Spring Tool Suite Pivotal TC Server failing to start up - spring-tool-suite

I just now installed Spring Tool Suite on my system (Windows 7), which is behind a proxy by the way, and after Installing I tried starting the Pivotal TC Server but it did n't start
On pressing the details tab of the error message I got this
Publishing the configuration...
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\catalina.policy: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\catalina.policy (The system cannot find the path specified) C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\catalina.policy (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\catalina.properties: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\catalina.properties (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\catalina.properties (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\context.xml: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\context.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\context.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\jmxremote.access: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\jmxremote.access (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\jmxremote.access (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\jmxremote.password: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\jmxremote.password (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\jmxremote.password (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\server.xml: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\server.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\server.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\tomcat-users.xml: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\tomcat-users.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\tomcat-users.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
Error copying file to C:/Users/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2/base-instance/backup\web.xml: C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\web.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.2.SR2\base-instance\conf\web.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
Can this be because I dont have admin rights for the system?


Ppolyspace error: Read/Write access problem sources_list.txt (errno=13)

I'm trying to execute an analysis in polyspace. After the selection of the folder where there are the source files (.c) and the header files (.h), when I click on Run Bug Finder, I get the following message error:
Error: Polyspace : Read/Write access problem on C:\Users\Gennaro\Desktop\prova\Module_1\BF_Result\sources_list.txt (errno=13)
Can you tell me how to overcome it?
Every user has a full control of the folder.
EDIT: the resource monitor in Windows 10 didn't find any process that is locking the file sources_list.txt, and this file doesn't exist in the above folder.

Fetching additional resources from UEFI program when loaded over PXE

I have an UEFI program that requires additional files from the same medium it was started from. This works fine when booting from disk or USB; I can get the device path for the program itself by requesting the EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL (as EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL) from the handle passed to efi_main, and then I modify the path element at the end to find the other files.
When loading via PXE however, the device path I get only contains the path to the Ethernet adapter and the IP protocol:
The handle only has EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL and EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL attached, and the FilePath member of the former is an empty path.
Do I still have an IP configuration at this point, or has this been discarded?
Can I find out where the current executable was loaded from?
Can I otherwise express "relative to the current executable"?
In principle I could also repeat the PXE boot, but the PXE menu might contain multiple TFTP servers for different OS installations, so
Can I recover the "active" PXE menu entry?

Schedulertask to index storage fails

I have some additional folders added to my installation at web-root. these folders are synced from extern and should be indexed regulary for TYPO3 (later on they are indexed by solrfal, which stalls with the same error).
While the scheduler jobs run some (for some storages) terminate with the error Execution failed: 1430657869, You are not allowed to read folders. But all folders have (meanwhile) the access right set to 777 recursively. There also are no symlinks.
In file list module all folders and files are fully accessible (read and write).
I even set the CLI user to admin =:O
Why does the error occur?
Where does the error occur? (what folder?)

Unable to view any folders on DFS locations connecting to hadoop from eclipse

I have setup Hadoop1.2.1 in windows with CYGWIN installed.
I have started sshd service.
Also started namenode, datanode, mapreduce (job tracker, task tracker). I am able to see the namenode, datanode and mapreduce running status through the following URLs.
When i try connecting the hadoop through eclipse, i am able to.Though i was able to connect hadoop from eclipse, i was not seeing any folders on opening DFS locations. Its displaying as (0) (refer Pic #1 ,
which i guess no directories/files available. The same i checked with namenode storage (refer Pic #2)
Even when i try creating a directory through CYGWIN terminal (refer Pic #4), i was not able to see it in DFS locations in eclipse environment.
That being said, i tried with WordCount example, by setting the input path and output path as follows,
// specify input and output dirs
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path("Input"));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path("Output"));
When i run that in HDFS location from eclipse, i was getting the following exception
13/10/30 06:52:44 ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:Administrator cause:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException: Input path does not exist: hdfs://localhost:47110/user/Administrator/Input
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException: Input path does not exist: hdfs://localhost:47110/user/Administrator/Input
Why i am not able to see the directory that i created through CYGWIN terminal and any folders for that matter?
What does "hdfs://localhost:47110" point to?
Am i getting the above exception since it dont see the directory in datanode?
What is the input path should i set?
Please advice me on this.
Thanks in advance.
1st you should have check the all the setting of your hadoop cluster from scratch beacuse this problem shows that you have not configure your eclipse properly with the hadoop cluster
see the following link which help you...
also check you dfs is connected to your cluster or not means are able to store file and in your dfs or not..

running an exe file from a sql job

i'm trying to run an exe from a sql job.
the db is on the server, as well as the exe file.
the exe is supposed to write stuff on a log.
even though the sql job is successful, i see no change on the log file.
i've checked the exe locally, and it does work.
The job runs on type cmdexec, and the command is :
ustlvint02 - the server's name.
the path is valid, since i tested it by running it from my computer (and there, the log isn't created as well).
i'll appreciate any help you can offer.
The account that SQL Server Agent runs on needs to have permissions to 1.) un the exe in that location and 2.) write to the log file location.
Find out account is used by SQL Agent, then verify that this user has the proper execute and write permissions.
Look for the log file in %WINDIR%\System32 (for 32-bit version of SQL Server) or in %WINDIR%\SysWOW64 (for 64-bit version of SQL Server), where %WINDIR% is a path to the folder where Windows is installed (typically, C:\Windows). This destination does not depend on the system account specified for the SQL Agent job. All files which your executable needs to write to or read from must be either specified within an absolute path or be specified within a relative path and thus be present in the aforementioned system folder.