Commit history of projects prior to its date of creation on GitHub - github

What does it mean when base repositories of projects hosted on GitHub have commit history prior to project creation date on GitHub? Also, what does it mean when forks of a project have commit history prior to its creation date on GitHub?

It simply means that the user that created that repository managed the repo before, outside of GitHub.
Imagine this as a document in Dropbox, you create it today in your computer, you upload it next week to Dropbox:
Date of creation: 27th Jan 2015
Data of file creation on Dropbox: 4th Feb 2015
This might seem tricky to you because you, if youare not distinguishing git and github. You can have a whole network of git repositories without GitHub.
GitHub provides visualization and great tooling on top of git repos.


How to restore commit history before first release on Github

I have a repository where I made many commits in January. Fast forward to July, when I was tinkering with Git, I got to know about the Releases feature.
Since I had many major features to push, I decided to create a new release.
Now I need the January commits for showing to someone but there is no trace of them anywhere, neither in the Commits section nor in releases. It just shows 4 commits since this release
The commit history shows as if I started commiting to the repo from July only
Any help is appreciated.
Somehow, my entire history was stored not in branch but in a tag that I created when creating that release.
That's why even going too much deeper didn't reveal anythin since the commits were HEADless.
I noted the tag's hash and did
git checkout tag-hash // now no branch checked out
git checkout -b new-branch-name tag-hash // created new branch from that tag
And with this, my new branch has the whole commit history

Bitbucket to github migration of an already existing repo

we have migrated from bitbucket to github 4 months ago but our team members are still using bitbucket. So, now we have decided to completely moved to Github and use its sevices. So, i want to know whether we can still use mirroring or not to migrate all the changes in bitbucket to github or we have to push it manually or using git push --all.
It depends if there was concurrent activity both on GitHub (the new repository) and BitBucket (the old one)
If that is the case, I would prefer asking each developer, in their own local repository, to:
add the new repository as a remote 'gh'
fetch from it
rebase their branch on top of gh/their-branch (for branches that were modified both on GitHub and BitBucket)
push new branches (done only on BitBucket)
That way, each developer can resolve any conflict locally first, before updating the new GitHub repository.

Why does Github show the username twice?

I pushed / updated a document in github. It shows my username twice (red blocks).
Each commit has both a committer and an author. The author made the original change, the committer is the one who made the commit. These are usually the same, but can be different if the commit was rebased. The original author is also often added as a courtesy when committing someone else's work via a patch file, or an integration tool merging someone else's branch.
You can see this with git log --pretty=fuller. Here's an example of a merge done on my behalf by Github.
commit d3adb33fd3adb33fd3adb33fd3adb33f (HEAD -> origin/master, master)
Merge: 123abcd abcd123
Author: Michael G. Schwern <>
AuthorDate: Fri Feb 28 17:02:22 2020 -0800
Commit: GitHub <>
CommitDate: Fri Feb 28 17:02:22 2020 -0800
Merge pull request #1234 from project/issue/#1233
Fix: Mistakes were made.
In your case you may have made the commit using Git configured with the same name but a different email address; Github will consider these to be different people. This can happen if you work on the same project on different machines and do a rebase.
If that is the case, you can merge those other email addresses into your Github account in your Github Email Settings.
Can you check if you already have a global git account configured on your device? I guess you have two different git accounts and you're using the one that isn't configured as your global username, to push the code.

Different Data records about open source projects

While working on my thesis project which has analyzing open source projects as a part of it, I found that different websites provide completely different records about some projects.
Lets take for example: Apache Camel.
Regarding Apache Camel has 274 contributors, while in Github it has only 199 Contributors Apache Camel on Githup
So the question is: which one to trust?
GitHub only monitors activities on the master branch.
And it is a mirror of the actual repo, which has many branches.
See "Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile?" for the GitHub contribution policy.
Commits will appear on your contributions graph if they meet all of the following conditions:
The commits were made within the past year.
The email address used for the commits is associated with your GitHub account.
The commits were made in a standalone repository, not a fork.
The commits were made in the repository's default branch (usually master)
That openhub repo does count contribution done on all branches.

Dockerhub Automatic Build with Github LFS

I want to introduce Git LFS in my github repository.
Does dockerhub automatic builds support Git LFS?
What happens if dockerhub Automatic Build checks out a Git LFS repository?
There is nothing regarding lfs in docker/hub-feedback.
Nor is there anything in docker/notary or docker/, or docker/distribution
The Docker Hub Automatic build "allow[s] you to use Docker Hub’s build clusters to automatically create images from a GitHub or Bitbucket repository containing a Dockerfile".
Since Git LFS is only official on GitHub repos is only official for the last 14 days, and being worked on for BitBucket (coming from their original Git LOB initiative), it seems safe to say LFS isn't yet supported by an Automatic build.
Update June 2016, Andy Li reports in the comments below:
There is now a feature request issue in docker/hub-feedback:
Issue 500: "Add support for Git LFS".
It needs your support (or your Pull-Requests)
4 years later, Q4 2019, you might consider as an alternative GitHub Actions. Check this other question for more details on how to use git-lfs in them.