Netlogo - spacing resources across world - netlogo

I am trying to distribute resources in a way that I can specify the number of resources and make sure that they have at least one patch between them.
In this example, the resources are being distributed across a set of hex tile turtles built on the underlying patch framework and tied together by links.
set-default-shape resources "resource stone" [
ask n-of 10 tiles with [not any? resources in-radius 2] [
hatch-resources 1 [
set color brown
I cannot seem to get this to work and I think it is because the resources are not yet created in order to calculate the "not any?" bit.

I concur with "I think it is because the resources are not yet created in order to calculate the "not any?" bit". So how about:
repeat 10 [
ask one-of patches with [not any? resources in-radius 2] [


NetLogo : getting turtles to direct-link if a condition is true

I'm trying to implement YOYO leader election algorithm in netlogo
first step in this algorithm is to orient links ( direct link )from the minimum to the maximumbut between neighbors only !
I tried the command
[`ask turtles with [ [ who ] of self < [who] of one-of link-neighbors ]
create-direct-to turtle [who] of one-of link-neighbors ]`
this creates direct link from min to max ( neighbors ) but also creates a direct link from max to min ( neighbors )
and I don't know what's wrong :(
here's a screenshot , if you notice theres' a direct link from 0 to 2 and also from 2 to 0 and my goal is to have only from 0 to 2
Your problem is that every time you do one-of, it randomly selects. So you test against a random link-neighbor in the first line, find it's true and then randomly select a link-neighbor to connect to.
[ ask turtles with [ [ who ] of self < [who] of one-of link-neighbors ]
create-direct-to turtle [who] of one-of link-neighbors
More generally, this seems an odd way to achieve your goal. To start with, link-neighbors are the turtles that the turtle is already linked to. link is the generic name for all link breeds (I think you have created a breed called direct-link).
I am not entirely clear what you mean by minimum and maximum since your code is just from smaller to larger who value, regardless of what other who values are available. If you want to create a link from every turtle to every turtle with a higher who value, here is some code:
ask turtles
[ let targets turtles with [who > [who] of myself]
create-links-to targets
In general, it is bad practice to use who in NetLogo code. who is a completely arbitrary identifier that simply tracks the order that turtles are created. If you have turtles that die, then your code may crash because it is referring to a turtle that no longer exists. Or perhaps at some point you will have two breeds of turtles - who doesn't care if your turtle is a person or a dog or a factory or...
This may be one of the very few exceptions, but you might want to think about what you are intending who to mean. For example, as this is a leadership model, perhaps you could have a variable called 'charisma' and all the links are from turtles with lower values of charisma to higher values of charisma.

Degrees of separation in Netlogo

I would like to know how I can count the degrees of separation among nodes within a network.
I have created a network with two breeds that spread virus through time.
to setup
create-people_inf 5 [set label "Infected"]
create-people_well 20 [set label "Good health"]
Then I added new nodes to the preexisting ones as follows:
ask people_inf
[ create-links-to other people_inf
[set color red ]
let this_turtle self
ask people_well
if random-float 1 < 0.5
create-link-to this_turtle [set color green]
This is just a default network. My question would be on how I can count the degrees of separation between one selected node and another one, randomly chosen. I thought of adding a flag and consider a logical condition (if connected?=true), but I do not know to consider the nodes in between. My approach would give me only information on one node and its directed connections.
Any suggestion is more than welcomed. Thanks.
You need to use the Network (nw) extension, see documentation at From that, you can use the nw:distance-to for any turtle to find the number of hops to any specified turtle

Choosing patch analysing neighboors netlogo

I am trying to model an community that engages in shifting cultivation. For that I want each household to change the patch every year. Each household can have a different crop area, depending on time and number of people working. I want them to be able to choose a patch that has the amount of forest patch need to open their crop. For example, one household has a crop area of 3, so the new location needs to be a forest patch with two other forest patch neighbors. Any idea how can I specify that?
Here is a possible solution:
patches-own [ patch-type ]
breed [ households household ]
to setup
ask patches [ set patch-type one-of ["forest" "rock" "sand"] ]
let forest-neighbors-needed 2
create-households 100 [
let candidate-locations patches with [
not any? households-here and
patch-type = "forest" and
count neighbors with [ patch-type = "forest" ] >= forest-neighbors-needed
ifelse any? candidate-locations [
move-to one-of candidate-locations
] [
error "No suitable location found!"
This method is not the most efficient, because it rebuilds the set of possible location for each household it creates, but if your model is not two big, it shouldn't make much of a difference.
Note that you don't give us a lot of detail about how your model is organized, so I had to make a few assumptions. Next time, please tell us bit more: what breeds to you have, what are their variables, etc. Ideally, post a bit of code showing what you already tried.

Communicating data between agents when they are in common scope in Netlogo

I am developing a model in Netlogo. I have many agents in my model. each agents must have a radio scope. Two agents can communicate with each other and transfer some critical data When they place in a common scope area.
Imagine that i have 100 agents with 5px scope and 200 agents with 3px scope. I have also 1 master agents that move around in the word. This master agent have a scope too(for example 7px) . Agents can communicate with each other when they place in common scope area. When they communicate they can transfer some of their data. At first just master agent have this critical data and just master agent can transfer this important data. But after he transfer its data to the other agents, those other agents that have this data can transfer this data too. The important condition is being in the common scope.
How can I do this?
Thank you
You just gave a very general statement of your problem. You will get better answers if you make the effort to actually start implementing something and ask about more specific difficulties that you are facing.
That being said, I made a small model that more or less fits with your description. Perhaps it could be useful for you as a starting point and you can ask separate (more precise) follow up questions if you have some.
turtles-own [ scope data ]
to setup
; make a big world so agents don't
; bump into one another right away:
resize-world -100 100 -100 100
set-patch-size 3
; create turtles and distribute them around:
crt 100 [ set scope 5 set data "" ]
crt 200 [ set scope 3 set data "" ]
crt 1 [ set scope 7 set data "important data" ]
ask turtles [
set size 3
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to go
ask turtles [ travel ]
ask turtles with [ not empty? data ] [ share-info ]
ask turtles [ recolor ]
to travel
; you haven't specified how turtles should move
; so here's a classic "wiggle":
rt random 30
lt random 30
fd 1
to share-info
ask other turtles in-radius scope with [ empty? data and distance myself < scope ] [
set data [ data ] of myself
to recolor
set color ifelse-value empty? data [ grey ] [ red ]
Following Seth's comment that my first version probably didn't capture the idea of a common scope, I've added and distance myself < scope. This way, only turtles that can see each other can share information.
I've also added a with [ not empty? data ] clause when asking turtles to share info, because there is no use in having turtles with empty data share it.

Count neighbors turtles of a specific patch and report true or false

Hello i will try to be quick
I have a room with a fire that expands , and i have two exits , all i want to do is say to agents that if a door is blocked by fire then to go to the other one. i came up with something like this but not result.
to doorblock
show count neighbors with [pcolor = 77] ;; the patch color of the two doors
;;to go
ask smarts [ ;;smarts are the agents inside the room that need to get oout
if [ doorblock > 5 ]
[ set target one-of sexits]] ;;sexits is the other door
Anyone got a better idea? Thanks
OK, so if I understood correctly, you want your agents to take a look at the door that is their current target, check if that door has more than 5 fire agents around it, and choose another target door if that is the case.
If your fire agents are just red turtles (with no specific breed), you probably want something like this:
ask smarts [
if count ([ turtles-on neighbors ] of target) with [ color = red ] > 5 [
if-else ([ breed ] of target = sexits )
[ set target one-of nexits ]
[ set target one-of sexits ]
The key primitives here are:
neighbors, that will give you the patches around a turtle (the patches around target, in this case)
turtles-on, that will give you the turtles that are on members of a patch set (here, that will be the turtles that are on the patches that are the neighbors of target)
and finally, with allows you to get only the turtles from an agentset that satisfy some condition (here, we use it to get only the red turtles that represent the fires).
You should also try to understand the of primitive.
And I guessed you wanted to assign a new target that was of a different breed than the previous one (south if north, north if south) but that's up to you.