CQ Dialog: Possible to provide placeholder in text? - aem

We have a requirement wherein a section of a page will be part authorable and part dynamic. What I mean by this is "You have 6 visits left out of 16." The 6 and 16 in the sentence are coming from a REST service call but the text "You have...visits left out of.." has to be authorable through dialog. Also, we are using AEM 6.
Thanks in advance

Maybe this solution will help others looking for simple placeholder text for their dialog textfields (OP not so much). Use an emptyText attribute...
<dialogText fieldLabel="AEM CLassic UI Text" jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget"
name="./nameOfText" emptyText="THIS IS THE PLACEHOLDER" xtype="textfield"/>

Perhaps you can start by extending foundation/components/text, where the user would be expected to enter a valid formatable string (i.e. "You have %d visits left out of %d").
In your component you would be implementing text.jsp therefore overriding the default behavior of foundation/components/text, in which you can do something like
<cq:text property="text" escapeXml="true"
placeholder="<%= Placeholder.getDefaultPlaceholder(slingRequest, component, null)%>"
tagClass="myformatedmessage" />
You use tagName and tagClass which will wind up putting the formattable text in a <span class="myformatedmessage">...</span>. Then use jQuery to find it and populate the format placeholders after getting the data via ajax. All that jQuery code you can probably put into a clientlib folder within the same component you extended.

Based on your description, I think you are looking for replacement or substitution instead of placeholders.
"placeholder" generally refers to display text inside a form input that is displayed until the user enters data in the field (such as hint data).
You generally have 3 options for replacing parts of the data:
Server-side (prevents page from being cacheable in dispatcher). Requires parsing authored content & replace some kind of tags with desired REST data, such as "You have ${x} visits left out of ${y} total". Other ways of "tagging" substitution data could look like "You have %x% visits left out of %y%"
client-side JavaScript DOM manipulation once REST data returns. ie $el.html(newDomContentString)
client-side JavaScript templates (handlebars, dust, etc). Takes more initial setup in JS, but generally scales better.


What do you call input class="gLFyf" vs input.gLFyF (vocabulary help needed)

In Chrome DevTools, the element tab shows the constructed DOM and I can click on elements in the DOM which also highlights the element on the page. Image of both versions shown in DevTools
If the DOM shows:
<input class="gLFyf">
Then the page highlight will show:
I realise these are two ways of writing the same thing, I also realise the former is HTML style and the latter follows CSS conventions. However, I lack the vocabulary to properly refer to either.
What do I call each format?
Eg. would it make sense to refer to <input class="gLFyf"> as HTML syntax and input.gLFyF as CSS syntax? Is there a more widely accepted way to differentiate and name them?
gLFyf is the name of the class which is an attribute that can be referred to in the stylesheet to match styles with elements of that class on the page.
A class leads with a period (.) - whereas an ID would lead with a hash (#).
So .gLFyf is a class.
And #gLFyf would be an ID.
It is a class, whether viewing HTML markup or the DOM inspector. They both refer to the same thing as you already state.
This may be of some use/reference.

Content altered in HTL/ Sightly in AEM 6

This is the weirdest issue I've ever faced in a long time. I have a URL that is authored inside a multifield. The URL has an underscore eg. http://example.net/_pinkPanther_is_pink it is currently inside ${item.link}
When I do Click <br> ${item.link} and inspect, it renders as
<br> http://example.net/_pinkPanther_is_pink
If you notice both values are coming from the same variable in Sightly still when the link is used inside href of anchor tag there is double underscore added by God know who after example.net/
Does anybody have a clue as to what on earth is going on ?
That's caused by the display context aware XSS protection. Sightly/HTL automatically detects the display context of a HTL expression, using its location within the structure of the HTML page to detect it.
For example, if the expression appears in a place that would produce a text once rendered, then it is said to be in a text context. If it is found within the value of an attribute, then it is said to be in an attribute context, and so forth. More about contexts in the htl specification page.
In your example, the implicit context inside the href attribute is uri while in the later case is text.
In order to overwrite this behaviour, you may explicitly set the context like href="${item.link # context='text'}.

Pre-populating form fields with model data in Sightly/HTL

I've tried all the HTL context parameters (even 'unsafe'). When I inspect the input, I can see the value intact, but you can't see the value pre-populated in the field. I tried different types of values, different contexts, and different types of input fields. [AEM 6.2]
<input type="email" name="senderEmail" value="${userProfile.email # context='text'}"/>
If the value is rendered in page source and also visible in browser inspector, could it be that it's hidden by some weird CSS? Something like color:transparent
There are many possible causes. I'll pitch in one, to help get you thinking. Is userProfile available via the use api?
I've made this mistake before:
<div data-sly-use.bean="com.beans.Bean">
// ... other code
The "Bean" isn't available later, outside it's host element.
If I understand your question correctly this isn't actually about HTL, but rather about the HTML input element itself. You have an input element with a value attribute set, yet that value is not displaying in the box. If that's correct, then I'd recommend doing some investigation around HTML input value not displaying when set, rather than sightly context issues.
Some possible answer would include css styles hiding the input text or javascript clearing out the values after page load. There are certainly more potential causes, but we'd need to know more about your page to provide a better answer.
To do some of your investigation you can try loading a component with only that input in it and see if that works, that would eliminate any css or js executing elsewhere on the page.

How can we get value from DOM Properties in JMeter?

I'm trying to record a scenario of SAP CRM.
But I have a problem due to that everytime I login SAP CRM generates a new hashed token and will be used in URL like below:
See Image 1 Here
I tried to check where is the information stored, and in firebug and I found it in DOM tab:
See Image 2 Here
Is there any way to get the value from this DOM Properties using Jmeter?
Usually the choices are in:
CSS/JQuery Extractor
XPath Extractor
Regular Expression Extractor
Choose the one, you're most familiar with. Usually it is Regular Expression Extractor, however parsing HTML with regular expressions is not a good idea, moreover you will be very sensitive to DOM changes (part of the element goes to next line, attributes change positions, etc.).
So I would recommend choosing between CSS and XPath, but choose them wisely. I.e. if the number of styles on the page is not too big - go for CSS, if there are a lot of styles but the DOM itself is not very complicated - choose XPath.

XSS- Cross-Site Scripting: DOM issue

Fortify scan caught this below error as critical. can some please help ?
switchcontent.loadpage=function(page_request, header){
var innercontent=document.getElementById(header.id.replace("-title", "")) //Reference content container for this header
innercontent.innerHTML=switchcontent_ajax_msg //Display "fetching page message"
if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){
what change would be needed to fix this code for avoiding XSS ? Any help is greatly appreciated. thank you.
In the responseText are HTML tags inserted or is it just text you want to insert/change? s a rule of thumb always sanitize/encode all user input and output that is generated from user input. If it's only text that you're inserting use document.createTextNode (example) and append the text to the element's needed (always encoded also), I would recomend using jQuery .text() as with pure javascript it's kind of cumbersome. If it's HTML that is needed to be inserted be sure it's not user input as this is a vulnerability. If the text needs to be from a user use a whitelist to check that the user is only writing tags that you are expecting for example <p></p>.
Fortify treats this as a vulnerability because if a user sends in the responseText <script>alert('XSS')</script> the page will render this as HTML and the script will be executed if you encode this it would just appear as text and not be executed, not only scripts can be executed but HTML will be rendered also and deform your page. You can read more in: OWASP DOM Prevention Sheet
2: If it's just text create text nodes and append them to the element to make this easier use jQuery if possible function .text() not .html() as the .htlm() function will render the HTML.
3: If it's user generated HTML sanitize malicious tags agains a WHITELIST you can do blacklist but blacklists are not that safe as there are always tags you could forget to check against.
4: If the HTML is server generated and has not user input you should be fine.
5: Know that Fortify is just a scanning tool and it has false positives, so if you have the right countermeasures you should be XSS free.
Whitelisting: Checking agains a list of available tags. Only letting tags that you know the user can use like <p></p><br/>.
Blacklisting: Checking against a list of "not welcome" tags. This means having a list with tags you don't want to let the user use.