Mongodb: assert that all elements in an array have a field not null - mongodb

Given a collection with documents like this:
Task Collection document
How can I get all the tasks documents whose submissions array contains no nil grade?
The result in the example would contain just the last one.
I am using Mongoid, but I welcome a pure Mongodb query too.

Using elem_match and a negative comparison:
Task.where(:submissions.elem_match => { => nil })


Only keep items that match string in array in Azure Data Factory

I have a very large array, similar to this one:
I only want to keep the items that have 2016-06-29 in their name. Such that I have a new array that only consists of 2016-06-29-00Z and 2016-06-29-12Z.
I tried to use a filter with #contains(item(), '2016-06-29') but this returns 0.
item() is the entire object for an element in the array. In order to filter on a property have to specify the property also.
Change the filter condition to
#contains(item().name, '2016-06-29')

How can I return the element I'm looking for inside a nested array?

I have a database like this:
and with this code I manage to update one of the objects in my array. specifically the object where character: wolverine
"universe": "comics",
"": "x-men",
"saga.characters.character": "wolverine"
}, {
$set: {
"saga.$[].characters.$[].character": "lobezno",
"saga.$[].characters.$[].picture": "618035022354.png",
}, {
new: false
it returns all my document, I need ONLY the document matched
I would like to return the object that I have updated without having to make more queries to the database.
I have been told that my code does not work well as it should, apparently my query to update this bad, I would like to know how to fix it and get the object that matches these search criteria.
In other words how can I get this output:
in a single query using filters
"universe": "comics",
"": "x-men",
"saga.characters.character": "wolverine"
My MongoDB knowledge prevents me from correcting this.
Use the shell method findAndModify to suit your needs.
But you cannot use the positional character $ more than once while projecting in MongoDb, so you may have to keep track of it yourself at client-side.
Use arrayFilters to update deeply nested sub-document, instead of positional all operator $[].
Below is a working query -
var query = {
universe: 'comics'
var update = {
$set: {
'saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].character': 'lobezno',
'saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].picture': '618035022354.png',
var fields = {
'saga.characters': 1
var updateFilter = {
arrayFilters: [
'': 'x-men'
'inner.character': 'wolverine'
arrayFilters: updateFilter.arrayFilters
new: true
If I understand your question correctly, your updating is working as expected and your issue is that it returns the whole document and you don't want to query the database to just to return these two fields.
Why don't you just extract the fields from the document returned from your update? You are not going to the database when doing that.
var extractElementFromResult = null;
if(result != null) {
extractElementFromResult = result.saga
.filter(item => == "x-men")[0]
.filter(item => item.character == "wolverine")[0];

MongoDB updating the wrong subdocument in array

I've recently started using MongoDB using Mongoose (from NodeJS), but now I got stuck updating a subdocument in an array.
Let me show you...
I've set up my Restaurant in MongoDB like so:
_id: ObjectId("5edaaed8d8609c2c47fd6582")
name: "Some name"
tables: Array
0: Object
id: ObjectId("5ee277bab0df345e54614b60")
status: "AVAILABLE"
1: Object
id: ObjectId("5ee277bab0df345e54614b61")
status: "AVAILABLE"
As you can see a restaurant can have multiple tables, obviously.
Now I would like to update the status of a table for which I know the _id. I also know the _id of the restaurant that has the table.
But....I only want to update the status if we have the corresponding tableId and this table has the status 'AVAILABLE'.
My update statement:
const result = await Restaurant.updateOne(
_id: ObjectId("5edaaed8d8609c2c47fd6582"),
'tables._id': ObjectId("5ee277bab0df345e54614b61"),
'tables.status': 'AVAILABLE'
{ $set: { 'tables.$.status': 'CONFIRMED' } }
Guess what happens when I run the update-statement above?
It strangely updates the FIRST table (with the wrong table._id)!
However, when I remove the 'tables.status' filter from the query, it does update the right table:
const result = await Restaurant.updateOne(
_id: ObjectId("5edaaed8d8609c2c47fd6582"),
'tables._id': ObjectId("5ee277bab0df345e54614b61")
{ $set: { 'tables.$.status': 'CONFIRMED' } }
Problem here is that I need the status to be 'AVAILABLE', or else it should not update!
Can anybody point me in the wright direction with this?
according to the docs, the positional $ operator acts as a placeholder for the first element that matches the query document
so you are updating only the first array element in the document that matches your query
you should use the filtered positional operator $[identifier]
so your query will be something like that
const result = await Restaurant.updateOne(
_id: ObjectId("5edaaed8d8609c2c47fd6582"),
'tables._id': ObjectId("5ee277bab0df345e54614b61"),
'tables.status': 'AVAILABLE'
$set: { 'tables.$[table].status': 'CONFIRMED' } // update part
arrayFilters: [{ "table._id": ObjectId("5ee277bab0df345e54614b61"), 'table.status': 'AVAILABLE' }] // options part
by this way, you're updating the table element that has that tableId and status
hope it helps

mongodb query to get related data from relational collections

I have 6 collections:
A,B,C,D,E and F
the A collection has many relations with B collection:
one side is A collection.
many side is B collection.
collection A with coll_B_list field is connected to collection B.
collection B with coll_A field is connected to collection A.
collection A:
{id:"a1", coll_B_list:["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4"]},
{id:"a2", coll_B_list:["b5", "b6", "b7", "b8"]}
the B collection has one relation with collections C,D,E and F.
collection B with the coll_C field is connected to collection C.
collection B with the coll_D field is connected to collection D.
collection B with the coll_E field is connected to collection E.
collection B with the coll_F field is connected to collection F.
the collections C, D, E and F with the coll_B field are connected to collection B.
collection B:
{id:"b1", date:"2020-06-01", coll_A:"a1", coll_C:"c1", coll_D:"d2"},
{id:"b2", date:"2020-07-01", coll_A:"a1", coll_C:"c2"},
{id:"b3", date:"2020-05-01", coll_A:"a1", coll_C:"c3", coll_D:"d3", coll_E:"e1", coll_F:"f1"},
{id:"b4", date:"2020-08-01", coll_A:"a1", coll_C:"c4", coll_D:"d1", coll_E:"e2"},
{id:"b5", date:"2020-04-01", coll_A:"a2", coll_C:"c5", coll_D:"d4", coll_E:"e3"},
{id:"b6", date:"2020-01-01", coll_A:"a2", coll_C:"c6", coll_D:"d5", coll_E:"e4", coll_F:"f2"},
{id:"b7", date:"2020-10-01", coll_A:"a2", coll_C:"c7"},
{id:"b8", date:"2020-09-01", coll_A:"a2", coll_C:"c8", coll_D:"d6"}
collection C:
{id:"c1", coll_B:"b1", value:"v1"},
{id:"c2", coll_B:"b2", value:"v2" },
{id:"c3", coll_B:"b3", value:"v3" },
{id:"c4", coll_B:"b4", value:"v4" },
{id:"c5", coll_B:"b5", value:"v5" },
{id:"c6", coll_B:"b6", value:"v6" },
{id:"c7", coll_B:"b7", value:"v7" },
{id:"c8", coll_B:"b8", value:"v8" }
collection D:
{id:"d1", coll_B:"b4", value:"v9" },
{id:"d2", coll_B:"b1", value:"v10" },
{id:"d3", coll_B:"b3", value:"v11" },
{id:"d4", coll_B:"b5", value:"v12" },
{id:"d5", coll_B:"b6", value:"v13" },
{id:"d6", coll_B:"b8", value:"v14" }
collection E:
{id:"e1", coll_B:"b3", value:"v15" },
{id:"e2", coll_B:"b4", value:"v16" },
{id:"e3", coll_B:"b5", value:"v17" },
{id:"e4", coll_B:"b6", value:"v18" }
collection F:
{id:"f1", coll_B:"b3", value:"v19" },
{id:"f2", coll_B:"b6", value:"v20" }
I want Query that its result be like this:
coll_B_list field should :
sorted descending base on date field.
in the collections C,D,E and F :
- if exist related collection then show that
- else show the nearest collection
coll_C:{id:"c4", value:"v4"},
coll_D:{id:"d1", value:"v9"},
coll_E:{id:"e2", value:"v16"},
coll_F:{id:"f1", value:"v19"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c2", value:"v2"},
coll_D:{id:"d2", value:"v10"}, // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_E:{id:"e1", value:"v15"}, // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_F:{id:"f1", value:"v19"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c1", value:"v1"},
coll_D:{id:"d2", value:"v10"},
coll_E:{id:"e1", value:"v15"}, // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_F:{id:"f1", value:"v19"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c3", value:"v3"},
coll_D:{id:"d3", value:"v11"},
coll_E:{id:"e1", value:"v15"},
coll_F:{id:"f1", value:"v19"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c7", value:"v7"},
coll_D:{id:"d6", value:"v14"}, // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_E:{id:"e3", value:"v17"}, // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_F:{id:"f2", value:"v20"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c8", value:"v8"},
coll_D:{id:"d6", value:"v14"},
coll_E:{id:"e3", value:"v17"}, // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_F:{id:"f2", value:"v20"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c5", value:"v5"},
coll_D:{id:"d4", value:"v12"},
coll_E:{id:"e3", value:"v17"},
coll_F:{id:"f2", value:"v20"} // doesnt exist so get the nearest value
coll_C:{id:"c6", value:"v6"},
coll_D:{id:"d5", value:"v13"},
coll_E:{id:"e4", value:"v18"},
coll_F:{id:"f2", value:"v20"}

How can I add array data to the object if field exist/not exist in mongo db

This is my expected result:
"ForgotPassword": [
"UpdatedOn": ISODate("2017-12-06T11:23:23.0Z"),
"UpdatedOn": ISODate("2017-12-06T11:45:13.0Z"),
And this what I am getting:
"ForgotPassword": {
"UpdatedOn": [
Actually Forgot password field will not present in the collection document.
When I add the first time it should create Forgotpassword field and inside updatedon should store
when I add the second time the inside the Forgotpassword, updatedon should repeat for me it is storing inside updateon
This is my query:
$updateQuery = $queryUpdate->update(
array("CollaboratorId"=>(int)$collaboratorId), //query condition
array("CollaboratorId"=> (int)$collaboratorId),
array('$addToSet'=> array('ForgotPassword' =>array("UpdatedOn" => $currentDate))),
array('new' => 1,"upsert"=>1)
With upsert and new and findandmodify and addtoset it is working