How to find the class-file on case insensitive filesystem? - perl

Simple test case (for the demonstration of the problem):
mkdir -p ./lib1/Class ./lib2/Class
touch ./lib1/Class/ ./lib2/Class/
So, have:
Need search for the right file in the case-insensitive filesystem (OS X's HFS+).
The following works on case-sensitive filesystem,
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.014;
use strict;
use warnings;
my #DIRS = qw(./lib1 ./lib2);
for my $class ( qw(Class::Name Class::NAME) ) {
my $file = findClassFile($class);
say $file;
sub findClassFile {
my($file) = #_;
$file =~ s|::|/|g;
$file .= ".pm";
for my $dir (#DIRS) {
return "$dir/$file" if( -e "$dir/$file" );
return undef;
and prints
on the OS X, it prints incorrectly:
How to find on the OSX's insensitive filesystem the correct filename?
Ps: Now only comes to my mind write and recursive routine with opendir/readdir/chdir and checking the filenames what are comes from readdir. Not to shabby... Exists some more easy way?

My current solution is:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.014;
use strict;
use warnings;
my #DIRS = qw(./lib1 ./lib2 /Users/me/tmp/lib3);
for my $class ( qw(Class::Name Class::NAME CLASS::name Class::Namex) ) {
my $file = findClassFile($class);
say $file // "Not found $class";
sub findClassFile {
my($classname) = #_;
my $file = ($classname =~ s|::|/|gr) . ".pm";
for my $dir (#DIRS) {
return "$dir/$file" if( FileExists("$dir/$file") );
return undef;
sub FileExists {
my($path) = #_;
my $curr = $path =~ m|^/| ? "/" : ".";
for my $part (split '/', $path) {
next unless $part;
opendir(my $dfd, $curr) || return undef;
my #files = grep {/^$part$/} readdir($dfd);
return undef unless( #files );
$curr .= "/$part";
return $curr;
what prints:
Not found Class::Namex
so - it's working, only don't like it.. ;)


Perl: How to search a file named ".cfg" in a directory and all it's parent directories

How to search a file named ".cfg" in a directory and all it's parent directories
I am fetching the name as below code but i would like to know if there is any better way to do it.
Also i would like to know the recursive way to do the same.
sub get_p4_config_updir($ $)
my ($client_root, $cfg_file) = #_;
# Dir from where search starts - it's a client root here
my $cur_dir = $client_root;
printf("**** cur_dir: $cur_dir ****\n");
my $slashes = $cur_dir =~ y/\///;
printf("**** no of back slashes: $slashes ****\n");
while($slashes > 2) {
my ($parent_dir, $b) = $cur_dir =~ /(.*)\/(.*)/;
printf("**** parent_dir: $parent_dir, b: $b ****\n");
if (-e "$cur_dir/$cfg_file") {
printf("**** File exists in dir: $cur_dir ****\n");
return $cur_dir;
$cur_dir = $parent_dir;
return "";
my $cfg = '.cfg';
my $dir = '/user/home/wkspace/abc/def/MAIN';
my $path = get_p4_config_updir($dir, $cfg);
if ($path ne "") {
printf("**** File exists in dir: $path ****\n");
} else {
printf("**** File not found ****\n");
An example using Path::Tiny:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw/say/;
use Path::Tiny;
# Returns a Path::Tiny object to the directory containing the file
# being looked for, or undef if not found.
sub get_p4_config_updir {
my ($client_root, $cfg_file) = #_;
my $dir = path($client_root)->realpath;
while (1) {
# say "Looking at $dir";
if ($dir->child($cfg_file)->exists) {
return $dir;
} elsif ($dir->is_rootdir) {
return undef;
} else {
$dir = $dir->parent;
my $cfg = '.cfg';
my $dir = '/user/home/wkspace/abc/def/MAIN';
say get_p4_config_updir($dir, $cfg) // "File not found";
Or a version that's similar to #rajashekar's idea of walking the directory tree by using chdir to get each directory's parent. This one uses File::chdir, which lets you localize changes to the current working directory (and restores the original when the function/scope exits), as well as providing a handy array view of the current directory and its parents that can be manipulated:
use File::chdir;
sub get_p4_config_updir {
my ($client_root, $cfg_file) = #_;
local $CWD = $client_root; # Magic happens here
while (1) {
# say "Looking at $CWD";
if (-e $cfg_file) {
return $CWD;
} elsif ($CWD eq "/") {
return undef;
} else {
pop #CWD; # CDs to the next parent directory
You can use core libraries to do this in a platform independent, readable way without having to use cwd and possibly causing action at a distance effects in the rest of your code:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile rel2abs updir);
sub get_p4_config_updir
my ($dir, $file) = #_;
$dir = rel2abs($dir);
do {
my $path = catfile $dir => $file;
return $dir if -e $path;
return if $dir eq (my $new_dir = rel2abs(catfile $dir, updir));
$dir = $new_dir;
} while ('NOT_DONE');
sub main {
my ($cfg, $dir) = #_;
my $path = get_p4_config_updir($dir, $cfg);
if (defined $path) {
printf("Found '%s' in '%s'\n", $cfg, $path);
else {
"Did not find '%s' in '%s' or any of its parent directories\n",
C:\Users\u\AppData\Local\Temp> perl linux.bin .
Found 'linux.bin' in 'C:\'
Why deal with pathnames, when you can walk the directory structure up with .. ?
if the file exists in the current directory return it.
else go up .. and the repeat the process.
use Cwd qw(cwd);
sub search_up {
my ($dir, $file) = #_;
while (1) {
if (-e $file) {
print "$file exists in $dir\n";
return $dir;
} elsif ($dir eq "/") {
} else {
$dir = cwd;
Please see if following code snippet complies with your requirements.
The script is looking for configuration file toward root of filesystem, found filenames are stored in an array #found.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $dir = '/user/home/wkspace/abc/def/MAIN';
my $ext = 'cfg';
for( split('/',$dir) ) {
$cwd .= "$_/";
push #found, glob( $cwd . "*\.$ext" );
if( #found ) {
say for #found;
} else {
say 'No file(s) was found';
exit 0;
Following code snippet is looking for configuration files away from root filesystem starting from $dir.
If any files found then they will be stored under array reference $found and then printed out on the terminal.
If no files get found then you will be informed with a message.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $dir = '/user/home/wkspace/abc/def/MAIN';
my $ext = 'cfg';
my $found = find($dir,$ext);
if( $found ) {
say for #$found;
} else {
say 'No file(s) was found';
exit 0;
sub find {
my $dir = shift;
my $ext = shift;
my $ret;
for( glob("$dir/*") ) {
push #$ret, $_ if /\.$ext\z/;
if( -d ) {
my $found = find($_,$ext);
push #$ret, #$found if $found;
return $ret;

Why would my if(-f ) not be working?

When initially checking if ARGV[0] is a file or directory, it worked fine with accurate results. Then further down into sub files I try it again and it doesnt return anything. This may seem like a small silly question but Im a student and help on programming on the weekends is scarce. Sometimes a new set of eyes can help.Thanks in advance.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my %hash;
my $args = #ARGV;
my $dh = $ARGV[0];
if ( -f $dh ) {
} elsif ( -d $dh ) {
sub words {
open( my $file, '<', $_[0] ) or die 'cant open file';
while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
chomp $line;
#words = split( /\s+/, $line );
foreach $word (#words) {
$word =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
foreach $key ( keys %hash ) {
print $key. " " . $hash{$key} . "\n";
sub files {
opendir( DH, $_[0] );
my #paths = grep !/^\./, readdir(DH);
foreach (#paths) {
if ( -f $_ ) {
print $_. "\n";
You're missing path to your file,
if (-f "$_[0]/$_") ..
or to make it less obscure,
sub files{
my ($path) = #_;
opendir(my $DH, $path);
my #paths = grep !/^\./, readdir($DH);
foreach (#paths) {
if (-f "$path/$_") {
print "$_\n";
As has already been stated, the return values of readdir contain just the basename. Therefore, to do file tests, you must either chdir or include the path info explicitly.
if (-f "$_[0]/$_") {
One alternative solution is to use Path::Class or some similar module for doing Cross-platform path specification manipulation.
The following is your script rewritten using this module:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Path::Class;
my $path = shift // die "Usage: $0 <Dir or File>\n";
words($path) if -f $path;
files($path) if -d $path;
sub words {
my $file = file(shift);
my %count;
$count{ lc($_) }++ for split ' ', $file->slurp;
for my $key ( keys %count ) {
printf "%s %s\n", $key, $count{$key};
sub files {
my $dir = dir(shift);
for ( $dir->children ) {
next if $_->is_dir;
print "$_\n", $_->basename;

Unable to get absolute path of a file from $File::Find::name - perl

I am unable to get the absolute path of a file from $File::Find::name. It is showing undef vale as a output. Not able to figure it out why :( can any one please help me out in this
Error displayed is : Use of uninitialized value $file_name in concatenation
My Code :
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Copy;
use Cwd;
use Data::Printer;
my $rootPATH = $ARGV[0];
my $id = $ARGV[1];
my #Arraypath;
my $file_name;
our $anr_name;
opendir( my $DIR, $rootPATH );
while ( my $entry = readdir $DIR ) {
next unless -d $rootPATH . '/' . $entry;
next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..';
#print "Found directory $entry\n";
push( #Arraypath, ( split( "\n", $entry ) ) );
closedir $DIR;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $line (#Arraypath) {
my $fulllogpath = $rootPATH . "\\" . $line;
#print "$fulllogpath\n";
sub start {
my $fulllogpath = shift;
our #content;
#print "$fulllogpath\n\n";
find( \&wanted, $fulllogpath );
sub wanted {
push #content, $_;
foreach my $file (#content) {
# print "$file\n\n";
if ( $file =~ /traces[_d]*/ ) {
print "$file\n\n";
$file_name = $File::Find::name;
p $file_name;
print "$file_name\n";
Your program is very poorly layed out. It will be much simpler to write and debug code if you indent it properly and use carefully-chosen identifiers: a name like start for a subroutine is useless.
You also have unnecessary subroutine declarations which break up the program flow and make it awkward to follow.
Why do you have a couple of package variables (declared with our)? There is generally no need for them, and it is best to use lexical variables throughout, declared at an appropriate place so that all code has access to them if it needs it.
It is also preferable to use File::Spec to work with file paths, rather than manipulate them using string operators, with which it is easy to make a mistake.
The best way to manage the results of find is to work with absolute paths all the way through. It looks like you want to do more than just print the results returned by find since you load modules like Cwd and File::Copy, but without knowing what that further purpose is I cannot help you to write it.
This code removes all the subroutines and makes everything much more concise.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use File::Find 'find';
use File::Spec;
use Data::Printer;
my ($root_path, $id) = #ARGV;
opendir my ($dh), $root_path;
my #dir_list =
grep -d,
map File::Spec->catfile($root_path, $_),
grep { not /\A\.\.?\z/ } readdir $dh;
closedir $dh;
my $count;
for my $dir (#dir_list) {
find(sub {
return unless /traces[_d]*/;
my $file = $_;
print "$file\n\n";
my $file_name = $File::Find::name;
p $file_name;
print "$file_name\n";
}, $dir);
As has already been stated, $File::Find::name is valid only within the wanted function. Not outside of it.
However, I would recommend making the shift to using Path::Class and Path::Class::Rule for some simpler processing of your files in a cross platform compatible way:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;
use Path::Class;
use Path::Class::Rule;
my ( $root_path, $id ) = #ARGV;
my $dir = dir($root_path);
my $next = Path::Class::Rule->new->file->name(qr{traces[_d]*})->iter(
grep { $_->is_dir() } $dir->children
while ( my $file = $next->() ) {
# Accomplishes the same as your script. I suspect these prints statements are mostly for debugging though.
print $file->basename(), "\n\n";
p "$file";
print "$file\n";

Can't find file trying to move

I'm trying to clean up a directory that contains a lot of sub directories that actually belong in some of the sub directories, not the main directory.
For example, there is
Main directory
And HHH belongs in sub3. HHH has multiple text files inside of it (as well as some ..txt and ...txt files that I would like to ignore), and each of these text files has a string
some_pattern [sub3].
So, I attempted to write a script that looks into the file and then moves it into its corresponding directory
use File::Find;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
my $DATA = "D:/DATA/DATA_x/*";
my #dirs = grep { -d } glob $DATA;
foreach (#dirs) {
if ($_ =~ m/HHH/) {
print "$_\n";
my $file = "$_/*";
my #files = grep { -f } glob $file;
foreach (#files) {
print "file $_\n";
foreach (#files) {
print "\t$_\n";
my #folders = split('/', $_);
if ($folders[4] eq '..txt' or $folders[4] eq '...txt') {
print "$folders[4] ..txt\n";
foreach (#folders) {
print "$_\n";
open(FH, '<', $_);
my $value;
while (my $line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ m/some_pattern/) {
($value) = $line =~ /\[(.+?)\]/;
($value) =~ s/\s*$//;
print "ident'$value'\n";
my $new_dir = "$folders[0]/$folders[1]/$folders[2]/$value/$folders[3]/$folders[4]";
print "making $folders[0]/$folders[1]/$folders[2]/$value/$folders[3]\n";
print "file is $folders[4]\n";
my $new_over_dir = "$folders[0]/$folders[1]/$value/$folders[2]/$folders[3]";
mkdir $new_over_dir or die "Can't make it $!";
print "going to swap\n '$_'\n for\n '$new_dir'\n";
move($_, $new_dir) or die "Can't $!";
It's saying
Can't make it No such file or directory at line 57, <FH> line 82.
Why is it saying that it won't make a file that doesn't exist?
A while later: here is my final script:
use File::Find;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
my $DATA = "D:/DATA/DATA_x/*";
my #dirs = grep { -d } glob $DATA;
foreach (#dirs) {
if ($_ =~ m/HHH/) {
my $value;
my #folders;
print "$_\n";
my $file = "$_/*";
my #files = grep { -f } glob $file;
foreach (#files) {
print "file $_\n";
foreach (#files) {
print "\t$_\n";
#folders = split('/', $_);
if ($folders[4] eq '..txt' or $folders[4] eq '...txt') {
print "$folders[4] ..txt\n";
foreach (#folders) {
print "$_\n";
open(FH, '<', $_);
while (my $line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ m/some_pattern/) {
($value) = $line =~ /\[(.+?)\]/;
($value) =~ s/\s*$//;
print "ident'$value'\n";
print "value $value\n";
my $dir1 = "/$folders[1]/$folders[2]/$folders[3]/$folders[4]/$folders[5]";
my $dir2 = "/$folders[1]/$folders[2]/$folders[3]/$folders[4]/$value";
system("cp -r $dir1 $dir2");
This works. It looks like part of my problem from before was that I was trying to run this on a directory in my D: drive--when I moved it to the C: drive, it worked fine without any permissions errors or anything. I did try to implement something with Path::Tiny, but this script was so close to being functional (and it was functional in a Unix environment), that I decided to just complete it.
You really should read the Path::Tiny doccu. It probably contains everything you need.
Some starting points, without error handling and so on...
use strict;
use warnings;
use Path::Tiny;
my $start=path('D:/DATA/DATA_x');
my $iter = path($start)->iterator({recurse => 1});
while ( $curr = $iter->() ) {
#select here the needed files - add more conditions if need
next if $curr->is_dir; #skip directories
next if $curr =~ m/HHH.*\.{2,3}txt$/; #skip ...?txt
#say "$curr";
my $content = $curr->slurp;
if( $content =~ m/some_pattern/ ) {
#do something wih the file
say "doing something with $curr";
my $newfilename = path("insert what you need here"); #create the needed new path for the file ..
path($newfilename->dirname)->mkpath; #make directories
$curr->move($newfilename); #move the file
Are you sure of the directory path you are trying to create. The mkdir call might be failing if some of the intermediate directories doesn't exist. If your code is robust to ensure that
the variable $new_over_dir contains the directory path you have to create, you can use method make_path from perl module File::Path to create the new directory, instead of 'mkdir'.
From the documentation of make_path:
The make_path function creates the given directories if they don't
exists before, much like the Unix command mkdir -p.

<DATA> prevents foreach loop from being executed, why? :)

I have two nested foreach loops. If I use this code:
foreach (#directories) {
my $actual_directory = $_;
print "\nactual directory: ".$actual_directory."\n";
foreach (#files) {
my $file_name = $_;
my $actual_file = $actual_directory.$file_name;
print $actual_file."\n";
open(DATA, $actual_file) or die "Nelze otevřít zdrojový soubor: $!\n";
my $line_number = 0;
# while (<DATA>){
# my #znaky = split(' ',$_);
# my $poradi = $znaky[0]; #poradi nukleotidu
# my $hodnota = $znaky[1]; #hodnota
# my #temp = $files_to_sum_of_lines{$actual_file};
# $temp[$line_number] += $hodnota;
# $files_to_sum_of_lines{$actual_file} = #temp;
# $line_number+=1;
# }
# close(DATA);
I got this output:
actual directory: /home/n/Plocha/counting_files/1/
actual directory: /home/n/Plocha/counting_files/2/
However, if I uncomment "while (<DATA>){ }", I loose a.txt and b.txt, so the output looks like this:
actual directory: /home/n/Plocha/counting_files/1/
actual directory: /home/n/Plocha/counting_files/2/
How can this while (<DATA>) prevent my foreach from being executed?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
In addition to not using DATA, try using lexical loop variables, and lexical filehandles. Also, Perl's built-in $. keeps track of line numbers for you.
for my $actual_directory (#directories) {
print "\nactual directory: ".$actual_directory."\n";
foreach my $file_name (#files) {
my $actual_file = $actual_directory.$file_name;
print $actual_file."\n";
open my $INPUT, '<', $actual_file
or die "Nelze otevřít zdrojový soubor: $!\n";
while (my $line = <$INPUT>) {
my #znaky = split(' ', $line);
my $poradi = $znaky[0]; #poradi nukleotidu
my $hodnota = $znaky[1]; #hodnota
#temp = $files_to_sum_of_lines{$actual_file};
$temp[ $. ] += $hodnota;
$files_to_sum_of_lines{$actual_file} = #temp;
close $INPUT;
On the other hand, I can't quite tell if there is a logic error in there. Something like the following might be useful:
use warnings; use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile canonpath );
my %counts;
find(\&count_lines_in_files, #ARGV);
for my $dir (sort keys %counts) {
print "$dir\n";
my $dircounts = $counts{ $dir };
for my $file (sort keys %{ $dircounts }) {
printf "\t%s: %d\n", $file, $dircounts->{ $file };
sub count_lines_in_files {
my $file = canonpath $_;
my $dir = canonpath $File::Find::dir;
my $path = canonpath $File::Find::name;
return unless -f $path;
$counts{ $dir }{ $file } = count_lines_in_file($path);
sub count_lines_in_file {
my ($path) = #_;
my $ret = open my $fh, '<', $path;
unless ($ret) {
carp "Cannot open '$path': $!";
1 while <$fh>;
my $n_lines = $.;
close $fh
or croak "Cannot close '$path': $!";
return $n_lines;
Perl uses __DATA__ to make a pseudo-data file at the end of the package. You can access that using the filehandle DATA, e.g. <DATA>. Is it possible that your filehandle is conflicting? Try changing the filehandle to something else and see if it works better.