Paypal does not sent item_number & item_name - paypal

Paypal does not sent item_number & item_name in some case,I don't know in which case. Basically Paypal sent item_number & item_name in all cases but in 1 entry I found its not send me any idea why this was happen?
Because I have tried same code many times and its working good for me.


paypal IPN btn_id for subscription button

I am having an issue with paypal subscription buttons. I have followed paypal doc and have a working paypal button. I'm able to receive the IPN.
The problem is that when I try to check the button ID receive in the IPN, it doesn't match any of my button IDs:
In the HTML form, I send a 13-digit ID composed of numbers and capital letters (the one given by my paypal account).
In the field btn_id of the IPN, I receive a 8-digit ID (numbers only)
I can't find anything in the doc about this 2nd kind of IDs, and so I can't figure out the difference between different subscriptions I receive.
Can anyone explain me about this btn_id field?

Paypal Express Checkout paymentinfo_0_amt value returned

I am testing using the sandbox at the moment new functionality to use paypal express as a payment method. I have successfully made a payment and am inspecting the returned
values from the DoExpressCheckoutPayment
One of the fields returned is PAYMENTINFO_n_AMT and my vbscript code is
PPFamt = resArray("PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT") ' The final amount charged, including any shipping and taxes from your Merchant Profile.
I would expect this value to match the total amount being requested (from the Set) but
it seems to be rounded.
i.e. if I request a payment of 217.85 - the PPFamt value is 218.00
if I request a payment of 66.90 - the PPFamt is 67.00
I am using GBP currency for both the seller and buyer accounts.
Has anyone else come across this? I can't see that I am doing anything wrong or rounding it in the code, so I am assuming Paypal is doing this.
Any advice appreciated.
User error - paypal was just returning the value I sent in the DoExpressCheckoutPayment stage.

how to identify a transaction with IPN

First of all sorry about my english,
I have a small problem with the IPN PayPal notification system. After a payment is done on my website, Paypal send to me a IPN message in order to confirm the transaction. In my website I need to do some stuff, including setting a variable which indicates the order can be send. But in the case two payments with the same amount are done at the same moment, how can I distinguish them? The user's mail is not enough because the mail I have can be diferent of the paypal user's mail...
Any Idea?
Ok, I think using the custom filed I can achieve that.
The transaction is identified by the txn_id field. In the case of a Reversal or Cancel_reversal, the original transaction it refers to is given by the parent_txn_id field.
I don't see what 'with the same amount' has to do with it.

How To Turn Off the PayPal Customer Receipt

Is there a way in PayPal Classic API (PayPal Payments Standard with the BuyNow button form) where I can turn off the sending of the customer receipt email?
See, there's a bug currently on the PayPal website where it won't let you add another primary account. So, this means the CEO's name and primary email account are going out on every customer receipt. I called PayPal tech support and they said it was down for now, but after 3 days of reattempting to add a replacement primary account, the bug still is there. So, I thought I'd go another route -- not sending the receipt at all. Is that possible?
Unfortunately there is not a way you can turn of the email notifications that go out to the buyer.

paypal IPN unique id

I am using paypal to verify users on my website by having them a .01$ payment and getting their IPN information.
To prevent double subscriptions therefore, I need a piece of information that is sent over the notification that is absolutely unique.
I have noticed that one can change their email over paypal so, email is not viable. Are there things in the IPN that are unique and do not change over time, like by making other payments or changing email address?
Thanks in advance.
PayPal provides a PayerID that is a unique identifier for PayPal accounts. It never changes regardless of what users do with their email address or anything else. It gets returned in IPN as payer_id.