Disable parenthesis matching in emacs - emacs

When I'm typing in emacs, in particular when I'm editing a LISP file, emacs automatically matches parentheses for me. This would be fine, except that it doesn't let me delete a parenthesis if it would cause a parenthesis imbalance. I suppose there might be people out there who find this a pleasant feature, but to me it's just terrible. I'm fine with it automatically writing a closing parenthesis for me, but I want to be able to delete a parenthesis when I want. It does something similar for quotes as well. This is really obnoxious! How do I stop it?

Emacs doesn't do that by default, that sounds like ParEdit. You might be able to derive from the installation description how to get rid of it.


Unwanted indentation when typing parenthesis

I use Emacs in my Mac OS Terminal. It appears that when I type open (shift+9) or close (shift+0) parenthesis, besides the expected display of parenthesis, it also unexpectedly insert many spaces. I've included the effects before and after I type parenthesis as below:
before typing parenthesis
after typing parenthesis
I'm a newbie to Emacs. So, I'm unsure what the bug is about. Could anyone give me any ideas of how should I proceed to fix this bug? Thanks a lot, guys!
The "ObjC" in the mode-line means that Emacs decided to use the Object-C mode for that buffer. This is likely because the .m file extension is normally the extension used for Objective-C files.
The Objective-C mode by default reindents the current line for you when you hit some punctuation characters like (, {, ; and a few others. You can disable it, of course, but in your case that'd be working around the real problem which is that your file is not written in Objective-C mode, so you should use another mode, which will not only solve this immediate problem, but will give you many other benefits.
I'm not sure what language you're using but I think all you need is one of (or a combination of):
install the Elisp package which provides support for your language (e.g. mathematica-mode)
change the extension of your files to that expected by Emacs for that language.
change auto-mode-alist to tell Emacs which mode to use for files ending in .m, e.g.:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.m\\'" . octave-mode))

New to Emacs. When I type ", \" is automatically inserted

As the title states, I'm relatively new to Emacs. I tried out several starter kits but went with Prelude and changed a lot of things around.
Anyway, I've been getting a good handle on everything...until this morning I was working and I typed double-quotes. Normally Emacs would insert a second double quotes right after ("") due to the auto-completion, but I must have accidentally changed something with a keystroke and now when I type ", I get \"\".
Thank you.
This seems to be an issue with smartparens which prelude installs by default (see the file prelude-programming.el. This behavior is described in detail on smartparens wiki. To ensure that smartparens is causing problems you can can do C-h k" this would print about the command acutally run when " is pressed, if the command is sp--self-insert-command then the following should work
Paste this (setq sp-autoescape-string-quote nil) to your *scratch* buffer, go to the closing parenthesis and do C-xC-e, this will disable the behavior for current emacs session.
To disable the behavior for all future emacs session, assuming that you are using prelude, you will need to add the following to your personal config (basically some file inside /path/to/prelude/personal/).
(setq sp-autoescape-string-quote nil)
This will disable the auto-escaping of the string quotes, completely. If you like this behavior and do not want to disable it completely you can do what #steckerhalter suggests C-q" will insert just one parenthesis.
If the above does not solve the issue then try providing following info in your question which may help us debug the issue,
1) The list minor modes active (this can be obtained by doing C-hm).
2) Output of C-hk"
Hope that helps
this sounds a lot like smartparens (https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens) which is included in Prelude. usually when you are inside "" then it will escape the quotes:
"hahah \"\" bah"
if you want to get a normal " inside quotes you have to use C-q " or disable smartparens with M-x smartparens-mode
If, as you say in a comment, " is bound to self-insert-command, then when you type " what happens is that a (single, unescaped) " character is inserted.
However, I suspect you have some mode turned on that does something additional whenever a " char is inserted. You mention automatic insertion of a second ", for example. That kind of behavior comes from a mode such as is provided by library smart-parens or electric-pair.
And you mention Prelude.
To find out what part of your init file (~/.emacs) is causing the behavior you see, bisect your init file recursively (first comment-out half, to see which half is responsible, then 3/4, to see which quarter is responsible,...). Then, if you still have a question about the responsible code, ask here, providing that info.
When you describe your problem here, it is important to be specific: what Emacs version, what mode(s), what libraries have you loaded,... Whatever might be pertinent. But first narrow down the problem by bisecting your init file to find the culprit.

Why isn't return bound to newline-and-indent by default on emacs

I have tried emacs on and off for a while now and every time I start emacs, I go through the same routine. Customizing. The first one is binding return to newline-and-indent. (g)Vim does this by default. Showing matching parenthesis is also done by default on (g)Vim. It is grea that I can customize emacs to my heart's content but why doesn't emacs have nice and easy defaults? For reference, I am now using Emacs 23 on a RHEL5 box.
Probably because RMS didn't want it, that and because changing long-standing defaults is just an issue of politics. Like vi, Emacs has a hard-core following and basic changes like these are minefields.
Note: if you saved your customizations, then you wouldn't have to re-do them every time...
To have those nice and easy defaults, install Emacs Starter Kit. It enables by default a bunch of useful and convenient features make even the advanced Emacs users more productive.
Otherwise, as TJ pointed out, Emacs Customization Mode (type M-x customize) allows you to save permanently any of the settings. You can even store them in a separate file from your dotemacs―(setq custom-file "~/.emacs-custom.el")―so you can use it in every computer you work on.
The title of your question doesn't really reflect what your question is (and has been answered by Trey and Torok), but I'll tell you why I like it being bound to just newline: useless whitespace. Say you are nested inside a conditional in a function etc. and hit return a couple times to leave a blank line. The blank line now has a bunch of space chars on it. Yes, you can (and I do) remove trailing whitespace before saving, but I also have visual whitespace mode on and I can see it there taunting me.

How to make vscode stop overriding closing parentheses on insertion

When I try to add closing parentheses, it always override the next parentheses to the right.
Here is a screen capture (it looks like I hit the right-key on the keyboard, but I'm actually inserting a new closing parentheses):
Is it possible to change this behavior?
As of version 1.38, the answer is yes, you can turn it off completely, while still keeping the autoclosing brackets.
That version introduced a new setting, editor.autoClosingOvertype, which can take three possible values:
always - always overtype closing parens (the old, classic, Sublime-Text-inspired behavior)
auto - "smart" overtype which tries to detect whether a closing paren was automatically inserted by the editor, and overtypes only those parens (this is the default)
never - never overtype closing parens
The current default behavior was introduced in version 1.37. At that time, there was no setting available, you just got the "smart" overtype behavior no matter what.
I'm leaving the material below for historical purposes.
No, it's not possible (yet), and this is by design. When you are typing brand-new code, and you type an opening bracket, you get the closing bracket automatically (when you have editor.autoClosingBrackets on, of course). Then, when you are finished with typing whatever you want inside those brackets, how are you going to "exit" and leave the closing bracket where it is? The most natural way is to type a closing bracket! Some disagree, but many typists find this much easier than moving their hand all the way out to the arrow keys or mouse to move past it.
Note that this behavior is largely inspired by and modeled after what Sublime Text does.
It may be helpful to understand that the autoclosing brackets feature isn't primarily for saving keystrokes. Rather, its main purpose is to improve the stability of syntax highlighting (which can get wonky when there is an unclosed bracket), and secondarily to help prevent you from forgetting to type the closing bracket. If you happen to navigate away for some other reason without typing it, then congratulations, you do get that bracket for free!
The two simplest options you have if you want to add a bracket (and let me note that in your example, you'd be adding a mismatched bracket) are to either (1) put the cursor after the cluster of closing brackets before you type a new bracket, or (2) put the cursor where you did, but just keep typing closing brackets until a new one is added. In either case, any new brackets will only be added to the end of the cluster.
Update (now obsolete):
For what it's worth, there's now an issue for this on the tracker, as well as a pull request to create a setting which allows you to turn off the "bracket-swallowing". For anyone who is reading this, if it's something you're interested in, you should give your feedback on the pull request.
Further update (now obsolete):
There is currently new code being tested which will make the bracket overtyping more sophisticated. The plan is for the editor to keep track of which brackets have automatically been generated, and only type over those brackets. Once the cursor leaves the bracketed area, the editor stops keeping track of those brackets and they become "full-fledged" characters that can no longer be typed over. Hopefully, this will retain the overtyping where it's useful and get rid of it where it's not. Note that the current plan is for this new behavior to become standard, and to not have a setting to control whether it is in effect.
Try setting:
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "never"
to disable the autoclosing brackets feature entirely.
Vscode has finally fixed this issue, and you don't need to do anything in order to get the new behaviour. Now it will swallow only brackets that were automatically added, so everything works as expected. If you already disabled the autoClosingBrackets option from the settings, it is recommended to turn it on again now.
The way to work with the VSCode original setting is to add new parenthesis at the end of a list of parenthesis.
...if (test === funFunction(data))| /* <- here */ {...
You should be able to type a new parenthesis and it won't override the old one. This doesn't solve your problem, but if you wanted to follow the paradigm that VSCode is using then there you go.
(personally I disable it like the other comments say)
There's another option available now called autoClosingBrackets beforewhitespace. This will overtype an automatically added parenthesis but it will not overtype of there's any characters to the right of that closing parenthesis. This is perhaps a step closer to the OPs intended behavior, it certainly saved me from going totally bald.

How do I get TextMate style quotes in Emacs?

In textmate, when there's a current selection, I hit the " key and the selection gets surrounded by quotes. The same thing happens with other balanced characters like (, {, [ and '.
Am I missing something obvious in Emacs configuration that would enable similar behaviour when using transient mark mode, or do I need to break out elisp and write something?
wrap-region.el from this guy's blog post will do what you're looking for.
Paredit will complete the TextMate-style quoting. When you type one part of a matched pair (quotes, brackets, parentheses, etc), the second will be inserted and the insertion point is moved between them, much like TextMate.
Try http://autopair.googlecode.com
You should check out these older, very similar, questions:
Automatically closing braces in Emacs?
Emacs typeover skeleton-pair-insert-maybe
Although the correct answer is Joao's above; I'm about to go and change my answer to those questions, to point to autopair.