Swift: Unpacking a tuple into mutable and immutable variables simultaneously - swift

I have a Swift function which returns a tuple of two values. The first value is meant to usually, but not always, be used as an "updated" version of a piece of mutable state in the caller (I know I could also use inout for this instead of a tuple, but that makes it more annoying to keep the old state while preserving the new one). The second value is a generally immutable return value produced by the function, which is not intended to override any existing mutable state.
Conceptually, the usage looks like this:
var state = // initialize
(state, retval1) = process(state)
(state, retval2) = process(state)
(state, retval3) = process(state)
The problem here, obviously, is that retval1, retval2, and retval3 are never declared, and the compiler gets angry.
state must be a var and must not be redeclared, so I can't write
let (state, retval) = process(state)
However, retval is never modified and should be declared with let as a matter of best practices and good coding style.
I was hoping the following syntax might work, but it doesn't:
(state, let retval) = process(state)
How should I go about unpacking / destructuring this tuple?

I don’t believe there’s a syntax for binding with let and var simultaneously.
Interestingly, you can do it in a switch:
let pair = (1,2)
switch pair {
case (var a, let b):
But (var a, let b) = pair (or similar variants) don’t seem to be possible.


What is the impact on memory When we override dataframes and Rdds in apache spark? [duplicate]

What is the difference between a var and val definition in Scala and why does the language need both? Why would you choose a val over a var and vice versa?
As so many others have said, the object assigned to a val cannot be replaced, and the object assigned to a var can. However, said object can have its internal state modified. For example:
class A(n: Int) {
var value = n
class B(n: Int) {
val value = new A(n)
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x = new B(5)
x = new B(6) // Doesn't work, because I can't replace the object created on the line above with this new one.
x.value = new A(6) // Doesn't work, because I can't replace the object assigned to B.value for a new one.
x.value.value = 6 // Works, because A.value can receive a new object.
So, even though we can't change the object assigned to x, we could change the state of that object. At the root of it, however, there was a var.
Now, immutability is a good thing for many reasons. First, if an object doesn't change internal state, you don't have to worry if some other part of your code is changing it. For example:
x = new B(0)
if (x.value.value == 0)
println("f didn't do anything to x")
println("f did something to x")
This becomes particularly important with multithreaded systems. In a multithreaded system, the following can happen:
x = new B(1)
if (x.value.value == 1) {
print(x.value.value) // Can be different than 1!
If you use val exclusively, and only use immutable data structures (that is, avoid arrays, everything in scala.collection.mutable, etc.), you can rest assured this won't happen. That is, unless there's some code, perhaps even a framework, doing reflection tricks -- reflection can change "immutable" values, unfortunately.
That's one reason, but there is another reason for it. When you use var, you can be tempted into reusing the same var for multiple purposes. This has some problems:
It will be more difficult for people reading the code to know what is the value of a variable in a certain part of the code.
You may forget to re-initialize the variable in some code path, and end up passing wrong values downstream in the code.
Simply put, using val is safer and leads to more readable code.
We can, then, go the other direction. If val is that better, why have var at all? Well, some languages did take that route, but there are situations in which mutability improves performance, a lot.
For example, take an immutable Queue. When you either enqueue or dequeue things in it, you get a new Queue object. How then, would you go about processing all items in it?
I'll go through that with an example. Let's say you have a queue of digits, and you want to compose a number out of them. For example, if I have a queue with 2, 1, 3, in that order, I want to get back the number 213. Let's first solve it with a mutable.Queue:
def toNum(q: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Int]) = {
var num = 0
while (!q.isEmpty) {
num *= 10
num += q.dequeue
This code is fast and easy to understand. Its main drawback is that the queue that is passed is modified by toNum, so you have to make a copy of it beforehand. That's the kind of object management that immutability makes you free from.
Now, let's covert it to an immutable.Queue:
def toNum(q: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int]) = {
def recurse(qr: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int], num: Int): Int = {
if (qr.isEmpty)
else {
val (digit, newQ) = qr.dequeue
recurse(newQ, num * 10 + digit)
recurse(q, 0)
Because I can't reuse some variable to keep track of my num, like in the previous example, I need to resort to recursion. In this case, it is a tail-recursion, which has pretty good performance. But that is not always the case: sometimes there is just no good (readable, simple) tail recursion solution.
Note, however, that I can rewrite that code to use an immutable.Queue and a var at the same time! For example:
def toNum(q: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int]) = {
var qr = q
var num = 0
while (!qr.isEmpty) {
val (digit, newQ) = qr.dequeue
num *= 10
num += digit
qr = newQ
This code is still efficient, does not require recursion, and you don't need to worry whether you have to make a copy of your queue or not before calling toNum. Naturally, I avoided reusing variables for other purposes, and no code outside this function sees them, so I don't need to worry about their values changing from one line to the next -- except when I explicitly do so.
Scala opted to let the programmer do that, if the programmer deemed it to be the best solution. Other languages have chosen to make such code difficult. The price Scala (and any language with widespread mutability) pays is that the compiler doesn't have as much leeway in optimizing the code as it could otherwise. Java's answer to that is optimizing the code based on the run-time profile. We could go on and on about pros and cons to each side.
Personally, I think Scala strikes the right balance, for now. It is not perfect, by far. I think both Clojure and Haskell have very interesting notions not adopted by Scala, but Scala has its own strengths as well. We'll see what comes up on the future.
val is final, that is, cannot be set. Think final in java.
In simple terms:
var = variable
val = variable + final
val means immutable and var means mutable.
Full discussion.
The difference is that a var can be re-assigned to whereas a val cannot. The mutability, or otherwise of whatever is actually assigned, is a side issue:
import collection.immutable
import collection.mutable
var m = immutable.Set("London", "Paris")
m = immutable.Set("New York") //Reassignment - I have change the "value" at m.
val n = immutable.Set("London", "Paris")
n = immutable.Set("New York") //Will not compile as n is a val.
And hence:
val n = mutable.Set("London", "Paris")
n = mutable.Set("New York") //Will not compile, even though the type of n is mutable.
If you are building a data structure and all of its fields are vals, then that data structure is therefore immutable, as its state cannot change.
Thinking in terms of C++,
val x: T
is analogous to constant pointer to non-constant data
T* const x;
var x: T
is analogous to non-constant pointer to non-constant data
T* x;
Favoring val over var increases immutability of the codebase which can facilitate its correctness, concurrency and understandability.
To understand the meaning of having a constant pointer to non-constant data consider the following Scala snippet:
val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> "picard")
m // res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard)
Here the "pointer" val m is constant so we cannot re-assign it to point to something else like so
m = n // error: reassignment to val
however we can indeed change the non-constant data itself that m points to like so
m.put(2, "worf")
m // res1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard, 2 -> worf)
"val means immutable and var means mutable."
To paraphrase, "val means value and var means variable".
A distinction that happens to be extremely important in computing (because those two concepts define the very essence of what programming is all about), and that OO has managed to blur almost completely, because in OO, the only axiom is that "everything is an object". And that as a consequence, lots of programmers these days tend not to understand/appreciate/recognize, because they have been brainwashed into "thinking the OO way" exclusively. Often leading to variable/mutable objects being used like everywhere, when value/immutable objects might/would often have been better.
val means immutable and var means mutable
you can think val as java programming language final key world or c++ language const key world。
Val means its final, cannot be reassigned
Whereas, Var can be reassigned later.
It's as simple as it name.
var means it can vary
val means invariable
Val - values are typed storage constants. Once created its value cant be re-assigned. a new value can be defined with keyword val.
eg. val x: Int = 5
Here type is optional as scala can infer it from the assigned value.
Var - variables are typed storage units which can be assigned values again as long as memory space is reserved.
eg. var x: Int = 5
Data stored in both the storage units are automatically de-allocated by JVM once these are no longer needed.
In scala values are preferred over variables due to stability these brings to the code particularly in concurrent and multithreaded code.
Though many have already answered the difference between Val and var.
But one point to notice is that val is not exactly like final keyword.
We can change the value of val using recursion but we can never change value of final. Final is more constant than Val.
def factorial(num: Int): Int = {
if(num == 0) 1
else factorial(num - 1) * num
Method parameters are by default val and at every call value is being changed.
In terms of javascript , it same as
val -> const
var -> var

Accessing values in an Nx2 matrix of Strings in Scala

I have the following:
var data = Array[Array[String]]()
data :+= Array("item1", "")
data :+= Array("item2", "")
data :+= Array("item3", "")
I would like to somehow access the second element (the value lets say) of a certain "key" in data. I have to do this right now:
data(2)(1) = "test"
But I would like to do it without having to worry about indexes, something where I can just call the "key" and modify the value, like data("item1") = "test".
Unfornately I do have to use this matrix Array of Strings, which is obviously not optimal, but this is what I have to work with. How do I do this with my datastructure?
Also if I was to change datastructure, what Scala datastrucure would be the best? (I am considering changing it, but unlikely)
Use Map
val items = mutable.Map("foo" -> "bar", "bar" -> "bat")
items.update("foo", "baz")
If you have to stick with array, something like this will work
data.find(_.head == "foo").foreach { _(1) = "baz" }
You can make it look like a function call with a little implicit trickery:
object ArrayAsMap {
implicit class Wrapper(val it:Array[String]) extends AnyVal {
def <<-(foo: String) = it(1) = foo
implicit class Wrapper2(val it: Array[Array[String]]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(s: String) = Wrapper(it.find(_.head == s).get)
implicit def toarray(w: Wrapper) = w.it
Now, you can write that assignment like:
import ArrayAsMap._
data("foo") <<- "bar"
A few things about this:
the approach you are using is really bad: not only you have to scan the entire array to find the key every time, you are also making implicit assumptions about the contents of the (outer) array, which is especially bad because it is mutable. Something like this data("foo") = Array.empty will cause that code to crash badly at runtime.
you should avoid using mutable state (var) and mutable containers (like Array or mutable.Map ... Arrays are kinda inevitable legacy from java, but you should not normally mutate them). Code that uses immutable and referentially transparent statements is much easier to read, maintain and reason about, and much less error-prone. 99% of real-life use cases in scala do not require mutable state if implemented correctly. So, it might be a good idea for you to just pretend that vars and mutable containers do not exist at all, and you cannot change any value once it is assigned, until you have learned enough scala to be able to tell that 1% of cases when mutation is really necessary.

How to make method not require mutable self for locked Mutex?

Acessing a field of a struct for reading
rust playpen:
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct Test{
a: uint,
impl Test{
fn new() -> Test{
Test { a: 0}
fn get(&self) -> uint {
fn main() {
let t = Test{a: 42};
let m = Mutex::new(Test::new());
println!("Getting t: {} where t.a = {}", t.get(), t.a);
let m2 = m.lock();
println!("m2.a = {}", m2.a); // works
//println!("m2.get() = {}", m2.get()); // error: cannot borrow immutable local variable `m2` as mutable
So in this case accessing the field m2.a works, but calling m2.get() requires m2 to be mutable although get does not mutate anything and is not declared to be mutating anything especially not &self.
To make this code work I could just declare m2 with let mut m2 = m.lock(); and everything works fine, but why do I need that mut here and is there a better way to call m2.get() without declaring m2 mutable in a similar way as it works for t that I declare as non mutable and which still permits me to call t.get().
Yeah, the compiler tends to prefer to call deref_mut over deref in case both are available. In your case, deref would suffice and work, but the implicit dereferencing machinery picks deref_mut instead and then complains about m2 not being mutable.
To add to what reem said, the lock object does implement both, Deref and DerefMut and if you don't need a mutable borrow, you can get the immutable one by explicitly reborrowing it immutably:
println!("m2.get() = {}", (&*m2).get());
and if this kind of access is all you need you can also write
let m2 = m.lock();
let m2 = &*m2;
which then allows
println!("m2.get() = {}", m2.get());
This is due to a slight limitation of the Deref family of traits right now - namely implementing both Deref and DerefMut for the same type right now is slightly broken due to the behavior of autoderef for methods, namely, deref_mut is always called, even to get & references.
As a result, MutexGuard needs to be mutable for you to call methods which require &self. Usually, immutable uses of Mutex are rare, and RWLock, which supports both read and write locks separately, is better suited to this use case as it allows concurrent read locks.

Is there a way in Scala to remove the mutable variable(s) or it is fine to keep the mutable variables in the below case?

I understand that Scala embraces immutability fully.
Now I am thinking a scenario that I have to hold some state (via variables) in a class or such. I will need to update these variables later; then I can revisit the class later to access the updated variables.
I will try to make it simple with one very straightforward example:
class A {
var x: Int
def compute: Int = {calling some other processes or such using x as input}
def invoker() {
val a: A = new A
a.x = 1
val res1 = a.compute
a.x = 5
val res2 = a.compute
So you see, I need to keep changing x and get the results. If you argue that I can simply keep x as an argument for compute such as
def compute(x: Int)
That's a good idea but I cannot do it in my case as I need to separate setting value for x and computing the result completely. In other words, setting x value should not trigger "computing" to occur, rather, I need to be able to set x value anytime in the program and be able to reuse the value for computation any other time in the program when I need it.
I am using a variable (var x: Int) in this case. Is this legitimate or there is still some immutable way to handle it?
Any time you store state you will need to use mutability.
In your case, you want to store x and compute separately. Inherently, this means state is required since the results of compute depends on the state of x
If you really want the class with compute to be immutable, then some other mutable class will need to contain x and it will need to be passed to the compute method.
rather, I need to be able to set x value anytime in the program and be able to reuse the value for computation any other time in the program when I need it.
Then, by definition you want your class to be stateful. You could restructure your problem so that particular class doesn't require state, but whether that's useful and/or worth the hassle is something you'll have to figure out.
Your pattern is used in a ListBuffer for example (with size as your compute function).
So yes, there might be cases where you can use this pattern for good reasons. Example:
val l = List(1, 2, 3)
val lb = new ListBuffer[Int]
l.foreach(n => lb += n * n)
val result = lb.toList
On the other hand a buffer is normally only used to create an immutable instance as soon as possible. If you look at this code, there are two items which might indicate that it can be changed: The mutable buffer and foreach (because foreach is only called for its side-effects)
So another option is
val l = List(1, 2, 3)
val result = l.map(n => n * n)
which does the same in fewer lines. I prefer this style, because your are just looking at immutable instances and "functional" functions.
In your abstract example, you could try to separate the mutable state and the function:
class X(var i: Int)
class A {
def compute(x: X): Int = { ... }
possibly even
class X(val i: Int)
This way compute becomes functional: It's return value only depends from the parameter.
My personal favorite regarding an "unexpected" immutable class is scala.collection.immutable.Queue. With an "imperative" background, you just not expect a queue to be immutable.
So if you look at your pattern, it's likely that you can change it to being immutable.
I would create an immutable A class (here its a case class) and let an object handle the mutability. For each state change we create a new A object and change the reference in the object. This is handle concurrency bit better if you set x from a different thread, you just have to make the variable a volatile or an AtomicReference.
object A {
private[this] var a = A(0)
def setX(x: Int) { if (x != a.x) a = new A(x) }
def getA: A = a
case class A(x: Int) {
def compute: Int = { /*do your stuff*/ }
After a few more months on functional programming, here is my rethinking.
Every time a variable is modified/changed/updated/mutated, the imperative way of handling this is to record such change right with that variable. The functional way of thinking is to make the activity (that cause the change) bring the new state to you. In other words, it's like cause effect stuff. Functional way thinking focuses on the transition activity between cause and effect.
Given all that, in any given point of time in the program execution, our achievement is the intermediate result. We need somewhere to hold the result no matter how we do it. Such intermediate result is the state and yes, we need some variable to hold it. That's what I want to share with just abstract thinking.

What is the difference between a var and val definition in Scala?

What is the difference between a var and val definition in Scala and why does the language need both? Why would you choose a val over a var and vice versa?
As so many others have said, the object assigned to a val cannot be replaced, and the object assigned to a var can. However, said object can have its internal state modified. For example:
class A(n: Int) {
var value = n
class B(n: Int) {
val value = new A(n)
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x = new B(5)
x = new B(6) // Doesn't work, because I can't replace the object created on the line above with this new one.
x.value = new A(6) // Doesn't work, because I can't replace the object assigned to B.value for a new one.
x.value.value = 6 // Works, because A.value can receive a new object.
So, even though we can't change the object assigned to x, we could change the state of that object. At the root of it, however, there was a var.
Now, immutability is a good thing for many reasons. First, if an object doesn't change internal state, you don't have to worry if some other part of your code is changing it. For example:
x = new B(0)
if (x.value.value == 0)
println("f didn't do anything to x")
println("f did something to x")
This becomes particularly important with multithreaded systems. In a multithreaded system, the following can happen:
x = new B(1)
if (x.value.value == 1) {
print(x.value.value) // Can be different than 1!
If you use val exclusively, and only use immutable data structures (that is, avoid arrays, everything in scala.collection.mutable, etc.), you can rest assured this won't happen. That is, unless there's some code, perhaps even a framework, doing reflection tricks -- reflection can change "immutable" values, unfortunately.
That's one reason, but there is another reason for it. When you use var, you can be tempted into reusing the same var for multiple purposes. This has some problems:
It will be more difficult for people reading the code to know what is the value of a variable in a certain part of the code.
You may forget to re-initialize the variable in some code path, and end up passing wrong values downstream in the code.
Simply put, using val is safer and leads to more readable code.
We can, then, go the other direction. If val is that better, why have var at all? Well, some languages did take that route, but there are situations in which mutability improves performance, a lot.
For example, take an immutable Queue. When you either enqueue or dequeue things in it, you get a new Queue object. How then, would you go about processing all items in it?
I'll go through that with an example. Let's say you have a queue of digits, and you want to compose a number out of them. For example, if I have a queue with 2, 1, 3, in that order, I want to get back the number 213. Let's first solve it with a mutable.Queue:
def toNum(q: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Int]) = {
var num = 0
while (!q.isEmpty) {
num *= 10
num += q.dequeue
This code is fast and easy to understand. Its main drawback is that the queue that is passed is modified by toNum, so you have to make a copy of it beforehand. That's the kind of object management that immutability makes you free from.
Now, let's covert it to an immutable.Queue:
def toNum(q: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int]) = {
def recurse(qr: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int], num: Int): Int = {
if (qr.isEmpty)
else {
val (digit, newQ) = qr.dequeue
recurse(newQ, num * 10 + digit)
recurse(q, 0)
Because I can't reuse some variable to keep track of my num, like in the previous example, I need to resort to recursion. In this case, it is a tail-recursion, which has pretty good performance. But that is not always the case: sometimes there is just no good (readable, simple) tail recursion solution.
Note, however, that I can rewrite that code to use an immutable.Queue and a var at the same time! For example:
def toNum(q: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int]) = {
var qr = q
var num = 0
while (!qr.isEmpty) {
val (digit, newQ) = qr.dequeue
num *= 10
num += digit
qr = newQ
This code is still efficient, does not require recursion, and you don't need to worry whether you have to make a copy of your queue or not before calling toNum. Naturally, I avoided reusing variables for other purposes, and no code outside this function sees them, so I don't need to worry about their values changing from one line to the next -- except when I explicitly do so.
Scala opted to let the programmer do that, if the programmer deemed it to be the best solution. Other languages have chosen to make such code difficult. The price Scala (and any language with widespread mutability) pays is that the compiler doesn't have as much leeway in optimizing the code as it could otherwise. Java's answer to that is optimizing the code based on the run-time profile. We could go on and on about pros and cons to each side.
Personally, I think Scala strikes the right balance, for now. It is not perfect, by far. I think both Clojure and Haskell have very interesting notions not adopted by Scala, but Scala has its own strengths as well. We'll see what comes up on the future.
val is final, that is, cannot be set. Think final in java.
In simple terms:
var = variable
val = variable + final
val means immutable and var means mutable.
Full discussion.
The difference is that a var can be re-assigned to whereas a val cannot. The mutability, or otherwise of whatever is actually assigned, is a side issue:
import collection.immutable
import collection.mutable
var m = immutable.Set("London", "Paris")
m = immutable.Set("New York") //Reassignment - I have change the "value" at m.
val n = immutable.Set("London", "Paris")
n = immutable.Set("New York") //Will not compile as n is a val.
And hence:
val n = mutable.Set("London", "Paris")
n = mutable.Set("New York") //Will not compile, even though the type of n is mutable.
If you are building a data structure and all of its fields are vals, then that data structure is therefore immutable, as its state cannot change.
Thinking in terms of C++,
val x: T
is analogous to constant pointer to non-constant data
T* const x;
var x: T
is analogous to non-constant pointer to non-constant data
T* x;
Favoring val over var increases immutability of the codebase which can facilitate its correctness, concurrency and understandability.
To understand the meaning of having a constant pointer to non-constant data consider the following Scala snippet:
val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> "picard")
m // res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard)
Here the "pointer" val m is constant so we cannot re-assign it to point to something else like so
m = n // error: reassignment to val
however we can indeed change the non-constant data itself that m points to like so
m.put(2, "worf")
m // res1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = HashMap(1 -> picard, 2 -> worf)
"val means immutable and var means mutable."
To paraphrase, "val means value and var means variable".
A distinction that happens to be extremely important in computing (because those two concepts define the very essence of what programming is all about), and that OO has managed to blur almost completely, because in OO, the only axiom is that "everything is an object". And that as a consequence, lots of programmers these days tend not to understand/appreciate/recognize, because they have been brainwashed into "thinking the OO way" exclusively. Often leading to variable/mutable objects being used like everywhere, when value/immutable objects might/would often have been better.
val means immutable and var means mutable
you can think val as java programming language final key world or c++ language const key world。
Val means its final, cannot be reassigned
Whereas, Var can be reassigned later.
It's as simple as it name.
var means it can vary
val means invariable
Val - values are typed storage constants. Once created its value cant be re-assigned. a new value can be defined with keyword val.
eg. val x: Int = 5
Here type is optional as scala can infer it from the assigned value.
Var - variables are typed storage units which can be assigned values again as long as memory space is reserved.
eg. var x: Int = 5
Data stored in both the storage units are automatically de-allocated by JVM once these are no longer needed.
In scala values are preferred over variables due to stability these brings to the code particularly in concurrent and multithreaded code.
Though many have already answered the difference between Val and var.
But one point to notice is that val is not exactly like final keyword.
We can change the value of val using recursion but we can never change value of final. Final is more constant than Val.
def factorial(num: Int): Int = {
if(num == 0) 1
else factorial(num - 1) * num
Method parameters are by default val and at every call value is being changed.
In terms of javascript , it same as
val -> const
var -> var