How to get e-mail address of current Jenkins user to use in groovy script - email

I've created a groovy script for the new Jenkins Workflow Plugin, I want it to send a mail to the user who started the job when it needs input for the next step. I've tried to search the API but I can't find anything about getting the users email address.
I would think of something like this.
import hudson.model.User
def user = User.current()
def mailAddress = user.getMailAddress()
Is there a way to get the current Jenkins user' address in groovy?

I found a way:
import hudson.model.AbstractProject
import hudson.tasks.Mailer
import hudson.model.User
def item = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem(env.JOB_NAME)
def build = item.getLastBuild()
def cause = build.getCause(hudson.model.Cause.UserIdCause.class)
def id = cause.getUserId()
User u = User.get(id)
def umail = u.getProperty(Mailer.UserProperty.class)
print umail.getAddress()

You can access the object of the current user with the method current()
def user = hudson.model.User.current();
The email address can be retrieved in the same way as to what you have done in your answer.
print user.getProperty(hudson.tasks.Mailer.UserProperty.class).getAddress();

import hudson.tasks.Mailer;
import hudson.model.User;
import hudson.model.Cause;
import hudson.model.Cause.UserIdCause;
def cause = build.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause)
def id = cause.getUserId()
User u = User.get(id)
def umail = u.getProperty(Mailer.UserProperty.class)
print umail.getAddress()

If you have access to the build variable in the Java code of your plugin (for instance in the setUp() method of the class that extends BuildWrapper), you can get the currently logged user this way :
public MyJenkinsPlugin setUp(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener)
String connectedUser = build.getCause(Cause.UserIdCause.class).getUserId();
String mail = User.get(connectedUser.getProperty(hudson.tasks.Mailer.UserProperty.class).getEmailAddress()
I have not been able to get the logged user using User.current().getId(), it always returned me 'SYSTEM'.
Hope it helps!

You can get the author name and then use it for an example on a mailing registry or something like that:
def author = ""
def changeSet = currentBuild.rawBuild.changeSets
for (int i = 0; i < changeSet.size(); i++)
def entries = changeSet[i].items;
for (int i = 0; i < changeSet.size(); i++)
def entries = changeSet[i].items;
def entry = entries[0]
author += "${}"
print author;

You can use the following routine:
import hudson.tasks.Mailer;
import hudson.model.User;
* Get user's email
* #param id null for a user who triggered the current build or name otherwise
* #return user's email
def getUserEmail(String id=null) {
User user = User.getById(id ?: currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(Cause.UserIdCause).getUserId(), false)


How do I explicitly specify language of email I want to send?

I have a custom user model that have a preferred_language field. I want all the emails (activation and password reset) to be sent translated to the language that user specified in profile.
class CustomUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
(1, "English"),
(2, "Русский")
preferred_language = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=LANGUAGE_CHOICES, default=2,
verbose_name=_("Preferred language"))
I thought about setting custom email class but didn't saw in navive djoser's classes any points where I could explicitly set the language of outcome emails despite of ready-to-be-translated style of email templates:
class ActivationEmail(BaseEmailMessage):
template_name = 'email/activation.html'
def get_context_data(self):
context = super(ActivationEmail, self).get_context_data()
user = context.get('user')
context['uid'] = utils.encode_uid(
context['token'] = default_token_generator.make_token(user)
context['url'] = settings.ACTIVATION_URL.format(**context)
return context
Reset password view (which's refference is settings.EMAIL.activation used in ActivationEmail class above):
class ResetPassword(ActionViewMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
def send_password_reset_email(self, user):
context = {'user': user}
to = [get_user_email(user)]
settings.EMAIL.password_reset(self.request, context).send(to)
def send_activation_email(self, user):
context = {'user': user}
to = [get_user_email(user)]
settings.EMAIL.activation(self.request, context).send(to)
In your case I would use the override context manager that stores the current language on enter (in order to sent the email) and restores it on exit.
from django.utils import translation
def send_password_reset_email(self, user):
context = {'user': user}
to = [get_user_email(user)]
lang_code = user.lang_code # retrieve user's language code here
with translation.override(lang_code):
settings.EMAIL.password_reset(self.request, context).send(to)
def send_activation_email(self, user):
context = {'user': user}
to = [get_user_email(user)]
lang_code = user.lang_code # retrieve user's language code here
with translation.override(lang_code):
settings.EMAIL.activation(self.request, context).send(to)

mongoengine connection and multiple databases

I have 2 databases I want to query from, but I only get results from one. I'm using mongoengine with python and graphene (it's my first time). I've exhausted my search and I don't understand how I can resolve this issue. Here is my code:
import graphene
from mongoengine import Document, connect
from mongoengine.context_managers import switch_collection
from mongoengine.fields import (
from graphene_mongo import MongoengineObjectType
from mongoengine.connection import disconnect
class UserModel(Document):
meta = {"collection": "users"}
userID = UUIDField()
first_name = StringField()
last_name = StringField()
class Users(MongoengineObjectType):
class Meta:
model = UserModel
class UsersQuery(graphene.ObjectType):
users = graphene.List(Users)
user = graphene.Field(Users, userID=graphene.UUID())
def resolve_users(self, info):
db = connect("users")
users = list(UserModel.objects.all())
return users
def resolve_user(self, info, userID):
return UserModel.objects(userID=userID).first()
users_schema = graphene.Schema(query=UsersQuery)
import graphene
from mongoengine import Document, connect
from mongoengine.fields import StringField, UUIDField
from graphene_mongo import MongoengineObjectType
from mongoengine.connection import disconnect
class Workout(Document):
meta = {"collection": "workouts"}
workoutID = UUIDField()
workout_label = StringField()
class Workouts(MongoengineObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Workout
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
workouts = graphene.List(Workouts)
workout = graphene.Field(Workouts, workoutID=graphene.UUID())
def resolve_workouts(self, info):
db = connect("workouts")
wks = list(Workout.objects.all())
return wks
def resolve_workout(self, info, workoutID):
return Workout.objects(workoutID=workoutID).first()
workouts_schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
Now when I have my python server up, mongod running I can hit the /workouts and it will return the array I need. But /users will not return the results.
I get no errors, nothing is wrong with my graphene query.
I can only get one of the queries to work at once.
I have tried using alias, not closing the connections, declaring the connect at the top level even before class UserModel or Workout.
If each of your model is bound to a different database. You should use something like this (cfr docs):
connect('workouts', alias='dbworkouts') # init a connection to database named "workouts" and register it under alias "dbworkouts"
connect('users', alias='dbusers')
class Workout(Document):
meta = {"db_alias": "dbworkouts"}
workoutID = UUIDField()
class UserModel(Document):
meta = {"db_alias": "dbusers"}
userID = UUIDField()

Calling a custom function in Rasa Actions

I am facing a problem in developing a chatbot using rasa .
I am trying to call a custom function in rasa action file. But i am getting an error saying "name 'areThereAnyErrors' is not defined"
here is my action class. I want to call areThereAnyErrors function from run method. Could someone please help how to resolve this?
class ActionDayStatus(Action):
def areThereAnyErrors(procid):
errormessagecursor = connection.cursor()
errormessagecursor.execute(u"select count(*) from MT_PROSS_MEAGE where pro_id = :procid and msg_T = :messageT",{"procid": procid, "messageT": 'E'})
counts = errormessagecursor.fetchone()
errorCount = counts[0]
print("error count is {}".format(errorCount))
if errorCount == 0:
return False
return True
def name(self):
return 'action_day_status'
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
import cx_Oracle
import datetime
# Connect as user "hr" with password "welcome" to the "oraclepdb" service running on this computer.
conn_str = dbconnection
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(conn_str)
cursor = connection.cursor()
dateIndicator = tracker.get_slot('requiredDate')
delta = datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
now =
currentDate = (now - delta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(u"select * from M_POCESS_FILE where CREATE_DATE >= TO_DATE(:createDate,'YYYY/MM/DD') fetch first 50 rows only",{"createDate":currentDate})
all_files = cursor.fetchall()
total_number_of_files = len(all_files)
print("total_number_of_files are {}".format(total_number_of_files))
Answer given by one of the intellectuals : Decide whether you want a static method or class method or instance method and call it appropriately . Also when you are using connection within the function it should be a member variable or passed to the method You dont have self as a parameter so you may be intending it as a static method - but you dont have it created as such

Read message body of an email using Apache Nifi

Is it possible to retrieve the body content of email, email header details and email attachments in Single step using Apache Nifi.
If so Please help me how to achieve this.
It is not possible in a single step unless you write your own processor or script (using ExecuteScript or InvokeScriptedProcessor). However it is possible in a single flow with something like the following:
ConsumePOP3 -> ExtractEmailHeaders -> ExtractEmailAttachments -> ...
At the end of the flow above, you will have one flow file per attachment, each flow file containing the email headers as attributes and the attachment as the content.
You can use the processor "ExecuteScript", not developing custom processor.
import email
import mimetypes
from email.parser import Parser
from import IOUtils
from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets
from import BufferedReader, InputStreamReader
from org.apache.nifi.processors.script import ExecuteScript
from import InputStreamCallback
from import StreamCallback
class PyInputStreamCallback(InputStreamCallback):
_text = None
def __init__(self):
def getText(self) :
return self._text
def process(self, inputStream):
self._text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
flowFile = session.get()
if flowFile is not None :
reader = PyInputStreamCallback(), reader)
msg = email.message_from_string(reader.getText())
body = ""
if msg.is_multipart():
for part in msg.walk():
ctype = part.get_content_type()
cdispo = str(part.get('Content-Disposition'))
if ctype == 'text/plain' and 'attachment' not in cdispo:
body = part.get_payload(decode=True) # decode
body = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, 'msgbody', body.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
session.transfer(flowFile, ExecuteScript.REL_SUCCESS)
The gist above posted by #Thomas mostly worked for me.
However, there were cases where the multipart mail was multi-level, i.e. one of the parts was also multipart. To address that, you could use this version of the getTextFromMessage method instead:
private String getTextFromMessage(Part part) throws MessagingException, IOException {
String result = null;
if (part.isMimeType("text/plain")){
// If the part is a plaintext message, just return the content as a String
Object content = part.getContent();
if (content instanceof String) {
result = (String)content;
} else if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
// If the part is a multi-part message, iterate over the sub-parts
MimeMultipart mimeMultipart = (MimeMultipart)part.getContent();
int count = mimeMultipart.getCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++){
final BodyPart bodyPart = mimeMultipart.getBodyPart(i);
// Inserted from here...
final String text = getTextFromMessage( bodyPart );
if (text != null) {
result = text;
// Just to be safe...
result = (result != null) ? result : "";
return result;
Note that it is possible that there is not even a "html/plain" part at all in the email, so you may want to think about how to handle that case as well. For instance, you could loop over the parts again to extract the "text/html" part (if it exists) and deal with that, and so on.

grails Objects query when hasMany relationship is NULL

Not able to get the list of Objects when a hasMany attribute is null.
Class User {
List<EMail> emails
static hasMany = [emails: EMail,... ]
static mappedBy = [emails: 'customer',...]
Where Email is another Class with some String Attributes
Now i am trying to make a simple query as:
Method 1:
def users = User.findAllByEmailsIsEmpty()
This is giving Error as:
Queries of type IsEmpty are not supported by this implementation
Method 2:
def users = User.findAllByEmailsIsNull()
This is giving all the users even those have Email object associated with it.
Then I thought of trying Criteria Query ( )
Method 3:
def userCriteria = User.createCriteria()
def users = userCriteria.list(){
sizeEq('emails', 0)
This gives No result ( users.size() is 0 )
Method 4:
def userCriteria = User.createCriteria()
def users = userCriteria.list(){
This again gives all the Users even those who don't have emails.
Method 5:
def userCriteria = User.createCriteria()
def users = userCriteria.list(){
This gives the Error :
Queries of type IsEmpty are not supported by this implementation
Method 6:
def userCriteria = User.createCriteria()
def users = userCriteria.list(){
eq('emails', null)
This again lists down all the users.
PS: Grails is configured with Database as MongoDB.
I would use the grep method. Something like this:
nullEmailUsers = User.list().grep {
User.findAll { != null } do the job!