how to load data from an external database into an iPhone app - swift

Basically what I want to do I be able to enter in data on a website, and have it appear on an iPhone app, so I want it to send the data to my iPhone, and store it so that every time i open the app, it will re load the data and put it on the screen. How can I go about this?

You will need a backend-side to your app. If you don't have any experience with backend-developing, I would recommend taking a look at or other similar backend providers. They give you a server-solution without having to develop it yourself.
Good luck, and welcome to SO!


What’s the best way to load content in an iOS app?

I am working on an iOS wallpapers app that lets users explore interesting wallpaper images. I am not sure, however, what the best way to load the images is. I would be most comfortable with a server less approach, as I would not have to worry about server upkeep. However, this means I’d have to include all the images in the app package which would be very heavy and not easy to add new content. I assume I will need to go the server route but am looking for a push in the right direction as to which service I should use, how much it will cost, and if I can support millions of users out of the gate. I am comfortable with Firebase but am not sure if that is the best option. Please help!
In your case keeping static images in your app sounds like a bad idea, for the reasons you listed. For a small project using Firebase Realtime Database or Cloud Firstore along with the Storage module would probably be the safest approach.
If you haven't already check out the Kingfisher (iOS) and Piccaso (Android) libraries to handle the image downloads.

How to cache whole webpage in ios 4 and above

I am new to iphone development. I would like to know how to do the caching in ios 4 and above??
I got many answers but right now I get confused and don't know from where to start.
In my project, I am doing http request and displaying results using UIWebView
Here,I want to cache the http data. So next time when application starts again then It will reload the data from the cache.
how to cache the webpage data in IOs 4 and above?
I have done with caching of whole web page using ASIHTTPRequest. I go through the ASIHTTPRequest: here is a link to it.
You will have to make use of Core Data to store your data locally by modeling your data in it. You will need to go through the core data programming guide: here is a link to it.
After you have understood for how to store your data, you will able to easily able to load this when your app starts the next time.
Im not sure of how to store the web view's data as an html page locally, though that can be an alternative approach too.
I hope it helps you!!! Cheers!!

Is it possible for a mobile webpage to capture a picture?

Assuming you built a page for each specific mobile browser (Android/iOS/BB/etc.), is it possible to have a web application capture an image and send it to the server for processing?
I'd like there to be "Nothing to install" for my application, but if I need to reach out to the hardware at all, I fear it's not possible.
There is the Video Capture API but I have no idea how widely spread addoption is at present and it is very new.
IF this api isn't avalible there isn't really much you can do other then asking users to upload it using a standard file upload and them to take the picture before hand.
This is one area that a native application would be far far better as intergeneration would be easier and more seamless for the user.

iPhone App with Web Service Access

I have been asked to write a compliment website/service for an iPhone app.
The app creates images. The author wants these images to be uploaded onto the server, into their personal storage area. These images need to be able to be pulled down to the iPhone later for editing. The user will be able to use the website as well to see these images.
I have yet to decide (or understand) what the best way of implementing this would be. And with no experience with iPhone development I have no idea what it can actually handle.
Uploading and downloading images is trivial using NSURL and associated classes. You just open the URL, write/read the file and you're done.
See The URL Loading System to get started.

When to persist data in iPhone application?

I'm currently creating an iPhone app where in one part of my app you can view your twitter stream. I'm unsure if I need to ever save the twitter information to a sqlite database or not.
So here is the flow of this part of the app:
press button to see twitter stream
go get twitter stream
display twitter stream in table view
I'm wondering if I should ever save the twitter stream into a database. Any advice?
I would say you should save the twitter stream. You should almost always try to save some application state in an iPhone app. This way, if the user is interrupted (a phone call) they can jump back into your app without missing a beat.
There are a few different ways to persist data in an iPhone app. Instead of bothering with using a SQLite database you will almost certainly want to use Core Data, which is new in iPhone OS 3.0
If you won't ask the user to provide his/her twitter credentials and it will be an anonymous stream, you don't need to store anything.
But the minute you want to store some preferences, actual state (to show the user what he/she was seeing when a phone call came or after application restart) you will need to store persistent data.
I think it's important to cache web data. With a cache, you can present data immediately on app startup - this is important on the iPhone OS because users are constantly opening and closing apps. Having your data immediately available is a big win for the user.
You can make the caching very simple, just have a single table with the URL as one column and the HTTP response as a second. Then you don't have to change any of your code to make the caching happen.
Alternatively, you will need to define a data model and manage that through CoreData or sqlite.