Spring Security and social SignUp with Rest - facebook

My application exposes a REST API for services and uses SpringSecurity to manage login at the private services.
With custom signup and login I don't have any kind of problem, but now I try to implement login/signup with Facebook or Twitter, and I don't know how to do this.
Has anyone had the same problem and solved it?
I tried to use a custom password "very long" for every Facebook and Twitter account but that didn't work.
I try your solution, but get an error. This is my code
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String mail) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
ServletRequestAttributes attr = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
if (ConstantPWCabinet.SOCIAL_LOGIN_FACEBOOK.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getRequest().getParameter(ConstantPWCabinet.LOGIN_TYPE))) {
User facebookInfo = dao.getFacebookInfo(new FacebookTemplate(attr.getRequest().getParameter(ConstantPWCabinet.FACEBOOK_TOKEN)));
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(Role.ROLE_USER_FACEBOOK.toString()));
org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User user = new org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User(facebookInfo.getEmail(), null, authorities);
Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, user.getAuthorities());
return user;
logger.debug("Mail di accesso: " + mail);
User user = dao.getUserSelectedMail(mail);
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
String role = user.getRole().toString();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(role))
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(Role.ROLE_USER.toString()));
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role));
return new org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User(user.getEmail(), user.getPassword(), authorities);
But i get and "Bad credential" and no get login.

You have an AuthenticationFilter that listens to url j_spring_security_check
Filter creates an authentication object and sends to Authentication Provider.
AuthenticationProvider calls UserDetailsService to load user by username and authenticate the user.
Filter then checks the authentication object returned by the provider and sends request to success/failure handler.
When you do it through social medium, your user is authenticated by an external source, so you do not need to authenticate user at your end.
You can simple do
// Authenticate the user
UserDetails user = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(username);
Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, user.getAuthorities());
This will authenticate the user without password.


Does spring-boot-admin support sso?

I'm trying to integrate spring-boot-admin with my corporate SSO, does spring-boot-admin support sso login? I cannot find documentation about it.
I got it to work. Steps to implement:
Create controller with an endpoint that the sso provider will call.
In the endpoint, put the logic for sso integration,
On success, redirect to /applications
On failure, throw an exception
public class SsoIntegration {
// this does addition authentication stuff, like sets up the
// right authorities...etc
private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;
// my sso provider creates a vanity url that redirects to
// this endpoint and passes 2 request params using POST
#RequestMapping(value={"/sso"}, method = {RequestMethod.POST})
public String ssologin (
#RequestParam(name="param1") String param1,
#RequestParam(name="param2") String param2 )
// do your sso integration logic here
// eg...
SsoUtil util = new SsoUtil();
String userInfo = util.decrypt(param1, param2, ...);
if (authenticationProvider.authenticate( userInfo )) {
Authentication postAuthentication = ...// populate your successfully authenticated user
// these next lines are the important stuff
// 1. set the postAuthentication into the security context
// 2. redirect to the applications page
return "redirect:/applications";
// authentication failed, throw an exception...
throw new RuntimeException ("Sso Authentication failed");

laravel 5.2 redirect after registration by id

I've found here some examples, but they are not answering how to redirect registered user to his own profile by id.
protected $redirectPath = '/profile/view/'.$user->id; Did not help.
I have a project where users are being authorized without email confirmation and they are sent to /home after registration.
Route to user profile is: /profile/view/id (id is unique of course).
I managed to send them there after login (in AuthController :
public function authenticated($request,$user)
return redirect('/profile/view/'.$user->id);
but redirect to profile after registration I can't handle.
Approach 1.
Let users view their own profile without ID.
route (make ID optional):
Route::get('profile/view/{id?}', ...);
public function view($id = null) {
if (is_null($id) { //set id of currently signed in user if id == null
$id = Auth::user()->id;
//continue as before
Approach 2.
Modify routes so redirect happens to correct url.
Note: order of routes is important
Route::get('profile/view', function() {
return redirect()->route('profile.view', ['id' => Auth::user()->id]);
Route::get('profile/view/{id}', ...)->name('profile.view');
Note: in both approaches auth middleware is a must, else you going to get error if user is not logged in (PHP error: Trying to get property of non-object on line X)
With both approaches you just redirect user to profile/view:
is shown profile (without ID in URL)
is redirected to proper url profile/view/ID.

How to create a user with email as login using Graph API in Azure B2C

I am implementing Azure B2C in my ASP MVC application.
My sign up policy has email account chosen so If a user sign up, his account is created and he can log in using his email (I mean private email like xxx#gmail).
If I look at old azure portal -> users section, for this particular user there is no meaningfull data, just objectId. Where the email he provided is stored? (alternate mail field is empty).
And here starts my real question.
I would like also add users via Graph API. I am doing this via GraphConsoleAppV3 sample application. However I cannot set the mail field, the only thing I can do is add the email (custom email like #gmail) to the 'OtherEmails' collection.
But adding the user this way, I cannot log in to my application using private email. I can login using UPN name but I do not want to. Users will not know the UPN, only they real emails.
I can see in the Internet samples with something like 'SignInNames' but iin PowerShell.
I would like to set the user via Graph API and indicate that it has email as login type - not UPN. Hot to achieve it?
I have found that there is other sample project to create users in B2C (via posts with json). It seems that to sync B2C with AD and entire graph will take a while and all the nomenclature needs to unified
Not sure I understand the question, and this is from ages ago, but this may help someone in the future.
If you want to create a user in B2C through the Microsoft Graph API in C#, with an email as their sign-in, you can do the following:
NOTE: This is assuming you already setup the Microsoft Graph API in your C# application. If you have not done that yet, you can follow this.
First Create the user and the Identities.
public async Task CreateUser(string username, string givenName, string email, string password)
var identities = CreateIdentities(username, email, new List<ObjectIdentity>());
var user = new User
AccountEnabled = true,
DisplayName = username,
GivenName = givenName,
Identities = identities,
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = false,
Password = password
var response = await userRepository.CreateUserRequest(user);
When creating the Identities make sure the email and username are not the exact same values.
private List<ObjectIdentity> CreateIdentities(string username, string email, List<ObjectIdentity> identities)
if (email != null) identities = AddIdentity(identities, "emailAddress", email);
if (username != null && (!username.Equals(email) || email == null)) identities = AddIdentity(identities, "userName", username);
return identities;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an Identity to the ObjectIdentity list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identities">List of identities</param>
/// <param name="signInType">Type of sign-in, which is mostly just emailAddress or userName</param>
/// <param name="issuerAssignedId">The value of the sign-in name or email, for example t.chermin#please.nl</param>
/// <returns>List of ObjectIdentity</returns>
private List<ObjectIdentity> AddIdentity(List<ObjectIdentity> identities, string signInType, string issuerAssignedId)
var identity = new ObjectIdentity
SignInType = signInType,
Issuer = issuer,
IssuerAssignedId = issuerAssignedId
return identities;
Finally, we can add the user to our AADB2C environment:
public async Task<User> CreateUserRequest(User user)
return await graphClient.Users
catch (Exception ex)
return null;

Why does the Spring Social plugin occasionally return an empty email on the User class?

I have a Grails project (v2.4.2) that is making use of the spring-security-facebook:0.17 plugin to authenticate via Spring Security. At first sight, all seems well. However, there is a large set of users that for some unknown reason I cannot access their email address. I am using spring social to grab the email. I have permission and it is set in the scope. Here is a code snippet where I authenticate a new user:
log.info("Create domain for facebook user $token.uid")
//Use Spring Social Facebook to load details for current user from Facebook API
log.info("create: FacebookAuthToken: $token")
log.info("created FacebookAuthToken.FacebookAccessToken = ${token.accessToken}")
Facebook facebook = new FacebookTemplate(token.accessToken.accessToken)
org.springframework.social.facebook.api.User fbProfile = facebook.userOperations().getUserProfile()
// Check if email is actual granted because in production some are coming back null
boolean isEmailGranted=false
List<Permission> permissions = facebook?.userOperations()?.getUserPermissions()
String permissionString = "["
for (int i=0;i<permissions.size();i++) {
permissionString += "["+ permissions[i].getName() + ":" + permissions[i].getStatus()+"]"
if (permissions[i].getName()=="email" && permissions[i].isGranted())
permissionString += "]"
log.info("create: Facebook Permissions = " + permissionString)
def grailsWebRequest = WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest()
def flash = grailsWebRequest.flashScope
if (!isEmailGranted) {
log.warn("create: Unable to subscribe facebook user because email priviledge was not granted.")
flash.message = 'Login to Facebook failed. We must have access to your email address in order to proceed with login.'
throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException("Facebook email not accessible")
log.info("created: ")
String email = fbProfile.getEmail()
String firstName = fbProfile.getFirstName()
String lastName = fbProfile.getLastName()
String fullName = fbProfile.getName()
String username = firstName
String password = token.accessToken.accessToken
if (!email) {
log.error("create: Permission was granted to use facebook email but the value is null.")
flash.message = 'Login to Facebook failed. We are temporarily unable to access your email although permission has been granted'
throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException("Facebook email not accessible for unknown reason")
Why would I receive an empty email when permission has been granted? Is there a preferred method for handling this behavior (other than failing the authentication and making up a fake email address). Many thanks!
The documentation for the 'email' field of the 'user' object ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/ ) clarifies the expected behaviour here, which is:
"this field will not be returned if no valid email address is available"
There is a detailed explanation about different situations where an email won't be sent. Please check it out:
I hope it helps.

ServiceStack OAuth - registration instead login

In servicestack OAuth implementation I only saw possibility to automatically login with eg. facebook account.
But is there abbility to support registration process with facebook login. What I wanted is to let users login to facebook app, and then load their Name, Surname and email and prefill needed text boxes for real registration on my site (since I also have to have mobile phone verification etc.) I don't want user to be authorized and authenticated when he logs in with facebook. Only credentials login should be valid one for full site access.
Edit: I found a solution.
In FacebookProvider.cs
public override bool IsAuthorized(IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Auth request = null)
if (request != null)
if (!LoginMatchesSession(session, request.UserName)) return false;
return tokens != null && session.UserName!=null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.AccessTokenSecret);
The catch was the && session.UserName!=null part. So we can check if user is logged in using credentials, this will be !=null and user can use all services. If not, this will be ==null and he can only get facebook info from session.
The SocialBootstrap API project shows an example of handling the callback after a successful Authentication by overriding the OnAuthenticated() hook of its custom user session:
I've pulled out, rewrote some and highlighted some of the important bits:
public class CustomUserSession : AuthUserSession
public override void OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService,
IAuthSession session,
IOAuthTokens tokens,
Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
base.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
//Populate matching fields from this session into your own MyUserTable
var user = session.TranslateTo<MyUserTable>();
user.Id = int.Parse(session.UserAuthId);
user.GravatarImageUrl64 = CreateGravatarUrl(session.Email, 64);
foreach (var authToken in session.ProviderOAuthAccess)
if (authToken.Provider == FacebookAuthProvider.Name)
user.FacebookName = authToken.DisplayName;
user.FacebookFirstName = authToken.FirstName;
user.FacebookLastName = authToken.LastName;
user.FacebookEmail = authToken.Email;
else if (authToken.Provider == TwitterAuthProvider.Name)
user.TwitterName = authToken.DisplayName;
//Resolve the DbFactory from the IOC and persist the user info
using (var db = authService.TryResolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open())
//Update (if exists) or insert populated data into 'MyUserTable'
//Change `IsAuthorized` to only verify users authenticated with Credentials
public override bool IsAuthorized(string provider)
if (provider != AuthService.CredentialsProvider) return false;
return base.IsAuthorized(provider);
Basically this user-defined custom logic (which gets fired after every successful authentication) extracts data from the UserSession and stores it in a custom 'MyUserTable'.
We've also overridden the meaning of IsAuthorized to only accept users that have authenticated with CredentialsAuth.
You can use this data to complete the rest of the registration.
Other possible customizations
ServiceStack's built-in Auth persists the AuthData and populates the Session automatically for you. If you want to add extra validation assertions you can simply use your own custom [Authentication] attribute instead containing additional custom logic. Look at the implementation of the built-in AuthenticateAttribute as a guide.