Eclipse plugin: overriding standard command handler - eclipse

I'm trying to override an existing command handler in Eclipse. Specifically, I want to override the Run command (org.eclipse.debug.ui.commands.RunLast) so that it first terminates the process from the previous launch before starts the new one. I read this article, wrote a handler and associated it with the Run command:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.handlers">
<handler commandId="org.eclipse.debug.ui.commands.RunLast"
<with variable="activeContexts">
<iterate operator="or">
<equals value="net.anggo.tnr.TnREnabled"></equals>
I added activeWhen clause so that the new handler has a higher priority than the default handler. I activated TnREnabled context in an IStartup. But still, the default handler is run when I hit the Run menu item. I assume this is because the priority of the default handler is still higher than that of the new one. So my question is..
How can I calculate the priority of the default handler so that I can compare it with that of the new handler? Does my assumption seem correct that it is a priority issue? Is there a diagnostic way I can see what the problem is e.g. plugin spy? I'd appreciate any of help.


Eclipse RCP dynamic MenuContribution hide and unhide with CoreExpression

I'm trying currently to add a visibleWhen condition for a MenuContribution in my Eclipse RCP application. We've different versions of our app and we've differentiate them with a IClientConfiguration interface/service which works more or less as feature toggles.
Depending on witch app-$version.product is called different implementations of the configuration will part of the app.
However.. get to the current situation: We've a menu which is defined in a common fragment.e4xmi and I would like to hide one menu depending on the configuration. For that I've added the toggle isAdminMenuActive(). I've hoped that I can create a CoreExpression and using (somehow) the return value of this service. But unfortunately I can't get this to work by now.
What I tried was the following:
<elements xsi:type="menu:MenuContribution" xmi:id="_ZuL6oA4IEeqbk5lJVdc6WQ" elementId="com.example.client.menucontribution.administration" parentId="">
<children xsi:type="menu:Menu" xmi:id="_ngOY4LOMEemRpJf6BiOdqQ" elementId="" label="%UI.general.administration">
<visibleWhen xsi:type="ui:CoreExpression" xmi:id="_rrmcQA4lEeqbk5lJVdc6WQ" coreExpressionId="com.example.client.configuration.adminMenuActiveExpression"/>
<children xsi:type="menu:HandledMenuItem" xmi:id="_B4RqsLONEemRpJf6BiOdqQ" elementId="com.example.client.menuitem.action.administration" label="%UI.action" tooltip="%UI.action" command="_XnSp8LOPEemRpJf6BiOdqQ"/>
<with variable="com.example.client.configuration.adminMenuActive">
public void init(IEclipseContext context) {
The current behaviour is that the menu is never shown no matter which configuration is loaded. I've tried if the variable is added to the IEclipseContext and this happens very early in the start up phase of the application. Currently I've no idea what's wrong.
Rather than using a core expression in the fragment.e4xmi you can use an 'Imperative Expression'. You do this by changing the 'Visible-When Expression' in the fragment editor.
An imperative expression specifies a Java class which is called directly making it easier to access your code. The method tagged with #Evaluate is called to evaluate the expression. Maybe something like:
public boolean evaluate(#Named("com.example.client.configuration.adminMenuActive") String active)
return Boolean.valueOf(active);
Using this makes it much easier to see what is happening.

How to make Eclipse enabledWhen expression work for selection in non-focused view?

I have a handler which is connected to a menu contribution and a command. The menu contribution adds a button to a view and I want to have the button enabled depending on a selection in the Debug view.
So here's the expression:
commandId=" com.example.mycommand">
This works absolutely fine to the point where the Debug view has focus, meaning that if I select the element in the Debug view, the added button in a separate view is also enabled (as desired). As soon as I click on the view where I added the button via the menu contribution, then it's suddenly disabled (I guess because the selection is empty even though it's still selected; but the Debug view has no focus). How can I make this work so that the selection is still considered independently of the Debug view's focus state?
(You appear to be asking a DSF specific question, which has a different answer to the "general" case your title refers to. As such this answer probably solves your problem, but may not solve the general case.)
A complete example of extending DSF-GDB is provided in the CDT source repo in the org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf.gdb bundle.
That example defines a new command org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf.gdb.command.showVersion:
<!-- Example showing how to add a custom command with toolbar/menu contributions with DSF.
The example command id is org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf.gdb.command.showVersion.
In this example, when run it will display the version of GDB that is connected. -->
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.commands">
description="Show the GDB Version in a pop-up"
name="Show GDB Version">
It goes on to show how to contribute the command to the menus with the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point. Then binds the command to a command handler with the org.eclipse.ui.handlers extension point.
Up until this point, DSF behaves the same as "normal" commands. But in DSF (using the retargettable command infrastructure provided by platform debug), the handler is not directly the command you are trying to run, but is a subclass of DebugCommandHandler.
DSF then can bind that command, using adapters to the concrete command implementation, depending on what the selected debug session in the Debug view is. In the show version case, this is GdbShowVersionHandler (implementation of IDebugCommandHandler). The handler has a canExecute which can connect to the back end if needed (gdb) to see if the current selection is applicable. The canExecute receives something that can be converted into a DSF context object like this:
private Optional<ICommandControlDMContext> getContext(final IDebugCommandRequest request) {
if (request.getElements().length != 1 || !(request.getElements()[0] instanceof IDMVMContext)) {
return Optional.empty();
final IDMVMContext context = (IDMVMContext) request.getElements()[0];
ICommandControlDMContext controlDmc = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context.getDMContext(),
if (controlDmc != null)
return Optional.of(controlDmc);
return Optional.empty();
PS I added this example to CDT to help another extender a while back. The conversation on cdt-dev may be useful too? This was all added initially for this bug, with its associated gerrit which pulls all the changes for adding a new command into one place.

mark file as active - eclipse plugin

i wrote a plugin for a eclipse that let user creating my own type of project , the template of the project have some configuration files and I want to give the user the option to chose which one will be active, it's mean which one i will use when i will compile the project, i add an action of this files that let the user set it as active, my question is if there is any way to mark it in the package explorer(maybe bold ar with some border) as active so when user look at this he can know which one is the active now
You can use the decorator extension point org.eclipse.ui.decorators. Add this to your plugin.xml:
label="Active Build Configuration Decorator"
Provide implementation in your MyDecoratorClass (or whatever name you choose) to check your project's active config and either adding text, or images. Perhaps have something like this: []
Whenever a user makes a modification that requires you to update the decorators so that the latest changes can be decorated you can use this:
// the resource whose properties changed and needs to be re-decorated
IResource resource = ...;
IDecoratorManager manager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDecoratorManager();
IBaseLabelProvider decorator = manager.getBaseLabelProvider("");
if (decorator != null)
((ILabelProviderListener) manager).labelProviderChanged(new LabelProviderChangedEvent(decorator, resource));

change the command ids default handler

I need to change the command id's default handler . For example RestartWorkbenchHandler's command id is org.eclipse.ui.file.restart. So when we give the command is org.eclipse.ui.file.restart it will call the RestartWorkbenchHandler.
Now I wanted to restrict not to call the RestartWorkbenchHandler instead it should call my own Handlers when I give the org.eclipse.ui.file.restart. How do I do that?
That handler is provided as the default handler (priority==0) for that command. AFAIK, though, the ID is org.eclipse.ui.file.restartWorkbench.
You can override it by providing another handler with a higher priority. You can use org.eclipse.ui.handlers:
<handler class="org.example.YourResetHandler"
<with variable="activeWorkbenchWindow">
<instanceof value="org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow"/>
Or you can simply register another handler in your ActionBarAdvisor while making legacy actions:
IHandlerService srv = (IHandlerService) window.getService(IHandlerService.class);
srv.activateHandler(IWorkbenchCommandConstants.FILE_RESTART, new YourRestartHandler());

Eclipse RCP menus & actions: Configure or code?

This is a general question but my current problem revolves around menu handling.
In a normal plugin with contributes menu actions you would configure ActionSets etc in the plugin.xml configuration. This is obviously sensible.
I am working on a RCP application (actually RAP) and I'm wondering if it's worth the effort to configure everything via plugin.xml. My plugin does not have to interact with an other unknown plugins so, theoretically, I have control. I can add menus and actions programmatically.
I have been trying to configure a menu which contains a submenu. I have tried defining ActionSets and linking one inside the other but without success. Some items need to be disabled depending on the user role.
I figure I could have coded the whole lot in a few minutes but I'm not sure if that fits with the eclipse 'ethos'.
What opinions are out there? The application will get fairly big so I'd like to get the approach right from the start. Perhaps someone can point me at an example for configuring a nested menu :-)
My opinion is that the plugin.xml implementation is the way to go.
My main two reasons for using this method:
It's really easy to reconfigure and reorganize the menus and buttons without writing java code.
Very clear hierarchical visualization of the menu trees.
Here is a code snippet that implements menus and submenus. In this example, they are added to the main menu.
You can paste this into your plugin.xml:
name="Main Menu Contributions"
label="Select All"
label="Select All Submenu"
label="Delete submenu"
For activating/deactivating a menu, you have to use Core Expressions to enable/disable command handlers. If a command doesn't have any active handlers attached, it will be disabled. So, the menu item that calls that command will also be disabled.
The following code snippets show how to create a button on the toolbar of a view and have it be enabled/disabled depending of a variable's value. Bare in mind that you will have to change some things in this code to make it work. Most of the changes are for reference names and class implementation.
Create the button in the toolbar (plugin.xml):
name="View Toolbar Contributions"
label="Pause Playback Sound"
Create the command (plugin.xml):
name="Pause sound command"
name="Pause Sound">
Create the command handler (plugin.xml):
Create the state variable for the command (plugin.xml):
Implement the class that changes the variable's state:
public class CommandState extends AbstractSourceProvider {
public final static String STATE = "";
public final static String STOPPED = "STOPPED";
public final static String PLAYING = "PLAYING";
public final static String PAUSED = "PAUSED";
public final static String NOT_LOADED = "NOT_LOADED";
enum State {
private State curState = State.NOT_LOADED;
public void dispose() {
public String[] getProvidedSourceNames() {
return new String[] { STATE };
// You cannot return NULL
public Map getCurrentState() {
Map map = new HashMap(1);
if (curState == State.PLAYING)
map.put(STATE, PLAYING);
else if (curState == State.STOPPED)
map.put(STATE, STOPPED);
else if (curState == State.PAUSED)
map.put(STATE, PAUSED);
return map;
public void setPlaying() {
fireSourceChanged(ISources.WORKBENCH, STATE, PLAYING);
public void setPaused() {
fireSourceChanged(ISources.WORKBENCH, STATE, PAUSED);
public void setStopped() {
fireSourceChanged(ISources.WORKBENCH, STATE, STOPPED);
public void setNotLoaded() {
fireSourceChanged(ISources.WORKBENCH, STATE, NOT_LOADED);
More details on how to implement these features can be found at these locations:
Eclipse Commands Tutorial
Limiting Visibility of Commands
For Eclipse there are two different ways to contributing to the Workbench: Actions and Commands.
I definitely recommend the Commands as the newer and more advanced than Actions.
The drawbacks of Actions as specified here (1):
The UI and handling are always tied. There is no way you can separate each other
While Actions can be contributed to different parts of the workbench (popup menu/tool bar), all of them were different extension points and so you end up duplicating the XML in multiple places. The worst of it is that not all the extension points expect the same configuration.
Specifying Actions in multiple places is a maintenance nightmare. If you have to change the icon of an action, you need to change in all the places.
Another issue with duplicating Actions in plugin.xml is that multiple instance of the same Actions will be created in the memory
(1) Actions vs Commands
If you are writing the RCP application, the good practice is to create the place holders in your ActionBarAdvisor. While that would define the basic structure of your menus and toolbars, you can extend menuContributions and using commands to contribute the actual menu/tool items.
For adding actions in RCP you can also use ApplicationActinBarAcvisor.It is more easy than the above mentioned solution
In this u just have to first declare the action as an object of IWorkbenchAction, then in method "protected void makeActions(IWorkbenchWindow window)" u can register it.
And the last step is to add it into menu.
Following code will help u out.
1.First declare the action :-
private IWorkbenchAction newAction
2.Registering action :-
protected void makeActions(IWorkbenchWindow window) {
newAction = ActionFactory.NEW_WIZARD_DROP_DOWN.create(window);
3.Last step is to add the action in menu:-
MenuManager filemenu = new MenuManager("&File", "file");
You can also add the action in toolbar as follows:-
protected void fillCoolBar(ICoolBarManager coolBar) {
IToolBarManager toolbar = new ToolBarManager(coolBar.getStyle());