Seeing "Page Not Found" on Activity, Members, Groups & Blogs tabs - plugins

I have installed the latest version of BuddyPress on a WP.
However, the Activity, Members, Groups, and Blogs tabs all show "Page not found" errors. or show me just a title.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
link here

I had a similar issue just now. All of my buddypress pages (register, activate, members, etc.) were giving me a 404 error. I now have all the pages displaying correctly.
I'm using an amazon EC2 instance, with apache2. My buddypress was version 2.2.1 on wordpress 4.1.1.
My first guess was that the URL wasn't rewriting correctly, so I tried all of the options in settings > permalinks.
Each time I reloaded the page I was trying to access and confirmed that my .htaccess file was being rewritten accordingly.
(.htaccess is in the base directory of your wordpress installation. If it isn't being rewritten by saving wordpress' permalinks options, try chmod-ing the permissions:
I found a solution through the permalinks page of the wordpress codex:
There is an option is a file called httpd.conf on my system that disabled the rewrite module in my .htaccess file. (On a linux system this should be in /etc/httpd/conf. On OSX it should be in /etc/apache2.)
By changing my webserver directory AllowOverride option from None to All, the .htaccess file was able to function properly. Again, I found a line in the section of my httpd.conf file that read:
AllowOverride None
and changed it to:
AllowOverride All
Hope this helps.

Try going to settings/permalinks, and just save them again. Often this resolved 'page not found' errors.


Typo3 v9.5 BE login not working after fresh installation

I have installed fresh TYPO3 v9.5 in my local server. After complete installation i open the backed and then try to login with my username and password but every time i getting error. see below screenshot.
I try to search many solution for this but not getting success. I know about Argon2i password Hashing problems for new fresh Typo3 v9 installation. So, i select another password Hashing method via INSTALL TOOL. But still i am getting same error. Sometime i clear whole cache via install tool and open the back end, but when i enter my username and password will getting same error.
Someone help please.
This problem is associate with Apache. In Windows case you have to include in httpd.conf next lines:
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
Last thing you have to take into account with installation in Windows beacuse you should configure ssl in this system, is more easy in a Unix distribution based.
You could follow the tutorial in , the only thing is this written in german.
I uncomment below line in httpd.conf file.
Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
And added below code in httpd-mpm.conf file and it's work fine for me.
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608

TYPO3 Service Unavailable (503)

I installed a copy of a TYPO3 project. So, I'm using an existing TYPO3 database.
When running the home page of the site, I get the 'standard error':
Service Unavailable (503)
The page is not configured! [type=0][]. This means that there is no TypoScript object of type PAGE with typeNum=0 configured.
More information regarding this error might be available online.
which refers to following site:
But when I modify the setup of the template of the root as given in the link. I get an empty page with "HELLO WORLD" and the whole website is gone.
The old root setup code was:
config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0 = page:description = page:keywords
How can I solve this problem without losing the rest of the website? Using TYPO3 8.7
Addition to the db install I also copied the extension folders to the typo3conf/ext folder and edited the PackageStates.php with the path to the extensions.
I see the extensions in the extensions tab the status is 'local'.
1st: make sure you have the correct configuration of all domains (as it is a copy it can not run with the same domain, otherwise you will switch between servers unpredictably.
2nd: enter list mode and look for multiple template records in your web root page. Multiple records will result in ignoring all but one record. maybe you just edit the wrong one. Normally the content is not lost but only inaccessible for the moment.
3rd: have you activated all the extensions which are active in the source installation? especially any site extension, which probably include the configuration for the TypoScript page object.
4th: you can use the TSOB (TypoScript Object Browser) and the template analyzer to view the active or resulting typoscript.

XAMPP - how to set root folder of website in htdocs?

I installed XAMPP and created simple website (a folder 'website' in htdocs folder) that contains a link Info.
If I type localhost/website in browser I get a default homepage. But if I click the link, it goes to localhost/info (which does not exist), instead of localhost/website/info. I could use <a href="/website/info">, but it would be weird to refactor all the links when changing site name.
So what is the usual setting or solution that people uses when developing sites in XAMPP?
You have to change DocumentRoot in httpd.conf file to folder. In your example where you have website directory.
For more sites, you have to have more hosts and then set virtual hosts.
Here is link how to do that in Win. But point is the same in all OS.

In Magento after installing extension Admin panel in unable to load

As I have assigned to work on magento, according to our requirement i tried to install Arabic extension for magento. The extension got successfully installed. Later on refreshing the admin panel, it shows the URL not found. The Stores FrontEnd CMS home page is loading, But when Iclick on any products, it shows again URL not found..
How can i solve this...
When diagnosing things like this, try the following..
Delete (or move to another folder) files in /var/www/var/cache
Delete (or move to another folder) files in /tmp
From a shell, run
/var/www/shell$ php indexer.php --reindexall
You've just manually cleared your caches and re indexed your data.
See if your system comes back to life.
For me I was redirected to wrong URL from MagentoConnect after installation of extension.
My admin URL: <-hostname->/index.php/admin
Redirected To: <-hostname->/admin
I had same issue when I added extension manually. I could find the issue when checked via shell command and it returned missing table error. This is issue happened when I installed module manually.

Expression Engine Site hacked - Locate redirect

I have an Expression Engine website of I try to clean up. The database has been given many new users so it seems the database has been hacked / links added. One mayor issue is that the site when clicked in Google is being bypassed. All visitors are being redirected to another website. Here is the search : . First site is the one in question.. The site they are redirected to is
I have been trying to find this redirect in all files and the database, but I have had no luck. It is not a .htaccess redirect, that I have checked and confirmed. But I have not been able to locate a JScript or PHP redirect in the files nor database as of yet.. Probably well hidden because of a base64 or packed encryption. Ideas?
NB no clean database version available
The redirects are happening from a compromise to your site's .htaccess file, and are only affecting clickthrus from popular search engines. Accessing the site directly has no effect, and helps keep the malware from being detected.
Look for the following code in your site's directory and remove it:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions inherit
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .*(msn|live|altavista|excite|ask|aol|google|mail|bing|yahoo).*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* [R,L]
You may need to view "hidden files" in your FTP client or use ls -al from the command line to view your .htaccess file.
After you've got the problem fixed, you'll want to make sure you're running the most recent version of ExpressionEngine (EE 1.7.1 or EE 2.3.1 as of this writing), as well as any third-party Add-Ons.
Auditing your server's access_logs may help identify the vulnerability that led to the compromise, and looking at the modification timestamp on the files in your website directory.
A variant of this attack has already affected many WordPress installations, whereby a tiny base64_encoded JavaScript snippet was added just before the closing </body> tag, which lead to visitors being served a malware-infected Adobe Flash Player download.
Ask your web host. It seems that incoming visitors with a referrer other than the site are redirected but pasting your website (no referrer) directly into the location bar works.
This question is better off at ServerFault or ITSecurity.