not only show eclipse plugin popup within package explorer - eclipse

I'm pretty new to eclipse plugin development but it's working fine so far except the part that my plugin does only show in java or plugin development perspective.
this is related to the following locationURI:
an other perspective uses "Navigator" for example therefore my plugin does not show.
how am I able to make it visible in Navigator (don't know the locationURI for it) and Project Explorer too (popup:org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer#PopupMenu) ?

to contribute to any popup menu which has an 'additions' position.


Eclipse plugin development implementation

I work with Eclipse and PyDev plugin.
I want to develop a plugin which adds to the main menu (where File is located), an item "my own custom menu" which contains in it another menu items.
According to some examples, I eventually implemented it by using the extension point of org.eclipse.ui.actionSets.
My goal is when item of "my custom menu" is clicked, it should invoke Eclipse functionality.
for example:
"my custom menu" has menu item called "open new pyDev project".
When "open new pyDev project" is clicked, I want to open the pyDev project creation window that manually is opened by clicking the following Eclipse menu items: File->new->other->PyDev->PyDev Project.
I searched quite a lot and couldn't find the way to do it.
Does someone know how to achieve my goal?
What you want to do is implement a workbench wizard that will add them to the set of workbench wizards; then you can add a perspective extension to add it the the corresponding menu generically.
You have to look up the perspective ID you are using with PyDev, but this is the recommended way to add new wizard items to the corresponding menu.

Eclipse comes with windowbuilder, which wizard should I start with?

I just find out that windowbuilder comes with the original Eclipse package. There are project palette, application window, japplet, jdialog, jdialog, jframe, jinternalframe, jpanel, swing automatic databinding. Which one should I start with and how to learn more?
For Eclipse IDE, Window Builder is one more Editor for handling java source files.
So you should be able to open all java classes with it. Right click on any java class and select open with menu option. You should see "WindowBuilder Editor" as an option there.
Note that this editor may not show any content in Design or Bindings tab for any non-GUI classes (e.g. interfaces).

Hide menus contributed by other plugin

My eclipse rcp application depends on a set of eclipse plugins, after I add them as dependency, the "Run" and "Search" menu appear in the main menu bar.
Which plugin contains these two menu contribution ?
How Can I hide the menu, while I still need the plugin which contribute the menu ?
You could try to use activities and contexts, as described in the Eclipse Help
Which plugin contains these two menu contribution ?
You can use Shift-Alt-F2 and then click the menu (inside your IDE, not your RCP app) to find out the menu id and thereby get a good idea of which plugin contributes it.

Eclipse outline view and Spring Roo

When using spring-roo within STS I do not see AspectJ generated functions in the outline view.
Is this possible at all?
Update: it seams that this is an issue with my STS installation or with my project since this feature is working at a colleages machine. So I have to find out why it is not working on my machine (current STS installed, Java 7).
Find a triangle in the top right of the package explorer, click it and a contextual menu will appear. Select "Filters..." and you'll see a window that allows you to select filters for Java elements.
Find in the central pane the option "Hide generated Spring Roo ITDs"
The next time the selection will appear directly under the triangle, so you can switch the filter faster.
In new versions: Project Explore > Working Set Menu (triangle in the top right of the package explorer) -> Customize View , find for "Hide generated Spring Roo ITDs" unselect it.
good luck

GWT compile button in Eclipse

A simple question :
I am using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo and have updated the GWT (2.4) Eclipse plugin.
Now I can't find the GWT compile button in the main toolbar.
Previously there was this symbol in the main toolbar ,
but after the update, this button has disappeared and the compile action has been moved as a submenu entry into the "Google Services and Development Tools", represented in the main toolbar by this symbol .
Is there a way to add the GWT compile button to the main toolbar or to specify a shortcut?
It's really exhausting to click on the "Google Services and Development Tools" to reach the compile submenu entry :-)
Highlight your project
right-click on it
go down in the dropdown menu to "Google"
The submenu of "Google" will have the "GWT Compile" button
In Eclipse Juno, GWT Compile option is located on the toolbar underneath the Google logo as seen here:
There is no key binding in Eclipse Juno for GWT Compile. That seems to be something the plugin could provide, but does not.
You can add a button for any command to the toolbar by go to Window -> Customize Perspective and exploring the dialog there. You may need to enable things using the Command and Menu visibility and then in the first tab you can add the buttons to the toolbar.
I don't know of a way to add the toolbar item back, but you can run the compiler via keyboard shortcut:
Debug Compile GWT Application, Alt+Shift+D, C
Run Compile GWT Application, Alt+Shift+X, C
You can also customize the keyboard shortcut if you wish, by going to Window->Preferences->Keys.
If you want to compile a GWT application, you should install the Google plugin. Here are the links.