trying to send some data to a JSP page from GWT - gwt

I have a GWT Application where i am getting some data from RPC.
So i have
String data = "someData";
Now I have a JSP page where I like to send this "data".
I am currently opening my JSP Page like this from within my GWT Client side."Test.jsp","","");
In my JSP Page I have
<%= new String("Hello!") %>
Now Is it possible to send that "data" from GWT to this Jsp Page .
So my Jsp will say
Hello! someData

You can use"Test.jsp?data=someData","","");
to pass parameters to your JSP (in this example parameter name data and value someData.
To fetch the parameter inside a JSP you would use
For a servlet you can use
String value = request.getParameter("data");
to do the same.
Note that URL parameter values (like someData in the example above) need to be properly escaped. GWT has the class for that:
String value = "someData?with#disallowed&chars";
String jsplink = "Test.jsp?data="+URL.encodeQueryString(value);, "", "");
-- EDIT --
Stuff after the ? on the URL is called the "query string". Usually it contain named parameters like name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=.... but that's not a requirement. You can put anything after the ? and handle it yourself. For that you need to get the complete query string as a whole using ((HttpServletRequest)request).getQueryString(). You then need to decode and interpret it yourself.


play framework - redirecting with querystring

I am Using the play Framework 2.7.x
I have a Formular on my controller.list() with a view, let's call it "index". After you click "send" it open's controller.add() where it dos some stuff and then redirects back to controller.list(). If there was an error in the formular (a requiered field was empty) I need the queryString, which was send to controller.add() also redirected to controller.list()
The problem ist that if I do stuff like just passing the request, i get an error that it's not possible to add arguments.
public Result list(Http.Request request)
// .... stuff with foo, while foo is an Form<foo> Object
// ... foo.bindFromRequest(request)
public Result add(Http.Request request)
// not allowed to add request as an argument. only empty is allowed.
return Results.redirect(controllers.routes.Controller.list(request));
I would like to just redirect the Form object, so I can handle the error in the controller.list() and not have to generate an extra view for the controller.add(). If I do everything inside controller.list() there is no problem with this code, but I like to use the controller.add() method instead.
Is the an option? except passing every querystring key and value by hand.
After I searched yesterday the half the day, I found something interessting today.
you are not allowed to use a default parameter with =. You have to use an optional default parameter with ?= inside the routes!!!!!
you can implement QueryStringBindable so it's a bit easier to bind the query String. But you still have to bind them "by hand".

How convert html or URL output of Scala to JSON

val url = ""
val result =
This gives me the complete HTML page. I want to access individual html elements of this web-page now to do some data analysis. In C# we did it using DYNAMIC variable and then putting html data into some class (json object).
How can we format this URL result to some classes for analysis?
Problem is to download HTML URL page, access its individual elements through Scala code.
Give a look to scala-scraper:

How to call a Scala function from Play html template

I am new to Scala/Play Framework.
Currently, I am trying to call a Scala function from my html page: test.scala.html and pass the hash parameters to the Scala function.
I added the following lines to routes:
GET /hello controllers.Application.test
POST /hello controllers.Application.hello
In my test.scala.html I have:
#params = { window.location.hash }
#helper.form(action = routes.Application.hello) {
And my hello function is defined as:
def hello() = Action {
Ok("Hello !")
I am completely confused by the concept of routing and # so I am not too sure which part I did right and which part I did wrong. Please point out my mistakes.
Thanks in advance.
If the function is returning an action, not content to be displayed formatted inside view (HTML), you may want to route request to this action, from a link click or a form submit, to url configured in routing (aka /hello).
To add a parameter you need to either add it as url query string (e.g. for a link → /hello?p=1), or with an input/field for a form (e.g. <input type="text" name="p" value="1" />).
You can use reverse routing to get URL to call configured action. For example for a form POST to hello: <form action="#routes.MyController.hello()" method="POST">.... In this case you will need to look at form mapping, to extract parameters from request.
1) Concept of routing
The main purpose of this routing is simply to translate each incoming HTTP request to an Action in any of your Controller. By Reverse Routing its simply let you use the right part, controllers.Application.hello, in your HTML/Controller/else.
So, for your 2 URLs above, it's likely to say that if there is a request /hello with method GET then it will go to Application controller and test method. If you don't understand the role of each Routing method, please read this documentation..
2) the magic # character
# is a character that you can use in your HTML file if you need to use the Scala code or variables. It's like you can combine PHP code in your HTML file, if you're a PHP developer.
Here is the full-documentation of what you can do with this # character.
3) pass the hash to the controller
To this specific case the simplest way would be passing the value trough a form:
#helper.form(action = routes.Application.hello) {
#helper.inputText(myForm("username"), 'id -> "username", 'size -> 30, 'value -> 'value here' )
However, if you're a new Play developer, then I'm afraid you need to read about Form Submission and Form Helper in Play Framework..

Play form binding difficulties - How do I modify a request after getting it in the backend?

I'm currently trying to connect an Extjs form to a Play! Scala backend.
I have no problem receiving the request, but
FormName.bindFromRequest.get returns to me None .
I'm able to find the data generated via submitting from Extjs in the POST request in (the first request object is generated by SocialSecure's controller), whereas normally the data bound to the form would be found in
I think Extjs's eschewal of using <form> in their inserted HTML is what causes me this problem, but I'd still like to take advantage of Extjs's nice form verification UI.
Does Play! or Scala have any resources for modifying a request after the server has received it?
More info
This is the method my /requestAudit cuurently points to after a POST request:
def requestAudit = SecuredAction(WithProvider("google")) { // SecureSocial syntax
implicit request => { // let's call this line 0'
println(request.request.body.asFormUrlEncoded) // let's call this line 1'
println(request.body.asText) // let's call this line 2'
errors => BadRequest(views.html.error(newAuditForm))
success => { /*insert the object into my db*/ }
) } }
Ext.js request
When I'm debugging in Eclipse with an Ext.js form, the Variables window shows: (click for closeup)
where the form values are located in,, etc
Bootstrap form request
On the other hand, the request for Bootstrap has the values stored in
#2manyprojects 's suggestion set me on the right path:
.fold( ... )
I was still getting form binding errors after changing my code to this, and then I discovered a typo in the name property of one of my Ext.js form fields. The name of the field must be the same on both the UI and the Play Form.

HTML form POST method with querystring in action URL

Lets say I have a form with method=POST on my page.
Now this form has some basic form elements like textbox, checkbox, etc
It has action URL as
I do understand that this is actually a contradictory thing to do, but my question is will it work in practice.
So my questions are;
Since the form method is POST and I have a querystring as well in my URL (?param=value)
Will it work correctly? i.e. will I be able to retrieve param=value on my receiving page (
Lets say I use Java/JSP to access the values on server side. So what is the way to get the values on server side ? Is the syntax same to access value of param=value as well as for the form elements like textbox/radio button/checkbox, etc ?
1) YES, you will have access to POST and GET variables since your request will contain both. So you can use $_GET["param_name"] and $_POST["param_name"] accordingly.
2) Using JSP you can use the following code for both:
<%= request.getParameter("param_name") %>
If you're using EL (JSP Expression Language), you can also get them in the following way:
EDIT: if the param_name is present in both the request QueryString and POST data, both of them will be returned as an array of values, the first one being the QueryString.
In such scenarios, getParameter("param_name) would return the first one of them (as explained here), however both of them can be read using the getParameterValues("param_name") method in the following way:
String[] values = request.getParameterValues("param_name");
For further info, read here.
Yes. You can retrieve these parameters in your action class.
Just you have to make property of same name (param in your case) with there getters and setters.
Sample Code
private String param;
{... getters and setters ...}
when you will do this, the parameters value (passed via URL) will get saved into the getters of that particular property. and through this, you can do whatever you want with that value.
The POST method just hide the submitted form data from the user. He/she can't see what data has been sent to the server, unless a special tool is used.
The GET method allows anybody to see what data it has. You can easily see the data from the URL (ex. By seeing the key-value pairs in the query string).
In other words it is up to you to show the (maybe unimportant) data to the user by using query string in the form action. For example in a data table filter. To keep the current pagination state, you can use as an action. And you can hide the other data within the form components, like input, textarea, etc.
Both methods can be catched in the server with the same way. For example in Java, by using request.getParameter("page").