CQ5/AEM6/Sightly - Return custom type from Java Use-Api - aem

Using JavaScript Use-Api I am able to create a custom object and return it to a html file. This feature allows me to create a list of custom objects, which can be used to create a menu or other complex list-like component.
Let's assume that I have following content structure:
/contentpage1.3 (hidden)
/contentpage1.1 (hidden)
/contentpage1.2 (hidden)
/contentpage1.3 (hidden)
Menu should contains only first-level contentpages. Each menu item should have dropdown list with second-level contentpages, if they exist and are not hidden. I can do it in JavaScript with the following code:
"use strict";
use(function() {
function getMenuItems() {
var currentPageDepth = currentPage.getDepth();
var menuObjects = [];
if(currentPageDepth >= 3) {
var homePage = currentPage.getAbsoluteParent(2);
var list = homePage.listChildren();
while(list.hasNext()) {
var tempPage = list.next()
var customPageObject = createMenuItemObject(tempPage);
return menuObjects;
function createMenuItemObject(page) {
// ...
// looking for any other properties of page or its children
// ...
return {page: page,
visibleChildrenExists: visibleChildrenExists(page)};
function visibleChildrenExists(page) {
var list = page.listChildren();
var visibleChildrenExists = false;
while(list.hasNext()) {
var subPage = list.next();
if(!subPage.isHideInNav()) {
visibleChildrenExists = true;
return visibleChildrenExists;
return {
menuObjectsList: getMenuItems(),
<headerComponent data-sly-use.headerComponentJS="headerComponent.js" data-sly-unwrap />
<menuItems data-sly-list.menuItem="${headerComponentJS.menuObjectsList}" data-sly-unwrap >
<li class='${menuItem.visibleChildrenExists ? "" : "direct"}' data-sly-test="${!menuItem.page.hideInNav}">
<ul data-sly-test="${menuItem.visibleChildrenExists}" data-sly-list.submenuItem="${menuItem.page.listChildren}">
<li data-sly-test="${!submenuItem.hideInNav}">
Why do I want to use Java Use-Api? It's easier to operate on interfaces like Resource or Node. It looks like it does not work pretty well in JavaScript, but I need to have possibility to return custom objects with multiple properties.
The question is: is it even possible to do something similar using Java Use-Api? What do I have to return? I can't return a map, because it won't be possible to access its elements since it's not possible to pass a parameter to Java Use-Api method... Any suggestion?

It is possible to return maps using the java-use api see an example below:
Method in the Java class
//Return a map
public Map<String, String> getTestMap() {
//TODO some coding
Map<String,String> testMap = new HasMap<String,String>();
testMap.put("IDA", "test value");
testMap.put("IDB", "test value 2");
return testMap;
HTML code to access each element of the map:
<div data-sly-use.param="JavaClass">
<div data-sly-test.map="${param.testMap}">
<div class="pos">
<span class="classA">${map['IDA']}</span><br>
<span class="classB">${map['IDB']}</span>


LWC: Sibling component not rerendering after Parent is updated

I have an LWC which acts as a ToolBox: a user selects a tool from the ToolBelt and then a WorkArea is populated with the business logic for that tool.
Components involved:
Parent: Wrapper.js
Child 1: ToolBelt.js
Child 2: WorkArea.js
Where things are working properly: First, Wrapper.js passes a ToolSelection handler down to ToolBelt.js. On select, an event is emitted from ToolBelt.js to Wrapper.js where the selectedTool variable is being updated.
Where things are not working properly: selectedTool is decorated with #api in the parent, #track in the child, and the value is being successfully updated in the parent. But it is not being rerendered in the child component.
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class Toolbox extends LightningElement {
#api selectedTool
#api tools = [redacted]
let updatedTools
let selectedTool;
const id = event.detail.id
const action = event.detail.action
if( action === 'unselect'){
updatedTools = this.tools.map( (tool) => {
tool.selected = false
return tool
this.selectedTool = null
} else{
updatedTools = this.tools.map( (tool) => {
if(tool.id === id){
tool.selected = true
selectedTool = tool
else {
tool.selected = false
return tool
this.selectedTool = selectedTool
this.tools = updatedTools
<div class="slds-grid slds-wrap slds-grid--pull-padded">
<div class="slds-p-horizontal--small slds-size--1-of-2 slds-medium-size--1-of-6 slds-large-size--4-of-12" >
<div class="slds-p-horizontal--small slds-size--1-of-2 slds-medium-size--5-of-6 slds-large-size--8-of-12">
Leaving out Toolbelt.js and Toolbelt.html because the selection handler is working as expected.
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
export default class WorkArea extends LightningElement {
#track selectedTool
#track isLoading = false
get tool1(){
let matchBool
matchBool = false
} else {
if (this.selectedTool.title = 'tool1') {
matchBool = true
return matchBool;
get tool2(){
let matchBool
matchBool = false
} else {
if (this.selectedTool.title = 'tool2') {
matchBool = true
return matchBool;
get tool3(){
let matchBool
matchBool = false
} else {
if (this.selectedTool.title = 'tool3') {
matchBool = true
return matchBool;
this.isLoading = !this.isLoading
<div class="work-area">
<div if:true={toolOne} class="tool-detail-area selected">
onspinnerhandler={spinnerHandler} >
<div if:true={toolTwo} class="tool-detail-area selected">
onspinnerhandler={spinnerHandler} >
<div if:true={toolThree} class="tool-detail-area selected">
onspinnerhandler={spinnerHandler} >
<div if:false={selectedTool} class="tool-detail-area default">
<div if:true={isLoading}>
I've seen a few SO posts about LWC Child components not registering changes made to parent, but most of them are Parent > Child relationship directly. And because events aren't emitted from the child. I haven't seen any where a child modifies state of parent, and tracked variable in sibling isn't re-rendering.
Any help technically or conceptually would be appreciated.
(Converted from comments / expanded)
Why WorkArea's selectTool is just #track and not #api? Do you manage to pass anything at all to the child that way? I'm bit surprised. If it's a primitive (String, number etc) you shouldn't even need track.
It has to be #api to be part of the component's public interface so I think you setting the value on parent didn't have any effect. That variable was child component's private matter, nice try parent.
in parent's event handler try to rebuild the variable, this.selectedTool = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.selectedTool)); and see if it helps
This one's complicated and reeks of cargo cult programming. I don't know. Rebuilding the variable (object or array of object) sometimes helps the #track / #api realise the value changed and propagate it properly. There's some caching / saving on network roundtrips at play.
It shouldn't be needed, #track should be sufficient... But people struggle with it, you can see the trick on some blog posts or
JSON.parse "dance" is OK but of course you'll lose any functions you might have had attached to the object, Dates will flatten to strings... It's quite common to use it when debugging something in JS console and you're getting angry with all the Proxy objects. Array spread operator works OK too for giving the #track/#api a nudge, probably faster execution too.
Another place where it helps is when you need to modify what was sent from Apex. Normally that object is readonly, you need the JSON.parse or spread to make a copy(?). For example good luck using <lightning-tree-grid> with any data coming from server-side. It requires child nodes to be _children but Apex doesn't compile with variable names starting with underscore. So you need to get your data and then decorate it a bit in JS: https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/a/235214/799

Angular 4 Create Dynamic formArray inside array using reactive forms

Here, we are creating dynamically form array's inside array.
Below is the sample structure of expected result given below.
"optionsRadios": null,
"Package_Title": null,
"HotelData": [
"Htitle": "",
"HDescription": "",
"hotelStar": "",
"RoomData": [
"Hotel_Room_Type": ""
"Hotel_Room_Type": ""
I want to create HotelData Dynamically, within that HotelData array i want to create RoomData array fields also dynamically.
I created HotelData fields by the following codes:
export class AddPackageComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
this.invoiceForm = this._formBuild.group({
Package_Title: [],
HotelData: this._formBuild.array([this.addRows()])
addRows() {
return this._formBuild.group({
Htitle: [''],
HDescription: [''],
hotelStar: ['']
addHotel() {
const control: FormArray = this.invoiceForm.get(`HotelData`) as FormArray;
You are on the right track, we just need to add some more code...
addRows need the form array RoomData, and here we also initially push an empty form group of room. If you don't want that, modify it.
addRows() {
let group = this._formBuild.group({
RoomData: this._formBuild.array([])
// push formgroup to array initially
return group;
addRoom looks like this:
addRoom(hotel:any) {
let group = this._formBuild.group({
Hotel_Room_Type: ['']
addRoom is also the method we are calling from template when we want to add a new room to a hotel. Remember to pass the current hotel as parameter from template.
As for adding a new hotel, your addHotel stays the way you have it now.
Then over to your template, the relevant part should look something like this:
<div formArrayName="HotelData">
<div *ngFor="let hotel of invoiceForm.get('HotelData').controls; let i = index" [formGroupName]="i" >
<!-- form controls here -->
<button (click)="addRoom(hotel.get('RoomData'))">Add Room</button>
<div formArrayName="RoomData">
<div *ngFor="let room of hotel.get('RoomData').controls; let j = index" [formGroupName]="j">
<!-- form controls here -->
Finally, here's a Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/7tcLcnzALew3oKGenjwK?p=preview

How to change input value in redux

I am making a file manager app based on react-redux, and I meet problem with input.
For example, my code:
export default class PathForm extends Component {
render() {
const { currentPath, handleSubmit } = this.props;
console.log('PathFormPathFormPathForm', this.props)
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" className="current-path-input" placeholder="input path" value={currentPath} />
<button className="go-btn" type="submit">Go</button>
class Explorer extends Component {
goPath(e) {
// fake function here, because I have to solve the input problem first
console.log('PathForm goPath:',this.props)
let {targetPath , actions} = this.props
render() {
const { node, currentPath , actions} = this.props
return (
<div className='explorer-container'>
<PathForm currentPath={currentPath} handleSubmit={this.goPath.bind(this)}/>
<FileListOperator />
<FileListView fileList={node && node.childNodes} actions ={actions} />
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
node: state.tree[state.tree.currentPath],
currentPath: state.tree.currentPath
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators(NodeActions, dispatch)
export default connect(
Feature I want:
I have a PathForm, it need show path from two way:
user click a file path from left tree view, Explorer get this path as currentPath, then pass to PathForm, and show currentPath in input
user directly type a path to the PathForm's input, PathForm call handleSubmit(Explorer's function) to change the currentPath
Additional:I want to keep PathForm as a stateless component
The problem:
I'd like use PathForm as a stateless form, so I don't want connect it to store, but I need it change input by currentPath. But if I set value={currentPath}, user can not type anything else.
change to <input type="text" onChange={this.changeValue} value={this.getValue()}/> allow user type string in this input, but can not use props currentPath passed by Explorer
The only way I can imagine is connect this form to store which I don't want. I'd like Explorer to dispatch all actions and pass props.
Tried with some package
I found the input not act as my thought, so I tried the two popular package:
It create a form need so much code, and official doc not say how to render this form with parent props,
I try to pass props and handleSubmit to it, not work. After I see
React + Redux - What's the best way to handle CRUD in a form component?
and How to wire up redux-form bindings to the form's inputs
I found I can't do that, it define some function overwrite mine, this behave is not good for me(I have to change the handlerSubmit function name, but it still not work), and it connect to the store. So I turn to formsy-react
It still need so much code, though it provide some mixin, but I still have to write a custom text input with changeValue function myself(changeValue is no need in most situation when writing normal html jquery app).Then I found the problem that PathForm can not use props currentPath passed by Explorer...
Probably Worked solution(but I don't tend to use):
connect PathForm to store, add another state inputPathValue for this input. Use inputPathValue interact with currentPath
After above, I found use input/form is super in-convenient in react....
Does it mean I have to connect PathForm to stroe?
Any other way to solve my problem?
There are uncontrolled(not set value) and controlled(set value) input in reactjs.
controlled not allow user input, but uncontrolled does.
Need use uncontrolled input(no value attribute).
Select input element and set the value when currentPath change.
Bad way:
export default class PathForm extends Component {
changeCurrentPath(path) {
const pathInput = document.querySelector('.current-path-input')
if (pathInput){
pathInput.value = path
this.lastPath = path
render() {
const { currentPath, handleSubmit } = this.props;
console.log('PathFormPathFormPathForm', this.props)
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" className="current-path-input" placeholder="input path" />
<button className="go-btn" type="submit">Go</button>
Good way:
use componentWillReceiveProps to set props and rel to select element
1.use form submit
export default class PathForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
// can not find `this` if not bind
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.currentPath !== this.props.currentPath) {
getInputValue() {
return this.refs.pathInput.value
setInputValue(val) {
this.refs.pathInput.value = val
render() {
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<input className="current-path-input"
ref="pathInput" />
<button className="waves-effect waves-light btn" type="submit">Go</button>
2.use button click
export default class PathForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
// can not find `this` if not bind
this.handleGoClick = this.handleGoClick.bind(this)
this.handleKeyUp = this.handleKeyUp.bind(this)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.currentPath !== this.props.currentPath) {
getInputValue() {
return this.refs.pathInput.value
setInputValue(val) {
this.refs.pathInput.value = val
handleKeyUp(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
handleGoClick(e) {
render() {
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form >
<input className="current-path-input"
ref="pathInput" />
<button className="waves-effect waves-light btn" type="submit" onClick={this.handleGoClick}>Go</button>
If you really don't want the state in Redux, you can instead store the state on the component with setState. Directly accessing the input is strongly discouraged. You should track the state of the input on the component. Add an onChange handler to the input, store the state and handle componentWillReceiveProps where you decide what to do with new incoming props.

knockout multiple viewmodels in a page not working

i have two seperate viewmodels in a page
function AModel() {
function BModel() {
self.testValue= ko.observable('test')
$(document).ready(function() {
var AModel1= new AModel();
var BModel1= new BModel();
now in html page
how do i make it work?
<span data-bind="text: BModel1.testValue" ></span>
You should not call ko.applyBindings multiple times on the same DOM element, this can lead to problems or to an exceptions since KO 2.3.
What you can do is to create one "wrapper" viewmodel and call ko.applyBindings with it:
$(document).ready(function() {
var AModel1= new AModel();
var BModel1= new BModel();
ko.applyBindings({ AModel1: AModel1, BModel1: BModel1 });
Then you can use your view:
<span data-bind="text: BModel1.testValue" ></span>
Demo JSFiddle.

Mvvm with knockout : array binding and changing inner objects state

I have an array in my View Model. Items of this array are objects of Person that has two properties. when I bind this to a template it's okay. but when I change the state of one of the properties it does not reflect in UI.
what did I do wrong ?
<script type="text/html" id="person-template">
<p>Name: <span data-bind="text: name"></span></p>
Is On Facebook ?
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: IsOnFacebook" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var ppl = [
{ name: 'Pouyan', IsOnFacebook: ko.observable(true) },
{ name: 'Reza', IsOnFacebook: ko.observable(false) }
function MyViewModel() {
this.people = ko.observableArray(ppl),
this.toggle = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < ppl.length; i++) {
ppl[i].IsOnFacebook = false;
ko.applyBindings(new MyViewModel());
when I press the button I want to make changes in People.IsOnFacebook property. the changes will be made successfully but the UI does not show.
You should call it like a function. Like:
This because the ko.observable() returns a function. It's not a property you call anymore but a function call. So in the background they will update your UI. To retreive a property that is observable. You should also use the function call.
Please see this tutorial: http://learn.knockoutjs.com/#/?tutorial=intro