Report on check in/out through sql in MS Project Server - project-server

Is check in/out status recorded in the Reporting Database in Project Server? If so, where?

I don't know that you will find it in the reporting database by design. However, you can look in the drafts database in [draft].[MSP_PROJECTS]. You can query where [Proj_CheckOutBy] is not null. That will show the same list of project as you would see in "Force Check-in Enterprise Projects."
The table name may be different depending on if you are in 2010 or 2013. Above is for 2013, but the names are pretty much the same, just all in one database instead of split into 4.


Assigned To not set on TFS 2012 to Visual Studio Online

I've run multiple migrations for different projects using the Ops Hub Tool, which have all run without any errors but not one of them sets the "Assigned To" field on Work Items. Is there some configuration trick in order to get the "Assigned To" to be set in Visual Studio Online?
I finally figured this out. The projects had previously been migrated from TFS 2008 to TFS 2012 and at that time the User Accounts were recreated. For various reasons errors were encountered when trying to align the identities so the User Accounts have an identical display name but were for identities that were not valid. The TFS Work Items will display the invalid user in the Assigned To field but you wouldn't be able to edit and save the work item until you selected a valid user.
So for the work items that were still set to the invalid identities (all the historic tasks prior to the initial migration) the Assigned To field is not being set. We had a couple of projects that had not been modified since then (and of course I started with those projects) thus it appeared that Assigned To was not being populated at all. I figured out what the problem was when I moved onto a project with more recent activity.

ModX: how to update database without overriding content

I am working on a ModX website (mainly templates but also system settings, user management, etc) while a development website is already online with the customer starting to input the content.
I haven't found a practical solution to push my work online (layouts are stored in the database) without overriding the content input by the customer (in the database as well).
My present workflow consists of first replacing my local modx_site_content table with the one extracted from the online database, then push this hybrid database online. Not practicle, plus I am not sure user changes are confined to modx_site_content only.
There must be a better workflow though! How do you handle this?
I don't think it gets any easier than selecting the tables you need and exporting only those into the live environment. Assuming you only work on templating, the template, snippet & chunk tables are all you need to export.
We usually take a copy, develop, and merge only once when the new features are supposed to go live this minimizes this trouble. Also the client can continue normally until d-day.
If youre doing a lot of snippet work you could always just include an actual php file instead and work with your editor directly towards those files, connect them to git and what not.
If you project is not really big, you can store your chunks/resources, etc. in a separate files (there is and option called "Static Resource"), and then, manage your changes with git. Otherwise, you need to store user data in a separate table and deploy the whole database with Fabric, for example.

How to make a backup of Visual Source Safe before migrating to SVN

I am beset by my lot using VSS 2005 (8.0.50727.42) as source control, which I really struggle to get on with. I am proposing moving to SVN and have found a tool which appears to do the migration along with pulling all the history across - in order to keep my fellows happy. -
(if anyone has had any success or experience with this would be interested to hear your thoughts)
however, in order to make sure this works I would like to do a trial run, but have no idea how to take a backup of the existing VSS in order to do so.. as this tool appears to also deal with changing all the source control bindings in the solution, so if it goes tits up I would probably be beaten..
can I simply make a copy of the folder structure in which the srcsafe.ini resides?
its just that seems to have all kinds of crap in its data folder..
folders called
any help much appreciated
I've used the VSS2SVN command line client in the past and it worked OK. I think it was hindered somewhat by how VSS had been abused (poor commit messages, commits to single sporadic files) so that the commit history was only loosely useful.
I can't remember how I worked it but it was probably just following the documentation for both VSS2SVN and VSS.
The documentation for Visual SourceSafe (appears to be the 2005 version going by the "What's new" pages) has instructions on how to backup and restore a VSS database with history. You can do it all from the administrator interface and restore to a new location, or there are command line clients to do it.
Notice the warning that users cannot be using the database while you make the backup and the analyze utility cannot run. This implies that it's probably just a simple file copy over the network with no protection or locking in the database. You'll probably need to schedule the backup around your users (it was OK when I done it as there was only three of us).
Edit: I've found a blog article which summarises the options for doing a VSS backup, which seems familiar so I might have referenced it when I performed our migration. The outcome of that is that yes you can just copy the directory with all the VSS information, but again you need to be sure that the database cannot be modified while it is being copied.
Make sure that no one is using the database and that Analyze will not begin to run while you are backing up the database.
Copy the following folders:
Copy the User.txt and Srcsafe.ini files.
When you follow this procedure, you can do a full restore of the database by replacing the existing Users, Temp and Data folders as well as the Users.txt and Srcsafe.ini files with the copied versions.
You can also use this procedure to move the database to another location by placing the copied files into a new folder. To open the database, on the File menu in the Visual SourceSafe Explorer, click Open SourceSafe Database to browse to the new location.

TFS help - Backlog,burncharts, velocity, and raising questions in TFS

Can I have guidence for TFS 2010 for the following areas:
What is the correct use of tfs and the properties that are exposed for each backlog item and task for recording of effort so that we report on progress using the burndown charts and can assess velocity.
It is not obvious to us what is the appropriate workflow for raising questions about functionality against tasks / user stories so that the person who needs to answer them can easily find those tasks / stories that have outstanding questions. And for when the question is answered how the person(s) who need to know the answer are alerted that the answer is there. Maybe tfs is not the right place to do this and we should be manually doing this?
Unless you customized something, the report features you are asking about will light up in the reports if you use the field in the Task work item named Remaining Work - update it regularly - daily if possible.
The database most of the default reports use (Tfs_Analysis) gets updated every 2 hours by default. Some of the reports only show a daily roll-up so depending on what you are looking for you might not see changes until the day after.
As for your 2nd question about how to communicate about missing information in user stories, etc.. you should read the Process Guidance for the template that was used to create your Team Project. I'm guessing you are using the MSF Agile 5.0 template, so do a search for that and "Process Guidance." The Process Guidance is basically the instructions for how to use the TFS work items and reports, etc... It can be found online (on MSDN) or by right-clicking on your team project in Team Explorer and choosing Process Guidance from the context menu. I'm answering this from my phone but can include a link to it later if you find this helpful.

Daily Build and SQL Server Changes

I am about to try and automate a daily build, which will involve database changes, code generation, and of course a build, commit, and later on a deployment. At the moment, each developer on the team includes their structure and data changes for the DB in two files respectively, e.g. 6.029_Brady_Data.sql. Each structure and data file includes all changes for a version, but all changes are repeatable, i.e. with EXISTS checks etc, so they can be run every day if needed.
What can I do to bring more order to this process, which is currently basically concatenate all structure change files, run them repeatedly until all dependencies are resolved, then repeat with the data change files.
Create a database project using Visual studio database edition, put it into source control and let the developers check in their code. I have done this and it works good with daily builds and offer a lot of support for structuring your database code. See this blog post for features