Error submitting request for facebook publish_action permission - facebook

I have created a Facebook App from Facebook Developers account and using that app to do offline wall posting. I learnt that it requires publish_action permission for which a report needs to be submitted to Facebook. I have filled all the data but it does not allow me to submit the form and shows "It looks like you haven't made any API requests to access content with the publish_actions permission in the last 30 days" message on the publish_action permission. Can anyone please find me a good solution to be able to submit the form for review?


Facebook Messenger API pages_messaging permission

I am creating an application where I need a user to be able to grant us access to their facebook page so that all incoming messages can flow through our application (as well as outgoing).
I have this all working correctly, but facebook will not approve my app due to the facebook permission pages_messaging and them "not receiving a response from my bot" (I have been denied three straight times). What am I doing wrong here? We are not using bots, do I even need the pages_messaging permission (I am using their webhook to get incoming page messages, and graph api to send outgoing)?
When submitting app, pages_messaging permission says:
Please provide the page that can be used to test this bot. Make sure the bot is properly connected and functional, otherwise your submission may be rejected.
Here is facebook's feedback from my submission (denied multiple times):
Thank you for your submission. We tested the messenger experience on your associated page and received no response from your messenger bot. Please resubmit with the new, improved version of your bot.
You got to create a bot to use the messaging API:
To just read/send messages:
You can use the /pageID/conversations endpoint to retrieve all conversations your page has had with FB profiles.
Next you can read/post to the /conversationID/messages endpoint to read/respond to a person.
And you can even subscribe to the conversations field for pages with webhooks.
You will need a page admin's page access token that has the read_page_mailboxes permission scope to set up the subscription, and to read/reply to messages.

Cant send Facebook Publish_actions permission to review

In an Unity Game, i use the facebook scores api, so i need the publish_actions permission (
Despite of i tested my functionality and made requests with test users and real users, when i go to submit to review the app in order to get approved the permission, i have an issue, "it looks like you haven't made any API requests to publish content with the publish_actions permission...", so i can't submit to review de app on facebook.
Somebody have any idea? i only use publish_actions for score managements.
it looks like you haven't made any API requests to publish content with the publish_actions permission...
They telling you did not made any API call with that permission. But by telling your steps seems you did API call, so Just try again. Make sure you are passing the publish_action while requesting access token.

items about "would like to post to Facebook for you"

I write a program that says "Program would like to post to Facebook for you"
what item should i submit for review?
is that "publish_actions"?
but Facebook just say "It looks like you haven't made any API requests to publish content with the publish_actions permission in the last 30 days. You, or any account from Roles, needs to test this app with this permission before you can submit it for review."
Then I add my account to testers and test the program,but nothing changed, why?
what should i do?
The message "Program would like to post to Facebook for you" appears because you're requesting the publish_actions permission during login. It sounds like your app doesn't actually make use of this permission though.
Keep in mind that if you're using a dialog or button to share content (for example the Share Dialog, Like Button, Send Button or Message Dialog), the publish_actions permission is not used as the actual sharing is done by the Facebook app. The publish_actions permission is only used if you're directly posting to Facebook from your app via the Graph API by calling /me/feed or a similar endpoint.
If you're only using dialogs or buttons to share, you don't need to request the publish_actions permission during login and your app doesn't need to be reviewed for this permission.

How to post to my own timeline/page without requesting publish_actions and manage_pages permissions?

I have a blog website and I have a Facebook page where I would like to share updates from my blog. I also would like to share those updates to my personal profile/timeline. I made an application and requested the publish_actions and manage_pages permissions.
It got rejected with the following comment:
You do not need to request these permissions because your blog or CMS
is integrated with an app that you admin. As an App admin, you can
already access these permissions and post to your Timeline or a page
you admin. You can provide access to additional users by adding them
as developers of your App.”
Yes, I am an admin on website, app and Facebook profile/page.
But, can anyone tell me what does it mean?
I read documentation several times. It's pretty clear that I can post even to my own only with access_token. I can get access token if I ask for authorization.
If a request authorization with publish_actions, manage_pages authorization dialog comes with the red banner saying:
"The following permissions have not been approved for use and are not being shown to people using your app: publish_actions and
manage_pages.Submit them for review or learn more."
"This does not let the app post to Facebook."
. Then any attempt to post comes with Error #200) The user hasn’t authorized the application to perform this action. It I don't ask for permission I just getting Error 200.
So how exactly I can "already access these permissions and post to my Timeline or a page I admin" as an App admin?
It seems that around mid May they of went back on the review process, at least partially; if your user owns the app and the page then you should be able to publish to your stream or to your page without going through the review process... I guess you just don't have to ask for the permissions that triggers the review process.
I'll be testing this in a bit and I'll get back to you with my results.
UPDATE: Yup. I've just tested it... just ask for publish_actions, manage_pages and status_update and it'll let you autopost on your own page, just ignore the warning about the review process.

legal question about facebook authorization

I am having problems with the facebook authorization process within my app.
I want to post something on the users facebook page with a dialog which is shown to the user first, and request the "publish_stream" permission.
If I do so the user is redirected every 2 hours to the request page where it says that the user has already allowed this app to do this, which is very annoying for the user....
So my question is what happens if I don't ask about permission to post on the wall, but still show the user the dialog which shows what is posted on his page? is this legal ? can I get any problems what so ever by doing this?
Cause posting on the users wall without asking permission, works just fine.
thanks for the help
The Facebook documentation states that if you prompt for publish_stream, you will be able to post on the users wall indefinitely, and thus you wouldn't also need offline_access.
publish_stream Enables your app to
post content, comments, and likes to a
user's stream and to the streams of
the user's friends. With this
permission, you can publish content to
a user's feed at any time, without
requiring offline_access. However,
please note that Facebook recommends a
user-initiated sharing model.
There is no legal issues there. However users will be pi**ed off.
But when you request a token with offline_access and then use that token for publish_stream, your token will not expire.