Get textfield's value from one activity to another - android-activity

I have two activities
Class MainActivity{
//has a single button and
//invokes SubActivity
Class SubActivity{
//This activity several textfields
While SubActivity is alive, I press back button and go back to MainActivity.
When I go back to MainActivity again, I would like to get the textfield values from the MainActivity. I tried using context but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestion is welcome.

You either have to pass them in a bundle with the intent to start the activity, write them to shared preferences, or put them in sqlite database. It's not possible to simply read data from another activity.


Update Key value of Provider package?

I have a page that goes after the main page which has its own ChangeNotifierProvider. The key given in the main method of the first page is a static String stored in the ChangeNotifierProvider class that I use in the second page.
When I update this String key before Navigator.pop() into the first page, coming back to the second page still has the same old values.
I heard changing the key lets you refresh the Provider stored values, so how do I do it? Or else how can I make sure everything is reset once I click a certain button to go back?
I had thought that there was such a function like this in Provider but no, would've been useful.
For now my solution was to create constructor methods that set everything back, so I can call them before I navigate.

ICommand not binding in Loaded event using MVVMLight framework

I am wondering why binding a button inside the Loaded event in WPF page does not work and will only work after navigating to another page, and going back.
I have an inventory app and on the main page, most of the ViewModel are called because of a Back button which goes back to a specific lists and what causes that is, it will start binding the even if that command is not for that page and it will also load the collections for other pages.
So I used Loaded page event to call the necessary methods to populate the lists and also start binding commands for this specific page. I also used Unloaded page event for clean up like unsubscribing to some CRUD events.
The problem now though is, buttons does not get binding in Loaded page event. I do not know why..
I have made a miniature app to demo the problem. It can be downloaded here
(full source code included)
This is because your views are not getting notified about the change of Command_ShowAddWindow and Command_ClickMe. Let me explain:
When your Page constructor is first run the bindings to your commands are initialized and transferred to the view, but by that time your commands are null, so the view binds both buttons' commands to null.
Then when your Loaded event is fired the commands are initialized, but the view is not getting notified about it, so it keeps command bindings to null.
The solutions to the problem are:
You manually call RaisePropertyChanged to notify the view about commands change when you initialize them:
void InitCommands()
Command_ShowAddWindow = new RelayCommand(Command_ShowAddWindow_Click);
Command_ClickMe = new RelayCommand(Command_ClickMe_Click);
Or you initialize your commands in your ViewModel constructor before DataBindings are initialized:
public ViewModel_Page1()

Wicket DefaultDataTable - Refresh it on browser back button

In my application I am using DefaultDataTable with SortableDataProvider which has LoadableDetachableModel as the model.
I used it to display a set of records ( say RecordList page). When I add or remove some records and load the page RecordList again, it displays the changes. However, if I use the back button of the browser and go the RecordList page which was rentered earlier ( before adding/ removing the records ). The DefaultDataTable still has the old sets of records. This is a big issue when records are deleted.
For example, If I delete a record and press back button then the page fails as the record it is trying to show does not exist in the database. Adding does not create an issue because it simply does not get listed in the set of records.
In another page, I just have PageableListView with LoadableDetachableModel. It works fine with out an issue.
There are one or two things that you can do about this.
First please check whether the data provider has the latest data.
Secondly make sure that the set of records with the Data provider is refreshed when the browser back button is hit. Ensure that the data fed to the Data Provider is refreshed in a method other than constructor. Because constructors will not be called when you hit back. So you would need to use a separate method. Ideally you could use the same method, but called from both constructor and when back button is pressed.

Best way to update view from command or filedialog in an eclipse rcp application

In my application I have a menu which open a SelectionDialog, this dialog is used to choose an object.
When this object is selected I have to display it in the view.
What is the best way to update my view?
Currently, I call myview.update(object) after the dialog is closed (in the handler of the menu). But I think this solution is not well design.
I have read about update my model and notify my view but my model does not change (no data are changed, I only display different Data ).
Does anyone has some ideas for a well design solution ?
Define model listener ( dataPopulated(Event e))
Make your view implement model listener and register it with the Model.
Define a Model class that can contain the objects that you want to populate in the view
When Model.setInput(Object input) is invoked fire dataPopulated() event on all registered model listeners.
Above steps works properly when you have view activated. You need to consider cases like when if view is deactivated or not visible ( make sure you refresh view is visible else you will have unnecessary overhead of refreshing view though it is notvisible)
Try adding a selection listener in the view and register this selection in the dialog.
In the listener action, add the code to show the selected object.

Updating a view from a command handler

I have a file dialogue opening from the menu where a user can select a file. The FileDialog is called from the menu command's handler class in execute().
Based on the file the user selected, I would like to update a view, for which (I believe) I'd need the same Composite element that's passed to the view in createPartControl().
Is it possible to get access to it from the command handler, or would it be better to trigger the view updating via something like ISourceProviderListener or PropertyChangeListener?
Thank you.
Yes, it's possible:
IViewPart part = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(executionEvent).getActivePage()
It would be better to first update the data that your view is displaying (the model in MVC) and the change in data should trigger view refresh. It's hard to say which listener is better without knowing all the details.