Redirect issue in Yii framework - redirect

In config/main.php I have this declared:
'onBeginRequest' => array('Controller', 'reSetUser'),
in protected/components/Controller.php I have this:
class Controller extends CController {
public function reSetUser() {
If i commented the reSetUser function, it works, it returns me the content of the view. On the other hand, if want to check smth and DO a REDIRECT, it gives me this:
in the firebug.
WHY? can someone help me ?


laravel 4 redirect from constructor This webpage has a redirect loop error

In my controller I have the following:
function __construct()
However after it redirects the browser gives the following error:
This webpage has a redirect loop
How can I avoid this?
The controller goes like this (omitted for brevity):
class AdminController extends BaseController {
function __construct()
* Index view for admin
*#return view
public function getIndex()
return View::make('admin.index');
public function getLogin()
return View::make('admin.login');
And the routes file:
Route::controller('admin', 'AdminController');
Route::controller('/{name?}', 'PagesController');
You need to remove the entire constructor from that AdminController. If you put a redirect there, it will redirect every time you try to use a method inside it.
Just to make it work try:
Route::get('admin', 'AdminController#getIndex');
instead of
Route::controller('admin', 'AdminController');
And remove the constructor in AdminController. I can't imagine a situation in which I would redirect in a controller's constructor.

Laravel REST redirect from GET to POST method in SAME controller not working

I am trying to support the use of EITHER GET or POST methods in my REST controller in laravel.
So, I would like to redirect ANY get requests sent to our REST controller to the POST method in the SAME controller instead.
I have tried many things, and now have returned back to basics as follows:
Route::resource('user', 'userController');
class userController extends \BaseController {
public function index() {
return Redirect::action('userController#store');
public function store() {
echo 'yeeha!';
Performing a POST on the page works and outputs:
Performing a GET on the page produces:
Could not get any response
This seems to be like an error connecting to The response status was 0.
Check out the W3C XMLHttpRequest Level 2 spec for more details about when this happens.
I have tried many different redirects and none are successful.
The correct way is to do it is to use the routes file and just define it;
Route::get('/user', array ('as' => 'user.index', 'uses' => userController#store))
Route::post('/user', array ('as' => 'user.create', 'uses' => userController#store))
class userController extends \BaseController {
public function store() {
echo 'yeeha!';

Call Helpers From Zend_Form

I try this codes, but not works:
$this->getView()->translate("Name"); //not work
$this->_view->translate("Name"); //not work
$this->view->translate("Name"); //not work
First of all, Zend_View is not injected into Zend_Form. So when you call $this->view or $this->_view it wont work, because there is nothing to return. Why getHelper() works? Because it fetches view via helper broker (and if your are using viewRenderer). Look below at the code:
// Zend/Form.php
public function getView()
if (null === $this->_view) {
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.php';
$viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer');
return $this->_view;
This is reason why $this->_view->translate() works if you call getView() before, because it's stored as protected property.
According to this, that code should work perfectly and works for me:
class My_Form extends Zend_Form
public function init()
echo $this->getView()->translate('name'); //fires 'translate' view helper and translating value
//below will also work, because you have view now in _view: getView() fetched it.
echo $this->_view->translate("another thing");
BTW. If your using translate helper to translate labels or names of fields, you don't have to. Will be enough, if you set translator object as a static property of Zend_Form, best in your bootstrap:
And from that moment all fields names and labels will be translated automatically.
I don't no why, but when I add this function to my form, it work:
public function init() {
this line works:
View is not injected into Zend_Form (don't ask me why, when it's required for rendering). You have to extend Zend_Form and inject view inside yourself. Other option is using FrontController->getInstance() > getStaticHelper > viewRenderer and recieve view from it.

Zend Framework: Get whole out output in postDispath while using Layout

I have a layout loader plugin which looks like this:
class Controller_Action_Helper_LayoutLoader extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function preDispatch()
$config = Zend_Registry::get("config");
$module = $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
if (isset($config->$module->resources->layout->layout) && !$this->getRequest()->format)
$layoutScript = $config->$module->resources->layout->layout;
In a controller plugin I then want to get the whole of the response like so
This however only returns the output from the action, not the output from the layout too.
How can I get the whole output, layout and action together?
I believe that Zend_Layout operates at postDispatch() with a high stack index. So, to get the content, you might need to do your access later, at dispatchLoopShutdown().

ZEND Controllers -- How to call an action from a different controller

I want to display a page that has 2 forms. The top form is unique to this page, but the bottom form can already be rendered from a different controller. I'm using the following code to call the action of the other form but keep getting this error:
"Message: id is not specified"
#0 .../library/Zend/Controller/Router/Rewrite.php(441): Zend_Controller_Router_Route->assemble(Array, true, true)
My code:
First controller:
public function someAction()
Second controller:
public function otherAction()
// code
Desired results:
When calling /abc/some, i want to render the "some" content along with the xyz/other content. I think I followed the doc correctly ( but can't find any help on why that error occurs. When I trace the code (using XDebug), the xyz/other action completes ok but when the abc/some action reaches the end, the error is thrown somewhere during the dispatch or the routing.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can accomplish this in your phtml for your someAction. So in some.phtml put <?php echo $this->action('other','xyz');?> this will render the form found in the otherAction of XyzController
The urge to do something like this is an indication you're going about it in totally the wrong way. If you have the urge to re-use content, it should likely belong in the model. If it is truly controller code it should be encapsulated by an action controller plugin
In phtml file u can use the $this->action() ; to render the page and that response would be added to current response ..
The syntax for action is as follows::
public function action($action, $controller, $module = null, array $params = array())
You can create new object with second controller and call its method (but it`s not the best way).
You can extend your first controller with the second one and call $this->methodFromSecond(); - it will render second form too with its template.
BTW - what type of code you want to execute in both controllers ?
Just an update. The error had absolutely nothing to do with how the action was being called from the second controller. It turns out that in the layout of the second controller, there was a separate phtml call that was throwing the error (layout/abc.phtml):
<?php echo $this->render('userNavigation.phtml') ?>
line of error:
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->renderMenu(...)
I'll be debugging this separately as not to muddy this thread.
Thanks to Akeem and hsz for the prompt response. I learned from your responses.
To summarize, there were 3 different ways to call an action from an external controller:
Instantiate the second controller from the first controller and call the action.
Use $this->_helper->actionStack
In the phtml of the first controller, action('other','xyz');?> (as Akeem pointed out above)
Hope this helps other Zend noobs out there.
Hm I can't find and idea why you need to use diffrent Controlers for one view. Better practise is to have all in one Controller. I using this like in this example
DemoController extends My_Controller_Action() {
public function indexAction() {
$this->view->oForm = new Form_Registration();
My_Controller_Action extends Zend_Controller_Action() {
public function init() {
public function setGeneralStuf() {
$this->view->oLoginForm = new Form_Login();
This kind of route definition: = "abc/buy/:id/*" = "deal" = "buy" = "\d+"
requires a parameter in order to function. You can do this with actionStack but you can also specify a default id in case that none is provided:
array('param' => 'value')
); = "1"
For Me this worked like a charm
class abcController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function dashBoardAction()
$this->_helper->actionStack('list-User-Data', 'xyz');
class XyzController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function listUserDataAction()
$data = array('red','green','blue','yellow');
return $data;