Error with sychronizing gradle project - import

So i was using Eclipse for JAVA programming all the time and now i had to switch to Android Studio.
I made a new libgdx project with libgdx version 1.5.3.
When i tried to import the project into Android Studio it automatically started sync it and after a while it showed an error in Messages Gradle Sync: Error:Connection timed out: connect. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, please configure the proxy settings either in IDE or Gradle.
How can I configure the proxy settings?
I am using Android Studio verison 1.0.2


Unable to launch IBM MobileFirst foundation studio 8.0 in eclipse

OS Version: Mac OS Sierra: 10.12.3
Eclipse Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
Downloaded the latest Eclipse version.
Installed IDE for Java Developers.
Installed IBM mobile first foundation studio 8.0 from Eclipse Marketplace. Restarted the Eclipse
No mobile first option available in Eclipse.
In MobileFirst v8.0 you no longer use Studio to create "projects" to create Hybrid apps, rather you use the Cordova CLI to create a Cordova app, and also use the Cordova CLI to add the MobileFirst SDK (plug-in) to the Cordova app.
The Studio plug-in for Eclipse in v8.0 is used to expose functionality provided by the MobileFirst CLI (register app, open console, and so on...), and so it will work only if you will also have the MobileFirst CLI installed, as well as the THyM plug-in for Eclipse, which makes Eclipse into a dev environment for Cordova apps. See this video :
Command Line is the best way to set up the development environment for IBM MobileFirst Foundation 8.0.
Application development
At the very minimum, the following software is needed:
NodeJS (requirement for MobileFirst CLI)
MobileFirst CLI
Cordova CLI
IDEs: Xcode, Android Studio, Visual Studio, / Visual Studio Code / WebStorm / IntelliJ / Eclipse / other IDEs
Adapter development
NodeJS (requirement for MobileFirst CLI)
MobileFirst CLI
Maven (requires Java)
IDEs: IntelliJ / Eclipse / other IDEs
I suggest that you will take a tour of Setting Up the Development Environment for MobileFirst Foundation 8.0.
See here:
Eclipse Neon is currently not yet supported. Please try using Juno version instead.

build a cordova plugin for android from source code

I'm a .Net developer and I've some basic information about java development , I'm developing a multi-device-hybrid-apps using visual studio and cordova.
I use a native plugin for push notifications PushPlugin , I want to do some changes in this plugin using java , i downloaded eclipse and ADT plugin .
actually my problem is in using eclipse not in understanding java code (what is project template in eclipse should i use to create android library ), I've created a new android project and added the PushPlugin code that I downloaded from GitHub , but "android project" is generating an android app not just a jar file to use as a cordova plugin.
What I want is to make some modifications in the plugin code and re-build it using eclipse to generate a new jar file.
please advice.
ok i found a way to overcome this issue , It's mainly caused by my lack understanding to how cordova plugins works , so i decided to write steps , it may help someone who has few knowledge about java and cordova plugins.
to edit a downloaded (with source-code) plugin from github
you don't need to install eclipse at all.
you need to have some knowledge in java and android API
in visual studio navigate to your plugin source code under plugins folder , in this case it's \plugins\com.phonegap.plugins.PushPlugin\src\android\com\plugin\gcm
find the plugin starting class which will be a class extends CordovaPlugin
edit what you want in java code
now in order to re-build java code , you MUST Clean cordova project before making a new deploy.
That's all.

Import existing Google App Engine module into Android Studio

I created and deployed months ago a Google App Engine project in Eclipse with the Google Cloud plugin. Now I'm interested in continue the development of this project in Android Studio to avoid using two different IDEs and to have it integrated with my Android application.
I've found that Android Studio has a wizard to create a new Google Cloud module but I have not found any clue on how to import an existing one. Does anyone know a proper way of doing it avoiding the task of create a new one and paste all the code from eclipse?
Thank you!
If you're using Gradle with the gradle-appengine-plugin you should be able to simply copy the appengine module directory into your android studio project and include it in your settings.gradle. A sync will cause the IDE to detect the module and you can create a new App Engine run configuration and select that module to run the dev server.
If you're using Maven then you'll need to port your build over to Gradle to get it to work with Android Studio.

Deploying J2ME midlet on BlackBerry using Eclipse

I have a small J2ME midlet program and it is running fine in eclipse with J2ME plugin. I want to deploy the same on BlackBerry using eclipse. But I cant find any resource for the same. I have a tutorial doing this using Websphere studio device developer IDE. I cannot find its free download link either. Anyone can suggest how to achieve this deployment using Eclipse? If not, is Websphere studio available for free?
You could install the BlackBerry Plugin for Eclipse and create a new BlackBerry project, copy or import your existing source from the J2ME project and then use the Plugins debug and deploy your application the the BlackBerry simulator or device.

Integrating Qt with eclipse

I have stuck with problem of building Qt projects in Eclipse. First of all here is the sequence of steps which I went through when I installed Qt plugin.
I develop in Eclipse for Java Developers, so firstly I downloaded CDT plugin for eclipse, using Install Wizard.
Then I downloaded and install latest Qt SDK with all libraries, including libraries for mobile developement.
The next step was downloading and setting up Qt plugin for Eclipse.
After I have done everything, I began to configure Eclipse for work with CDT and Qt.
1) I pointed in Windows->Preferences->Qt this attributes:
[Name: Qt4.7.3]
[BinPath: C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.3\mingw\bin]
[IncludePath: C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.3\mingw\include]
2) I changed Windows->Preferences->C/C++->New CDT Project Wizard->Makefile Project->Builder Settings->Build Command to mingw32-make, because it tried to launch make instead and of course projects didn't build.
Everything works fine but everytime when I create new Qt or C/C++ Project I have to modify it's Builder settings properties and MakeTarget properties, renaming build commands to mingw32-make. Moreover when I save project, Eclipse should rebuild it, but I get nothing and have to build it manually, using MakeTarget->Build in debug mode.
Tell me please what did I miss during configuration.