How to open the workspace folder from within Eclipse - eclipse

My Eclipse has a project open which is inside a workspace folder.
Can I open the folder somehow from within Eclipse like you can in Visual Studio where you simply right click a project and press the "Open Containing Folder"?

There is a plugin that offers the functionality that you're seeing (and a little bit more) called, StartExplorer Eclipse Plug-in.
It's available here:
StartExplorer's github repo is here:
You install it by going to Help -> Install new software -> (add the update site url and install)


Unable to do a 'get' using Eclipse TEE Plugin (TFS)

I am running into an issue where the Eclipse TEE/TFS plugin is not allowing me to download the latest scripts out of TFS. When I right click in Project Explorer & select Team, none of the features are available (Get latest version, Rollback, etc). Only Apply Patch and Share Project appear under 'Team' sub menu item. I am connected to the TFS project under Team Explorer and my Local Path is appearing properly. Workspace and project appears to be setup properly - I setup the same way on another machine, yet I'm running into this issue.
A workaround is browsing to the files in Source Control Explorer.
Also. try to create a new eclipse workspace and import the project from TFS to see whether your issue can be solved.
The root "RF Scripting" folder you opened in the Project Explorer is not a workspace, so the plugin does not consider it and all its sub folders as TFS working folder.
If you want to get the TFS options from Project Explorer, click "File -> Open Projects from File System... -> Directory..." and then choose "C:\RFTestAutoDev\RF Scripting\xxxTest Automation (I suspect this is the folder you configured as workspace)" as the directory.

Go language configuring

I need to do a work for my university and I choose to do it using the Go language. Yesterday I installed the .msi and setted the variables to:
GOPATH = C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects (this is the folder that I want to place all my Go projects)
PATH = C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects\bin
After this, I installed the GoClipse plugin on my Eclipse and created a new project into the goprojects folder. Then, I created another folder in the src folder, and a .go file into this folder.
Now is my problem. When I started to write some code, everytime that I try to auto complete my code, Eclipse shows me an error and I was searching on google and found that I need to install one project from GitHub called gocode.
So I want to know where do I need to install it and how can I import it to my project.
P.S.: I am using Windows 8.1, I have git installed and the link of gocode project is:
I solved my problem doing this steps:
Downloaded the gocode to the src folder. (The path: C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects\src\\nsf\gocode)
In the Eclipse, do this: Window -> Preferences.
Open Go option in the left menu then click Tools.
In the gocode path I set C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects\bin\gocode.exe
And thats it! It works now.

Eclipse: Cannot find project in Project Explorer

I am using Eclipse Juno SR1 Java EE, and checked out code from SVN as an Eclipse project. I am able to click on files in the project to verify everything was ok. The next time I rebooted, I can't see the project in the Project Explorer window.
A few things I checked: The menu item Project > Open Project is greyed out, indicating there are no closed projects. The project's file tree exists in my workspace. Eclipse won't let me create a new project with the same name because one already exists.
This is my first time using Juno, is there some new control that hides projects from view?
"File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects Into Workspace"
"File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace" doesn't do what you're trying to accomplish (been there...).
Assuming the above lines mean what they say, the first tells Eclipse to recognize what you're importing as an official Project. The 2nd tells Eclipse that you're importing only the code, not the Project itself.
Sometimes it's just because .project file is missing. If you have any other project, copy its .project file and paste inside the main folder of the project you're trying to import.
Try starting with the clean option in command line, maybe that should fix it
eclipse -clean
file -> switch workspace -> other
and tell eclipse where your workspace is
I was facing the same problem with RAD. What I did was:
imported only those projects which were deployed locally in my portal server.
Did a clean build.
Started the server.
It worked for me. Able to access my application. Rest of the projects which were not deployed as part of my local portal server, I will import them on need basis later.

No HTTP Preview server for Eclipse Juno in Ubuntu 12.04

I just installed Eclipse Juno on Ubuntu 12.04 (32-bit) and downloaded the Eclipse Web Developer Tools. I created a new Static Web Project but cannot create/use HTTP Preview for the Target runtime to test/run my project. Does anybody know whether this is possible? If so, how would I do this?
You can create the patch and make it work for the Eclipse Juno version you have in the following four phases. Its a bit lengthy but it works
Phase 1: Create a plug-in project for the plug-in you need to patch.
Create a new workspace (recommended) or open an existing one.
Select File -> Import
Expand Plug-in Development, select Plug-ins and Fragments, then click Next
In the Import As section, select Projects with source folders
and then click Next.
Enter (or copy & paste, no quotes)
org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter into ID field at the top and
click Add All. This should move this one plug-in to the right pane.
Click Finish to import the "org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter"
plug-in source into a project.
Expand the root of the project and ensure it contains a folder named
"src". You will only get the "src" folder if you have the "WST Server
Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources" installed.
Phase 2: Apply the changes needed to update the plug-in. Since there is a bug with a patch attached that can be used to apply the changes, the following steps will take advantage of that.
Open Bug 402848 in a browser.
Click on the Patch v1.0 for 3.4.2p attachment link to open the patch.
Starting with the second occurrence of a line starting with ---,
select this line through the end of the text and copy it to the clipboard. This contains the changes to the file which is where the fix is
needed. You don't want the upper portion of the patch as that would change the version of the plug-in, and that would complicate things.
Back in Eclipse, right-click on the "org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter" project. Select Team and click on Apply Patch.
Leave Clipboard selected and click Next.
Ensure the "org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter" project is
selected, and click Next.
Set the Ignore leading path name segments to 3. The "Patch
Contents" window should change to have a blue left pointing arrow
instead of red x indicators.
Click Finish to apply the changes.
Phase 3: Create the replacement jar. Due to the approach in Phase 1, the name of this jar will be identical to your current jar, which simplifies updating the Eclipse installation.
Right-click on the org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter project in the Project Explorer or other navigator view and select Export
Expand Plug-in Development, select Deployable plug-ins and
fragments, then click Next
Click the Browse button next to the Directory selection in the Destination tab followed by OK. This will set the output directory to be the same as your workspace.
Click Finish to build the replacement plug-in jar. It will appear in
a "plugins" folder under the root of your workspace.
Phase 4: Replace the installed plug-in jar with the fixed version.
Exit Eclipse if it is running.
Under the "plugins" folder of your Eclipse installation, move or
rename the org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter_1.1.101.v20121107_1651.jar if you
don't want to overwrite it with the patched version (mentioned in step 3 below). If you have a different version, it means you aren't using Juno SR2 and hopefully you installed the "WST Server Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources" that matched your version.
Copy the org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter_1.1.101.v20121107_1651.jar from
the "plugins" folder under your workspace and paste it to the "plugins" folder of your Eclipse installation.
You should be able to run Eclipse now with the fixed plug-in. Because the patched jar had the same version number, no additional changes are needed.
I'm not familiar with the tooling you're using, but I had big problems with eclipse's internal browser on 12.04 as it was trying to use mozilla's XULRunner. The packaging of XULRunner has changed in 12.04 due to mozilla's release cycle, and isn't included in the repo independently. I forced my eclipse to use WebKit, by setting the following property in the vmargs section of my config.ini
This sorted my issues out - hope this helps with yours.

How to enable Subversive (Eclipse Plugin) for a project

I am using subversive (an eclipse plugin) to connect connect to an SVN repository. I have only been using it for several weeks but it has been great.
Whenever I create a new project everything works great (see the left side of the image), the project automatically hooks itself up to svn. When I open a workspace that I had before I installed subversive it does not use the plugin (see the right side of the image).
I have tried numerous things to try to enable the plugin:
I looked under all the options under window -> preferences (especially the team preferences
I looked under all of the properties under the project (right click the project -> select properties)
I deleted the workspace folder and created a new one (and re-imported my project)
I looked at the .project file and compared it to a projec that has the plugin enabled but could not see anything relevant there
How can I enable the plugin? The only way that I have found that works is to checkout the project in a fresh empty folder and then open it in eclipse. I am trying to avoid this since it will take an hour or so to redownload.
Right-click on the project, choose Team - Share project... It should then detect the .svn directories already present and propose you to reuse the SVN information stored inside.