Eclipse Luna Dark Theme Modification: Change //Comments to be more distinct - eclipse

Is there a way to modify this theme, which is pretty great, to make the comments more distinct? The light grey default is quite hard to read when my screen backlight is low.

Go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring.
Expand the 'Comments' sections. Selecting the comment type (Multi-line, single-line) will enable the color box on the right hand side. Pick away!


PyDev colors - what is this color called and how do I change it?

I'm using Eclipse 20190917-1200 with PyDev for Eclipse Whenever I move my cursor into a key word it's highlighted as shown below. I can't find this color anywhere in the PyDev settings. One question is, what is that behavior called, but more importantly, how can I change that insane color!
Go to general > editors > text editors > annotations > Occurrences (PyDev) and change the colour or uncheck it.
Hope this works for you !!

Eclipse: change vertical bar color

trying to deal with a minor issue here: I want to make my eclipse as distraction free as possible. So far I'm satisfied, except for one thing that I've not been able to figure out how to change:
the white vertical bars are ... annoying. How can I change their color?
Please note that the left ruler is not the code folding bar (which is on the right side of the line numbers), but the so called "vertical ruler" which shows line annotations (eg errors and stuff), to be found in Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations. This bar can not be deactivated (which I don"t want because i find it useful), I just want its color changed. Don't know what the right ruler is though.
not a duplicate of Vertical white line on eclipse or Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black?
edit: but indeed a (partial) duplicate of Change overview ruler color in Eclipse. Problem not solved: changing the system theme (mine is mediterranean dark) did not change the color of the bar.
Thank you
Found it myself, sharing it for others who want to customize their bar color:
#org-eclipse-e4-ui-compatibility-editor * { background-color: #002b36; }
change the hex value to anything you like. This css snippet has to be added to eclipse in some way (I did it with eclipse Chrome Theme
FYI: I found the css id with the "css spy" from the eclipse tooling collection (
Btw, It looks like you can actually just disable this bar by going to Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors. Then just uncheck the box labeled "Show range indicator".
Thanks for sharing your solution. I could apply the code by just adding to CSS files in eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.3.1.v20130911-1000\css.
I use Windows 7 theme so added to e4_default_win7.css. And I slightly modified the rule to have less side effect (occurrence markers were hard to see with the colors set by color theme).
#org-eclipse-e4-ui-compatibility-editor Composite > Canvas {
background-color: #232323;
I had a similar problem, but for me with Neon .2 on windows it was the unfold bar that stayed white. After I disabled unfold and enabled it, the bar stayed black(for now). But you could also just keep it disabled. It is shown in the link below.
link to the PrntScrn to disable unfold bar

Change 'fixes' background color in eclipse

I've been trying to change the background color for the 'quick-fixes' pop-up (the pop up that lists ways to fix an error) in eclipse juno. Currently the color is black and the text is blue which makes it very hard to read.
I cant find the correct way to change the color. Please help. Its really annoying to squint and have to read blue text on a black background.
This was driving me nuts as well, here is the fix.
Go to preferences.
Search for "Annotations"
for each Annotation Type:
if "Text as" == "Highlighted" and Color == black:
Set the color to light or uncheck "Text As"
In this screen shot, I am fixing Occurrences.
The problem I show to the left is the "Matching Tags" annotation which had the same problem.
You can change the color of the text in the pop-up.
In windows you can go Control Panel, search for colors and metrics and then select Change window colors and metrics. In the item menu select Hyperlinks and change the Color.
EDIT: This fix is valid for Windows 7. Windows 10 does not have the option to change Hyperlinks color.
Right Click anywhere in the Editor Window, and at the bottom of the context menu select Preferences. This will bring you into Java -> Editor. At the bottom ofthat window select the element colors you wish to change, in your case Parameter hints background and Parameter hints background or Completion overview background and Completion overview foreground, depending on which one it is you are having a problem with.
From what I found, I do not think you can change the color. I am not willing to go to Eclipse source code and find it but here's what fixed it for me. Not perfectly but to a level I can use the quick fix. In my case, the background and foreground was same. (Luna, Dark Theme, Using Solarized Editor Theme).
Go into the Preferences (Window -> Preferences)
Choose General -> Appearance from the left menu
Uncheck the checkbox Use mixed fonts and colours for labels
The detail is in this post. How to change the highlight color in autocomplete box in Eclipse

Using Dark Eclipse Color Theme and Comparison Editor

I am using eclipse color theme plugin to have a dark background. ( The plugin works really great. One problem I have is that dark backgrounds look terrible with eclipse's comparison editor. For example, added lines have a dark blue highlight, which does not show up well at all on dark back grounds. Does anyone have a solution for this?
BullfrogBlues had the correct answer in his comment. You can change the colors for the comparison editor at Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > Text Compare.
The outgoing change color works as an overlay:

Change overview ruler color in Eclipse

How to change overview rule background color in Eclipse 3.4.0.I20080617-2000 (vertical bar on right of editing window with some annotations) ?
General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations allows only to change colors of marks itself not background of whole bar.
It looks like my web searching skills are getting weaker since I cannot find it anywhere ...
I also faced the problem of not being able to see the colors in the annotations ruler, so I've made a small plugin which enables setting the background color for the ruler. You can D/L it
from here:
(screenshots at:
I have the same problem as Michal - this seems to be non-customisable.
I have trouble seeing some of the annotation marks in the overview ruler due to Vista's lighter colouring. You can change the colour of the marks, but the bar itself doesn't change colour.
It looks like the only way to change it is to change the system colours for all windows.
you can only change the color for the occurrence marking inside the editor (General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations). The color in the overview ruler is computed from that color.
Add the following lines at the end of e4_classic_win7.css
#org-eclipse-e4-ui-compatibility-editor Composite > Canvas {
background-color : #232323;
The file is located in
Eclipse Kepler : \plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.3.2.v20140221-1700\css\
Eclipse Mars : \plugins\org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.1.1.v20151026-1355\css\
Be sure to select windows clasic theme in Preferences->General->Appearance
And restart eclipse.
Alternatively you can edit the other corresponding css files.
Note: You have to choose you own preferred RBG color instead of #232323
My solution has been to make the text light on a dark background across all text editors. (Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Background color => BLACK, and then every 'Syntax Coloring' you need)
This way the annotation colours I choose can be quite highly saturated dark colours - the text is then still legible over the annotation highlight in the text editor, but the marker in the overview ruler is also highly visible (assuming a light window colour in your OS).
The downside of this is that you have to do a lot of customising to get there. (Its worth exporting your preferences for other workspaces if you plan to go down this route.) And its more of a workaround than an answer :-(
It seams to work for me.
The only thing to do is to "restart" Eclipse after your change.
The overview ruler and the editor will display the selected color
What if you are using eclipse 4, try this.
You can actually just disable this bar by going to Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors. Then just uncheck the box labeled "Show range indicator". The annotations will still appear, the bar will take the color of your theme. Solution found there.
i added below and works well in eclipse luna & neon. It works
#org-eclipse-e4-ui-compatibility-editor Canvas,
#org-eclipse-e4-ui-compatibility-editor Canvas > * > * {
background-color: #b5c7ce;
background-color: #e0d2d2;