Best practice for storing counters in meteor.js - mongodb

I used to store counters inside the User document. But I often check the existing of Meteor.user() before running some code.
The counters update every second so the code reruns over and over again.
Is creating a separate Counters collection a way to solve this problem?
Counters example:
counters: {
generatedDocs: {
total: 482360
posts: {
total: 23
comments: {
total: 200

Yes. If you want to store the counter variable across multiple sessions and/or have it visible for multiple users, you want to make a counter collection in the database and work with that. If you just want counters for one session, then you can store them in a variable on the window object.

If this is for one session you can use the Session api of Meteor. And as Goodword said, if this is across sessions and users you can store the counters in its own collection. If what you are counting are own collections you can also use the count() function if it fits your use case.


Loading a large collection from MongoDB to Meteor makes pages slow

I am developing an app in Meteor for the first time. As seen in the documentation, I am loading my collections this way:
Items = new Mongo.Collection("items")
The items collection has more than a million documents and makes page loading very slow. How can I avoid this overhead?
First remove the autopublish package from the console:
$ meteor remove autopublish
Otherwise all records will be published to all clients and 1M records will be very slow.
Second, create a publication that filters the collection to only publish those documents that are actually relevant to the current user in the current application context:
if ( this.userId ){
return Items.find({ some query relevant to the user },
{fields: { key1: 1, key2: 1, ... only relevant fields }});
Your query and list of relevant fields might vary by class of user. You can also have multiple publications on the same collection for different use cases.
If your collection has millions of document, it very bad to have entire data loaded on front-end may it be any circumstances.
you should wisely use PAGINATION, as there are packages out there for pagination in meteor. But if you want to use pagination with simple Session variable handling (the variable keeps the "skip" value which is accessible at both client and server) with aslagle:reactive-table for better presentation, you can watch this video
After implementing this feature, you yourself will feel that loading entire data on UI is not feasible solution and pagination works without page refresh, asynchronously and reactively.

Incremental field to existing collection

I have a collection containing around 100k documents. I want to add an auto incrementing "custom_id" field to my documents, and keep adding my documents by incrementing that field from now on.
What's the best approach for this? I've seen some examples in the official document ( however they're only for adding new documents, not for updating an existing collection.
Example code I created based on the link above to increment my counter:
function incrementAndGetNext(counter, callback) {
name: counter
}, [["_id", 1]], {
$inc: {
"count": 1
}, {
"new": true
}, function (err, doc) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
On the above code counters is db.counters collection and I have this document there:
Would love to know.
Thank you.
P.S. I'm using native mongojs driver for js
Well, using the link you mentionned, I'd rather use the counters collection approach.
The counters collections approach has some drawbacks including :
It always generates multiples request (two): one to get the sequence number, another to do the insertion using the id you got via the sequence,
If you are using sharding features of mongodb, a document responsible for storing a counter state may be used a lot, and each time it will reach the same server.
However it should be appropriate for most uses.
The approach you mentionned ("the optimistic loop") should not break IMO, and I don't guess why you have a problem with it. However I'd not recommend it. What happens if you execute the code on multiple mongo clients, if one has a lot of latency and others keep taking IDs? I'd not like to encounter this kind of problem... Furthermore, there are at least two request per successful operation, but no maximum of retries before a success...

Where to store users followings/followers? User's document of Followings collection? Fat document VS. polymorphic documents

What I'm talking about is:
Meteor.users.findOne() =
_id: "..."
followers: {
users: Array[], // ["someUserId1", "someUserId2"]
pages: Array[] // ["somePageId1", "somePageId2"]
Followings.findOne() =
_id: "..."
followeeId: "..."
followeeType: "user"
followerId: "..."
I found second one totally inefficient because I need to use smartPublish to publish user's followers.
Meteor.smartPublish('userFollowers', function(userId) {
var coursors = [],
followings = Followings.find({followeeId: userId});
followings.forEach(function(following) {
coursors.push(Meteor.users.find({_id: following.followerId}));
return coursors;
And I can't filter users inside the iron-router. I cache subscriptions so there may be more users than I need.
I want to do something like this:
data: function() {
return {
users: Meteor.users.find({_id: {$in: Meteor.user().followers.users}})
A bad thing about using nested arrays inside the Document is that if I've added an item to followers.users[], the whole array will be sent back to the client.
So what do you think? Is it better to keep such data inside the user Document so it'll become fat? May be it's a 'Meteor way' of solving such problems.
I think it's a better idea to keep it nested inside the user document. Storing it in a separate collection leads to a lot of unnecessary duplication, and every time the publish function is run you have to scan the entire collection again. If you're worrying about the arrays growing too large, in most cases, don't (generally, a full-text novel only takes a few hundred kb). Plus, if you're publishing your user document already, you don't have to pull any new documents into memory; you already have everything you need.
This MongoDB blog post seems to advocate a similar approach (see one-to-many section). It might be worth checking out.
You seem to be aware of the pros and cons of each option. Unfortunately, your question is mostly opinion based.
Generally, if your follower arrays will be small in size and don't change often, keep them embedded.
Otherwise a dedicated collection is the way to go.
For that case, you might want to take a look at which seems very efficient in what it does and very easy to implement syntactically.

Mongo Collections and Meteor Reactivity

I'm trying to decide the best approach for an app I'm working on. In my app each user has a number of custom forms for example X user will have custom forms and Y user will have 5 different forms customized to their needs.
My idea is to create a mongo db collection for each custom form, at the start I wouldn't have to many users I understand the mongo collection limit is set to 24000 (I think not sure). If that's correct I'm ok for now.
But I think this might create issues down the line but also not sure this is the best approach for performance, management and so forth.
The other option is to create one collocation "forms" and add custom data under an object field like so
_id: dfdfd34df4efdfdfdf,
data: {}
My concern with this is one Meteor reactivity and scale.
First I'm expecting each user to fill out each form at least 30 to 50 times per week, so I'm expecting the collection size to increase very fast. Which makes me question this approach and go with the collection option which breaks down the size.
My second concern or question is well Meteor be able to identify changes in the first level object and second level object. As I need the data to be reactive.
First Level
_id: dfdfd34df4efdfdfdf,
data: {}
Second Level
_id: dfdfd34df4efdfdfdf,
data: {
name:Y, _id: random id
The answer is somewhat here limits of number of collections in databases
It's not a yes or no but it's clear regrading the mongo collection limit. As for Meteor reactivity that's another topic.

MapReduce on child objects not embedded

I am having a problem with creating a mapreduce algorithm that will get me the stats i need. I have a user object that can create a post and a post can have many likes by other users.
The Post is not embedded in the user because we access posts separately and not just in a user context. The stat I need is the number of likes an author has gotten and i need to get this through the likes of the posts of a user. The problem is that because the posts are not embedded, I cannot access them in my map function. Here are the map and reduce functions I currently have
def reputation_map
function() {
var posts = db.posts.find({user_id:this._id});
emit(this._id, {posts:posts});
def reputation_reduce
function(key, values) {
var count = 0;
return {posts:count};
This should only return the posts for each user so I have not even gotten to the likes level yet but instead of a count, this only returns a dbquery for posts. What is the correct way of doing this?
Map Reduce is really designed to operate on a single collection at a time.
Technically, it is possible to query a separate collection from inside a Map function as you have done, but take caution as this is not recommended nor supported. you may run into issues, especially if the collection is sharded.
A similar question was asked a while back: How to call to mongodb inside my map/reduce functions? Is it a good practice?
If you are aggregating results from multiple collections, you may find that the safest and most straight-forward way to do it is in the application.
Alternatively, if likes per author is a value that will be searched for with some frequency, it may be preferable to include it as a value in each document, and spend a little more overhead on each update to increment this value, rather than periodically performing a potentially resource-heavy calculation of all the votes per author.
Hopefully this will give you some food for thought for retrieving the values that you need to.
If you would like some assistance writing a Map Reduce operation for a single collection, the Community is here to help. Please include a sample input document, and a description of the desired output.
For more information on Map Reduce, the documentation may be found here:
Additionally, there are some good Map Reduce examples in the MongoDB Cookbook:
The "Extras" section of the cookbook article "Finding Max And Min Values with Versioned Documents" contains a good step-by-step walkthrough of a Map Reduce operation, explaining how the functions are executed.