Changing the Moodle footer logo - moodle

How to change the Moodle logo which will be displayed at the footer page and change to some other logo? As per the given link 1 I have tried but I could not find the footer.html file in my themes folder.
So please help me with some other method (which does not use local machine because I'm working with a remote machine where I could access only the Moodle site, and nothing more than that) to change the logo and link of Moodle.

This depends on your theme - So you're not going to get a precise answer unless you post more details. But here's the gist:
Every theme is made in parts. Normally, you have a header, a content, a sidebar (or two) and a footer.
You want to be editing the footer file.
The footer file is going to be something within the lines of footer.html or footer.php... Something like that. Again, every theme is different so it could be called something completely different. Sometimes, you just need to dig around.
Please also consider that your footer file may also be contained in a sub-directory in your theme folder. So make sure you have a proper look before deciding to "call off the search".
Anyway, once you've found your footer file (Whatever it's called), you'll want to open it and find the image.
If the image is inserted as a HTML reference of location, you can find it by Ctrl+F and typing in the name of the image file. E.g. "footer.jpeg" or whatever.
If the image is inserted as a PHP relative reference, e.g. "$FooterImage" then don't change that, instead, find out where the variable is pointing to in terms of the file-path, and go and edit that image file via FTP instead. You don't have to keep the PHP variable, but I'd keep it in for code-integrity purposes.
Tip for the future: Please include information like name of theme and Moodle version. It enables us to help you better.
Clean Theme:
Things are a bit different with Clean Theme as it doesn't have a single footer file.
You need to go into all layout files one at a time.
Look for this div:
<footer id="page-footer">
In this footer, you will find a PHP command that says:
echo $OUTPUT->home_link();
To remove the logo, remove this line.
To replace the logo, you can either:
Replace the "home_link" reference in PHP to point to the new image file.
Remove the PHP line and replace it with
?><img src="link_to_your_image" alt="Logo"><?PHP
Remember, you will need to do this for all layout files.

Have a look at Footer replacement at the official Moodle Documentation. Hope that helps.


modify metada description from image

I want to change or modify the metadata of an image, such as the name shown, and you can add a description that would be perfect. The end, is to be able to automate the loading of images in wordpress and that this, take the values of the image
I installed exiftool, but I do not see how to change or add those tags.
If the image is called
that the title is
Start of my presentation page
instead of
Sorry to explain it wrong, if you need, I give a more extensive example
Your question is a little vague on the specifics, such as where you're trying to add the metadata (local system before upload? file already on the WP system?). But hopefully this info will be helpful.
WordPress seems to auto fill the Title from the IPTC:Headline tag and the Caption from the IPTC:Caption-Abstract tag. Alternative Text and Description do not appear to be auto filled.
The exiftool command to set these values, assuming you're using the Windows exiftool executable, would be:
exiftool -Caption-Abstract="My Caption" -Headline="My Title" file.jpg
This command creates backup files. Add -overwrite_original to suppress the creation of backup files. Add -r to recurse into subdirectories.

How to add language icons in liferay DXP

How to add the Language icon image in liferay 7(liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga4).
I have followed the steps mentioned in following article,
After the language configuration I can be able to see the languages but not the flags on web content forms.
So I created the custom theme to add the language file and added th_TH.png file in theme\src\images\language\th_TH.png. But din't work.
Then I tried the implementing the lexicon-icon approach mention in,
how can i add a new language in liferay 7?
Still I am not able to see the language images.
Please refer the screenshot for details,
Theme-layout and file location
To add a custom icon that is not supported yet you need to add 2 artefacts into the theme. Liferay using 2 things for displaying icons. Somewhere it uses png flag and somewhere svg you need to adjust both.
Have a look at this sample project.
It takes the admin theme of Liferay (it is a copy so it needs to be kept in sync with updates) and adds a new flag to the admin theme. The magic is in adding the flag into the lexicon. Under the hood, it takes the added flag svg files and recompiles the icons.svg files to include it.
To anyone who still have issue showing the flag, I just want to point out that this helped me:
As described, open the icons.svg and add your flag's svg code in as a symbol with the id "xx-yy" (your language and country code, in lowercase).
The flag does not magically generate just from putting the flags-xx-YY.svg file into lexicon folder, not for me at least.

How do I view the source of Markdown files on Github?

Github helpfully renders Markdown (.md) files to HTML when viewing on (for example, this
When viewing any other source file, it is shown as unrendered source code (for example, this .gitignore). A handy feature this gives is linking directly to a line in the source by clicking the line number (for example, like this).
How can I view the unrendered source of Markdown files on Github (so I can link to a particular line in the source)?
note: I know of the "Raw" button, however it does not provide any of the nice UI Github has.
If you don't want to use the "raw" button, you can (since June 2021) add ?plain=1 to your GitHub markdown file URL:
Appending ?plain=1 to the url for any Markdown file will now display the file without rendering.
As with other code files, it will also show line numbers, and can be used to link other users to a specific line or lines.
For example, appending ?plain=1#L52 will highlight line 52 of a plain text Markdown file.
Since Sept. 2021, there is a button which adds the ?plain=1 for you:
Use the "Raw" button. For instance, if you were looking at there is a Raw button in the Navigation. This can be simple URL change (from blob to raw), but in this case becomes a separate link.
Edit: There is no "pretty" view for the Markdown source. There's the converted HTML view, the Raw view without the UI, and the Blame view. Only the Blame view provides you with the ability to link to a specific line within the source.
Edit 2: The other option is to use Anchors within the If you take the Installation title for example, you can directly link within the content of the Markdown file. Assuming you don't have anything hidden within the Markdown itself, this is closer still to solving your original question.
Using the "Blame" button, you are able to see the source of the Markdown (for example, like this).
Unfortunately, "Blame" comes with extra UI elements which make the source more cluttered.
Refined Github provides an additional "Raw" button to view the raw source and link to a specific line:
I ran into this issue, as a complete surprise to me, on a file with a .wiki extension. It appears that files with .wiki, .mediawiki, and .wikitext extensions are recognized and rendered as HTML, with a table of contents even. I guess it makes sense, what with GitHub projects having wikis and all.
That's nifty, but this one particular case, I really wanted the raw wikitext to be visible and copy-pasteable, not some rendered representation of it.
The only half-way solution I found was to use a bogus file extension that isn't one of the ones recognized by GitHub, and then a .gitattributes to tell GitHub how to syntax highlight it, e.g.:
*.wiki_ linguist-language=mediawiki
I'm not thrilled about this, but all the good extensions were already "taken" according to the languages.yml linked above.

cannot find image of webite header in joomla

Am just beginning with joomla on a site that is already existing and was previously managed by someone else who is not available at the moment. I am trying to troubleshoot a problem why the website is displaying the header differently in different PCs but I am not being able to find the image of that header file. I tried to look for it under "site > media" but cannot find the image among the images in that area. I also tried to look for the path to the image through the template css and found this path ../images/logo.png which I believe must be the path to the header image but I honestly don't really know which path ../images/logo.png is but assuming it is the one under "media" then I still cannot find the image. Could you give me a clue on where the header image files could be found cause I've actually still failed? Or, could you make me understand this path ../images/logo.png or how to find an image on a joomla admin interface like say "logo.png". In fact I discover that on looking at the CSS for the template, the image paths found in it are not found in "Media"? Is there another path for the images in the template and how do I access them? I cannot FTP my host at the moment to view the physical files due to the long procedure needed so am hoping that there is a way to find it. I only have joomla admin access and nothing like Cpanel as yet. The joomla version of the site is 1.5.22 which I know is an old one but I plan to do first things first. Hope I've given enough infor.
Try using FireBug, or Chrome debugger - (press F12) and check "Click an element in the page to inspect" to see where the specific image is located exactly.

Magento how do I override/alter template/payment/form/purchaseorder.phtml file

I need to add some text to this file [template/payment/form/purchaseorder.phtml], for a particular store within clients' magento site. When I make a change to the purchaseorder.phtml file, it changes the text on all the stores. So I need to somehow customize this for one store in particular.
I have read comments on several sites, some mention changing the local.xml, change the config.xml, make changes in admin panel, but this such a small change, I don't want to disrupt anything by going overboard.
I need to extend the functionality on the backend so this change can be made for a particular store or stores. the sites has five stores built into the one install and for now I need to make the above change to just one store.
I think I need to somehow add a PO field Heading and an "Additional Text" option to the Purchase order section in image two. is this correct, if so how do I do this?
Could someone point me in the right direction to making this type of change please.
Note: I can't do the create directory structure, copy files, change needed files option
This is magento 1.7
Copy purchaseorder.phtml file from base/default directory then paste it in your current template. Now you can alter content of it purchaseorder.phtml in your current directory, it wont affect the base file.Like below,
Copy from
Paste to
When you override a section, the folder structure should resemble the default template folder structure like current_theme/template/form/ payment/purchaseorder.phtml .
sorry for bad english.