Matlab Bug in Sine function? - matlab

Has anyone tried plotting a sine function for large values in MATLAB?
For e.g.:
x = 0:1000:100000;
I was just wondering why the amplitude is changing for this periodic function? As per what I expect, for any value of x, the function has a period of 2*pi. Why is it not?
Does anyone know? Is there a way to get it right? Also, is this a bug and is it already known?

That's actually not the amplitude changing. That is due to the numerical imprecisions of floating point arithmetic. Bear in mind that you are specifying an integer sequence from 0 to 100000 in steps of 1000. If you recall from trigonometry, sin(n*x*pi) = 0 when x and n are integers, and so theoretically you should be obtaining an output of all zeroes. In your case, n = 2, and x is a number from 0 to 100000 that is a multiple of 1000.
However, this is what I get when I use the above code in your post:
Take a look at the scale of that graph. It's 10^{-11}. Do you know how small that is? As further evidence, here's what the max and min values are of that sequence:
>> min(sin(2*pi*x))
ans =
>> max(sin(2*pi*x))
ans =
The values are so small that they might as well be zero. What you are visualizing in the graph is due to numerical imprecision. As I mentioned before, sin(n*x*pi) = 0 when n and x is are integers, under the assumption that we have all of the decimal places of pi available. However, because we only have 64-bits total to represent pi numerically, you will certainly not get the result to be exactly zero. In addition, be advised that the sin function is very likely to be using numerical approximation algorithms (Taylor / MacLaurin series for example), and so that could also contribute to the fact that the result may not be exactly 0.
There are, of course, workarounds, such as using the symbolic mathematics toolbox (see #yoh.lej's answer). In this case, you will get zero, but I won't focus on that here. Your post is questioning the accuracy of the sin function in MATLAB, that works on numeric type inputs. Theoretically with your input into sin, as it is an integer sequence, every value of x should make sin(n*x*pi) = 0.
BTW, this article is good reading. This is what every programmer needs to know about floating point arithmetic and functions: A more simple overview can be found here:

Because what is the exact value of pi?
This apparent error is due to the limit of floating point accuracy. If you really need/want to get around that you can do symbolic computation with matlab, see the difference between:
>> sin(2*pi*10)
ans =
>> sin(sym(2*pi*10))
ans =


MATLAB - negative values go to NaN in a symmetric function

Can someone please explain why the following symmetric function cannot pass a certain limit of negative values?
D = 0.1; l = 4;
c = #(x,v) (v/D).*exp(-v*x/D)./(1-exp(-v*l/D));
v_vec = -25:0.01:25;
hold on
Notice at the figure where the blue line chops, this is where I get inf/nan values.
It seems that Matlab is trying to compute a result that is too large, outputs +inf, and then operates on that, which yields +/- inf and NaNs.
For instance, at v=-25, part of the function computes exp(-(-25)*4/0.1), which is exp(1000), and that outputs +inf. (larger than the largest representable double precision float).
You can potentially solve that problem by rewriting your function to avoid operating of such very large (or very small) numbers, say by reorganising the fraction containing exp() functions.
I did encounter the same hurdle using exp() with arguments triggering overflow. Sometimes it is difficult to trace back numeric imprecision or convergence errors. In principle the function definition using exp() only create intermediate issues as your purpose as a transition function. The intention I guess was to provide a continuous function.
My solution to this problem is to divide the argument into regions and provide in each region an approximation function. In your case zero for negative x and proportional to x for positive x. In between you can use the orginal function. Care should be taken to match the approximation at the borders of the regions and the number of continuous differentiations which is important for convergence in loops.

Approximation for mean(abs(fft(vector)))?

Some MatLab code I'm trying to simplify goes through the effort of finding FFT, only to take the absolute value, and then the mean:
> vector = [0 -1 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +1];
> mean(abs(fft(vector)))
ans = 2
All these coefficients are built up, then chopped back down to a single value. The platform I'm working on is really limited, and if I can get by without using FFT, all the better. Is there a way to approximate these operations without FFT?
Can assume vector will be at most 64 values in length.
I think this is a just a very inefficient way of calculating the RMS value of the signal. See Parseval's Theorem. You can probably just simplify the expression to:
If your vector is real and has zero average as in your example, you can take advantage of the fact that the two halves of the DFT are complex-conjugate (from basic signal processing) and save half the abs computations. Also, use sum, which is faster than mean:
fft_vector = fft(vector);
len = length(fft_vector)/2;

Probability of generating a particular random number, such as in MATLAB

In real probability, there is a 0% chance that a random number p, selected from all of the real numbers in the interval (0,1), will be 0.5. However, what are the odds that
rand == 0.5
in MATLAB? I suppose this is like asking how many double-precision numbers are between zero and one, or maybe there are other factors at play.
No particular info on MATLAB's generator...
In general even simple pseudo-random generators have long enough cycles which would cover all values representable by double.
If MATLAB uses some other form of generating random numbers it would be even better - so assuming it uniformly covers whole range of double values.
I believe probability would be: distance between representable numbers around values you are interested divided by length of the interval. See What is the minimal step in double data type? (.NET) for discussion on the distance.
Looking at this question, we see that there are 262 - 252
doubles in the interval (0 1). Therefore, the probability of picking any single one (like 0.5) would be roughly equal to one divided by this number, or
>> p = 1/(2^62-2^52)
ans =
However, as horchler already indicates, it also depends on the type of random number generator you use, as well as MATLAB's implementation thereof. Sadly, I have only basic knowledge on the implementaion details for each, but you can look here for a list of available random number generators in MATLAB and google a bit further for more precise numbers.
I am not sure whether Alexei was trying to say this, but inspired by him I think the probability will indeed be approximately the distance between numbers around 0.5.
Therefore I expect the probability to be approximately:
Which evaluates to 1.1102e-16
Given the monotonic nature of the difference between double numbers I would actually think this holds:
eps(0.5-eps(0.5)) <= yourprobability <= eps(0.5)
Implying a range of 5.5511e-17 to 1.1102e-16

Why is Matlab saving values as symbolic variables with massive fractions instead of decimal approximations?

I'm currently working on a rudimentary optimization algorithm in Matlab, and I'm running into issues with Matlab saving variables at ridiculous precision. Within a few iterations the variables are so massive that it's actually triggering some kind of infinite loop in sym.m.
Here's the line of code that's starting it all:
SLine = (m * (X - P(1))) + P(2);
Where P = [2,2] and m = 1.2595. When I type this line of code into the command line manually, SLine is saved as the symbolic expression (2519*X)/2000 - 519/1000. I'm not sure why it isn't using a decimal approximation, but at least these fractions have the correct value. When this line of code runs in my program, however, it saves SLine as the expression (2836078626493975*X)/2251799813685248 - 584278812808727/1125899906842624, which when divided out isn't even precise to four decimals. These massive fractions are getting carried through my program, growing with each new line of code, and causing it to grind to a halt.
Does anyone have any idea why Matlab is behaving in this way? Is there a way to specify what precision it should use while performing calculations? Thanks for any help you can provide.
You've told us what m and P are, but what is X? X is apparently a symbolic variable. So further computations are all done symbolically.
Welcome to the Joys of Symbolic Computing!
Most Symbolic Algebra systems represent numbers as rationals, $(p,q) = \frac{p}{q}$, and perform rational arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/) on these numbers, which produce rational results. Generally, these results are exact (also called infinite precision).
It is well-known that the sizes of the rationals generated by rationals operations on rationals grow exponentially. Hence, if you try to solve a realistic problem with any Symbolic Algebra system, you eventually run out of space or time.
Here is the last word on this topic, where Nick Trefethen FRS shows why floating point arithmetic is absolutely vital for solving realistic numeric problems.
Try this in Matlab:
function xnew = NewtonSym(xstart,niters);
% Symbolic Newton on simple polynomial
% Derek O'Connor 2 Dec 2012.
x = sym(xstart,'f');
for iter = 1:niters
xnew = x - (x^5-2*x^4-3*x^3+3*x^2-2*x-1)/...
x = xnew;
function xnew = TestNewtonSym(maxits);
% Test the running time of Symbolic Newton
% Derek O'Connor 2 Dec 2012.
for niters=1:maxits
xnew = NewtonSym(xstart,niters);
So, from MATLAB reference documentation on Symbolic computations, the symbolic representation will always be in exact rational form, as opposed to decimal approximation of a floating-point number [1]. The reason this is done, apparently, is to "to help avoid rounding errors and representation errors" [2].
The exact representation is something that cannot be overcome by just doing symbolic arithmetic. However, you can use Variable-Precision Arithmetic (vpa) in Matlab to get the same precision [3].
For example
>> sym(pi)
ans =
>> vpa(sym(pi))
ans =

How to overcome singularities in numerical integration (in Matlab or Mathematica)

I want to numerically integrate the following:
and a, b and β are constants which for simplicity, can all be set to 1.
Neither Matlab using dblquad, nor Mathematica using NIntegrate can deal with the singularity created by the denominator. Since it's a double integral, I can't specify where the singularity is in Mathematica.
I'm sure that it is not infinite since this integral is based in perturbation theory and without the
has been found before (just not by me so I don't know how it's done).
Any ideas?
(1) It would be helpful if you provide the explicit code you use. That way others (read: me) need not code it up separately.
(2) If the integral exists, it has to be zero. This is because you negate the n(y)-n(x) factor when you swap x and y but keep the rest the same. Yet the integration range symmetry means that amounts to just renaming your variables, hence it must stay the same.
(3) Here is some code that shows it will be zero, at least if we zero out the singular part and a small band around it.
a = 1;
b = 1;
beta = 1;
eps[x_] := 2*(a-b*Cos[x])
n[x_] := 1/(1+Exp[beta*eps[x]])
delta = .001;
pw[x_,y_] := Piecewise[{{1,Abs[Abs[x]-Abs[y]]>delta}}, 0]
We add 1 to the integrand just to avoid accuracy issues with results that are near zero.
{x,-Pi,Pi}, {y,-Pi,Pi}] / (4*Pi^2)
I get the result below.
Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following:
singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand,
or WorkingPrecision too small.
The global error of the strategy GlobalAdaptive has increased more than
2000 times. The global error is expected to decrease monotonically after a
number of integrand evaluations. Suspect one of the following: the
working precision is insufficient for the specified precision goal; the
integrand is highly oscillatory or it is not a (piecewise) smooth
function; or the true value of the integral is 0. Increasing the value of
the GlobalAdaptive option MaxErrorIncreases might lead to a convergent
numerical integration. NIntegrate obtained 39.4791 and 0.459541
for the integral and error estimates.
Out[24]= 1.00002
This is a good indication that the unadulterated result will be zero.
(4) Substituting cx for cos(x) and cy for cos(y), and removing extraneous factors for purposes of convergence assessment, gives the expression below.
((1 + E^(2*(1 - cx)))^(-1) - (1 + E^(2*(1 - cy)))^(-1))/
(2*(1 - cx) - 2*(1 - cy))^2
A series expansion in cy, centered at cx, indicates a pole of order 1. So it does appear to be a singular integral.
Daniel Lichtblau
The integral looks like a Cauchy Principal Value type integral (i.e. it has a strong singularity). That's why you can't apply standard quadrature techniques.
Have you tried PrincipalValue->True in Mathematica's Integrate?
In addition to Daniel's observation about integrating an odd integrand over a symmetric range (so that symmetry indicates the result should be zero), you can also do this to understand its convergence better (I'll use latex, writing this out with pen and paper should make it easier to read; it took a lot longer to write than to do, it's not that complicated):
First, epsilon(x)-\epsilon(y)\propto\cos(y)-\cos(x)=2\sin(\xi_+)\sin(\xi_-) where I have defined \xi_\pm=(x\pm y)/2 (so I've rotated the axes by pi/4). The region of integration then is \xi_+ between \pi/\sqrt{2} and -\pi/\sqrt{2} and \xi_- between \pm(\pi/\sqrt{2}-\xi_-). Then the integrand takes the form \frac{1}{\sin^2(\xi_-)\sin^2(\xi_+)} times terms with no divergences. So, evidently, there are second-order poles, and this isn't convergent as presented.
Perhaps you could email the persons who obtained an answer with the cos term and ask what precisely it is they did. Perhaps there's a physical regularisation procedure being employed. Or you could have given more information on the physical origin of this (some sort of second order perturbation theory for some sort of bosonic system?), had that not been off-topic here...
May be I am missing something here, but the integrand
f[x,y]=Cos^2[(x+y)/2]*(n[x]-n[y])/(eps[x]-eps[y]) with n[x]=1/(1+Exp[Beta*eps[x]]) and eps[x]=2(a-b*Cos[x]) is indeed a symmetric function in x and y: f[x,-y]= f[-x,y]=f[x,y].
Therefore its integral over any domain [-u,u]x[-v,v] is zero. No numerical integration seems to be needed here. The result is just zero.