How do i get the list of all the leads in Marketo - rest

I want to get all leads in Marketo using their Rest Apis. Is there a way to do this? I have already tried the getLeadChanges api, however that only returns leads with changed fields.

Leads in Marketo are assigned lead ids in sequential order starting with 1. Using the Get Multiple Leads by Filter Type REST API endpoint, you can query 300 leads by lead id with each call.
You will have to specify id as the filterType and the lead ids as the filterValues with each call to this endpoint. To get all leads, you would iterate through the total number of leads 300 at a time.
The first API call would be (replace ... with all the values in between):
The second API call, and each subsequent API call would follow the same pattern:

By Marketo REST API you can request only static lists, and the "All leads" is dynamic.
Easyest way will be:
Create static list
Add all existing leads to this list
Create a Marketo campaign to add every new lead to this Static list.
then just query leads in this list. e.g.:
Hope it will help.


Determine the proper REST API method

I have the following functionalities in my API:
Getting a user by their name
Getting a user by their ID
Getting a user, or if it doesn't exist create one
Getting multiple users by their ID
Currently I'm handling the two first functionalities with a GET request, and the third with a POST request. I could use a GET request for getting multiple users, but sending potentially hundreds of IDs through a query parameter seems like the wrong approach, as I would get a very long URL. I could also use a POST request to send the long list of IDs through its body, but I doubt a POST request is meant for this purpose.
What method would be appropriate to use for the last one?
I see 2 possible ways here:
Get all users and do your filtering post response.
Get a range of IDs, which resumes to only 2 parameters, the lower and the upper limits of the interval. (If this satisfy your needs)
Behaving the way you described and avoiding long URLs in the same time will not work together.

Aggregate functions in WIQL query

I want download WIQL report using REST API. REST response doesn't give all fields but it gives a list of URLS as workItems.
To get field values I need to download each WorkItem separately.
Any direct REST way to accomplish this in a single REST call?
Repeated REST calls gives me rate limiting or similar error. I get error 500 types after repeated GET request.
Genesis of this need is - There are no aggerate functions available likes of SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG Etc.
REST response doesn't give all fields but it gives a list of URLS as
To get field values I need to download each WorkItem separately. Any
direct REST way to accomplish this in a single REST call?
Sorry but as I know, there's no direct rest api available to get WIQL report. An alternative workaround should be:
1.Use Query By Wiql to return the list of WorkItem IDs and Urls (I think this is the same rest api you use).
2.Then use Get Work Items Batch to get all the details(fields) about the requested work item ids. And here's one issue which has similar needs like yours, you can use the upgraded script from konpro11 to get list of IDs and use the IDs to get your report (with the help of second rest api).
Hope it helps :)

REST API Get single latest resource

I'm designing a REST api and interested if anyone can help with best practice in the following scenario.
I have...
GET Customers/{customerId}/Orders - to get all customer orders
GET Customers/{customerId}/Orders/{orderId} - to get a particular order
I need to provide the ability to get a customers most recent order. What is best practice in this scenario? Simply get all and sort by date or provide a specific method?
I need to provide the ability to get a customers most recent order.
Of course you could provide query parameters to filter, sort and slice the orders collection, but why not making it simpler and give the latest order if the client needs it?
You could use something like (returning a representation of a single order):
GET /customers/{customerId}/orders/latest
The above URL will map an order that will change over the time and it's perfectly fine.
Say there is also a case where you need last 5 orders. How would your route(s) look like?
The above approach focus on the ability to get a customers most recent order requirement. If returning the last 5 orders requirement eventually comes up after some time, I would probably introduce another mapping such as /recent that returns a representation of a collection with the recent orders and accepts a query parameter that indicates the amount of orders to be returned (5 would be the default value if the parameter is omitted).
The /latest mapping would still be valid and would return a representation of the very latest order only.
Providing query parameters to filter, sort and slice the orders collection is still a valid approach.
The key is: If you know the client who will consume the API, target it to their needs. Otherwise, make it more generic. And when modifying the API, be careful with breaking changes and versioning the API is also welcome.
I think there is no need for another route.
Pass something like &order=-created_at&limit=1 in your get request
Or &order=created_at&orderby=DESC&limit=1 (note I'm not sure about naming your params so maybe you could use &count=1 instead of &limit=1, ditto order params)
I think it also depends whether you are using pagination or not on that route, so perhaps additional params are required
The Github API for the similar use case is using latest, to fetch the single resource which is latest.
So to fetch a single resource which is latest you can use.
GET /customers/{customerId}/orders/latest
However would like to know what community think about this.
IMO the resource/latest gives an impression that the response will be a list of resource sorted by latest to oldest.

Possible to specify date_preset with insights edge in Facebook Ads API?

For the Marketing API, I know that I'm able to make one call to retrieve all of the adsets from a certain account along with their insights, but am I able to specify the date_preset for the insights edge in that same call?
For example, the following gives me lifetime insights stats:
To be clear - I know this is possible to retrieve by making separate calls for each adset id (where I know I can specify the date_preset); instead, I'd like to do this via the call where I get a long list of the ad sets plus their insights details in one go.
Yes this is possible using query expansion, however you probably should not do it in this anyway.
Using query expansion results in multiple requests being executed in one HTTP call, in this case one to get all the adcampaigns, and then N requests where N is the number of adcampaigns returned. This will in turn affect your rate limiting.
The most efficient way to request all insights for all adcampaigns (ad sets) is instead to request them at the account level, specifying aggregation level:
This requires just 1 request, or the number of requests to retrieve the total number of pages.
If you really want to achieve this with query expansion, you can do the following for example:
You can see the parameters to insights that would normally be query parameters of the form param_name=param_value are now in the form of param_name(param_value).
To specify the date_preset , here is the correct format . Its important to use insights as edge to get the date_preset filtering .
The above one is tested with latest Graph Api version(2.10) as of now . FOr more info related to the date_preset values refer to there api docs .

REST API Design with many input parameters including collections

I need to design and implement a REST API where users need to pass many input parameters. Out of those input parameters few are collection of an integer, few of them are date strings etc. After getting all these parameters I need to return unique id in the response. What method type (PUT, POST or GET) I should use in order to implement this API? How can I pass all these parameters to the API? I don't want users to format input parameter list into XML or JSON and post as a request body.
I appreciate if anybody can help on this topic.
POST is for creating new resources.
PUT is for updating existing resources. A PUT call should be idempotent, i.e. issuing the same request twice will end in no side effects.
To get an overall clue on how RESTful services work, read this article.
And yes, if you want your users to submit a complex set of parameters JSON/XML is the best way to go of course.