Create user -- MongoDB - mongodb

I'm trying to create a mongoDB user on a DigitalOcean droplet. I tried a lot of combinations, but basically, I can't make this work.
To start the service, I use mongod --noauth. Below is the command I used:
use admin
db.createUser( { user: "userhere", pwd: "passhere", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] } )
I restarted the service and tried to connect using:
mongo admin --port 61370 --host <host> -u userhere -p
Enter password:
2015-01-21T13:30:17.279-0500 Error: 18 { ok: 0.0, errmsg: "auth failed", code: 18 } at src/mongo/shell/db.js:1210
exception: login failed
It doesn't connect.
Does anyone know the step-by-step on how to create a user on MongoDB?

You must create the user with the appropriates privileges. So you should connect to your mongo instance with :
mongo -u siteUserAdmin -p password
See the documentation as well :

Try specifying -authenticationDatabase option
mongo -u mongoadmin -p password -authenticationDatabase admin


Authentication failed on mongodb

I've created an user on mongo db this is the comnand and the output
db.createUser({user:"appuser",pwd:"12345",roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "mydb" }]})
Successfully added user: {
"user" : "appuser",
"roles" : [
"role" : "readWrite",
"db" : "mydb"
but when I try to enter with this command
mongo --port 27017 -u "appuser" --authenticationDatabase "mydb" -p
I get this error
MongoDB shell version v4.4.4
Enter password:
connecting to: mongodb://
Error: Authentication failed. :
exception: connect failed
exiting with code 1
I created a root user and setted this option in /etc/mongod.conf
authorization: enabled
is something wrong?
From the official document of mongodb here
The database where you create the user (in this example, test) is that user's authentication database.
The database where we create the user will be used in the command to connect to MongoDB. We need to run use [nameofdatabase] to select the database before creating the user.
So, if you want to use mydb as the authentication database, you need to run these commands :
use mydb;
db.createUser({user:"appuser",pwd:"12345",roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "mydb" }]});
Then you can connect to your MongoDB with : mongo --port 27017 -u "appuser" --authenticationDatabase "mydb" -p

mongo : not authorizeed on admin to execute on admin to execute command

I am new to Mongod, and have to get up a cluster. The db is started with --replSet=Data and I have created the cluster with rs.Initiate beforehand. But this question is about user administration.
This replica set was set up with this command:
rs.initiate({ _id : "Data",members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "srv1:27017" },
{ _id: 1, host: "srv2:27017" },
{ _id: 2, host: "srv3:27017" , arbiterOnly: true }
And the server was started with $ /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf --replSet=rs0
Note that I have not yet configured the other nodes/added these into the cluster as far as I am aware, but I did distribute the keyFile: /etc/mongod/keyfile to each server.
An rs.status says it's not running.
> rs.Status();
"ok : 0"
"errmsg" : no replset config has been received",
"code" : 94,
"codename" : "NotYetInitialized"
I have run into some nib problems.
I created a user before called mgdb with the command :
# mongo admin -port 27017
> db.createUser ( {
user : 'mgdb', pwd: 'password', roles: [ { roles: root, db: admin } ]
This returned ok.
Next I tried with,
$ mongo --authenticationDatabase admin --username "mgdb" --password "password"
but got an error
E QUERY [js] Error authentication failed.
Next I tried to see the user list,
> show users;
not authorizeed on admin to execute on admin to execute command { UserInfo: 1.0}, lsid: { id: UID"xxxxxxxx") }. $db: "admin" } DB.prototy[e.getUsers#.....
So, I am bit lost. I used mysql a few years ago, but have not used it since. My dB experience is very little.
Although I can connect as the admin user, the admin user does not seem to have rights to do basic "show users;"
Where can I look in the dB to find out what went wrong?
Environment: RHEL 7.6 SELinux Enforcing, MOngdodB 4.2.9
In MongoDB you can create users per database. Usually users are create in database admin (I wouldn't know any reason to create them somewhere else):
use admin
When you connect to Mongo then you need to specify the authentication database, i.e. the database where user was created:
mongo --usermame=mgdb --password 'password' --authenticationDatabase admin
See Authentication failure while trying to save to mongodb
In order to deploy a sharded cluster have a look at Deploy a Sharded Cluster or Deploy a Replica Set tutorial.

Mongo chokes with 'login failed' when trying to login with user and pwd

The user 'tyuser' has been added to the system.users collection in the admin database:
{user: 'tyuser',
pwd: 'typwd',
roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'testy'}]}
mongod is then started with mongod --auth
When trying mongo testy -u tyuser -p typwd
mongo barfs with "exception: login failed"
What is the correct way to access my 'testy' database as an authenticated user?

Remote and local authentication fails on Mongo DB 3.0.7 (installed on Amazon EC2)

I created an admin user:
> db.createUser(
... {
... user: "administrator",
... pwd: "password",
... roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
... }
... )
Successfully added user: {
"user" : "administrator",
"roles" : [
"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
and now i'm trying to use it for enter with:
ubuntu#***ip number***:/etc$ sudo mongo --port 27017 -u administrator -p password --authenticationDatabase admin
This is what returns:
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.7
connecting to:
2015-10-27T15:33:25.670+0000 E QUERY Error: 18 Authentication failed.
at DB._authOrThrow (src/mongo/shell/db.js:1271:32)
at (auth):6:8
at (auth):7:2 at src/mongo/shell/db.js:1271
Mongo is installed into an Amazon EC2 machine with Ubuntu.
What is missing?
The userAdminAnyDatabase role allows the user to grant access (for itself, or any other users) to any other database, however, that does not automatically grant that admin user read/write permission on all those databases (though it can bestow them upon themselves). You can resolve your authentication issue by granting the user the additional role readAnyDatabase.
user: "test1",
pwd: "password",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, {role:"readAnyDatabase",db:"admin"} ]
Link to MongoDB docs: Create a User Administrator
Change on mongod.conf ( stop first mongod service. Ex: sudo service mongod stop):
Now you can restart (Ex:sudo service mongod start)
Now you can enter in the same machine normally typing mongo, but for example, if you try to do it with robomongo gui before makes the test success the ip but don't success the user login. The user and login was created before with a pwd and roles for userAdminAnyDatabase and readAnyDatabase.
Now just type in your machine:
mongo --host (ip number here) --port 27017 -u username -p password --authenticationDatabase admin
And connect to remote Database.

Create Superuser in mongo

I'm trying to create a user in mongo who can do anything in any db.
According to the guide I created a new admin:
This is the code:
use admin
db.addUser( { user: "try1",
pwd: "hello,
roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase" ] } )
Then I stopped mongo, enabled the auth and restarted mongo.
Then I tried to create a database with his user.
According with this guide:
use fragola {username:"fragolino"} )
And I get this: "not authorized for insert on fragola.users"
Anyone can help me?
Lets write answer that looks simple & also simple to implement
Steps :
1 : sudo apt-get install mongodb-org - in new terminal
2 : sudo mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb
3 : mongo --port 27017 - in new terminal
4 : use admin
5 : As #drmirror said a user should have all 4 roles to be superuser
For Mongo Version 2.
user: "tom",
pwd: "jerry",
roles: [
{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
{ role: "readWriteAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
{ role: "dbAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
{ role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" }
For Mongo Version 3.
user: "tom",
pwd: "jerry",
6 : sudo /etc/init.d/mongod stop OR sudo service mongod stop - in new terminal
7 : sudo /etc/init.d/mongod start OR sudo service mongod start
8 : restart your pc
9 : sudo mongod --auth --port 27017 --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb - in new terminal
10: mongo --port 27017 -u "tom" -p "jerry" --authenticationDatabase "admin" - in new terminal
Note : step 10 is most important step .
it will give Output on terminal like
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11
connecting to:
The role userAdminAnyDatabase gives the user the ability to create users and assign arbitrary roles to them. Because of this, that user has the power to do anything on the database, because he can give anybody any permission (including himself).
However, the userAdminAnyDatabase role by itself doesn't allow the user to do anything else besides assigning arbitrary rights to arbitrary users. To actually do something on the database, that user needs to have the following additional roles:
A user who has the above three rights and userAdminAnyDatabase is a true super-user and can do anything.