How to use actor to receive http requests and requests from other actors? - scala

I want TestHttp class to be able to receive http requests or messages from other actors. How can I do it?
object Main extends App with SimpleRoutingApp {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("system")
import system.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(240.seconds)
startServer(interface = "localhost", port = 3000) {
get {
path("register" / IntNumber) { n =>
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx =>
val future = IO(Http) ? Bind(system.actorOf(Props[TestHttp]), interface = "localhost", port = 3000 + n)
future onSuccess {
case Http.Bound(msg) => ctx.complete(s"Ok:"+msg)
case _ => ctx.complete("...")
} // : Route == RequestContext => Unit
} // : Route
trait TestHttpService extends HttpService {
val oneRoute = {
path("test") {
class TestHttp extends Actor with TestHttpService {
def actorRefFactory = context
val sealedRoute = sealRoute(oneRoute)
def receive = {
// case HttpRequest(GET, Uri.Path("/ping"), _, _, _) => //not working
// sender ! HttpResponse(entity = "PONG")
case ctx: RequestContext => sealedRoute(ctx) //not working
// def receive = runRoute(oneRoute) //it works

Actor.Receive is a partial function that takes Any value and returns Unit (PartialFunction[Any, Unit]), so you can do it by regular PF composition.
HttpService.runRoute returns Actor.Receive (see
So, your solution would be:
class TestHttp extends Actor with TestHttpService {
def actorRefFactory = context
val sealedRoute = sealRoute(oneRoute)
def receive = {
case s: String => println(s"Just got string $s")
} orElse runRoute(oneRoute)


How to use Logging into Akka actor?

Can I set Logging in Akka actor by implicit? I would like to log inside the actor. My code is as given below:
object EmployeeRouterActor {
final case class Employee(id: Long, name: String)
final case object StopChild
final case class ChildResponse(id: Long, name: String)
final class EmployeeRouterActor extends Actor with {
import EmployeeRouterActor._
private var children = Map.empty[Long, ActorRef]
override def receive: Receive = {
case e # Employee(id, _) => {
getChild(id) ! e
case r # ChildResponse(id, _) => {
val idItem =
val nameItem =
sender ! s"Employee {$idItem} is $nameItem."
private def getChild(id: Long): ActorRef =
context.child(id.toString).getOrElse {
val child = context.actorOf(EmployeeEchoActor.apply(), id.toString)
children += (id -> child)
private def stopChild(id: Long) = {
children(id) ! StopChild
children -= id
But, in this case, I can not do something like this:
class EmployeeRouterActor (implicit logger: LoggingAdapter) { ... }
I have got following errors:
Error:(10, 30) could not find implicit value for parameter logger: akka.event.LoggingAdapter
def apply(): Props = Props(new EmployeeEchoActor)
Error:(10, 30) not enough arguments for constructor EmployeeEchoActor: (implicit logger: akka.event.LoggingAdapter)actors.EmployeeEchoActor.
Unspecified value parameter logger.
def apply(): Props = Props(new EmployeeEchoActor)
Is it possible to use Logging from Akka inside the actors?
EmployeeEchoActor (child actor) is defined as given below:
object EmployeeEchoActor {
def apply(): Props = Props(new EmployeeEchoActor)
class EmployeeEchoActor(implicit logger: LoggingAdapter) extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case employee: EmployeeRouterActor.Employee => {"Message received!")
val idItem =
val nameItem =
context.parent ! EmployeeRouterActor.ChildResponse( idItem, nameItem )
case EmployeeRouterActor.StopChild => {"Stopping :(!")
case _ => sender ! "Internal Error!"
The solution is:
final class EmployeeRouterActor extends Actor with {
Implement ActorLogging and use log at code, for example:
override def receive: Receive = {
case e # Employee(id, _) => {"Message received!")
getChild(id) ! e
case r # ChildResponse(id, _) => {"Response received from child!")
stopChild(id)"Child has been stopped!")
val idItem =
val nameItem =
sender ! s"Employee {$idItem} is $nameItem."

Scala Play Websocket - use one out actor to send both: Array[Byte] and String messages

I have Play websockets action:
def socket = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, Array[Byte]] { request => out =>
Props(new WebSocketInActor(out))
Generally I need to send to browser large raw arrays of data. But sometimes I need to send some small string data. In browser I can detect is data in text format or raw ArrayBuffer.
If I create actor that sends String, I can send string messages, If I create actor that sends with Array[Byte], I can send raw arrays. Both situations I don't need to change client code. So, how can I force Play to use both sending methods with one out actor?
Ah, those answers that comes just after you post question on SO. Looking through reference and sourcecode, I found that there is mixedFrame FrameFromatter:
So you just need to say that you will respond with Either[String, Array[Byte]] and if you want to send string use Left(somestring) or else use Right[somearray].
class WebSocketInActor(out: ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def preStart() = {
println("User connected")
val s = "Hello"
out ! Left(s)
out ! Right(s.getBytes("utf8"))
override def postStop() = {
println("User discconnected")
def receive = {
case msg: String => {
case _ =>
def socket = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, Either[String, Array[Byte]]] { request => out =>
Props(new WebSocketInActor(out))
Or you can go one step further and create your own frame formatter
sealed trait WSMessage
case class StringMessage(s: String) extends WSMessage
case class BinaryMessage(a: Array[Byte]) extends WSMessage
case class JsonMessage(js: JsValue) extends WSMessage
implicit object myFrameFormatter extends BasicFrameFormatter[WSMessage] {
private val textFrameClass = classOf[TextFrame]
private val binaryFrameClass = classOf[BinaryFrame]
def toFrame(message: WSMessage): BasicFrame = message match {
case StringMessage(s) => TextFrame(s)
case BinaryMessage(a) => BinaryFrame(a)
case JsonMessage(js) => TextFrame(Json.stringify(js))
def fromFrame(frame: BasicFrame): WSMessage = frame match {
case TextFrame(s) => StringMessage(s)
case BinaryFrame(a) => BinaryMessage(a)
def fromFrameDefined(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = clazz match {
case `textFrameClass` => true
case `binaryFrameClass` => true
case _ => false // shouldn't be reachable
class WebSocketInActor(out: ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def preStart() = {
println("User connected")
val s = "Hello"
val a:Array[Byte] = Array(100, 50, 30).map(_.toByte)
out ! StringMessage(s)
out ! JsonMessage(Json.obj("txt" -> s, "array" -> a))
out ! BinaryMessage(a)
override def postStop() = {
println("User discconnected")
def receive = {
case msg: String => {
case _ =>
def socket = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, WSMessage] { request => out =>
Props(new WebSocketInActor(out))

PersistentActor cannot invoke persist handler in Future onComplete

I am pretty new using PersistentActor ,
when I try to call updateState from a future onComplete, fails , nothing happanes , tried to debug it and I do get to the persist call but not into the updateState
trait Event
case class Cmd(data: String)
case class Evt(data: String) extends Event
class BarActor extends PersistentActor{
implicit val system = context.system
implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher
def updateState(event: Evt): Unit ={
println("Updating state")
state = state.updated(event)
sender() ! state
def timeout(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
akka.pattern.after(duration = 2 seconds, using = system.scheduler)(Future.failed(new TimeoutException("Got timed out!")))
val receiveCommand: Receive = {
case Cmd(data) =>
def anotherFuture(i: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem) = {
val realF = Future {
i % 2 match {
case 0 =>
case _ =>
Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(realF, timeout))
.recover {
case _ => -1
val res = (1 to 10).map(anotherFuture(_))
val list = Future.sequence(res)
case _ =>
You could try this:
list.onComplete {
case _ => self ! Evt("testing")
And add this to receiveCommand
case evt: Evt =>

Akka consolidate concurrent database requests

I want to be able to make concurrent requests to multiple data repositories and consolidate the results. I am trying to understand if my approach is at all valid or if there is a better way to approach this problem. I am definitely new to Akka / Spray / Scala and really want to get a better understanding of how to properly build these components. Any suggestions / Tips would be greatly appreciated. Trying to wrap my head around the use of actors and futures for this type of implementation.
Spray Service:
trait DemoService extends HttpService with Actor with ActorLogging {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds) // needed for `?` below
val mongoMasterActor = context.actorOf(Props[MongoMasterActor], "redisactor")
val dbMaster = context.actorOf(Props[DbMasterActor], "dbactor")
val messageApiRouting =
path("summary" / Segment / Segment) { (dataset, timeslice) =>
onComplete(getDbResponses(dbMaster, dataset, timeslice)) {
case Success(dbMessageResponse) => complete(s"The result was $dbMessageResponse")
case Failure(ex) => complete(s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")
/** Passes the desired actor reference for a specific dataset and timeslice for summary data retrieval
* #param mongoActor an actor reference to the RedisActor that will handle the appropriate request routing
* #param dataset The dataset for which the summary has been requested
* #param timeslice The timeslice (Month, Week, Day, etc.) for which the summary has been requested
def getSummary(mongoActor: ActorRef, dataset: String, timeslice: String): Future[DbMessageResponse] = {
log.debug(s"dataset: $dataset timeslice: $timeslice")
val dbMessage = DbMessage("summary", dataset + timeslice)
(mongoActor ? dbMessage).mapTo[DbMessageResponse]
def getDbResponses(dbActor: ActorRef, dataset: String, timeslice: String): Future[SummaryResponse] = {
log.debug(s"dataset: $dataset timeslice: $timeslice")
val dbMessage = DbMessage("summary", dataset + timeslice)
(dbActor ? dbMessage).mapTo[SummaryResponse]
def getSummaryPayload(mongoSummary: DbMessageResponse, redisSummary: DbMessageResponse): String = {
mongoSummary.response + redisSummary.response
Akka Actor / Future mock db requests:
class DbMasterActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
private var originalSender: ActorRef = _
//TODO: Need to add routing to the config to limit instances
val summaryActor = context.actorOf(Props(new SummaryActor), "summaryactor")
def receive = {
case msg: DbMessage => {
this.originalSender = sender
msg.query match {
case "summary" => {
case Success(result) => originalSender ! result
case Failure(ex) => log.error(ex.getMessage)
//If not match log an error
case _ => log.error("Received unknown message: {} ")
def getDbResults(): Future[SummaryResponse] = {
log.debug("hitting db results")
val mongoResult = Future{ Thread.sleep(500); "Mongo"}
val redisResult = Future{ Thread.sleep(800); "redis"}
mResult <- mongoResult
rResult <- redisResult
} yield SummaryResponse(mResult, rResult)
Following the reading of Effective Akka by Jamie Allen, I am going to attempt to apply his "Cameo" pattern suggestion.
I think what I created will work, but doesn't sound like the best approach based on Jamie's comments in his talks. I will update / edit back to this post what I have implemented (or try to).
Summary Actor (Cameo Actor):
object SummaryResponseHandler {
case object DbRetrievalTimeout
def props(mongoDb: ActorRef, redisDb: ActorRef, originalSender: ActorRef): Props = {
Props(new SummaryResponseHandler(mongoDb, redisDb, originalSender))
class SummaryResponseHandler(mongoDb: ActorRef, redisDb: ActorRef,
originalSender: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import SummaryResponseHandler._
var mongoSummary, redisSummary: Option[String] = None
def receive = LoggingReceive {
case MongoSummary(summary) =>
log.debug(s"Received mongo summary: $summary")
mongoSummary = summary
case RedisSummary(summary) =>
log.debug(s"Received redis summary: $summary")
redisSummary = summary
case DbRetrievalTimeout =>
log.debug("Timeout occurred")
def collectSummaries = (mongoSummary, redisSummary) match {
case (Some(m), Some(r)) =>
log.debug(s"Values received for both databases")
sendResponseAndShutdown(DataSetSummary(mongoSummary, redisSummary))
case _ =>
def sendResponseAndShutdown(response: Any) = {
originalSender ! response
log.debug("Stopping context capturing actor")
import context.dispatcher
val timeoutMessager = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(
250 milliseconds, self, DbRetrievalTimeout)
class SummaryRetriever(mongoDb: ActorRef, redisDb: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case GetSummary(dataSet) =>
log.debug("received dataSet")
val originalSender = sender
val handler = context.actorOf(SummaryResponseHandler.props(mongoDb,redisDb, originalSender), "cameo-message-handler")
mongoDb.tell(GetSummary(dataSet), handler)
redisDb.tell(GetSummary(dataSet), handler)
case _ => log.debug(s"Unknown result $GetSummary(datset)")
case class GetSummary(dataSet: String)
case class DataSetSummary(
mongo: Option[String],
redis: Option[String]
case class MongoSummary(
summary: Option[String]
case class RedisSummary(
summary: Option[String]
trait MongoProxy extends Actor with ActorLogging
trait RedisProxy extends Actor with ActorLogging
Mock Stubs:
class MongoProxyStub extends RedisProxy {
val summaryData = Map[String, String](
"dataset1" -> "MongoData1",
"dataset2" -> "MongoData2")
def receive = LoggingReceive {
case GetSummary(dataSet: String) =>
log.debug(s"Received GetSummary for ID: $dataSet")
summaryData.get(dataSet) match {
case Some(data) => sender ! MongoSummary(Some(data))
case None => sender ! MongoSummary(Some(""))
class RedisProxyStub extends MongoProxy{
val summaryData = Map[String, String](
"dataset1" -> "RedisData1",
"dataset2" -> "RedisData2")
def receive = LoggingReceive {
case GetSummary(dataSet: String) =>
log.debug(s"Received GetSummary for ID: $dataSet")
summaryData.get(dataSet) match {
case Some(data) => sender ! RedisSummary(Some(data))
case None => sender ! RedisSummary(Some(""))
Boot (You should use test, but was just wanting to run from boot):
object Boot extends App{
val system = ActorSystem("DbSystem")
val redisProxy = system.actorOf(Props[RedisProxyStub], "cameo-success-mongo")
val mongoProxy = system.actorOf(Props[MongoProxyStub], "cameo-success-redis")
val summaryRetrieverActor = system.actorOf(Props(new SummaryRetriever(redisProxy, mongoProxy)), "cameo-retriever1")
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val future = summaryRetrieverActor ? GetSummary("dataset1")
val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[DataSetSummary]
Application Config:
akka.loglevel = "DEBUG"
akka.event-handlers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler"] = on = on = on = on

Implement weak-referenced Eventbus actors?

Is it correct to say that unreferenced actors remain subscribed to the event stream ? At least, that's what I get from experimenting with Akka...
I'm trying to implement weak-referencing for actors in an EventBus scenario. In those cases the event listeners/actors typically come and go. Unlike independent actors which are supposed to be present all of the time. Explicit unregistering of course does work. But I'm not always able to perceive the right moment to do this.
Does Akka provide in such a use case ?
val as = ActorSystem.create("weak")
var actor = as.actorOf(Props[ExceptionHandler])
// an event is published & received
as.eventStream.publish(new KnownProblem)
//session expires or whatever that makes the actor redundant
actor = null
(1 to 30).foreach(_ => System.gc)
// an event is published & STILL received
as.eventStream.publish(new KnownProblem)
Okay, I could not actually implement it, but actor is stopping on GC. Using Scala 2.9.2 (REPL) + Akka 2.0.3.
The EventBus with WeakReference[ActorRef] did not help - because in Akka you also have a dungeon with ChildrenContainer (self.children), also there could be Monitor subscriptions to lifecycle events. The thing I did not try - creating actors with dispatcher that only knows about our new shiny WeakEventBus - so maybe I missed the point?
Here goes the code for REPL (start it with appropriate imports, and :paste it in 2 steps):
// Start REPL with something like:
// scala -Yrepl-sync -classpath "/opt/akka-2.0.3/lib/akka/akka-actor-2.0.3.jar:
// /opt/akka-2.0.3/lib/akka/akka-remote-2.0.3.jar:
// /opt/akka-2.0.3/lib/akka/config-0.3.1.jar:
// /opt/akka-2.0.3/lib/akka/protobuf-java-2.4.1.jar:
// /opt/akka-2.0.3/lib/akka/netty-3.5.3.Final.jar"
// :paste 1/2
import akka.pattern._
import akka.event._
import akka.util._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.dispatch.Await
import scala.ref.WeakReference
import java.util.Comparator
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import java.util.UUID
case class Message(val id:String,val timestamp: Long)
case class PostMessage(
override val id:String=UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
override val timestamp: Long=new java.util.Date().getTime(),
text:String) extends Message(id, timestamp)
case class MessageEvent(val channel:String, val message:Message)
case class StartServer(nodeName: String)
case class ServerStarted(nodeName: String, actor: ActorRef)
case class IsAlive(nodeName: String)
case class IsAliveWeak(nodeName: String)
case class AmAlive(nodeName: String, actor: ActorRef)
case class GcCheck()
case class GcCheckScheduled(isScheduled: Boolean,
gcFlag: WeakReference[AnyRef])
trait WeakLookupClassification { this: WeakEventBus ⇒
protected final val subscribers = new Index[Classifier,
new Comparator[WeakReference[Subscriber]] {
def compare(a: WeakReference[Subscriber],
b: WeakReference[Subscriber]): Int = {
if (a.get == None || b.get == None) -1
else compareSubscribers(a.get.get, b.get.get)
protected def mapSize(): Int
protected def compareSubscribers(a: Subscriber, b: Subscriber): Int
protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier
protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit
def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, to: Classifier): Boolean =
subscribers.put(to, new WeakReference(subscriber))
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber, from: Classifier): Boolean =
subscribers.remove(from, new WeakReference(subscriber))
def unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): Unit =
subscribers.removeValue(new WeakReference(subscriber))
def publish(event: Event): Unit = {
val i = subscribers.valueIterator(classify(event))
while (i.hasNext) publish(event,
class WeakEventBus extends EventBus with WeakLookupClassification {
type Event = MessageEvent
type Classifier=String
type Subscriber = ActorRef
protected def compareSubscribers(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef) = a compareTo b
protected def mapSize(): Int = 10
protected def classify(event: Event): Classifier =
protected def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber): Unit =
subscriber ! event
lazy val weakEventBus = new WeakEventBus
implicit val timeout = akka.util.Timeout(1000)
lazy val actorSystem = ActorSystem("serversys", ConfigFactory.parseString("""
akka {
loglevel = "DEBUG"
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
debug {
receive = on
autoreceive = on
lifecycle = on
event-stream = on
remote {
transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on
serverconf {
include "common"
akka {
actor {
deployment {
/root {
remote = "akka://serversys#"
remote {
netty {
hostname = ""
port = 2552
class Server extends Actor {
private[this] val scheduled = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private[this] val gcFlagRef = new AtomicReference[WeakReference[AnyRef]]()
val gcCheckPeriod = Duration(5000, "millis")
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
self ! GcCheckScheduled(scheduled.get, gcFlagRef.get)
super.preRestart(reason, message)
def schedule(period: Duration, who: ActorRef) =
actorSystem.scheduler.scheduleOnce(period)(who ! GcCheck)
def receive = {
case StartServer(nodeName) =>
sender ! ServerStarted(nodeName, self)
if (scheduled.compareAndSet(false, true))
schedule(gcCheckPeriod, self)
val gcFlagObj = new AnyRef()
gcFlagRef.set(new WeakReference(gcFlagObj))
weakEventBus.subscribe(self, nodeName)
case GcCheck =>
val gcFlag = gcFlagRef.get
if (gcFlag == null) {
gcFlag.get match {
case Some(gcFlagObj) =>
schedule(gcCheckPeriod, self)
case None =>
println("Actor stopped because of GC: " + self)
case GcCheckScheduled(isScheduled, gcFlag) =>
if (isScheduled && scheduled.compareAndSet(false, isScheduled)) {
gcFlagRef.compareAndSet(null, gcFlag)
schedule(gcCheckPeriod, self)
case IsAlive(nodeName) =>
println("Im alive (default EventBus): " + nodeName)
sender ! AmAlive(nodeName, self)
case e: MessageEvent =>
println("Im alive (weak EventBus): " + e)
// :paste 2/2
class Root extends Actor {
def receive = {
case start # StartServer(nodeName) =>
val server = context.actorOf(Props[Server], nodeName)
Await.result(server ? start, timeout.duration)
.asInstanceOf[ServerStarted] match {
case started # ServerStarted(nodeName, _) =>
sender ! started
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException(
"[S][FAIL] Could not start server: " + start)
case isAlive # IsAlive(nodeName) =>
Await.result(context.actorFor(nodeName) ? isAlive,
timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[AmAlive] match {
case AmAlive(nodeName, _) =>
println("[S][SUCC] Server is alive : " + nodeName)
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException("[S][FAIL] Wrong answer: " + nodeName)
case isAliveWeak # IsAliveWeak(nodeName) =>
lazy val rootActor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[Root], "root")
object Root {
def start(nodeName: String) = {
val msg = StartServer(nodeName)
var startedActor: Option[ActorRef] = None
Await.result(rootActor ? msg, timeout.duration)
.asInstanceOf[ServerStarted] match {
case succ # ServerStarted(nodeName, actor) =>
println("[S][SUCC] Server started: " + succ)
startedActor = Some(actor)
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException("[S][FAIL] Could not start server: " + msg)
def isAlive(nodeName: String) = rootActor ! IsAlive(nodeName)
def isAliveWeak(nodeName: String) = rootActor ! IsAliveWeak(nodeName)
// actual test