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So having watched 3 hours of youtube videos, and spent equally long reading about Lisp, I've yet to see these "magic macros" that allow one to write DSLs, or even do simple things like 4 + 5 without nesting this inside some braces.
There is some discussion here: Common lisp: is there a less painful way to input math expressions? but the syntax doesn't look any nicer, and still requires some enclosing fluff to define where the macro starts and ends.
So here is the challenge, define an infix macro, then use it without having to enclose it with some kind of additional syntax. I.e.
Some macro definition here
1 + 2
Some macro definition here
(my-macro 1 + 2)
Some macro definition here
ugly-syntax 1 + 2 end-ugly-syntax
If this is not possible in Lisp, then what is all the fuss about? It's kinda like saying "you have awesome powerful macros that allow for cool DSLs, provided those DSLs are wrapped in Lisp like syntax".
Of course you can implement what you're talking about in Lisp.
One big difference between Lisp and other languages is that nothing is fixed and you've control on what the reader does on every single character of the input source code. Literally.
Consider for example the project CL-Python and its mixed-syntax Lisp/Python mode.
Basically in that mode if what you type starts with an open parenthesis then it's considered Lisp, otherwise it's considered Python (including multi-line constructs).
this kind of macro/reader-macro library is implemented rarely, because one of the main advantages of the s-expression approach is that it's well composable and you can build other macros on top of existing macros, raising the level of the language.
Once abandoned the regularity of s-expression approach, writing macros becomes annoying because to write code that manipulates code you need to consider the several different constructs of the language, precedence rules, special rules, special syntax forms.
Languages that are not based on s-expression sometimes provide real macro processing capability but working on the AST level, i.e. after some parsing processing has already been done in a fixed way. Moreover the macro code in these languages looks really weird because the code the macro is manipulating, inspecting or building doesn't look like real code.
Sometimes in other languages instead you only find text-based macros that are basically search-replace. To see an example of how ugly things can get consider the Python standard library implementation of collections.namedtuple (around line 284) and its set of absurd limitations induced just because of that implementation.
Another example of how things can get horribly complex once you force yourself to a template-only approach to avoid the complexity of manipulating an irregular and special cased language is C++ template metaprogramming.
A simple s-expression based language and quasi-quotation instead makes macro code much easier to write and read and understand, and that's why Lisp code doesn't move away from it. Not because it cannot, but because it doesn't make sense to go to a worse syntax for no reason.
In Lisp you "bend" the language a little by adding the abstractions that are really needed without however breaking everything else and, most important, without dropping the ability to do more bending in the future if needed. Writing a macro/reader-macro that makes the expression parsing the nightmare of say C++ and at the same time removes the ability to write further macros and add more constructs (or makes it impossibly hard) would be a nonsensical suicide.
Even a macro like (infix x + y * z) is just an exercise... I doubt that any lisper would use that to write real code... why on earth would someone reintroduce the absurd function/operator duality and the nightmare of precedence/associativity rules? If you don't like Lisp then just don't use Lisp.
For a lisper it's not the (infix and ) part that is ugly... it's what is in the middle.
Also why do you think that 2+3*6 is "naturally" 20? Because the teacher hit you on the palms of your hands with a stick when you were a kid until you got it right?
What is the minimum set of primitives required such that a language is Turing complete and a lisp variant?
Seems like car, cdr and some flow control and something for REPL is enough. It be nice if there is such list.
Assume there are only 3 types of data, integers, symbols and lists.(like in picolisp)
The lambda calculus is turing complete. It has one primitive - the lambda. Translating that to a lisp syntax is pretty trivial.
There's a good discussion of this in the Lisp FAQ. It depends on your choice of primitives. McCarthy's original "LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual" did it with five functions: CAR, CDR, CONS, EQ, and ATOM.
I believe the minimum set is what John McCarthy published in the original paper.
The Roots of Lisp.
The code.
The best way to actually know this for sure is if you implement it. I used 3 summers to create Zozotez which is a McCarty-ish LISP running on Brainfuck.
I tried to find out what I needed and on a forum you'll find a thread that says You only need lambda. Thus, you can make a whole LISP in lambda calculus if you'd like. I found it interesting, but it's hardly the way to go if you want something that eventually has side effects and works in the real world.
For a Turing complete LISP I used Paul Grahams explanation of McCarthy's paper and all you really need is:
special form quote
special form if (or cond)
special form lambda (similar to quote)
function eq
function atom
function cons
function car
function cdr
function-dispatch (basically apply but not actually exposed to the system so it handles a list where first element is a function)
Thats 10. In addition to this, to have a implementation that you can test and not just on a drawing board:
function read
function write
Thats 12. In my Zozotez I implemeted set and flambda (anonymous macroes, like lambda) as well. I could feed it a library implementing any dynamic bound lisp (Elisp, picoLisp) with the exception of file I/O (because the underlying BF does not support it other than stdin/stdout).
I recommend anyone to implement a LISP1-interpreter, in both LISP and (not LISP), to fully understand how a language is implemented. LISP has a very simple syntax so it's a good starting point. For all other programming languages how you implement an interpreter is very similar. Eg. in the SICP videos the wizards make an interpreter for a logical language, but the structure and how to implement it is very similar to a lisp interpreter even though this language is completely different than Lisp.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have read that most languages are becoming more and more like lisp, adopting features that lisp has had for a long time. I was wondering, what are the features, old or new, that lisp does not have? By lisp I mean the most common dialects like Common Lisp and Scheme.
This question has been asked a million times, but here goes. Common Lisp was created at a time when humans were considered cheap, and machines were considered expensive. Common Lisp made things easier for humans at the expense of making it harder for computers. Lisp machines were expensive; PCs with DOS were cheap. This was not good for its popularity; better to get a few more humans making mistakes with less expressive languages than it was to buy a better computer.
Fast forward 30 years, and it turns out that this isn't true. Humans are very, very expensive (and in very short supply; try hiring a programmer), and computers are very, very cheap. Cheaper than dirt, even. What today's world needs is exactly what Common Lisp offered; if Lisp were invented now, it would become very popular. Since it's 30-year-old (plus!) technology, though, nobody thought to look at it, and instead created their own languages with similar concepts. Those are the ones you're using today. (Java + garbage collection is one of the big innovations. For years, GC was looked down upon for being "too slow", but of course, a little research and now it's faster than managing your own memory. And easier for humans, too. How times change...)
Pass-by-reference (C++/C#)
String interpolation (Perl/Ruby) (though a feature of CL21)
Nice infix syntax (though it's not clear that it's worth it) (Python)
Monadic 'iteration' construct which can be overloaded for other uses (Haskell/C#/F#/Scala)
Static typing (though it's not clear that it's worth it) (many languages)
Type inference (not in the standard at least) (Caml and many others) (though CL does some type inference, unlike Python)
Abstract Data Types (Haskell/F#/Caml)
Pattern matching (Haskell/F#/Caml/Scala/others) (in CL, there are libs like optima)
Backtracking (though it's not clear that it's worth it) (Prolog)
ad-hoc polymorphism (see Andrew Myers' answer)
immutable data structures (many languages) (available through libraries, like Fsets
lazy evaluation (Haskell) (available through libraries, like clazy or a cl21 module)
(Please add to this list, I have marked it community wiki.)
This just refers to the Common Lisp and Scheme standards, because particular implementations have added a lot of these features independently. In fact, the question is kind of mistaken. It's so easy to add features to Lisp that it's better to have a core language without many features. That way, people can customize their language to perfectly fit their needs.
Of course, some implementations package the core Lisp with a bunch of these features as libraries. At least for Scheme, PLT Scheme provides all of the above features*, mostly as libraries. I don't know of an equivalent for Common Lisp, but there may be one.
*Maybe not infix syntax? I'm not sure, I never looked for it.
For Common Lisp, I think the following features would be worth adding to a future standard, in the ridiculously unlikely hypothetical situation that another standard is produced. All of these are things that are provided by pretty much every actively maintained CL implementation in subtly incompatible ways, or exist in widely used and portable libraries, so having a standard would provide significant benefits to users while not making life unduly difficult for implementors.
Some features for working with an underlying OS, like invoking other programs or handling command line arguments. Every implementation of CL I've used has something like this, and all of them are pretty similar.
Underlying macros or special forms for BACKQUOTE, UNQUOTE and UNQUOTE-SPLICING.
The meta-object protocol for CLOS.
A protocol for user-defined LOOP clauses. There are some other ways LOOP could be enhanced that probably wouldn't be too painful, either, like clauses to bind multiple values, or iterate over a generic sequence (instead of requiring different clauses for LISTs and VECTORs).
A system-definition facility that integrates with PROVIDE and REQUIRE, while undeprecating PROVIDE and REQUIRE.
Better and more extensible stream facilities, allowing users to define their own stream classes. This might be a bit more painful because there are two competing proposals out there, Gray streams and "simple streams", both of which are implemented by some CL implementations.
Better support for "environments", as described in CLTL2.
A declaration for merging tail calls and a description of the situations where calls that look like tail calls aren't (because of UNWIND-PROTECT forms, DYNAMIC-EXTENT declarations, special variable bindings, et c.).
Undeprecate REMOVE-IF-NOT and friends. Eliminate the :TEST-NOT keyword argument and SET.
Weak references and weak hash tables.
User-provided hash-table tests.
PARSE-FLOAT. Currently if you want to turn a string into a floating point number, you either have to use READ (which may do all sorts of things you don't want) or roll your own parsing function. This is silly.
Here are some more ambitious features that I still think would be worthwhile.
A protocol for defining sequence classes that will work with the standard generic sequence functions (like MAP, REMOVE and friends). Adding immutable strings and conses alongside their mutable kin might be nice, too.
Provide a richer set of associative array/"map" data types. Right now we have ad-hoc stuff built out of conses (alists and plists) and hash-tables, but no balanced binary trees. Provide generic sequence functions to work with these.
Fix DEFCONSTANT so it does something less useless.
Better control of the reader. It's a very powerful tool, but it has to be used very carefully to avoid doing things like interning new symbols. Also, it would be nice if there were better ways to manage readtables and custom reader syntaxes.
A read syntax for "raw strings", similar to what Python offers.
Some more options for CLOS classes and slots, allowing for more optimizations and better performance. Some examples are "primary" classes (where you can only have one "primary class" in a class's list of superclasses), "sealed" generic functions (so you can't add more methods to them, allowing the compiler to make a lot more assumptions about them) and slots that are guaranteed to be bound.
Thread support. Most implementations either support SMP now or will support it in the near future.
Nail down more of the pathname behavior. There are a lot of gratuitously annoying incompatibilities between implementations, like CLISP's insistance on signaling an error when you use PROBE-FILE on a directory, or indeed the fact that there's no standard function that tells you whether a pathname is the name of a directory or not.
Support for network sockets.
A common foreign function interface. It would be unavoidably lowest-common-denominator, but I think having something you could portably rely upon would be a real advantage even if using some of the cooler things some implementations provide would still be relegated to the realm of extensions.
This is in response to the discussion in comments under Nathan Sanders reply. This is a bit much for a comment so I'm adding it here. I hope this isn't violating Stackoverflow etiquette.
ad-hoc polymorphism is defined as different implementations based on specified types. In Common Lisp using generic methods you can define something like the following which gives you exactly that.
;This is unnecessary and created implicitly if not defined.
;It can be explicitly provided to define an interface.
(defgeneric what-am-i? (thing))
;Provide implementation that works for any type.
(defmethod what-am-i? (thing)
(format t "My value is ~a~%" thing))
;Specialize on thing being an integer.
(defmethod what-am-i? ((thing integer))
(format t "I am an integer!~%")
;Specialize on thing being a string.
(defmethod what-am-i? ((thing string))
(format t "I am a string!~%")
CL-USER> (what-am-i? 25)
I am an integer!
My value is 25
CL-USER> (what-am-i? "Andrew")
I am a string!
My value is Andrew
It can be harder than in more popular languages to find good libraries.
It is not purely functional like haskell
Whole-program transformations. (It would be just like macros, but for everything. You could use it to implement declarative language features.) Equivalently, the ability to write add-ons to the compiler. (At least, Scheme is missing this. CL may not be.)
Built-in theorem assistant / proof checker for proving assertions about your program.
Of course, I don't know of any other language that has these, so I don't think there's much competition in terms of features.
You are asking the ronge question. The language with the most features isnt the best. A language needs a goal.
We could add all of this and more
* Pass-by-reference (C++/C#)
* String interpolation (Perl/Ruby)
* Nice infix syntax (though it's not clear that it's worth it) (Python)
* Monadic 'iteration' construct which can be overloaded for other uses (Haskell/C#/F#/Scala)
* Static typing (though it's not clear that it's worth it) (many languages)
* Type inference (not in the standard at least) (Caml and many others)
* Abstract Data Types (Haskell/F#/Caml)
* Pattern matching (Haskell/F#/Caml/Scala/others)
* Backtracking (though it's not clear that it's worth it) (Prolog)
* ad-hoc polymorphism (see Andrew Myers' answer)
* immutable data structures (many languages)
* lazy evaluation (Haskell)
but that would make a good language. A language is not functional if you use call by ref.
If you look at the new list Clojure. Some of them are implemented but other that CL has are not and that makes for a good language.
Clojure for example added some:
ad-hoc polymorphism
lazy evaluation
immutable data structures
Type inference (most dynamic languages have compilers that do that)
My Answer is:
Scheme schooled stay as it is.
CL could add some ideos to the standard if they would make a new one.
Its LISP most can be added with libs.
Decent syntax. (Someone had to say it.) It may be simple/uniform/homoiconic/macro-able/etc, but as a human, I just loathe looking at it :)
It's missing a great IDE
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Closed 10 years ago.
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What is the correct plural form of the portmanteau mutex. Is it mutexes or mutices?
From a purely linguistics point of view, the correct usage is mutexes because the word mutex is not Latin in origin. Prescriptivists would wail in anguish if mutices were to enter regular usage.
The -ices usage (e.g., the plurals of index and vertex) is falling out of favor. Indexes and vertexes are both correct usage, for example.
Let their common usage decide...
Everyone knows that the correct answer is Mutii.
Mutexes. It's correct in a de facto manner--- the vast majority of people (in my experience, certainly) call them mutexes, not mutices, and English is a language that's defined by use. :)
As mutex is short for "mutual exclusion", I would only imagine that "mutual exclusions" would become mutexes. Mutices would be confusing. Better to be unambiguous.
As a side note: it's not a portmanteau, or it would be a mutsion.
There's no official correct form because 'mutex' hasn't gained wide enough circulation to enter any of the major English dictionaries. Thus, the most correct term is whatever is used most by people. And I think that Google hits are a pretty good indicator of (relative) usage frequency, as great_lama has pointed out.
Other English nouns that end in -ex or -ix:
And lots more less common words. If you look up these in the dictionary, you'll find that most of them have both plurals shown as acceptable. Several have only the -exes/-ixes form, but few or none (depending on the dictionary you use) have only the -ices form.
In conclusion, I believe mutexes to be the correct plural form of mutex.
Either/or. I've seen both (though mutexes is considerably more common).
Mutex is not in any real dictionary I know of, so there's no "official answer."
Index can be pluralized to indexes or indices, though, so it makes sense that mutex could follow suit.
Since the word apex can be pluralized as either apexes or apices, I'd say you can pronounce it either mutexes or mutices. Whatever suits you.
I think that the hysterical raisins (in this case the fact that "mutex" is a portmanteau) should not be given too much weight in resolving such issues.
Perhaps it would be more useful to consider similar words and their usage; reflex -> reflexes for example.
Or, use the simplest choice: most pluralizations in english use -s/-es (depending on whether last letter is a perceived vowel); in this case -es.
I guess I can't see any reason to use the alternative, except as some sort of tribute to Latin, once thought to be the noblest of all languages. :)
Maybe it is like sheep? Singular and plural?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've read The Nature of Lisp. The only thing I really got out of that was "code is data." But without defining what these terms mean and why they are usually thought to be separate, I gain no insight. My initial reaction to "code is data" is, so what?
The old fashioned view: 'it' is interactive computation with symbolic expressions.
Lisp enables easy representation of all kinds of expressions:
english sentence
(the man saw the moon)
(2 * x ** 3 + 4 * x ** 2 - 3 * x + 3)
(<- (likes Kim ?x) (likes ?x Lee) (likes ?x Kim))
and also Lisp itself
(mapcar (function sqr) (quote (1 2 3 4 5)))
and many many many more.
Lisp now allows to write programs that compute with such expressions:
(translate (quote (the man saw the moon)) (quote german))
(solve (quote (2 * x ** 3 + 4 * x ** 2 - 3 * x + 3)) (quote (x . 3)))
(show-all (quote (<- (likes Kim ?x) (likes ?x Lee) (likes ?x Kim))))
(eval (quote (mapcar (function sqr) (quote (1 2 3 4 5)))))
Interactive means that programming is a dialog with Lisp. You enter an expression and Lisp computes the side effects (for example output) and the value.
So your programming session is like 'talking' with the Lisp system. You work with it until you get the right answers.
What are these expressions? They are sentences in some language. They are part descriptions of turbines. They are theorems describing a floating point engine of an AMD processor. They are computer algebra expressions in physics. They are descriptions of circuits. They are rules in a game. They are descriptions of behavior of actors in games. They are rules in a medical diagnosis system.
Lisp allows you to write down facts, rules, formulas as symbolic expressions. It allows you to write programs that work with these expressions. You can compute the value of a formula. But you can equally easy write programs that compute new formulas from formulas (symbolic math: integrate, derive, ...). That was Lisp designed for.
As a side effect Lisp programs are represented as such expressions too. Then there is also a Lisp program that evaluates or compiles other Lisp programs. So the very idea of Lisp, the computation with symbolic expressions, has been applied to Lisp itself. Lisp programs are symbolic expressions and the computation is a Lisp expression.
Alan Kay (of Smalltalk fame) calls the original definition of Lisp evaluation in Lisp the Maxwell's equations of programming.
Write Lisp code. The only way to really 'get' Lisp (or any language, for that matter) is to roll up your sleeves and implement some things in it. Like anything else, you can read all you want, but if you want to really get a firm grasp on what's going on, you've got to step outside the theoretical and start working with the practical.
The way you "get" any language is by trying to write some code in it.
About the "data is code" thing, in most languages there is a clear separation between the code that gets executed, and the data that is processed.
For example, the following simple C-like function:
void foo(int i){
int j;
if (i % 42 == 0){
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j){
the actual control flow is determined once, statically, while writing the code. The function bar isn't going to change, and the if statement at the beginning of the function isn't going to disappear. This code is not data, it can not be manipulated by the program.
All that can be manipulated is the initial value of i. And on the other hand, that value can not be executed the way code can. You can call the function foo, but you can't call the variable i. So i is data, but it is not code.
Lisp does not have this distinction. The program code is data that can be manipulated too. Your code can, at runtime, take the function foo, and perhaps add another if statement, perhaps change the condition in the for-loop, perhaps replace the call to baz with another function call. All your code is data that can be inspected and manipulated as simply as the above function can inspect and manipulate the integer i.
I would highly recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, which actually uses scheme, but that is a dialect of lisp. It will help you "get" lisp by having you do many different exercises and goes on to show some of the ways that lisp is so usefull.
I think you have to have more empathy for compiler writers to understand how fundamental the code is data thing is. I'll admit, I've never taken a compilers course, but converting any sufficiently high-level language into machine code is a hard problem, and LISP, in many ways, resembles an intermediate step in this process. In the same way that C is "close to the metal", LISP is close to the compiler.
This worked for me:
Read "The Little Schemer". It's the shortest path to get you thinking in Lisp mode (minus the macros). As a bonus, it's relatively short/fun/inexpensive.
Find a good book/tutorial to get you started with macros. I found chapter 8 of "The Scheme
Programming Language" to be a good starting point for Scheme.
By watching legendary Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs?
In Common Lisp, "code is data" boils down to this. When you write, for example:
(add 1 2)
your Lisp system will parse that text and generate a list with three elements: the symbol ADD, and the numbers 1 and 2. So now they're data. You can do whatever you want with them, replace elements, insert other stuff, etc.
The fun part is that you can pass this data on to the compiler and, because you can manipulate these data structures using Lisp itself, this means you can write programs that write other programs. This is not as complicated as it sounds, and Lispers do it all the time using macros. So, just get a book about Lisp, and try it out.
Okay, I'm going to take a crack at this. I'm new to Lisp myself, just having arrived from the world of python. I haven't experienced that sudden moment of enlightenment that all the old Lispers talk about, but I'll tell you what I am seeing so far.
First, look at this random bit of python code:
def is_palindrome(st):
l = len(st)/2
return True if st[:l] == st[:-l-1:-1] else False
Now look at this:
def is_palindrome(st):
l = len(st)/2
return True if st[:l] == st[:-l-1:-1] else False
What do you, as a programmer, see? The code is identical, FYI.
If you are like me, you'll tend to think of the first as active code. It consists of a number of syntactic elements.
The second, despite its similarity, is a single syntactic item. It's a string. You interact with it as a single entity. To deal with it as code - to handle it comfortably along its syntactic boundaries - you will have to do some parsing. To execute it, you need to invoke an interpreter. It's not the same thing at all as the first.
So when we do code generation in most languages what are we dealing with? Strings. When I generate HTML or SQL with python I use python strings as the interface between the two languages. Even if I generate python with python, strings are the tool.*
Doesn't the thought of that just... make you want to dance with joy? There's always this grotesque mismatch between that which you are working with and that which you are working on. I sensed that the first time that I generated SQL with perl. Differences in escaping. Differences in formatting: think about trying to get a generated html document to look tidy. Stuff isn't easy to reuse. Etc.
To solve the problem we serially create templating libraries. Scads of them. Why so many? My guess is that they're never quite satisfactory. By the time they start getting powerful enough they've turned into monstrosities. Granted, some of them - such as SQLAlchemy and Genshi in the python world - are very beautiful and admirable monstrosities. Let's... um... avoid mention of PHP.
Because strings make an awkward interface between the worked-on language and the worked-with, we create a third language - templates - to avoid them. ** This also tends to be a little awkward.
Now let's look at a block of quoted Lisp code:
'(loop for i from 1 to 8 do (print i))
What do you see? As a new Lisp coder, I've caught myself looking at that as a string. It isn't. It is inactive Lisp code. You are looking at a bunch of lists and symbols. Try to evaluate it after turning one of the parentheses around. The language won't let you do it: syntax is enforced.
Using quasiquote, we can shoehorn our own values into this inactive Lisp code:
`(loop for i from 1 to ,whatever do (print i))
Note the nature of the shoehorning: one item has been replaced with another. We aren't formatting our value into a string. We're sliding it into a slot in the code. It's all neat and tidy.
In fact if you want to directly edit the text of the code, you are in for a hassle. For example if you are inserting a name <varname> into the code, and you also want to use <varname>-tmp in the same code you can't do it directly like you can with a template string: "%s-tmp = %s". You have to extract the name into a string, rewrite the string, then turn it into a symbol again and finally insert.
If you want to grasp the essence of Lisp, I think that you might gain more by ignoring defmacro and gensyms and all that window dressing for the moment. Spend some time exploring the potential of the quasiquote, including the ,# thing. It's pretty accessible. Defmacro itself only provides an easy way to execute the result of quasiquotes. ***
What you should notice is that the hermetic string/template barrier between the worked-on and the worked-with is all but eliminated in Lisp. As you use it, you'll find that your sense of two distinct layers - active and passive - tends to dissipate. Functions call macros which call macros or functions which have functions (or macros!) passed in with their arguments. It's kind of a big soup - a little shocking for the newcomer. That said, I don't find that the distinction between macros and functions is as seamless as some Lisp people say. Mostly it's ok, but every so often as I wander in the soup I find myself bumping up against the ghost of that old barrier - and it really creeps me out!
I'll get over it, I'm sure. No matter. The convenience pays for the scare.
Now that's Lisp working on Lisp. What about working on other languages? I'm not quite there yet, personally, but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel. You know how Lisp people keep going on about S-expressions being the same thing as a parse tree? I think the idea is to parse the foreign language into S-expressions, work on them in the amazing comfort of the Lisp environment, then send them back to native code. In theory, every language out there could be turned into S-expressions, or even executable lisp code. You're not working in a first language combined with a third language to produce code in a second language. It is all - while you are working on it - Lisp, and you can generate it all with quasiquotes.
Have a look at this (borrowed from PCL):
(define-html-macro :mp3-browser-page ((&key title (header title)) &body body)
(:title ,title)
(:link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "mp3-browser.css"))
(when ,header (html (:h1 :class "title" ,header)))
Looks like an S-expression version of HTML, doesn't it? I have a feeling that Lisp works just fine as its own templating library.
I've started to wonder about an S-expression version of python. Would it qualify as a Lisp? It certainly wouldn't be Common Lisp. Maybe it would be nicer - for python programmers at least. Hey, and what about P-expressions?
* Python now has something called AST, which I haven't explored. Also a person could use python lists to represent other languages. Relative to Lisp, I suspect that both are a bit of a hack.
** SQLAlchemy is kind of an exception. It's done a nice job of turning SQL directly into python. That said, it appears to have involved significant effort.
*** Take it from a newbie. I'm sure I'm glossing over something here. Also, I realize that quasiquote is not the only way to generate code for macros. It's certainly a nice one, though.
Data is code is an interesting paradigm that supports treating a data structure as a command. Treating data in this way allows you to process and manipulate the structure in various ways - e.g. traversal - by evaluating it. Moreover, the 'data is code' paradigm obviates the need in many cases to develop custom parsers for data structures; the language parser itself can be used to parse the structures.
The first step is forgetting everything you have learned with all the C and Pascal-like languages. Empty your mind. This is the hardest step.
Then, take a good introduction to programming that uses Lisp. Don't try to correlate what you see with anything that you know beforehand (when you catch yourself doing that, repeat step 1). I liked Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (uses Scheme), Practical Common Lisp, Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming, Casting Spels in Lisp, among others. Be sure to write out the examples. Also try the exercises, but limit yourself to the constructs you have learned in that book. If you find yourself trying to find, for example, some function to set a variable or some statement that resembles a for loop, repeat step 1, then revisit the chapters before to find out how it is done in Lisp.
Read and understand the legendary page 13 of the Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual
According to Alan Kay, at least.
One of the reasons that some university computer science programs use Lisp for their intro courses is that it's generally true that a novice can learn functional, procedural, or object-oriented programming more or less equally well. However, it's much harder for someone who already thinks in procedural statements to begin thinking like a functional programmer than to do the inverse.
When I tried to pick up Lisp, I did it "with a C accent." set! amd begin were my friends and constant companions. It is surprisingly easy to write Lisp code without ever writing any functional code, which isn't the point.
You may notice that I'm not answering your question, which is true. I merely wanted to let you know that it's awfully hard to get your mind thinking in a functional style, and it'll be an exciting practice that will make you a stronger programmer in the long run.
P.S. Also, you'll finally understand that "my other car is a cdr" bumper sticker.
To truly grok lisp, you need to write it.
Learn to love car, cdr, and cons. Don't iterate when you can recurse. Start out writing some simple programs (factorial, list reversal, dictionary lookup), and work your way up to more complex ones (sorting sets of items, pattern matching).
On the code is data and data is code thing, I wouldn't worry about it at this point. You'll understand it eventually, and its not critical to learning lisp.
I would suggest checking out some of the newer variants of Lisp like Arc or Clojure. They clean up the syntax a little and are smaller and thus easier to understand than Common Lisp. Clojure would be my choice. It is written on the JVM and so you don't have the issues with various platform implementations and library support that exist with some Lisp implementations like SBCL.
Read On Lisp and Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence Programming. Both of these have excellent coverage of Lisp macros - which really make the code is data concept real.
Also, when writing Lisp, don't iterate when you can recurse or map (learn to love mapcar).
it's important to see that data is code AND code is data. This feeds the eval/apply loop. Recursion is also fun.
(This link is broken:
I'd suggest that is a horrible introduction to the language. There are better places to start and better people/articles/books than the one you cited.
Are you a programmer? What language(s)?
To help you with your question more background might be helpful.
About the whole "code is data" thing:
Isn't that due to the "von Neumann architecture"? If code and data were located in physically separate memory locations, the bits in the data memory could not be executed whereas the bits in the program memory could not be interpreted as anything but instructions to the CPU.
Do I understand this correctly?
I think to learn anything you have to have a purpose for it, such as a simple project.
For Lisp, a good simple project is a symbolic differentiator, so for example
(diff 'x 'x) -> 1
(diff 'a 'x) -> 0
(diff `(+ ,xx ,yy) 'x) where xx and yy are subexpressions
-> `(+ ,(diff xx 'x),(diff yy 'x))
etc. etc.
and then you need a simplifier, such as
(simp `(+ ,x 0)) -> x
(simp `(* ,x 0)) -> 0
etc. etc.
so if you start with a math expression, you can eval it to get its value, and you can eval its derivative to get its derivative.
I hope this illustrates what can happen when program code manipulates program code.
As Marvin Minsky observed, computer math is always worried about accuracy and roundoff error, right? Well, this is either exactly right or completely wrong!
You can get LISP in many ways, the most common is by using Emacs or working next to somebody who has developed LISP already.
Sadly, once you get LISP, it's hard to get rid of it, antibiotics won't work.
BTW: I also recommend The Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland.
This may be helpful: (isn't about LISP but about functional programming as a paradigm)
The way I think about it is that the best part of "code is data" is the face that function are, well, functionally no different than another variable. The fact that you can write code that writes code is one of the single most powerful (and often overlooked) features of Lisp. Functions can accept other functions as parameters, and even return functions as a result.
This lets one code at a much higher level of abstraction than, say, Java. It makes many tasks elegant and concise, and therefore, makes the code easier to modify, maintain, and read, or at least in theory.
I would say that the only way to truly "get" Lisp is to spend a lot of time with it -- once you get the hang of it, you'll wish you had some of the features of Lisp in your other programming languages.