MATLAB: Simple cellfun does not work on string vector - matlab

I constructed my vector as such:
v = ['asdf'; 'qwer'; 'zxcv'];
I just wanted to take the first 2 characters, and I wrote a simple cellfun like so:
A = cellfun(#(x) x(1:2), v, 'UniformOutput', false);
However, it says:
error: cellfun: C must be a cell array
How should I extract the first 2 characters of each string?

That's because v is not a cell array. Turn it into one:
v = {'asdf'; 'qwer'; 'zxcv'};
If you can't use cell arrays, do what Divakar suggested and turn v into one by using cellstr:
v = ['asdf', 'qwer', 'zxcv'];
v_cell = cellstr(v);
If you want to escape the temporary variable, supply the call with v directly into cellfun:
A = cellfun(#(x) x(1:2), cellstr(v), 'UniformOutput', false);
If you want to un-cell the cell array, use cell2mat:
Aout = cell2mat(A);
I question the efficiency of the above though. If you just want to extract the first two characters of your cell array then turn it back into a character array, why don't you simply index the first two columns of all of the rows in the original character array? The use of cellfun adds unnecessary overhead when simple indexing would do the trick. Indexing is much more readable in this instance than using cellfun, which adds a layer of obfuscation.
Aout = v(:,1:2);


Extracting field from cell array of structure in matlab

I have a cell array (let's say size 10) where each cell is a structure with the same fields. Let's say they all have a field name x.
Is there a way to retreive in a vector the value of the field x for all the structure in the cell array? I would expect the function to return a vector of size 10 with in position 1, the value of the field x of the structure in cell 1 etc etc...
The structure in the cell array have 1 field which is the same for all but some others which are different.
First convert your cell array of structures, c, (with identical field names in the same order) to a structure array:
c = cell2mat(c)
Then, depending on the data types and sizes of the elements of the field, you may be able to use
to extract your vector of field x values in the "standard" way.
It is also possible that you can skip the conversion step and use cellfun(#(e)e.x, c) to do the extraction in one go.
The below code creates a cell array of structures, and extracts field 'x' of each structure to a vector v.
%create a cell array of structures
s1.a = 'hello';
s1.x = 1;
s2.a = 'world';
s2.x = 2;
c{1} = s1;
c{2} = s2;
v = zeros(1,2);
%extract to vector
for idx=1:size(c,2)
v(1,idx) = c{idx}.x;
Let's say you have
c = {s1, s2, s3, ...., sn};
where common field is 'field_1', then you have two options
Use cell2mat.
cc = cell2mat(c); % which converts your cell array of structs into an array of structs
value = [cc.field_1]; % if values are number
value = {cc.field_1}; % if values are characters, for example
Another option is to use cellfun.
If the field values are characters, you should set "UniformOutput" to "false"
value = cellfun(#(x) x.field_1, c, 'UniformOutput', false)
The first option is better. Also, try to avoid using cell/cellfun/arrayfun whenever you can, vectors are way faster and even a plain for loop is more effecient

Extract data from a Cell Array using a vector and converting into an array

I have a cell array [5x1] which all cells are column vectors such as:
exInt =
[46x1 double]
[54x1 double]
[40x1 double]
[51x1 double]
[ 9x1 double]
I need to have a vector (vec) containing the cells in extInt I need to extract and then I have to convert these into a single column array. Such as:
vec = [1,3];
Output = cell2mat(extInt{vec})
Output should become something an array [86x1 double].
The way I have coded I get:
Error using cell2mat
Too many input arguments.
If possible, I would like to have a solution not using a loop.
The best approach here is to use cat along with a comma-separted list created by {} indexing to yield the expected column vector. We specify the first dimension as the first argument since you have all column vectors and we want the output to also be a column vector.
out = cat(1, extInt{vec})
Given your input, cell2mat attempts to concatenate along the second dimension which will fail for your data since all of the data have different number of rows. This is why (in your example) you had to transpose the data prior to calling cell2mat.
Here is a benchmark to compare execution times between the cat and cell2mat approaches.
function benchit()
nRows = linspace(10, 1000, 100);
[times1, times2] = deal(zeros(size(nRows)));
for k = 1:numel(nRows)
rows = nRows(k);
data = arrayfun(#(x)rand(randi([10, 50], 1), 1), 1:rows, 'uni', 0);
vec = 1:2:numel(data);
times1(k) = timeit(#()cat_method(data, vec));
data = arrayfun(#(x)rand(randi([10, 50], 1), 1), 1:rows, 'uni', 0);
vec = 1:2:numel(data);
times2(k) = timeit(#()cell2mat_method(data, vec));
hplot(1) = plot(nRows, times1 * 1000, 'DisplayName', 'cat');
hold on
hplot(2) = plot(nRows, times2 * 1000, 'DisplayName', 'cell2mat');
ylabel('Execution Times (ms)')
xlabel('# of Cell Array Elements')
function out = cat_method(data, vec)
out = cat(1, data{vec});
function out = cell2mat_method(data, vec)
out = cell2mat(data(vec)');
The reason for the constant offset between the two is that cell2mat calls cat internally but adds some additional logic on top of it. If you just use cat directly, you circumvent that additional overhead.
You have a small error in your code
Output = cell2mat(extInt{vec});
Output = cell2mat(extInt(vec));
For cells, both brackets and parentheses can be used to get information. You can read some more about it here, but to summarize:
Use curly braces {} for setting or getting the contents of cell arrays.
Use parentheses () for indexing into a cell array to collect a subset of cells together in another cell array.
In your example, using brackets with index vector vec will produce 2 separate outputs (I've made a shorter version of extInt below)
extInt = {[1],[2 3],[4 5 6]};
ans =
ans =
4 5 6
As this is 2 separate outputs, it will also be 2 separate input to the function cell2mat. As this function only takes one input you get an error.
One alternative is in your own solution. Take the two outputs and place them inside a new (unnamed) cell
ans =
[1] [1x3 double]
Now, this (single) result goes into cell2mat without a problem.
(Note though that you might need to transpose your result before depending on if you have column or row vectors in your cell. The size vector (or matrix) to combine need to match/align.)
Another way as to use parentheses (as above in my solution). Here a subset of the original cell is return. Therefore it goes directly into the cell2matfunction.
ans =
[1] [1x3 double]
I have been messing around and I got this working by converting this entry into a new cell array and transposing it so the dimensions remained equivalent for the concatenating process
Output = cell2mat({extInt{vec}}')
Output = cell2mat(extInt(vec))
Since you want to address the cells in extInt not the content of the cells
try those to see whats going on

cellfun with conditionals in MATLAB

Is it possible to use cellfun with a conditional. For example, I have a 144x53 cell array, where the first four columns are of type string, the rest are floats. However, among the numbers, there are empty cells. I wonder if it is possible to use cellfun(#(x)sqrt(x), cellarray) with my array. As it is know, its not possible due to strings and empty cells. Otherwise, this is the solution that I use,
for n = 1:length(results)
for k = 1:length(results(1,:))
if ~isstr(results{n,k})
results{n, k} = sqrt(results{n,k});
Otherwise, is it possible to do a vectorization here?
You can create a logical array by checking if each element is numeric. And then use this to perform your cellfun operation on the subset of the cell array that contains numeric data.
C = {1, 2, 'string', 4};
% Logical array that is TRUE when the element is numeric
is_number = cellfun(#isnumeric, C);
% Perform this operation and replace only the numberic values
C(is_number) = cellfun(#sqrt, C(is_number), 'UniformOutput', 0);
% 1 1.4142 'string' 2
As pointed out by #excaza, you may also consider leaving it as a loop as it is more performant on newer versions of MATLAB (R2015b and newer).

matlab: append a character in a martix

I have a matrix, say
A= zeros(5,5,5,5);
and assigned a decimal value for each cell
Now I want to add a character 'x' for every cell
How should I do it?
I have tried to convert A to cell matrix using num2cell
but when I add the 'x' to it, I got the out of range warning and my value disappeared, leaving a single 'x' in every cell
%some calculation for some decimal value
for %something
assign value to every cell
If you want to transform 3 to 3x, you cannot store it in a number format any longer, but you have to transform it to string. However, once it is a string, it's very easy to add a letter:
A = zeros(5,5,5,5);
%// fill A with numbers
%// convert to cell
C = num2cell(A);
%// transform all numbers in C to strings using num2str
%// and add the letter 'x' by catenation
%// cellfun applies the function to each element of the cell array
C = cellfun(#(x)[num2str(x),'x'], C, 'UniformOutput', false);
Note that as #Daniel correctly states, you can skip a step in the process and run arrayfun(#(x)[num2str(x),'x'], A, 'UniformOutput', false); on the numeric array directly - the 'UniformOutput',false statement means that arrayfun will return the results in a cell array.
B = cell(5,5,5,5);
D = cellfun(#(c) [c '0'],B,'UniformOutput',0);
E = cellfun(#(c) [c 'x'],D,'UniformOutput',0);

Substrings from a Cell Array in Matlab

I'm new to MATLAB and I'm struggling to comprehend the subtleties between array-wise and element wise operations. I'm working with a large dataset and I've found the simplest methods aren't always the fastest. I have a very large Cell Array of strings, like in this simplified example:
% A vertical array of same-length strings
CellArrayOfStrings = {'aaa123'; 'bbb123'; 'ccc123'; 'ddd123'};
I'm trying to extract an array of substrings, for example:
I'm happy enough with an element-wise reference like this:
% Simple element-wise substring operation
MySubString = CellArrayOfStrings{2}(3:4); % Expected result is 'b1'
But I can't work out the notation to reference them all in one go, like this:
% Desired result is 'a1','b1','c1','d1'
MyArrayOfSubStrings = CellArrayOfStrings{:}(3:4); % Incorrect notation!
I know that Matlab is capable of performing very fast array-wise operations, such as strcat, so I was hoping for a technique that works at a similar speed:
% An array-wise operation which works quickly
speedTest = strcat(CellArrayOfStrings,'hello');
toc % About 2 seconds on my machine with >500K array elements
All the for loops and functions which use behind-the-scenes iteration I have tried run too slowly with my dataset. Is there some array-wise notation that would do this? Would somebody be able to correct my understanding of element-wise and array-wise operations?! Many thanks!
I can't work out the notation to reference them all in one go, like this:
MyArrayOfSubStrings = CellArrayOfStrings{:}(3:4); % Incorrect notation!
This is because curly braces ({}) return a comma-separated list, which is equivalent to writing the contents of these cells in the following way:
c{1}, c{2}, and so on....
When the subscript index refers to only one element, MATLAB's syntax allows to use parentheses (()) after the curly braces and further extract a sub-array (a substring in your case). However, this syntax is prohibited when the comma separated lists contains multiple items.
So what are the alternatives?
Use a for loop:
MyArrayOfSubStrings = char(zeros(numel(CellArrayOfStrings), 2));
for k = 1:size(MyArrayOfSubStrings, 1)
MyArrayOfSubStrings(k, :) = CellArrayOfStrings{k}(3:4);
Use cellfun (a slight variant of Dang Khoa's answer):
MyArrayOfSubStrings = cellfun(#(x){x(3:4)}, CellArrayOfStrings);
MyArrayOfSubStrings = vertcat(MyArrayOfSubStrings{:});
If your original cell array contains strings of a fixed length, you can follow Dan's suggestion and convert the cell array into an array of strings (a matrix of characters), reshape it and extract the desired columns:
MyArrayOfSubStrings =vertcat(CellArrayOfStrings{:});
MyArrayOfSubStrings = MyArrayOfSubStrings(:, 3:4);
Employ more complicated methods, such as regular expressions:
MyArrayOfSubStrings = regexprep(CellArrayOfStrings, '^..(..).*', '$1');
MyArrayOfSubStrings = vertcat(MyArrayOfSubStrings{:});
There are plenty solutions to pick from, just pick the one that fits you most :) I think that with MATLAB's JIT acceleration, a simple loop would be sufficient in most cases.
Also note that in all my suggestions the obtained cell array of substrings cell is converted into an array of strings (a matrix). This is just for the sake of the example; obviously you can keep the substrings stored in a cell array, should you decide so.
cellfun operates on every element of a cell array, so you could do something like this:
>> CellArrayOfStrings = {'aaa123'; 'bbb123'; 'ccc123'; 'ddd123'};
>> MyArrayofSubstrings = cellfun(#(str) str(3:4), CellArrayOfStrings, 'UniformOutput', false)
MyArrayofSubstrings =
If you wanted a matrix of strings instead of a cell array whose elements are the strings, use char on MyArrayOfSubstrings. Note that this is only allowed when each string is the same length.
You can do this:
C = {'aaa123'; 'bbb123'; 'ccc123'; 'ddd123'}
t = reshape([C{:}], 6, [])'
t(:, 3:4)
But only if your strings are all of equal length I'm afraid.
You can use char to convert them to a character array, do the indexing and convert it back to cell array
A = char(CellArrayOfStrings);
B = cellstr(A(:,3:4));
Note that if strings are of different lengths, char pads them with spaces at the end to create the array. Therefore if you index for a column that is beyond the length of one of the short strings you may receive some space characters.