how to include jboss in jasper report server instead of tomcat - jasperserver

i have installed jasper report server on Ubuntu os, by default it uses tomcat.
i want to include jboss in jasper report server and exclude tomcat.
pls help... any links in this regard would be appreciable.

JBoss 5.1 or 7.1 is supported by the Jasper Report Server WAR File Distribution, i would suggest you follow documentation:
Installing the WAR File Distribution


Pdf generated with jasper-reports - DejaVu font not showing correctly, but only if application deployed on local websphere

I'm developing reports with jasper.
I'm using DejaVu default font to limit problems.
Anyway I front this issue.
In local environment, Windows, I develop templates in a test project using Tomcat WebServer. I use this project only to develop jrxml. The reports are generated with the right font.
Then I import my .jasper templates in the real project, deployed on Websphere 8.5, also in local environment, Windows, but when I ran the web application and generate the templates, they miss the font.
In test or production environment, Linux, WebSphere 8.5 all seems ok with the font correctly shown.
I did not do anything special on test and production servers.
I can validate the final report with local Tomcat, but I'm corius to understand why local Websphere does not show the font.
What I can check?
Silly me...
After some days in which I put aside this problem, today while I was setting up an already implented web application in which I have to do some coding on the same local Websphere, when I was setting the shared libraries, I got that I was missing jasperreports-fonts-6.9.0.jar.
In Tomcat folders instead the jar was present.

Install Teiid with jboss

I have downloaded jboss EAP 7 and installed Teiid Designer 10.4 in it.
I don't know how to install Teiid.
What are the zip files I need to download from Teiid.
How can I install them.
Thanks in advance.
For Teiid go to downloads section and
download "9.3.3 With WildFly/Console" link or whatever is latest. The follow directions here for installation
For Teiid Designer goto, the directions for different ways to install are on that page.
Note Teiid and Teiid Designer are two different downloads. Teiid is a runtime server and Teiid Designer is Eclipse-based Tool. There are plenty of getting started materials on the teiid web site check it out. file located in Jboss EAP 6.3

I tried to run simple Web APP in JBoss EAP 6.3 and from the log and I saw
DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.realm] (http-/ User data constraint has no restrictions
This logging message is from
I would like to know, where does this file located in EAP 6.3? Which jar file?
I am running Windows 7 and the Jboss is installed under C:\EAP-6.3.0
It is located in

Path for Weblogic Home& Java home for adding Oracle server in eclipse

I had installed oracle weblogic tool for in my eclipse luna by simple drag and drop to my workspace from eclipse-marketplace..tool appers when i am going to add a new server in eclipse but Can anyone please tell what to put in
Weblogic home and javaHome here
.............................Do i have to download oacler weblogic server ?????? Tool for oracle server is already there in eclipse. i also crosschecked my computer there is no any weblogic server folder anywhere....??Please Help Thanks in advance...
Yes We have to download the Oracle Weblogic Server from Following path:
1st -- go to
2nd---then from top menu select downloads...go to Middleware...Expand the + sign of See All The Middleware Downloads..Then expand all previous and current version of weblogic server from WebLogic Server 12c and WebLogic Server 11g Releases.From there select WebLogic Server 12c (any New version you want)..then download according to your window configuration. Run that .exe file while run it will ask for path where you want to place this Middleware folder.Now give that path while sever configuraton in eclipse.
Please go through this youtube video if you have still questions..

installation of JBoss in Eclipse while Tomcat is already installed

i m using Tomcat server and i want to add JBoss Server into my Eclipse,i'd tried to import Zip file of JBOSS but i did not able to make it.
what to do & How to install JBoss Server in Eclipse
Here is the tutorial on how to do that. You basically need to add new server and point Eclipse to the location of the unzipped folder which contains your server (that applies for all of them, not just JBoss). You should also do some research before asking because Google is full of solutions for this particular question.