorial(n) fits in a Long. I could do
(1 to 100) takeWhile (factorial(_) <= Long.MaxValue) last
This works, but the 100 is an arbitrary large number; what I really want on the left hand side is an infinite stream that keeps generating higher numbers until the takeWhile condition is met.
I've come up with
val s = Stream.continually(1) => p._1 + p._2)
but is there a better way?
(I'm also aware I could get a solution recursively but that's not what I'm looking for.)
creates a stream starting from 1 and incrementing by 1. It's all in the API docs.
A Solution Using Iterators
You can also use an Iterator instead of a Stream. The Stream keeps references of all computed values. So if you plan to visit each value only once, an iterator is a more efficient approach. The downside of the iterator is its mutability, though.
There are some nice convenience methods for creating Iterators defined on its companion object.
Unfortunately there's no short (library supported) way I know of to achieve something like
Stream.from(1) takeWhile (factorial(_) <= Long.MaxValue) last
The approach I take to advance an Iterator for a certain number of elements is drop(n: Int) or dropWhile:
Iterator.from(1).dropWhile( factorial(_) <= Long.MaxValue).next - 1
The - 1 works for this special purpose but is not a general solution. But it should be no problem to implement a last method on an Iterator using pimp my library. The problem is taking the last element of an infinite Iterator could be problematic. So it should be implemented as method like lastWith integrating the takeWhile.
An ugly workaround can be done using sliding, which is implemented for Iterator:
scala> Iterator.from(1).sliding(2).dropWhile(_.tail.head < 10).next.head
res12: Int = 9
as #ziggystar pointed out, Streams keeps the list of previously computed values in memory, so using Iterator is a great improvment.
to further improve the answer, I would argue that "infinite streams", are usually computed (or can be computed) based on pre-computed values. if this is the case (and in your factorial stream it definately is), I would suggest using Iterator.iterate instead.
would look roughly like this:
scala> val it = Iterator.iterate((1,BigInt(1))){case (i,f) => (i+1,f*(i+1))}
it: Iterator[(Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = non-empty iterator
then, you could do something like:
scala> it.find(_._2 >= Long.MaxValue).map(_._1).get - 1
res0: Int = 22
or use #ziggystar sliding solution...
another easy example that comes to mind, would be fibonacci numbers:
scala> val it = Iterator.iterate((1,1)){case (a,b) => (b,a+b)}.map(_._1)
it: Iterator[Int] = non-empty iterator
in these cases, your'e not computing your new element from scratch every time, but rather do an O(1) work for every new element, which would improve your running time even more.
The original "factorial" function is not optimal, since factorials are computed from scratch every time. The simplest/immutable implementation using memoization is like this:
val f : Stream[BigInt] = 1 #:: (Stream.from(1) zip f).map { case (x,y) => x * y }
And now, the answer can be computed like this:
println( "count: " + (f takeWhile (_<Long.MaxValue)).length )
The following variant does not test the current, but the next integer, in order to find and return the last valid number:
Iterator.from(1).find(i => factorial(i+1) > Long.MaxValue).get
Using .get here is acceptable, since find on an infinite sequence will never return None.