Summary Statistics for string types in spark - scala

Is there something like summary function in spark like that in "R".
The summary calculation which comes with spark(MultivariateStatisticalSummary) operates only on numeric types.
I am interested in getting the results for string types also like the first four max occuring strings(groupby kind of operation) , number of uniques etc.
Is there any preexisting code for this ?
If not what please suggest the best way to deal with string types.

I don't think there is such a thing for String in MLlib. But it would probably be a valuable contribution, if you are going to implement it.
Calculating just one of these metrics is easy. E.g. for top 4 by frequency:
def top4(rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String]) =
.map(s => (s, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
.map { case (s, count) => (count, s) }
.map { case (count, s) => s }
Or number of uniques:
def numUnique(rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String]) =
But doing this for all metrics in a single pass takes more work.
These examples assume that, if you have multiple "columns" of data, you have split each column into a separate RDD. This is a good way to organize the data, and it's necessary for operations that perform a shuffle.
What I mean by splitting up the columns:
def split(together: RDD[(Long, Seq[String])],
columns: Int): Seq[RDD[(Long, String)]] = {
together.cache // We will do N passes over this RDD.
(0 until columns).map {
i => together.mapValues(s => s(i))


reduce a list in scala by value

How can I reduce a list like below concisely
Seq[Temp] = List(Temp(a,1), Temp(a,2), Temp(b,1))
List(Temp(a,2), Temp(b,1))
Only keep Temp objects with unique first param and max of second param.
My solution is with lot of groupBys and reduces which is giving a lengthy answer.
you have to
sortBy values in ASC order
get the last one which is the largest
scala> final case class Temp (a: String, value: Int)
defined class Temp
scala> val data : Seq[Temp] = List(Temp("a",1), Temp("a",2), Temp("b",1))
data: Seq[Temp] = List(Temp(a,1), Temp(a,2), Temp(b,1))
scala> data.groupBy(_.a).map { case (k, group) => group.sortBy(_.value).last }
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Temp] = List(Temp(b,1), Temp(a,2))
or instead of sortBy(fn).last you can maxBy(fn)
scala> data.groupBy(_.a).map { case (k, group) => group.maxBy(_.value) }
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Temp] = List(Temp(b,1), Temp(a,2))
You can generate a Map with groupBy, compute the max in mapValues and convert it back to the Temp classes as in the following example:
case class Temp(id: String, value: Int)
List(Temp("a", 1), Temp("a", 2), Temp("b", 1)).
groupBy( ).
map{ case (k, v) => Temp(k, v) }
// res1: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Temp] = List(Temp(b,1), Temp(a,2))
Worth noting that the solution using maxBy in the other answer is more efficient as it minimizes necessary transformations.
You can do this using foldLeft:
data.foldLeft(Map[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0))((map, tmp) => {
map.updated(, max(map(, tmp.value))
}).map{case (i,v) => Temp(i, v)}
This is essentially combining the logic of groupBy with the max operation in a single pass.
Note This may be less efficient because groupBy uses a mutable.Map internally which avoids constantly re-creating a new map. If you care about performance and are prepared to use mutable data, this is another option:
val tmpMap = mutable.Map[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
data.foreach(tmp => tmpMap( = max(tmp.value, tmpMap({case (i,v) => Temp(i, v)}.toList
Use a ListMap if you need to retain the data order, or sort at the end if you need a particular ordering.

Scala broadcast join with "one to many" relationship

I am fairly new to Scala and RDDs.
I have a very simple scenario yet it seems very hard to implement with RDDs.
I have two tables. One large and one small. I broadcast the smaller table.
I then want to join the table and finally aggregate the values after the join to a final total.
Here is an example of the code:
val bigRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A",1,"1Jan2000"),("B",2,"1Jan2000"),("C",3,"1Jan2000"),("D",3,"1Jan2000"),("E",3,"1Jan2000")))
val smallRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A","Fruit","Apples"),("A","ZipCode","1234"),("B","Fruit","Apples"),("B","ZipCode","456")))
val broadcastVar = sc.broadcast(smallRDD.keyBy{ a => (a._1,a._2) } // turn to pair RDD
.collectAsMap() // collect as Map
//first join
val joinedRDD = accs => {
//get list of groups
val groups = List("Fruit", "ZipCode")
val i = "Fruit"
//for each group
//for(i <- groups) {
if (broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i) != None) {
( broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i).get._1,
broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i).get._2,
accs._2, accs._3)
} else {
//expected after this
//("A","Fruit","Apples",1, "1Jan2000"),("B","Fruit","Apples",2, "1Jan2000"),
//("A","ZipCode","1234", 1,"1Jan2000"),("B","ZipCode","456", 2,"1Jan2000")
//then group and sum
//cannot do anything with the joinedRDD!!!
//error == value copy is not a member of Product with Serializable
// Final Expected Result
//("Fruit","Apples",3, "1Jan2000"),("ZipCode","1234", 1,"1Jan2000"),("ZipCode","456", 2,"1Jan2000")
My questions:
Is this the best approach first of all with RDDs?
Disclaimer - I have done this whole task using dataframes successfully. The idea is to create another version using only RDDs to compare performance.
Why is the type of my joinedRDD not recognised after it was created so that I can continue to use functions like copy on it?
How can I get away with not doing a .collectAsMap() when broadcasting the variable. I currently have to include the first to items to enforce uniqueness and not dropping any values.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Final solution for anyone interested
case class dt (group:String, group_key:String, count:Long, date:String)
val bigRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A",1,"1Jan2000"),("B",2,"1Jan2000"),("C",3,"1Jan2000"),("D",3,"1Jan2000"),("E",3,"1Jan2000")))
val smallRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A","Fruit","Apples"),("A","ZipCode","1234"),("B","Fruit","Apples"),("B","ZipCode","456")))
val broadcastVar = sc.broadcast(smallRDD.keyBy{ a => (a._1) } // turn to pair RDD
.groupByKey() //to not loose any data
.collectAsMap() // collect as Map
//first join
val joinedRDD = bigRDD.flatMap( accs => {
if (broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1) != None) {
val bc = broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1).get => {
dt(p._2, p._3,accs._2, accs._3)
} else {
//expected after this
//("Fruit","Apples",1, "1Jan2000"),("Fruit","Apples",2, "1Jan2000"),
//("ZipCode","1234", 1,"1Jan2000"),("ZipCode","456", 2,"1Jan2000")
//then group and sum
var finalRDD = => {
(s.copy(count=0),s.count) //trick to keep code to minimum (count = 0)
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
.map(pair => {
In your map statement you return either a tuple or None based on the if condition. These types do not match so you fall back the a common supertype so joinedRDD is an RDD[Product with Serializable] Which is not what you want at all (it's basically RDD[Any]). You need to make sure all paths return the same type. In this case, you probably want an Option[(String, String, Int, String)]. All you need to do is wrap the tuple result into a Some
if (broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i) != None) {
Some(( broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i).get.group_key,
broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i),
accs._2, accs._3))
} else {
And now your types will match up. This will make joinedRDD and RDD[Option(String, String, Int, String)]. Now that the type is correct the data is usable, however, it means that you will need to map the Option to work with the tuples. If you don't need the None values in the final result, you can use flatmap instead of map to create joinedRDD which will unwrap the Options for you, filtering out all the Nones.
CollectAsMap is the correct way to turnan RDD into a Hashmap, but you need multiple values for a single key. Before using collectAsMap but after mapping the smallRDD into a Key,Value pair, use groupByKey to group all of the values for a single key together. When when you look up a key from your HashMap, you can map over the values, creating a new record for each one.

too many map keys causing out of memory exception in spark

I have an RDD 'inRDD' of the form RDD[(Vector[(Int, Byte)], Vector[(Int, Byte)])] which is a PairRDD(key,value) where key is Vector[(Int, Byte)] and value is Vector[(Int, Byte)].
For each element (Int, Byte) in the vector of key field, and each element (Int, Byte) in the vector of value field I would like to get a new (key,value) pair in the output RDD as (Int, Int), (Byte, Byte).
That should give me an RDD of the form RDD[((Int, Int), (Byte, Byte))].
For example, inRDD contents could be like,
(Vector((3,2)),Vector((4,2))), (Vector((2,3), (3,3)),Vector((3,1))), (Vector((1,3)),Vector((2,1))), (Vector((1,2)),Vector((2,2), (1,2)))
which would become
((3,4),(2,2)), ((2,3),(3,1)), ((3,3),(3,1)), ((1,2),(3,1)), ((1,2),(2,2)), ((1,1),(2,2))
I have the following code for that.
val outRDD = inRDD.flatMap {
case (left, right) =>
for ((ll, li) <- left; (rl, ri) <- right) yield {
(ll,rl) -> (li,ri)
It works when the vectors are small in size in the inRDD. But when there are lot elements in the vectors, I get out of memory exception. Increasing the available memory
to spark could only solve for smaller inputs and the error appears again for even larger inputs.
Looks like I am trying to assemble a huge structure in memory. I am unable to rewrite this code in any other ways.
I have implemented a similar logic with java in hadoop as follows.
for (String fromValue : fromAssetVals) {
fromEntity = fromValue.split(":")[0];
fromAttr = fromValue.split(":")[1];
for (String toValue : toAssetVals) {
toEntity = toValue.split(":")[0];
toAttr = toValue.split(":")[1];
oKey = new Text(fromEntity.trim() + ":" + toEntity.trim());
oValue = new Text(fromAttr + ":" + toAttr);
outputCollector.collect(oKey, oValue);
But when I try something similar in spark, I get nested rdd exceptions.
How do I do this efficiently with spark using scala?
Well, if Cartesian product is the only option you can at least make it a little bit more lazy:
inRDD.flatMap { case (xs, ys) =>
xs.toIterator.flatMap(x => => (x, y)))
You can also handle this at the Spark level
import org.apache.spark.RangePartitioner
val indexed =
val partitioner = new RangePartitioner(indexed.partitions.size, indexed)
val partitioned = indexed.partitionBy(partitioner)
val lefts = partitioned.flatMapValues(_._1)
val rights = partitioned.flatMapValues(_._2)

Distributing a loop to different machines of a cluster in Spark

Here is a for loop that I'm running in my code:
for(x<-0 to vertexArray.length-1)
for(y<-0 to vertexArray.length-1)
breakable {
if (x.equals(y)) {
else {
var d1 = vertexArray(x)._2._2
var d2 = vertexArray(y)._2._2
val ps = new Period(d1, d2)
if (ps.getMonths() == 0 && ps.getYears() == 0 && Math.abs(ps.toStandardHours().getHours()) <= 5) {
edgeArray += Edge(vertexArray(x)._1, vertexArray(y)._1, Math.abs(ps.toStandardHours().getHours()))
I want to speed up the running time of this code by distributing it across multiple machines in a cluster. I'm using Scala on intelliJ-idea with Spark. How would I implement this type of code to work on multiple machines?
As already stated by Mariano Kamp Spark is probably not a good choice here and there are much better options out there. To add on top of that any approach which has to work on a relatively large data and requires O(N^2) time is simply unacceptable. So the first thing you should do is to focus on choosing suitable algorithm not a platform.
Still it is possible to translate it to Spark. A naive approach which directly reflects your code would be to use Cartesian product:
def check(v1: T, v2: T): Option[U] = {
if (v1 == v2) {
} else {
// rest of your logic, Some[U] if all tests passed
// None otherwise
val vertexRDD = sc.parallelize(vertexArray)
.map{case (v1, v2) => check(v1, 2)}
If vertexArray is small you could use flatMap with broadcast variable
val vertexBd = sc.broadcast(vertexArray)
vertexRDD.flatMap(v1 => => check(v1, v2)).filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get))
Another improvement is to perform proper join. The obvious condition is year and month:
def toPair(v: T): ((Int, Int), T) = ??? // Return ((year, month), vertex)
val vertexPairs =
.map{case ((_, _), (v1, v2)) => check(v1, v2) // Check should be simplified
Of course this can be achieved with a broadcast variable as well. You simply have to group vertexArray by (year, month) pair and broadcast Map[(Int, Int), T].
From here you can improve further by avoiding naive checks by partition and traversing data sorted by timestamp:
def sortPartitionByDatetime(iter: Iterator[U]): Iterator[U] = ???
def yieldMatching(iter: Iterator[U]): Iterator[V] = {
// flatmap keeping track of values in open window
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(n))
or using a DataFrame with window function and range clause.
All types are simply placeholders. In the future please try to provide type information. Right now all I can tell is there are some tuples and dates involved
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Unfortunately this is not the right approach ;(
Spark is not a tool to parallelize tasks, but to parallelize data.
So you need to think how you can distribute/parallelize/partition your data, then compute the individual partitions, then consolidate the results as a last step.
Also you need to read up on Spark in general. A simple answer here cannot get you started. This is just the wrong format.
Start here:

Running a function against every item in collection

I have data type :
counted: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Seq[(String, Int)])] = MapPartitionsRDD[24] at groupByKey at <console>:28
And I'm trying to apply the following to this type :
def func = 2
counted.flatMap { x => { y => ((x._1+","+y._1),func) } }
So each sequence is compared to each other and a function is applied. For simplicity the function is just returning 2. When I attempt above function I receive this error :
scala> counted.flatMap { x => { y => ((x._1+","+y._1),func) } }
<console>:33: error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)]
required: TraversableOnce[?]
counted.flatMap { x => { y => ((x._1+","+y._1),func) } }
How can this function be applied using Spark ?
I have tried
val dataArray = counted.collect
dataArray.flatMap { x => { y => ((x._1+","+y._1),func) } }
which converts the collection to Array type and applies same function. But I run out of memory when I try this method. I think using an RDD is more efficient than using an Array ? The max amount of memory I can allocate is 7g , is there a mechanism in spark that I can use hard drive memory to augment available RAM memory ?
The collection I'm running this function on contain 20'000 entries so 20'000^2 comparisons (400'000'000) but in Spark terms this is quite small ?
Short answer:
counted.cartesian(counted).map {
case ((x, _), (y, _)) => (x + "," + y, func)
Please use pattern matching to extract tuple elements for nested tuples to avoid unreadable chained underscore notation. Using _ for the second elements shows the reader that these values are being ignored.
Now what would be even more readable (and maybe more efficient) if func doesn't use the second elements would be to do this:
val projected =
projected.cartesian(projected).map(x => (x._1 + "," + x._2, func))
Note that you do not need curly braces if your lambda fits in a single semantic line this is a very common mistake in Scala.
I would like to know why you wish to have this Cartesian product, there is often ways to avoid doing this that are significantly more scalable. Please say what your going to do with this Cartesian product and I will try to find a scalable way of doing what you want.
One final point; please put spaces between operators
#RexKerr pointed to me that I was somewhat incorrect in the comment section, so I deleted my comments. But while doing that, I had the chance to read the post again and came up with the idea that might be of some use to you.
Since what you are trying to implement is actually some operation over a cartesian product, you might want to try just calling the RDD#cartesian. Here is a dumb example, but if you can give some real code, maybe I'll be able to do something like this in that case as well:
// get collection with the type corresponding to the type in question:
val v1 = sc.parallelize(List("q"-> (".", 0), "s"->(".", 1), "f" -> (".", 2))).groupByKey
// try doing something
v1.cartesian(v1).map{x => (x._1._1+","+x._1._1, 2)}.foreach(println)