I have two views in eclipse one is my custom defined view and other is project explorer view, I want my wizard to get enabled in project explorer view but it has to be disabled in my custom view
how can i achieve this, please help
thanks in advance
I want to achieve something during run time.
I have a customized editor plugin. Now, what I want is whenever someone opens this editor, there should be a view displayed in bottom folder no matter what the current perspective is.
What I meant from above is, say currently "Java" perspective is shown on active page , so whenever someone opens my custom editor, I want to add a view in bottom folder(where we see "Problems" tab). Similarly, for any current perspective, my view should get rendered as soon as my custom editor is opened.
I know about initial layout and adding a place holder view, but I can not add place holder to each and every perspective. I want this to work for any perspective opened.
Can someone please suggest workaround for this ?
Thanks in Advance !
Netbeans is not showing source tab, please help.
I had the same problem and I had to delete the Netbeans Cache and User Directory. Once I did it worked fine.
you will find the cach in the path: C:\Users"user_name"\AppData\Roaming\Netbeans
delete all files in this folder
It may be that for some reason the layout changed. I am not very familiar with NetBeans but I presume that there is an option to reset the layout under
Window -> Reset Windows
Hope this helps!
As of now you are viewing Project view. You have to click on Files then you will be able to see what you want to see. :)
or still not visible follow following steps :
User selects main menu Window.
User clicks menu item Reset Windows and all views are reset to their defaults.
Choose from IDE menu bar, Next to FILE---EDIT--VIEW---and then go to View option-- select show editor option
show "Editor Tool bar"(put tick mark to select)
I'm creating a simple eclipse application which will contain only views. I've chosen to use only views so users can arrange and stack their views however they like (since editors and views cannot be stacked together). There also isn't any need for a traditional "editor" and I don't want the editor space always showing. But, enough about my decision to use only views.
I was wondering if there is a way for a view to contribute to the main menu for the application? For example, can switching views cause the main application menu to change?
You can use the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point and set your command to only be visible when the view is active.
In admin , main menu is not displaying from menu manager but other menus like footer menu and header menu are displaying / working.
Has it been created? Was it accidentally deleted?
You may be able to recreate it - or go into the module manager and make sure that there's the appropriate module for it!
I need to remove the name/shortcut of the view which I have created from the Window->Show View menu and add them as a separate menu.
Is there any way to hide/remove its entry from Window->Show View menu.
You can add/remove any view from the "Show View" menu from the Customize Perspective / Menu Visibility tab:
To do the same thing programmatically would imply to follow the same course of action than the class org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.CustomizePerspectiveDialog, and look into the method okPressed() for instance:
Vlad Ilie mentions in the comments:
as I only needed for the View to be completely inaccessible via usual GUI, activities were enough for me as per this blog post "eEclipse Activities – Hide / Display certain UI elements":
This would mean that programmatically the WorkbenchActivitySupport.setEnabledActivityIds(String[]) method can be used to enable or disable views after they've been introduced into an activity.
I would suggest you to go to window->Preferences or customize perspective. I think this is place from where we can controls the menu's to be displayed.